#i'm gonna write a one shot of lloyd actually reacting to the reveal
parachutingkitten · 11 months
Lloyd has SO much respect for Samurai X, and he and Pix are such good friends, it's so real you guys-
So, Lloyd in season 1 and 2 gets stuck with Nya a lot. They're behind while the team is on missions, and he and Nya both share this desire to get out there, and Lloyd gets to see Nya create her way on to the team with the samurai x title. He gets to hitch a ride with her. They hang out, they're best buds for a bit.
Flash forward, he's aged up, Nya is the water ninja, but look at this, there's this new samurai x, and the first public action that samurai x takes is to save his life. And you can see it in that scene, how deeply he respects whoever it is that just made their existence to the world known in order to save him. He should have been able to save himself with his dragon, but he couldn't. And when he was weak, this stranger was prepared and willing to step up, and that's a big deal to him.
One more season skipped, and we see Lloyd and Pix are getting along swimmingly. She's in his ear about stuff, cracking jokes. He seems to take her role as AI just a little more loosely than the rest of the team. He knows she's good at her job, so he throws a bunch at her, but he also treats her like there's a person on the other end of the line. We see his respect for samurai x once again when he's with Harumi and feels comfortable stepping back and letting them handle it solo. Later that season he name drops both Nya and Pix as being the most likely to come up with a viable plan, even while not really in his right mind about things.
And it just keeps going. They no doubt get closer with everything happening in hunted, she saves him and his dad from the fog in MotO, it's her handiwork that keeps him alive and moving in S11. He's constantly the one giving vocal props to Pixal for all the cool mechs and vehicles and submarines, and of course the hug in crystalized.
I feel like Pixal has had a hard time making concrete bonds with a lot of the cast because she's not really the type to reach out or look for that companionship at all, but out of a place of respect for her and all she is able to do, how constantly three steps ahead she is, Lloyd is one of the few characters who takes the time to reach out, and it ends up meaning a lot to both of them.
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