#i'm just one mixed race guy who thinks every man is a potential hottie
fredwkong · 9 months
Hi, I just wanted to say I really enjoy/appreciate the diversity of guys/characters you use in your stories! I'm a white guy who's into racial change as a kink, but I often feel weird about it because so much of the content dives headfirst into uncomfortable stereotypes/outright racism. When really for me the important bits are 'guys of all types are hot and it'd be fun to be a hot guy of another type', and imaginining a complete change like 'what if I suddenly woke up in South Korea as a Korean guy, what would my life look like?' Imagining becoming a new person, inhabiting a new culture etc. is something that's just fascinating to me. I'll admit I particularly like Asians myself and I enjoyed reading you writing about Asian immigrant experiences as it's not something you see much in these type of stories! I'm rambling a bit haha, just wanted to let you know I appreciate what you do in this area.
I think this is one of the sweetest things anyone’s ever said about my work. Thank you! You’re awesome <3
I really do think all guys are hot (yes, even you reading this) and it’s all about presentation and confidence. Some of the things that are hot about diverse guys fall into racial stereotyping, and that’s more than okay. However, there’s more to you than a stereotype.
What do you mean, you’re white? That’s ridiculous, you’re clearly Chinese. If I’m not mistaken, you’re from Hong Kong. I love the bustle of Central myself, but with your build and more rugged masculinity I bet you hike Sunset Peak every weekend. Yeah, it’s an incredible view, I’d love to see pictures.
You must live quite a regimented life if you work in finance while maintaining that incredible body. Ah, you’re the type who walks into the gym at 6 AM, aren’t you? Any later, and the heat would be unbearable, even though you love to feel the sweat drip down your perfect muscles. Still, you aren’t quite a cookie-cutter Asian finance bro, are you? You keep a bit of stubble, and your muscles are just a bit too pumped. Don’t tell me, you love going to the club to tear off your shirt and dance, right?
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Well? You have a whole city to take on. Don’t let me stop you ;)
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