#i'm just that guy who's trying to get eagleone a seat at the table with all the other ships
sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Just wanna thank you for being nice to new fans and leading me away from some fanon bullshit.
Also, didn't expect to be more into Eagleone bit here I am. I was indifferent to it before (definitely didn't see it as sibling coded, that's weird) but now I see the appeal.
New fans are the lifeblood of this fandom. Any old guard who don't understand that are people who are actively working towards their own extinction.
Real shit, anon, the reason why I started to get loud and obnoxious and aggressive for a bit was because I learned how new fans were being treated and fed lies and fanon bullshit from the actual goddamn wiki, of all places, and that just felt so fucking wrong to me.
RE is, by fandom standards, an ancient series of labyrinthine proportions. It'd be so easy for someone in the old guard to just tell all the newbs that their own headcanons/personal interpretations were actually what the real canon said, because there's no way for new fans to have the ability to reasonably fact-check every little thing -- and that's exactly what ended up happening.
It's not fair to you guys, and it's so wrong. And I know that nothing that I do/say can undo the damage that's already been done and continues to be dealt, because I don't have anywhere near the reach that the wiki does, but like. Man. I couldn't just say/do nothing.
You new fans keep this fandom alive. We old guard should be grateful. We owe you far more than you owe us. And to engage with you in bad faith like the way some people in this fandom do is just...
I just wish I could do more.
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