#i'm gonna need a graphic organizer or smth
beanbagbog · 1 month
togashi i love you but your succession war characters are looking more and more like they were victims of eight year olds playing mii maker <3
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eggpog · 2 years
hello my name is cal or dorian. this is my talk blog where I post things I don't want to post on main. my main is @youkah. you can find out more about me + my other socials here
this blog is 18+; it's not nsfw per se but I may talk about light subjects, nothing personal. just funnie jokes and such. if I post such things they will be tagged #nsft
more under the cut
tags list:
these are the tags I use for the blog to keep it more organized because I'm insane.
#ramblivi- random rambles. yes it uses my birthname. idc. it's funny.
#cal lore- funny stories about my life
#sicko mode- when I want to infodump about random interests that don't have a specific tag
#mento health- my recovery tag where I post my progress; I don't vent here
#art fart- talking about art stuff, not necessarily any art here
#moozic- for when I talk about music stuff (music theory, vocal synths, etc) because I'm insane
#that graphic can design- infodump about graphic design stuff because I'm a nerd (it's also my major)
#weatherman cal- for my weather interest; will talk about natural disasters (tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc); blacklist this tag if you don't want to see it
#cooleg- school stories I suppose
#kid zoomies- stories about my job as a daycare worker
#god nerfed me- funnies about my health (I have ibs, narcolepsy, asthma, scoliosis, endometriosis, and more to discover)
#freeloaders- stuff about my pets
#dorian's personal therapy- if I wanna talk about my ocs, but this would be found more on other blogs than here
more tags will be added if I feel like I need them :]
triggers I tag:
note that I won't tag any common things that I talk about, but you can blacklist the tags for them if you don't want to see it. generally other than that I'm not gonna tag uncommon triggers, sorry! if I talk about a fandom, I'll just tag with the name of the media, so you can blacklist it.
self harm/suicide (I will rarely post about this)
unsanitary (normally just talking about my ibs or smth)
death (both human and animal/pet)
abuse (also will rarely post about)
nsfw (as nsft)
alcohol (also don't know how often I'll post about this, I don't drink lol)
other notes:
I'm aroace, but I do not mind being called cute/handsome/etc :) I love showing affection as well, and I say ily to my friends! (but if that's uncomfy lemme know) however I please ask that you don't flirt with me, as it makes me uncomfortable. thank you!
if you ever wanna gush about someone/something/anything that makes you happy (like an interest or something) you can do so in my ask box :] I love hearing about that stuff!
as for ask box rules, I ask that you please don't be super nsfw in there :[ funny jokes are ok but I don't want you prying into my personal life or something.
even though I talk about my recovery, I don't really want questions about specifics! I have five diagnoses but other than adhd it's up to you to find out. (I'm also 99% sure I'm autistic so there's that lol)
anyway. thank you for coming by :] welcome to my brain.
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vinnival · 3 years
Hi I like your blog a lot! May I ask some headcanons with jebus with a monster crush? (Info: it acts like a symbiote and it can heal wounds but it needs to devour other people to survive.)
TW for gore !!
Mama I'm in Love With
A Cannibal
Poor guy
He just wants to live his confusing, wild, countless lives but of course You exist
He met you when you were just coming into town, and you seemed nice enough
So he struck up a conversation with you, somehow
I mean he's a savior after all, of course he's gonna have a nice side
So you two talk, and you eventually get to the "i have powers!" section of your everyday friendly conversation
You mention that you can heal people, and he is immediately interested
As much as anyone'd think otherwise(/s), there's a difference between Healing Someone and Turning Someone Into A Zombie
So he of course takes note of that
You two walk to the nearest livable building talking, and you bid your goodbyes
Hes occasionally seen you after that, either on accident or on purpose
He really wasn't complaining
You were on his mind 25/8
In the back of his head, he was aware of these feelings and what they could be, but he didn't want to screw things up between you two
... such is the life of this mf
He recalled one time you looked very nervous and antsy
He asked if something was up and you twiddled your thumbs and avoided his gaze, "Nothing, just hungry. It's been a while since I ate... Could I go?"
He was sad to see you leave, but he let you
He didn't miss how you immediately darted away
A couple of weeks after that, he actually caught you healing someone
"So this is the power you were talking about?"
You jumped, not noticing him, "Oh! Yeah, yeah this is it!"
It was a mystical glow, a calming mix of blue and green, bubbles surrounding your healing hand. It looked ethereal :]
The person you were healing- a simple everyday John Smith, looked to be attacked by a street thug- said a very stuttery and nervous, "thank you"
"Now why would he be nervous?? They just healed him" -internal thoughts jeb
"It was my pleasure!" You beamed, and then helped the person up
They ran away lol
You only looked back at Jeb before waving and telling him you had to go, and ducking quickly around the corner
He once again seen that same urgent nervousness from a couple weeks before
He followed, and was blown off of his feet with what he seen you do
You were standing over someone, holding your head- almost as if regretting your life decisions- before diving down and tearing them apart, ripping off limbs and chewing organs
Jeb watched, and then connected the dots
Oh, that person... that person you healed must have witnessed you kill whomever was attacking them
You must've done smth pretty graphic for them to be so nervous
He quietly left before you noticed him
He still hasn't commented on your secret, wondering if you'll ever tell him upfront
But honestly? He doesn't care for you any less for it.... tbh he thinks you're even cooler now
And when he confesses his love to you, you accept it and FINALLY tell him your cannibalistic tendencies
Ofc hes chill with it as i said
You were bamboozled when he said he Knew about your secret already
"Guess I didn't keep it too well, huh?"
"I can tell you tried your best, if that helps."
I dont usually write for Jeb so this was a nice practice, sorry if it seemed ooc!
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