#i'm just so stoked about the potential for this arc
dominickeating-source · 3 months
Starburst Magazine (2003)
ENTERPRISING FUTURE Dominic Keating talks to David Waldon about the past, present and future of Enterprise.
If the Star Trek empire truly is on the precipice of collapse after more than 35 years, you couldn't tell it form Dominic Keating. On a warm July evening in Hollywood, the British actor is at ease with his present and future. His cheery disposition belies his Enterprise character, the taciturn armoury officer Lt Malcolm Reed. And it definitely doesn't fit into the firestorm that has raged around (t)his series as it enters its third season. In fact, asked bluntly whether Enterprise needed repairs, Keating gives an equally blunt answer.
'Personally, I didn't think that it needed great attention,' he says. 'I watch the show religiously, and I don't think that our show needed any particular revamping or attention. I think we make a good show.'
That being said, Keating has proven to be the good soldier when it comes to Enterprise's new mission, a trip into the mysterious Delphic Expanse in search of the Xindi, a multi-species race that seeks to destroy Earth and all its inhabitants. It's a story arc filled with danger and action, designed to pump some energy into what many see as a moribund series that needs a ratings injection. But one particular alteration has gotten Keating's attention and has given him insight on a great way to jump-start Enterprise's popularity.
'Put Jolene Blalock in a very tight cat suit and make her lips look plumper than before,' he says slyly. 'And that's just what we've done.' Yes, not surprisingly, Keating is a big fan of the sexy new look Blalock's character, the Vulcan science officer T'Pol, will display, even if it initially threw him for a loop. 'When I turned up on the first day this season, I actually didn't recognise her, she looked so different in her new costume and her new hairdo,' he says. Other adjustments are a bit more galling, at least to Lt Reed.
Enterprise's new mission means new crew members - commandos, referred to as MACOs (Military Assault Command Operations), assigned to take on the Xindi by any means necessary. One would think that Reed, who's the closest to pure warrior than anyone else on the regular crew, would be stoked by the new additions. One would think.
'Malcolm is feeling that he's been thrown over or undermined,' Keating says about how he's playing the situation, at least so far. 'Malcolm understands their purpose, but there might be some sense of reticence that his team is not enough. I'm going to give a couple of looks here and there, like "Are these guys really up to it? We have spent two-and-a half years in deep outer space, where these guys have spent only two weeks in Jupiter Moon doing simulation tests on gravity plating and whatever else. Are they really experienced enough to encounter what it is we're going to encounter?"'
The tension that will be obvious in the new episodes of Enterprise has not trickled down onto the real-life actors, according to Keating. What is there is a drive to do the brand proud, in part because of what is potentially on the line. 'There is a determination, certainly in the sense that we've really got to make this work this year. We all want to be locked into the package. But other than that, we are a cost that has been together for two-and-a-half years now, so we have a complicity with one another. There's an ease on set where we don't have to be talking to each other the whole time - a cursory nod of the head. But, still, I have to say that the buoyancy is there, the fun is there.'
The nexus of that buoyancy, says Keating, is none other than Scott Bakula. As Captain Archer, he's in charge of the fictional crew, but the leadership goes further than that. 'He's the head of our team. He is such a great herald and such a great captain, and I mean that way apart from being a Starship captain. And it's great fun going to a set where he walks on and brings everything he brings with him. He's an actor's actor.' Though they had worked together for a year previously, Keating got his first real taste of Bakula's talent and friendship while working on the second-season episode Minefield, in which Reed and Archer attempt to remove a Romulan mine from Enterprise's hull.
'We never really had actually bonded in that way as actors,' says Keating. 'Beyond a cursory exchange on the bridge or in the situation room, we really hadn't done much. I was quite nervous about starting that week with him because I didn't know him that well, and it really bonded us as actors, and consequently as friends. And we've become really good chums since then.'
Keating counts the entire cast as pals; in fact, he lives right around the corner from Connor Trinneer (Commander Tucker) and is often visiting him. Keating says that when it comes to where the actors hang out with each other, 'It's houses, really, now that we've got 'em. It's a beautiful thing. When I became an actor, I resigned myself to rented accommodation for the rest of my days. And, my God [Enterprise] been good to me.'
And that may be the bottom line for Keating. After years of struggling as an actor both in the US and the UK, he realizes what a good thing he and the others have with Enterprise. And he's in no hurry to give it up, willingly or otherwise. Pressed again about his feelings regarding Enterprise's future, whether Trek's popularity can be salvaged, and he remembers a few weeks earlier, when TV Guide placed a 'can this show be saved?' headline on its cover.
'The strange thing about the TV Guide thing is that whenever they put us on their cover and tell us it's our last year, that's their best-selling magazine,' Keating says cheekily. 'When Star Trek is on the front cover of TV Guide, they sell the most. So go figure.'
Convention Corner
After more than two years on the crew of Enterprise, has Dominic Keating become used to the extracurricular activity that's known as the convention circuit? "The first ones I did were nerve-racking", says Keating. "Now I'm in a stride with it". Still, hitting the convention stages can count as hazardous duty. "Sometimes I wonder if my stories aren't getting a little tired, and occasionally I wonder, "Boy, I've really got to work this act up a bit", he says with a laugh. "So I'm looking for new stories on the set right now just so that I go to every convention, cause the first thing I always ask is, Who's heard my schtick before?".
Keating may have a new story after him most recent convention swing, which took him to Australia for a few weeks this past summer. "I met a girl who had me tattooed on her back", he recounts. "I had had a couple of glasses of the red stuff, so I wasn't too thrown when I met her. But the following morning when I woke up, I was, like, Oh my God".
New Direction
Besides such traditions as the Prime Directive (and violating it) and playing fast and loose with the Space-Time continuum, Star Trek has become known as a pretty successful directors farm. From Leonard Nimoy to Johathan Frakes to LeVar Burton, Trek actors have used their time in the franchise to make the successful transition to behind the camera. Soon, you can add Dominic Keating to those ranks.
Even before letting Rick Berman and Brannon Braga know what was up, Keating had completed a course at the Los Angeles Film School. And recently he got his first taste of direction by helming a segment of a local public-access show, The Heartbreak Kid, on which Voyager alumni Tim Rus and Roxann Dawson also got their starts.
Next for Keating is a short film, The Big Hand, which will be based on a story told by Scott Bakula about one of his own kids. His boy Will had just learned to tell the time, and it's a wonderful story about a boy who just got his first watch. Keating will drop this hint: "It's a truly beautiful story with an amazing, only-the-kid-could-say-that ending, all about Time and the passage that we all enjoy therein". And not a warp field in sight.
Source: www.dominickeating.com
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‘Ship Bias’ // hee hoo :3c
Ship Bias
Scourge x Bunnie
I had absolutely no idea I would actually like this - and comic canon had actually left me kind of averse to it - until it sort of accidentally happened with Burning and now the dynamic is incredibly fun where it's this semi-toxic casual arrangement where Bunnie is the one who wears the pants.
Scourge x Knuckles
Lee's sold me on this one - it's Spicy Soknux, where the "Sonic" gets Knuckles to loosen up a little except it's Scourge's version of "loosening up" and that doesn't really entail a positive development and probably involves a lot of stoking the flames of resentment. Also a lot of "kiss with a fist" action and that good old fashioned "enemies to lovers" dynamic.
Scourge x Mephiles (Or Any Kind of Faustian Bargain)
Thought about this a bit and I think about those little moments in 06 where Mephiles will like, make an offer to Shadow to do the whole "we can rule together" thing or otherwise turn his back on the world in an act of revenge and naturally Shadow, being the principled person who's gone through the events of SA2, Heroes, and Shadow to come out of it someone sure of who he is, roundly rejects the offer.
Scourge would not be so principled. He would collaborate with a world-destroying entity or outright let it share his body if he thought that it might potentially mean he can stop feeling so inferior all of the time. Basically I'm pitching a corruption arc that might also involve overpowered fusion bullshit.
Scourge & Maria (Platonic)
Friendships are a form of ship! And Scourge will always and forever be caught off guard by a girl who's genuinely kind and nice to him. Love redemption arcs and Scourge getting to be a positive mentor figure - even if said mentorship involves some petty crimes but those are just charming. A fake "corruption arc" where Maria gets a leather jacket and a familiarity with graffiti while Scourge gets a friendship bracelet and someone he genuinely wants to protect.
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fordearlife · 2 years
Let's talk about Felice in terms of queerness and racism~
I posted this screenshot of Felice with a rainbow key chain earlier, which showed up toward the end of S2, and today saw a tweet speculating about her potentially being a lesbian, and I got thinking–
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Wille's speech is going to change social dynamics in Sweden but also at school in a big way because he, as the most high-profile among them, just came out to the world, which will likely inspire others to come out or start to question their sexuality if they weren't already. He added an element of safety for them to do so. Nils seems the most obvious – he said he didn't want to be the first out CEO, but with the crown prince coming out first, it's more likely that he'll just say f*** it and stop hiding that part of his life so intentionally.
The writers haven't shown us Felice questioning her sexuality, but they HAVE shown us a few things: the key chain (imo the scrambled colors of the rainbow could symbolize her confusion or hint at her piecing it together in the future), and now one of her best friends is out (to some extent) to the world and she has at least one other best friend who might feel more comfortable coming out in S3, even if Stella doesn't profess her love for Fredrika for the same reasons she told Sara. Especially because Felice doesn't feel close to her parents, these people would be her support system if she were to start questioning.
But I don't believe she would have her queerness challenged in a *season conflict* way by those around her – I think the conflict she faces will be racism. Madison, one of her other best friends, has shown culturally appropriative tendencies (possible use of sage for the ritual in S1?). I kept that feeling to myself when we only had S1 because I thought the writers were perhaps just misguided in presenting her as the "spiritual, witchy" friend, but S2 has me thinking it was intentional (which I'm stoked about). This always struck me as more of a US issue, but some of her hairstyles in S2 (the one below is from E1) are not ones usually worn by white people, and Madison is from the US or has spent a lot of time there, so we might expect her to know better. I would.
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The reason I think this will (/should) be a theme of S3 is because the writers made a point in S2 to show Felice 1) expressing discomfort about the wig she was supposed to wear for the Valentine ball and being dismissed by her friends (including Madison) and then 2) being singled out for having her hair down at a meal while Stella and another girl were not. Everything is on purpose in Young Royals! Paralleled with Vincent looking down on Simon in S2 during the rowing team scenes, it seems like they're planning to bring racism, microagressions, etc. more into focus moving forward.
So, this leaves Felice with a possible significant self-discovery arc in which she questions her sexuality and/or chooses/is forced to address the racism she faces as the only (?) Black woman at the school. The show clearly takes on the responsibility of showing the nuance in many issues that other media tends to portray rather simply, such as mental illness, neurodivergence, queerness, and expectations, and as a setup, this would match that energy given that Madison is otherwise an excellent friend and would likely fully support Felice in coming out but be resistant to anyone questioning her character.
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Who is your favorite character from every Ace Attorney game?
For me its:
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Maya Fey
Ace Attorney: Justice For All - Pearl Fey
Ace Attorney: Trials And Tribulations - Ron DeLite
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - Trucy Wright
Ace Attorney Investigations - Kay Faraday
Ace Attorney Investigations 2 - Sebastian Debeste
Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies - Bobby Fulbright (not the Phantom tho)
Ace Attorney: Spirit Of Justice - Nahyuta Sahdmadhi (I like characters with missed potential
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - Susato Mikotoba
SUSATO SWEEP!!!!! It's really hard for me to pick, like, favourite favourite characters from each game; I like them all so much <3 But just as an instinctive list, I'd go (under the cut because it got long):
AA:PW - I almost never talk about him, but I really love AA1 Edgeworth. I would say Larry, because I love Larry so much, or even Phoenix because. Guy of all time, but I think it really is Edgeworth. Got through 3/4 of the game going, "I need this man dead", and then spent the last 1/4 fighting so hard to save him, I was screaming for most of the case. Truly one of THE character arcs in video games. I also really like Cody Hackins and April May <3 I hope we see them again.
AA:JfA - Pearlsy is my little darling girl, and she ties with Franziska for obvious reasons, but you know who I think is extremely underrated in this game? Gumshoe. He's one of the few who can really sympathise with Phoenix's grief and Franziska's, he's compassionate, extremely helpful, SUPER cool with some fantastic lines and he saves Maya at the end!! JfA is the Gumshoe game to me; I love him so much. In terms of those exclusive to this game's cases, Mimi Miney takes it for me. I adore her.
AA:T&T - IRIS MY BELOVED!!!! IRIS IRIS IRIS. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, IRIS!!!!! And Dahlia, too <3 Also Viola Cadaverini because she's my world.
AA:AJ - Um... Probably Vera Misham or Alita Tiala? I'm not huge into the main cast, but I find how these two relate and are important to them and their themes extremely interesting, especially with Vera. She's so integral to Phoenix's story, and by extension Apollo and Trucy's, that it's wild to me that she doesn't reappear. Both their character motivations and background are really quite compelling, I feel (I know Alita is just technically a mix of Dahlia and Mimi, but I like both of them so I'm not complaining), and I really wish we got to seen more between Vera and Phoenix. I also like Machi Tobaye a lot.
AA:DD - Ah, we're on to the games I really Do Not Care For. Ummm... I want to give this to Athena, but, honestly, I despised her mechanic (not her fault), and Bobby was the only character really keeping me playing or entertained. So I'll have to give it to Bobby. Robin Newman was really fun, too.
AA:SoJ: Maya. I know this isn't the best depiction of her in the games, but it's her reintroduction into the series, and, despite the less than stellar writing and treatment of her character, she was consistently the one I was happiest to see onscreen. I really wanted to like the Khura'in cast (the first characters in the series to take direct and obvious inspiration from my culture and heritage? I was stoked), but, alas, the colourism and, more importantly, how utterly boring I found them, ruined them for me. I also liked Uendo Toneido as a witness.
AAI - Kay win. I love Kay so much here. She's so fun, and wonderful, and competent, and cool, and honourable, and funny. Kay, you're a dream <3 Also Rhoda Teneiro?? She was so funny??? I loved her as Edgeworth's assistant; I wish we got a bit more time with her. And Detective Badd? And Agent Lang? Calisto Yew? This game had a brilliant cast; I loved them all dearly. Calisto Yew, no one is going to do it like you again. They need to bring her back. For me.
AAI2 - JUSTINE, MY BELOVED!!!! JUSTINE WHO'S SO STRONG AND WHO'S BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH!!!! JUSTINE WHO HAS A SON SHE TOOK IN WHEN SHE WAS STILL IN SCHOOL!!!! JUSTINE WHO WORKED SO HARD TO ACHIEVE JUSTICE IN HER OWN WAY!!!! JUSTINE!!!!!!! Also John Marsh and Sebastian <3 They're a family to me. And I don't sleep on Raymond either. He brought a lot to the game (his theme is so good), and it was wonderful to meet Gregory's assistant. Honestly, the Investigation games generally have a really solid cast all around. So many fun characters.
DGS/TGAA - SUSATO-SAN SWEEP!!!!! SHE OBLITERATES THE COMPETITION. ONE OF THE FEW AA CHARACTERS I CAN POINT TO AND SAY, "THAT ONE'S MY FAVOURITE". But Ryuunosuke is my favourite defence attorney, and DGS Sherlock is my favourite adaptation of Holmes ever <3 This game is another whose cast I think just kills it the whole way through. Everyone was such a joy to meet and interact with. Hosonaga, the Skulkin Brothers, Nikola... Natsume Soseki was a shocking and utter delight <3 Shamspeare was hysterical. Olive Green was heartbreaking (I really love the gas case). But yes. Susato-san <3 Her <33
PLvsPW - Bonus one because I needed to put the main guy, the original man somewhere on the list <3 Phoenix, I love you so much. Genuinely, this game has so many great Phoenix moments, and him being a highly enthusiastic baker was phenomenal. I loved him so much here (the entire main cast was fantastic), and he had so many great moments with Maya and Luke that really showcased who he is and let him shine next to the Professor. PLvsPW, I will always love you. Game of all time, which helped set up so much of what would come in DGS, and it deserves all the respect for that alone. Stellar experience.
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missroserose · 2 years
happy wincest wednesday, rose!! I have a very broad question for you to take where you'd like, in any era or framing that gets you stoked: what does Sam love about Dean? what's he so attracted to that makes him willing to take the incest plunge?
Oh wow, that is broad. Let me consider...
I feel like there are two separate questions here, that are related but aren't quite the same. Sam clearly loves a lot of things about Dean—his passion, his skill, his charm (for all that he rolls his eyes), his persistence. I think for all that he chafes against it (especially in the early seasons), Sam also really loves the way Dean's always so focused on him—it seems to be a big part of his mental and emotional stability (enmeshment issues, ahoy!)
I think he also loves how much Dean cares about being a positive force in the world, in earlier seasons. Sam always feels a little separate from the world, so Dean's unabashed desire to Save People really hits him. (The way that this particular angle develops over the seasons, as the effects of repeated trauma take hold and Dean's personality hardens into something much darker, to Sam's frustration and anger and eventual resigned acceptance, is imo one of the more tragic arcs of the show. But I digress.)
As to what prompts the incest plunge, however...I'm not sure there can be a single answer to that? Like I was saying in this ask, there's any number of potential scenarios. It's more of a custard—there are the above ingredients, plus their claustrophobic upbringing, plus repeated shared trauma, plus ??? the phase of the moon or Jupiter being in retrograde or whatever, and maybe it sets, and maybe it doesn't, and maybe it just takes a long time but suddenly WHOOMPH (sorry, this metaphor's getting away from me). Part of what's fascinating about sex is that sometimes all the ingredients are there and the relationship never tips over. And sometimes there's a major roadblock in place and the people involved run right over it. It's a fundamentally chaotic and unpredictable and life-changing force, which I suspect is part of why I enjoy reading and writing about it.
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spelviin · 4 years
ok i know i was getting all pumped up for a prison break storyline, but the POTENTIAL of a courtroom drama. 
like, first of all, just the concept of glenn being held to account for his actions for once. one hundo percent here for it on that basis alone lmao. 
second of all, the other dads finding out, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that when glenn stole the van back in waterdeep, it genuinely was for his own selfish reasons rather than just wanting to protect his son. like we know they had their suspicions from the word go, and i feel like all the dads have grown so close at this point that it won’t be like. a friendship-ender or anything, but it will defs be interesting to see their reaction to having that shit confirmed, ESPECIALLY right after they all put their own lives on the line and opened themselves up to the very real possibility of PERMADEATH to save his ass. 
but honestly the most appealing thing abt the prospect of a courtroom drama, is the fact that nick will, in all likelihood, be called upon as a key character witness and asked to testify on glenn’s behalf. likely asked to testify under some zone-of-truth-esque deal, this bein a court of law and all that. and fuckin. 
the idea of nicolas close walking up to the stand, intending to keep up with his usual hero-worship, “my-dad-can-do-no-wrong” schtick, but under an honestly enchantment, and ending up just fucking UNLOADING to the court and his grandfather and most importantly, glenn himself, EXACTLY how he really feels about him and his parenting style? i can’t think of a better way to get into the meat of this arc.
like, nick tries so hard to act cool and chill and un-needy for his dad, but it’s just fucking IMPOSSIBLE that there isn’t some level of resentment brewing underneath. it’s impossible that he isn’t angry that his dad is gone all the time, that he’s so uninvolved, that he refuses to even come close to making any real emotional connection with him, even after all these years that it’s been just the two of them. it’s impossible that he doesn’t know, deep down, that he doesn’t need a manchild best friend. he needs a dad, he needs his fucking dad, and his dad has utterly failed him in so many ways, and fucking hell i want that shit to come out. and i want it to be fucking brutal. 
because i feel like that’s the only thing that could actually prompt glenn to make a change. unlike all the other dads, i feel like glenn is the only one who hasn’t even admitted to himself that he has a problem. darryl and ron were clear pretty much from the word go that they were not on top of things in the dad game, henry was also pretty stubborn, but given his constant underlying fear of himself, it’s pretty obvious that on some level, he has always been aware of his shortcomings. (and even then, it still took being utterly emotionally broken down and having his entire sense of self shattered to get him to provoke real change in him). but glenn? dude is still fully, 100% in denial. fuckin neck deep in that shit. which is why i think it’s such a good idea to force him to look dead on at the consequences of his actions and behaviours.  
and like even then, having a room full of people and his own fucking deadbeat dad sit him down and explain to him exactly what a dickhead he’s been would still probably slide off his back like water off a damn duck. but from nick? from nick, it might actually stick. it might actually get through to him, in a way that no other *living* (on earth, at least) person could, that he actually needs to get his shit together and step up his game and be a fucking father for once. honestly, i just want this entire courtroom, but ESPECIALLY. nick, to tear that bitch apart, just break him the fuck down and force him to confront himself so that he can actually rebuild as a decent father and human being. 
(also depending on how quick the trial goes maybe glenn gets sent to shitty dad jail and THEN we get our prison break bc i mean. idk man i’m a simple bitch i just really love a good prison break.) 
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sheikah · 3 years
that interview saying that Mal is Alina's moral compass has me worried that they'll make Alina go dark in s2 and have her push everyone away and actually become greedy, all to justify punishing Alina to fit L*igh's vision 🙄 idk man I'm feeling hopeless today lol.
Okay hold on lol I honestly really really don’t think this will happen??? I agree the interview comments were a bit off because I never saw the Mal/Alina dynamic as “moral compass” from either party and also I’m not sure Alina ever needed an external moral compass. Her morals were always pretty clear and pretty in line with “the good guys.” So maybe the show might be different and feature a darker Alina. I don’t know! But even if it did, I sort of doubt Jessie could really hint that in an interview, so I didn’t put too much stock in those comments. 
But! Even if Alina were to show dark tendencies in the show, I’m not sure this would be entirely OOC? I wrote a post awhile back basically arguing that there is a part of Alina that always loved her power and wanted more. She does have a darkly ambitious streak and fears that part of herself that reminds her of the Darkling. (Though, again, I never doubted her ultimate morality or thought she’d “go dark.”) So if they include that in s2, depending on how far they go with it, it won’t feel inaccurate to me. 
And even if they did go far with it, I’d personally be stoked because I kind of like the idea of Alina pushing those boundaries! It’s just something fun and different from the typical YA heroine, you know?
Also, though, if they were to do that, I don’t think it’d be Leigh’s vision--because based on the way she ended Alina’s arc, Leigh seems to imagine her as someone who is not at all power hungry or immoral and who makes her peace with a simple life. So if anything, us getting dark!Alina would be something I’d attribute to Eric Heisserer before Leigh haha. 
Just my take though! Try not to worry too much. I’ve been having a lot of moments of fear about the show but I’m more excited than anything. Focus on the good we’re getting! I think there is so much potential. 
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this is really mostly just here so i can potentially reblog later with a verbose mini essay of more in depth grievances but for now the tl;dr re: Latent Cumulative Frustrations 5x08 Has Stoked For Me Concerning Winston is pretty much just that i'm now back to "is he really Only here to, at any / all times, be a plot device &/or specifically a joke" after 5x05 through 5x07 assuaged me by thinking he was being treated As A Character where his feelings where handled in earnest for their own sake in some serious emotional arc setup. which i am now in more doubt about, so i am no longer assuaged, and old [head in hands & yelling] about winston which has genuinely antagonized me in the past is now Active again, unabated
#winston billions#it's Not b/c winston isn't involved in the convos / arc rian & taylor are having! or b/c he only got the one scene!!#truly v appreciative of his one scene; i would love for him to be friendly with tuk and/or ben like hell yeah sure. very Welcome#it's more what i'm taking away from this material re: rian and taylor and the Context i am getting when applying it to [all winston's#material / how he is Handled]#even in 5x02 it was like ''will he ALWAYS be someone's plot device''...then 5x03 was alright. 5x04 frustrating b/c he was absent#& 5x05 was a punch in the face But that was what was like ''oh hooray! writers coming through and embracing the chance to give winston the#actual character material even these idiosyncratic side characters get eventually!! since it's his third season and he's available!! and#people who create this series appreciate actors!!! And Why Not Write Him Off The Show if you're never planning to have him be an actual#character!!!'' But Now.....primarily discouraging re: how taylor potentially regards winston really but that is Significant ofc#it's why he's here!!! if he only wants to get Paid & doesn't care abt their validation then he has no real motivation anymore &...For What#close second discouragement re: riawin lol not b/c of any of the 5x08 material Directly but more so because overall i'm like#if winston is Only a joke his crush could very easily be a joke; all rian's scenes w/him Could be explained w/her not liking him in any way#and even if they kiss or anything it could still just be him as some fun material for a more signficant character (rian already lol) that#does not have stakes b/c winston's feelings so far do not & again; his crush could be a joke right in line with this#*my* winston feelings are a joke and i know this but the joke is recurring lmao i get truly worked up like disappointirritatedaprassed#they introduce him like ''we hate him. he hates himself. he does math. nobody respects or likes him'' and i'm like yaaaaaay#and i SHOULD have my guard wayyyyy up for his autistacity like!! the way [inadvertently written as autistic] characters are treated....#and even the way they're expected to be regarded; ARE we assumed to dislike him / think his feelings are of less significance#but instead my guard is way down because i love him b/c [autistic] & his je ne sais quoi ;mmmm; it's not je ne hate quoi.....not to me....#lmao can evidently just copy paste this as a kickstart to that theoretical reblog#i am also able to not go off writing mini essays because i Have been; @ soph who patiently allows this as per usual lmfao#my verbosity and focus in on whatever tf i'm on about does req as much patience as one might expect lmao.....it never ends but ramped up rn#me: oh boy time for billions! i know it might hurt me. i try to be ready#[5x08: gives me nice winston material actually that i've specifically wanted; other tmc content i'm fine with too. gentle start!]#me: spends next day continually frustrated to tears b/c i'm Feelings & winston is my boy & possibly Not allowed [feelings] in any way that#matters................haunted circus music 50 min @ myself
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