#i'm just here to thirst over the characters he plays on screen and laugh at his wild interviews ok
solunehasnoclue · 2 years
I pedro pascal tiktok edited too close to the tiktok discussions of pedro pascal's dating life mayday mayday
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In the face of so much bitterness towards Chris Hemsworth in the Hiddles fandom, and with so much evidence that he has an unfair grudge against Tom and Loki for stealing his franchise, how are you able to ignore all of it and maintain your thirst for him? I'm a Hemsworth stan myself and I'd love to be able to defend myself but 'he's a good person I swear' is only making more people hate me. I personally feel like people are twisting his comments to suit themselves. What do you think?
HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS BEFORE NOW?! I'm so sorry and I apologize, I have no idea how long this has been sitting here, but I somehow did not get a notification! I hope whoever send this is still around and still in need of this answer! Feel free to write back if there's something else you would like to say in response to mine!
Okay, first thing is first…
As I'm sure you are all aware that I am a Chris Hemsworth fan and I'm not shy in sharing posts containing him or Thor… with that being said, this post contains my own personal feelings towards the topic of Chris Hemsworth. If you don't want to read a post in his favor, there's the door. Just leave quietly or scroll on, but do not send me hate in my mailbox or I'll ignore it and block you. Save your finger strength and both of our time.
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So, how am I able to ignore all of the hate and mockery against Chris Hemsworth and keep thirsting after him like no tomorrow? It's easy (and I'm gonna be blunt here): I don't care what anyone says about him. I form my own opinions and if people view it a different way, then that's their business. 
Is he jealous of Tom Hiddleston for taking the spotlight with his brilliantly played character, Loki? I can't say for sure, but if he was I wouldn't blame him. He was supposed to be the star of the show and instead Tom waltzed in and expertly portrayed a complex character with little screen time that was supposed to be viewed as a villain and we were supposed to cheer for Thor to win. He made us fall in love, sympathise, laugh and cry over this lovely character. So when things didn't go as planned, how could he not be jealous? If he was/is trying to sabotage Tom's career and belittle him and/or Loki, then I certainly don't condone it, but I don't really follow any actor's life and their interviews other than Tom so I can't really 100% agree or disagree with the accusations of him being like this. I would like to think that he is saying things that has people's feathers ruffled, as a joke (even if it's not the best thing to say).
I can't stress this next part enough: Chris Hemsworth is not perfect. Nobody is. So if someone wants to take everything he says and does, and get angry over it and spew out hate, then that's their business and if that's how they want to spend their time and energy doing, then go for it! We have freedom of speech and we are allowed to have our own opinions including you and I. If we want to be a Chris Hemsworth stan, then let's stand proud and like, reblog, draw fanart and write fics to our hearts content!
You shouldn't have to feel like you need to defend yourself and justify that you're his fan and if people "hate" you for it, then let them! Because chances are, if it wasn't Chris Hemsworth they hate you for, it'll be for some other petty reason and I personally do not have the time to be playing people's games like that. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life and I don't know about you, but I have enough negativity surrounding me that I refuse to let something like this win.
End rant.
Phew. Okay. Sorry for the novel, but I've actually been holding all of this in for quite a while now. I don't have any interest in arguing with people over this topic, so I generally keep it to myself.
And now that we got that out of the way…
Look at him. 😍
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