#i'm going to say this as a vax stan you all know he was one of my faves i think
I’m having so many unpopular takes!
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johanna-swann · 4 months
I'll always find it... I'll say interesting, how Rockmond was fired because his medical/religious beliefs resulting in his refusal to be vaccinated because it was "a concern he'll harm others" (which understanding the industry regulations that's a tough one to fight... even though they still allowed him to film scenes so they could write him off "peacefully" 🤐) And in the same breath Ryan got to keep his job after his vaccination/N*zi comparisons/rants... 👀 Yeah okay I see y'all 🤨 Whether I agree/DISAGREE with Rockmond's personal beliefs, what the actual fuck! Fair treatment, my ass! They should've both been axed if they were both "contributing to antivax agendas" But again, someone who had religious reasons not to do it got canned while someone with uh questionable treatment of certain/multiple groups of people 👀 got to stay??? Fox was wild for that, but hey we got to know who fits their brand...
... his what now comparison??? Omg, somebody tell me Ryan Guzman did not compare pandemic regulations to the Third Reich. See, this is why I don't usually read up on actors. In the end it's just disappointing.
Like, I'm very pro-vaccination. I think the show rightfully decided to protect cast and crew by writing out an anti-vax cast member, but in the end you can't force him, bodily autonomy and all.
There's a difference between "I'm not getting vaccinated because of my faith" and "vaccination rules are like nazi germany" though.
Also fun fact, I don't know if you knew this @ anon, but I'm German and we had this huge scandal at an anti-vax protest where a student gave a speech on stage claiming to feel like the very famous resistance member Sophie Scholl. The backlash and media shitstorm was huge. That's not a thing to joke about and it's even worse if Ryan Guzman was serious.
Is that his MO? Go online, talk insensitive bullshit and apologise later so he can keep his job? But his stans are the ones running around calling other fans racist and homophobic?
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