#i'm learning a lot from roier right along with cellbit
qroier · 1 year
Do you know how to speak Spanish? :O
yes! i'm mexican :^) my vocabulary and grammar are shit though because I grew up in the united states 😭
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anonymous-dentist · 11 months
Heyy here's a thing. Yeah there might be more to come sorry... You did say you were ok with this right?
It's been more than 3 months since "Princess Melissa" was kidnapped, and the Kings have finally given in to at least negotiate the terms of surrender.
Although Cellbit is pretty sure they only agreed to it because they would have an opportunity to threaten him.
Cellbit arranged a plan with Roier in case of parley a while ago, though he thought it would be put into use much sooner. (Of course he insisted on coming to watch in case that ever happened)
Frankly, the fact that King Vegeta and Foolish waited this long for negotiations to even be considered instead of just sending really incompetent rescue teams while Roier could have been in danger for all they knew (given "The Demon King"s reputation) was making Cellbit's blood boil.
Somehow though, he isn't the angriest person in the room.
Roi- sorry, Melissa had been slowly growing more and more furious at her deadbeat ass parents the entire meeting. Foolish and Vegeta probably assumed he was angry at the two demonic guards pretending to hold him in place for appearances sake, or maybe they just didn't care.
The entire meeting they had refused to listen to a single word Cellbit had to say, and instead made various threats about sending armies to storm Cellbit's castle (which would have fared just as well as the last attempt) if he didn't return their daughter right this instant.
If Cellbit had been a less merciful man (and hadn't fallen in love with his kidnappee) Roier- no, sorry, the entire imperial kingdom might have been dead right now.
Roier just about had enough of this shit.
He turned to his beloved (who looked like he was about to pop a demonic blood vessel) and called, in his royal I'm going to behead someone voice:
The whole room turned to face Roier in complete shock Cellbit included. They were supposed to play along with the whole "damsel in destress" thing because they had both agreed earlier that they didn't want the Kings to know about their... Relationship.
But then again nothing else was going as planned today, either.
"I'd like to handle the negotiations from here, please"
Roier's sickly sweet tone and smile barely disguising complete rage would have moved ancient primordial forces.
Cellbit gulped, and nodded to the guards to let Roier go.
Once his hands were freed he promptly matched up to his parents and slapped them in the fucking face.
Cellbit might have learned Spanish for diplomatic purposes, but he doubted even a native speaker would be able to fully understand the rapidfire scolding Roier seemed to be giving the Kings.
In all his years, the Demon King never thought he would feel sorry for the leaders of enemy kingdoms, but he was being proved wrong a lot lately.
(What a way to find out your son is in love with the Demon King huh?)
Rip foolish. koq rocks…?
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