#i'm joking but no really i uh hate her sooooo much
leaderintitleonly · 2 years
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Anonymous asked:
Who is your favorite and least favorite Disney Princess?
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Going by official Disney Princesses here. "Official" because Disney, fix your mess... Snow White is my favorite Disney princess. Oh... Oh like it's... like it's really hard to figure out that one? Been obsessed with her since I was three and I got the VHS for Christmas. I declared Christmas to be over and I wanted to go watch it over and over. Had to have my parents redirect me because I had more things to open. Nah, it's over. Let me enjoy. Let me just play this video over and over and become obsessed and let this consume my life. And I adore her. I've only grown to love her more the older I get. She's everything I aspire to be and have to remind myself to be. Even when I find myself impatient and at the mercy of my pain, I have to take a breath and go "Be more like Snow White. When at your worst, try to be better." As for least favorite? Belle. I can write a whole essay on why she's not just my least favorite but why I kind of hate her.
The only redeeming points of Belle? I love her in the Disney Parks. People bringing her to life can do so much better with her and remembering little pieces of her that make her so much more than "I like books" but other than that? She makes my skin crawl. And that's a potentially spicy take but... no really I've written a lot of spicy stuff on her before and I get a lot of millennials love her (I too, am a millennial, but I hate her) but I just... I never got the love. I never liked her. I never ever liked her. Even as a heavy reader as a small child, I never liked her. Ever. I feel bad cause I have friends looking at this and going "she's gonna explode about Belle" but I'll just... listen. You didn't ask for an essay. You just asked which ones I liked and did not.
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girlbob-boypants · 1 year
1-21-25 for uh Guild Wars? or whatever you want
You know what yeah let's be violent about my beloved game. Oh okay this was a lot more than I expected uh lets put that under the cut
1. The character everyone gets wrong
You think I'd say my precious baby boy BUT its Caithe. She's an incredibly interesting character who is denied the actual on screen depth and arcs she needs. It's an interesting case where the people who hate her are missing the points and the people who stan her talk like she's actually given an arc instead of simply plopped into the story with a "she's better now." The key example being the fact that she doesn't show up in s4 until THE END OF EPISODE FOUR??? That's hardly her fault cause for whatever reason THATS when she's allowed to actually give a fuck about the daughter she loves so much that the moment that daughter cared about the fact that WE WERE BEING MURDERED she ignored Aurene for fuck knows how long?? And then admitting that is enough for them to ignore the psychic connection Aurene canonically has with the Commander so they can just. Set Caithe to post therapy with no real story. The people who hate her act like she's personally the cause of every single problem in the game and that setting her on fire and replacing her with a man will fix everything. Meanwhile the people who stan her claim her story was sooooo good and 100% justified and didn't fuck with things or have problems. She's a brilliant concept that post HoT is executed in a parking lot. And while her parts in EoD are perfectly fine and logical it's just...ugh. She's barely there and exists purely to limit Aurene's screentime with the Commander. Which sucks cause I love both of them.
21. Part of canon you think is overhyped
All of EoD. I am going to pick at a certain part, actually. Rama as a character and especially the entire story with the cop father he has was TRASH. Not as in it's a bad idea but in that it's so terribly done. The lack of build up, the fact that it's the ONLY RATIONAL PERSON WITH A PROBLEM WITH JOON'S MONOPOLY OF TECH who turns out to be King Fascist, the way they just don't explore Li's whole being Kurzick like Rama (or at least I think that's what was being implied? It was literally just Rama saying his Secret Name in front of us and then not addressing it). It all goes nowhere and means very little beyond the strike mission. Like no we aren't going to explore this corruption of the cops, we aren't going to discuss why the society of Cantha would cultivate a minority joining a supremacist group, and we're ESPECIALLY not going to explore Rama's feelings about it for longer than a minute or two. Didn't you know his entire story is that he has a crush on a cop? Don't ask for depth, don't ask why the only people who have an issue with forest polluting tech monopolies are fascists and ecofascists, and don't ask us to give Rama lines that aren't mcu zingers. Take what you get and go make really fucking questionable jokes mocking his hat without expecting more of the expac that brutally murdered Icebrood Saga and gave us CHAMPIONS.
Not too fond, really.
Also the beast races but that's not really controversial to say it's just true. But I hate the Kodan, Grawl, and Centaurs especially. Whoever wrote their parts in s2 and s3 should be hit with a bat and robbed.
25. Common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
This one I'm actually having trouble with rn. The obvious answer is character hate and, no, I don't mean character criticism. I mean things like 'i hate Trahearne cause he sucks his voice is annoying and he's overhyped' and the many, many death wishes. This feels like a cop out but I barely scroll the tag anymore cause the game is in a weird space in my heart so I only really engage with it as I see fit for myself. Which is mostly nostalgia tinted thoughts about past seasons and expacs but hey. Better than being a rage filled ball of spite and bad faith readings like I've been in the past with things I've fallen out of love with.
I'd also say I got tired of the weird relationship gw2 has with strikes and raids both from newbies AND vets alike? This game kinda sucks at making the endgame accessible for everyone and I'm vividly aware of that but vets complain that it's stale while gatekeeping to the point of intimidation and newbies all sit and stare at the training LFG without doing anything like these groups are a match made in hell and if anet just learned how to make something like the ff14 duty finder it'd probably be a lot easier but that would require work and admitting that having some kind of role system would make class and party designs easier.
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min3nc · 1 year
Obligatory RWBY, Ruby, Weiss, for the ship ask meme, plus Lapis for spice
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So this is long, and for my own sake, Ruby and Weiss share the fav pairing and poly ship... Also because they are the same pairings lmao. Look. I can't excuse myself. I'm very bland with my ships when it comes to RWBY. Lapis, on the other hand--
NOTP: Rosegarden... I can't like it :(
BROTP: Nuts and Dolts. I used to like it a lot in the early days, don't know why I stopped liking it in a romantic way.
OTP: Whiterose! Pretty obvious, huh? I love them. Mean girl turned into an slightly less mean girl through the power of a cute girl who wasn't fazed by her being an idiot and crashed through her walls with the strength of a truck to make her realize she had to become a better person.
Second choice: Ladybug. I think there's so much potential for them. Looks like she could kill you but is actually a cinammon roll, and looks like a cinammon roll and is one, but could also kill you.
Fluffy Pairing: I think Pyrrhuby goes here, no? It also could go on the Angst part. I could have saved you. I should have saved you. I wasn't able to save you. I was so young, and unexperienced and now the weight of your death accompanies me forever in my journey.
Angsty Pairing: Fallen Petalls. I love you but I hate you because you did this to me. But then the factor that Ruby HAD to do that to Cinder, because they are on different sides and I'm the good guy and you're the bad guy and we can't be together.
Fav Poly Ship: Pretty obvious... Pollination my beloved. I love it. The prospect of loving one another so much that they end up pulling a team STRQ and become their own family.
Weirdest Pairing: Okay. I don't know if it's weird... But I have at least two wips that I would love to finish about Fiery Pollination (RWBY + Cinder). Like. C'mere Cindy, join the polycule. We WILL fix you, there is no escape, asshole!
NOTP: Uh... I don't know? I guess Whiteknight in a romantic sense. Mostly because of FNDM influence.
BROTP: Whiteknight. Look. It works. Specially after they went to the movies with Oscar and all those memes about them passing Oscar as their kid to get a discount. It just works!
Second Choice: If it's not Whiterose, I love Freezerburn. In canon it's sooooo obvious that Weiss appreciates Yang a lot, and she's even learning her dumb and stupid jokes and using them. I love that Yang seems to be the only one to appreciate them lmao.
Fluffy Pairing: For some reason even tho I don't like ND, I think that Frozensteel is pretty cute. Woe! Cute Neurodivergent girls be upon ye, Schnee!
Angsty Pairing: Schneekos... She's dead! And then you almost died at the hands of the same person that killed her in an eerily similar fashion. Maybe if you had been there for her, maybe if you had joined Ruby at climbing Beacon's tower... What if's, what if's.
Weirdest Pairing: Cinder/Weiss. I'm not sure what it's ship name is, but I read ONE fic where Cinder flirted with Weiss and it hit a switch in my mind lmao. They are so intense, I can see them getting on each other's nerves so much lol.
NOTP: Ugh Steven/Lapis. People used to ship Steven with Lapis on the early days. I remember it happening because Lapis looked more like a kid at the beginning, but then it persisted. I hated it so much.
BROTP: Lapis and Amethyst. Depressed and Anxious girls team up!
OTP and Fluffy Pairing: LAPIDOT ALL THE WAY BABEYYYYY. I WAS THERE WHEN WE BEGAN SHIPPING THEM AS A JOKE BEFORE 'THE RETURN' AND 'JAIL BREAK' HAPPENED. I died when they began living together in the barn. I really wished they could have fused :(
Second Choice: Pearlapis. I began shipping it because of their aesthetics. Plus, Lapis is supposed to be a high-ranking gem, and thus could have gotten a Pearl based off her rank. So... AU where that Pearl is our Pearl? Wihihi.
Angsty Pairing: Jaspis. The toxic relationship... Like yes we feel so good together but we're so shit to each other. :(
Poly Ship: Jaspidot. I like it! I read some fics when I was younger where Jasper got Stevenized (pfft) and she decided to get better. She mends her relationship with Lapidot aaaand eventually gets together with them. They were cuuute.
Weirdest Pairing: Ah. 4-5 people Polycule... Lapidot + Garnet. Don't ask me why!
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oskarwing · 3 years
for the salty ask: 1, 5, 12, 16,
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? Uh that's kinda hard I'm mostly very okay-dokay with anyone shipping and liking whatever they like. I guess I'm a little over saturated with Klave? Like very sweet, very interesting in regards to Klaus but just... I don't know Dave enough to actually judge the pairing and I feel like maybe they wouldn't really work outside of Vietnam. But I do get it kinda. The impact we see Dave have on Klaus is a lot. 5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? This is mostly a joke but I can not stand the name Vissy. Makes me think of pee as in the word that was used when I was a little kid. It's getting very close to ruining Vanya and Sissy for me. 12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn't? Why? ... sooooo... I said it before but I do really, really like the Luther locks Vanya up scene. I just think it works very well without actually making me hate either of them. I think Luther seeing Vanya as a threat after what happened to Allison and like just the time he's been having, dude's just back from four years of isolation, having his first interactions being with siblings a lot of whom antagonize him, one who keeps yelling about the apocalypse then finding out about his mission being like... nothing actually and having his first night on drugs, a first sexual encounter that was pretty iffy on the consent side and clearly disturbed him and keep in mind that was the last time he was seen sleeping I think his logic is very well drawn out and understandable. He also doesn't intend to keep her locked up forever and ever. Like he isn't thinking clearly but you can see where the logic comes from. On the other side you can see why all Vanya wants to do is go to her siblings, her family and why all she wants is a hug from her bro. She's also not thinking clearly and you get why she flips and destroys the academy. Like bro. Yes, be mad. I don't think her siblings deserve that anger as much as some people like to make it out but anger usually spills all out in my experience, especially if it got held up for so long. And Reggie isn't here to take it anymore. These are just two people who shouldn't make decisions in those moments making decisions and that leading to a catastrophe. And I really enjoy seeing that for some reason. Also I think the acting during that hug is amazing, they really utilize the sizes of Tom and Elliott. 16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? As fun as I find the Handler I would have loved to see Carmichael be a bigger bad, like Lila could be his ward or somethign. And like just a lot about the Commission felt kinda... half done in s2. The swedes weren't as cool as Hazel and Cha-Cha and also they killed Elliot :( So yeah. I'd change those parts. Thank you anon for the ask! I hope you weren't dissappointed, especially my Ship answers weren't that great I know I just am not too opinionated other then "Huh that would be cute."
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