#i'm judging master fung once again
Wait. If there was a Vlad-sized monk uniform at the temple then why did Jack have to wear an Omi-sized monk uniform in that one episode
Good question! Monks were jerks, as simple as that.
Their hospitality to Vlad resulted from several facts:
He was a newcomer, a guest-soon-to-be-a-monk
They were impressed with him and that kinda was further proven by the way he did the chores
He got an invitation from everyone (well Omi was hesitant but went along with it
I bet in the temple there are plenty of robes, Clay and Rai were so nice they fetched some for Vlad before he met Master Fung.
As for the way they treated Jack? Not only was he unwanted from the start but even no one bothered to help Omi and Dojo in supervising him!
I know, it is uncertain how would the monks and Master Fung treat Vlad if they knew he was a spy from the very beginning but probably they would either kick him out or try to reform him.
Jack has been treated differently because he is... a Jack. Clay, Kimiko, Rai, and Fung from the start assumed he was a lost cause and they only agreed because Omi asked for it.
Master Fung only said 'yes' because Omi quoted him. His very own teachings turned against him so in order to not lose the face, he accepted Jack........ But he wasn't eager to lay down the basic rules of living in the temple or have a talk with him??? Encourage him??? He didn't say any wise words to Jack, like 'you did good, boy. It is a small step but I'm glad you're trying to be good'?????? Fung!??? What kind of respectable master lets an ex-evil guy be handled by the youngest of the group? ( i mean it was the best option anyway to have Omi as Jack's guardian but still I'm salty Fung didn't officially welcome Spicer as he did with Vlad)
Let's complain about Kimiko, Rai, and Clay now. As far as I can understand why they were all neutral on this (he can't be trusted yada yada), they all expected Jack to do all the dirty work for them? Hello? That's what the good guys do? Put on the responsibility to the newest member? And then throw at him an enormous pile of dirty clothes from the lorry!? Omi wasn't the perfect one either, but he can be justified. He looked at the issue with a naivety lens. Omi was so certain giving Jack these chores could teach him patience and dutifulness. This is how Omi was raised so he was sure if he can't train with Jack yet he should accustom Jack to the monk life, which purely relies on monk cleanliness and a sense of duty for the community.
Ok, I'm ranting I swear I'm done
So, yes. Jack was parading in Omi's clothes because NO ONE wanted to give him robes in his size...
Heck, even if there were no clothes in his size Raimundo could share with him. But nooo Everybody was too prejudiced against Jack to give a damn.
Who knows? Maybe the next day they wanted to thank him and they could've warmed up to him, but we already knew it was too late anyway.
The last thing I wanted to say is: find yourself a friend who would give you their clothes at the worst hour. All kudos to Omi. Omi is a precious little fella he's the only one who wanted to help. I love Omi and Jack's friendship/frenemy relationship. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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