#i'm hardly innocent of doing the same lbr
seaofimaginarysins · 3 months
Another reason I don't usually write boys: They tend to get way less attention than girls lmao-
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lgcjino · 1 year
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TL;DR signed around the same time as jiah (jul. 2022), doesn't really know what he's doing, having fun anyways.
howdy all! sorry it took me forever to post an intro, it's literally been years since i've been on tumblr and it's insane how much has changed so i had to ... re-learn everything and that was a trip. anyways, i'm a newbie here at lgc so please be easy on me! i still have much to read but i'm always open to anything / brainstorming. down below are some not-so-short ipso-factos about moon jino. i'm so excited to get started, i'll be answering messages now but (if this isn't totally old school) please like this post for a plot?
born 2003. 02. 13. in raglan, new zealand -> the younger brother of moon jiah
tall boy, standing at 189 cm
outgoing, loyal, idiotically optimistic which makes him an easy target for his naivity and for pretty much being a doormat
probably overly friendly, he's never really had a problem making friends, keeping them may be the problem bc he can come off as annoying -> chronically the friend always hitting you up to do something even if you just saw them yesterday/or hours ago
followed his sister to korea bc he was worried about her -> ended up auditioning with her for lgc bc if she's gonna get scammed again, at least both of them will be together to pick up the pieces!
a siscon in the most innocent way possible -> aka an overprotective younger brother who follows his sister around like a little puppy (think clifford the red dog) but actually is just being an annoying little brother
has no real dreams or aspirations, kind of went into this thing willing for some calling to call to him – has yet to have it but he’s enjoying his time here
has always been someone who enjoyed doing things with no questions asked; not really someone who’d enjoy doing nothing (likes to fill his time with things like gaming, hanging out with people, etc.)
he may seem like someone who’d enjoy being center of attention, but he leaves that to his sister, he doesn’t mind just being there and basking in their glory (aka he lit rode his sister’s coattails all the way to seoul lbr)
a health fanatic, he snacks sometimes. dislikes soda because he doesn’t like the way the fizz feels in his throat; works out quite frequently, several days a week with a notable routine, goes on hikes when he can
likes to take pictures can’t say he’s good at them, but he tries his hardest
very rare but when he is feeling shy, usually he covers his mouth with his hand, as if trying to hide his smile/blush
fairly independent and adventurous, given his parent’s lax childrearing, he got his license at 16 and always has an up to date passport ready
chronic texter, and texts right away, too; hardly takes calls unless he really needs to
thinks he can be a comedian if this doesn't work out
learned how to play the guitar at 10, side by side with the piano but was more into the guitar -> transitioned to electric guitar by 12
we !!! want !!! friends !!!
ik im a bit late but plotting for trainee mission 014?
im tired and as you can see from the lack of grammar now that i have lost steam, i promise ill be better in the morning!
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heyo, for the ask game, gimme: 2, 7, 12, 14, 23, and/or 25! 👀🖤
2.Your newest ship
thomas/teresa/aris after rachel died :') (bookverse)
fic on it
7.Most innocent ship
alösdkfjalksdjlaskdj. none of my ships are innocent lololo
12.Character that you can only imagine in one ship
alksdjflaksdfas. i ship everyone. i'm a switch bisexual multishipper with a very flexible mind whose brain works at 23948723984 miles/minute at every given time, so just give me a sec and i can imagine Everything.
i love having different ships for the same character. they bring forth different traits of the character, and because all of those characters are so unique, so are the relationships they can have between each other.
having several ships i really like for a character does, for me, absolutely not substract from how much i like any of these ships.
14.Character that you can’t imagine in any ship
aalösdkfjalskdjflkasdf. you make me keysmash too much dee, i'm convinced you chose these questions for this exact reasons lmao. (affectionate)
but, to answer the question: i ship everyone. no one's safe lmao.
though i do hc fry as aroace sometimes, with no particular need or want for a specific queer platonic relationship, just him being happy at safe haven, surrounded by his friends who are family.
23.Poly ship that you ship despite not shipping some of the characters in it outside of poly ship.
go figure who i don't ship lol. (though even that isn't definitive *sighing emoji*)
25. Favourite foe yay ship
minally hmmmmmmm
though ofc thomally is up there.
but i feel like minally can fight and antagonize each other in a different way that definitely hits A Spot. i feel like thomally are very.. like they've always wanted the same thing in the end, and for me it's kinda key to them that they've both always *felt* that thing around the other.
while minally, for me, can legit start off with them just Hating each other's guts. they're both very stubborn - and minho is SO full of himself lbr lmao - that i can see them antagonize each other and fight (verbally or physically lololo) for realz til they get together. i think, differently to thomally, they might still have those kind of fights/banter where they legit think the other sucks even when they're together. not on topics concerning their relationship, but others.
whereas thomally arguing... as i said, for me it's kind of the key thing that they've always wanted the same, so once they realize their feelings and *connect* on that deep level, or more like see and understand each other, the misunderstandings are over. and they ofc still argue and tease each other, but in a way that's just coloured in fondness so much it can hardly be called arguing.
thanks a lot for these asks dee <3
send me asks from this list
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