#i'm going to start crossposting some of my letterboxd reviews here
heyyjudetheobscure · 6 months
I'm going to change my life. I'm going to quit my job and stop smoking weed and go on a date with my ex husband's new girlfriend's ex husband. I'm going to buy a canary and commit larceny. What would you do if you met someone with your exact same name? Oh, I'd definitely have to kill her, no question. Wait, where did my canary go?
We are not unique and isn't that the most beautiful and terrifying thing you've ever heard? I have made three chickens' worth of chicken that no one wants to eat. There is at all times a non-zero chance that the stranger across from you on the train is actually the little sister of someone you were in a band with in high school. She knows the worst things about you but doesn't recognize your face. Familiarity is a rubber band that's getting stretched back further and further, and one of these days it's going to snap. I'm going to change my entire life.
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