#i'm just gonna sit here in my lil fandom corner and play ''house'' with my favourites and i think EVERYONE should do more of that
chaoticspacefam · 4 years
I remember reading your reblog a while back about how some Theron fans are anti-Lana (I've also noticed some Lana fans are also anti-Theron) and tbh, I feel like I'm the only one who loves both Theron and Lana equally. I adore each of them. I see the flaws in both of them as well. But what makes me a fan, in my mind anyways, is really choosing to acknowledge their flaws and deciding they aren't reasons for me to hate either of them. I'm a Lana AND Theron stan! ❤️
Hello anon! I want to preface this by saying you are valid and I 100% support you no matter what! Keep loving the characters no matter the reasons why, you do you, as long as you like them that’s all that’s important! ❤️ As a side-note I do tag all such posts with “theron critical” (and I don’t cross-tag in his main tag because I’m not an asshole - something that I have seen a lot of the “anti Lana” fans I talk about do with Lana’s tag, it causes myself and other Lana fans no end of problems and anxiety, I don’t want to (nor should I have to) block her main tag just so I don’t have to see death threats etc. towards one of my favourites) so if you want to stop seeing them feel free to blacklist that tag so they won’t come up for you :3 But you’re absolutely not alone, I have many friends and mutuals who like both Theron and Lana and I think you’re all totally awesome and should keep doing your thing as long as it makes you happy! I don’t wanna single them out, but they're definitely out there so you're not alone don't worry! 👐😘
I’m not sure which reblog you’re referring to, as unfortunately there have been quite a few over the past couple of months, but rest assured that anything that was said in that post (and any others on the same topic) was solely directed at those “aggressive anti-Lana” fans and not towards you or anyone else in any way. I have no problem with people who like the characters, hell I don’t even have a problem with people that don’t like Lana as long as you’re not an asshole about it!
Now, I don’t hate Theron as a character, but unfortunately those “aggressive” fans have soured his...reputation, if that’s the right word for it, for me somewhat and it makes it difficult for me to interact with people I’m unfamiliar with as I never know how they’re going to react to me casually mentioning that I don’t care for his romance arc and prefer Lana’s, I get nervous, but I certainly don’t wish any ill will on people who have different shipping preferences to me <3
(I’ve straight up had someone call me racist for enjoying Lana’s romance but not having any interest in Theron’s...y’know, cause I’m a lesbian and I like girls, Harold. 🙄😘 I’m very particular when it comes to my “male” LI preferences and I find most of the male options are just not that interesting for me. Those that I do like, I like because their personalities and/or dynamics with my characters appealed to me  - Koth, Andronikos, Iresso are the ones that spring to mind for me rn - Theron just didn’t have “that” special kinda dynamic for me, he was just...there. As an Alliance member, or a colleague, a trusted advisor etc.  and yes, my characters do distrust him after Nathema, because he literally tried to kill them and all of my OCs who are in power in the Alliance...have a history of people who are close to them suddenly trying to murder them so y’know, of course they’re gonna be distrustful of him and take time to forgive him, and some of them may never forgive him for it. 🤷‍♀️  But that’s their thoughts based on their experiences in their lives, not mine, the mun (is that the word? it’s a weird unfamiliar word I’ve never used it before but I think I’ve seen other people using it?? LOL)
TL;DR: I’m sorry if it felt like any of those posts were directed at you, but I promise they weren’t! I’m just salty and occasionally vocal about that particular subsect of fans but I have neither anything against Theron as a character or other people like you who also like him, acknowledge and/or point out Lana’s flaws, or even who prefer Theron over Lana or don’t like Lana at all. As long as you’re not being a dick trying to police someone else’s fandom experience just because they like different things to you, we’re cool 💖
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