#i'm going to be honest this isn't even all my new bookmarks since the last fic recs
iamfebruaryfour · 1 year
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Okay so if it wasn't telling enough, I have been (and I think still am) in a book reading hiatus 🥹 I'm sorry!! But life just got... so busy. But recently, life has been, well, fairly interesting.
So okay before that, HELLO!! I haven't been on tumblr since FOREVER!! My last post was 4 years ago omg! I deleted the app, and stopped going on tumblr for a while, but I redownloaded it just now cause I have soooo much to talk about. Yes it's still about books, but there's another factor added: BTS.
Yes I am ARMY now 😂 I tell you soooooo much has happened!! But i'll fast forward.
Okay so it was about sometime after i've posted my last book summary that i felt a change in me. Suddenly I was too tired to read. My eyes would fail me everytime I open a book. 5 minutes in and I'm too sleepy. It doesn't matter what genre, what kind of book. I don't know then what happened but as I looked back, I concluded that it was because of my work. I had change jobs that time and suddenly work increased, and became more challenging that I didn't realize that it sucked all the energy out of me. Slowly i stopped altogether. Even my instagram and goodreads are all still in cobwebs.
The I met the men who would ✨literally✨ change my life. There were only 3 things that made me fangirl this hard and that was Harry Potter, Taylor Swift and ARASHI, and even these three didn't compare to how i've fangirled with BTS (though i still am a potterhead, a swiftie and an arashist at heart).
Skip to the point it's getting long!! --- So as all armys know these men are hella poetic in their lyrics, especially the rapline, especially namjoon, and I truly believe it's because they love to read. I believe that, cause when I was in my bookworm era, i'd use words I never thought i'd use, and I was more confident in using them, compared to now, I really felt that I'm always short of words to use that I more often black out when I speak in english.
Okay okay so BTS, they love to read. And they have ✨book recommendations✨!! And there's so many!!! I've kept the lists and wanted to go back to it when i'm ready to read. But still, I hadn't had the will to start. Until...
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Hello, Beyond the Story: 10 Year Record of BTS.
So yes I am currently reading it now and savoring EVERYTHING. Though I still feel that tiredness I was talking about, but this time I have sheer will. The need to finish this book AND read the tagalog version (which I heard and saw was really really good) is very strong.
I plan to make a post about it after I finish them, but wait, this isn't even what this post is about!!
So remember the ✨book recommendations✨ list?
Book reco list 1 (twitter)
Book reco list 2 (goodreads)
There were some titles here that I knew I already had. Some I already read, but most of them just gathered dust in my shelves (don't worry I cleaned them!!)
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What I found so far that I already have, plus The Alchemist aaaand Fahrenheit 451 -- two of which I've already read so it's not currently here on my shelf, but i'll have to look for it anyway. Ah I know I have Metamorphosis somewhere here too.
The I Decided to Live As Me I bought cause of them, and I just bought The Midnight Library but I don't have it now. I read parts of it via pdf but again I hadn't finished it!! I hope I finish it now, now that I have a physical copy. Am also planning to look for Almond, the Magic Shop book and the Omelas. After that i'll stop buying and finish everything 😅
I had Me Before You but i sold it!!! Why 😩
What's funny here is as I was laying these books down to take a photo, I realized that three of the books here have bookmarks 😂 it means that I was able to start it, but hadn'd finished it.
So what does this mean for me? Am I going to be back from hiatus? 😂 To be honest I really don't know 😂 But i'm really happy that i've found a new reason to pick up a book again after so many years. I wanted to read so much, I just feel like I can't, but now i'm reading again!! Even though it's because it's about or related to BTS (though don't get me wrong i'm happy it's about BTS!), it's still something! And by seeing these laid out books of mine, i just wanna read them now.
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*just adding this gif cos i miss them hahah 🥹
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space-anon-writes · 2 years
Your “weekly” fic recs give me life, I’ve loved every rec so far
I appreciate the lack of sarcasm in those quotation marks, and the full confidence you have in my delivery of fic recs in a consistent and timely manner. You have won my eternal gratitude and also more fic recs
Ours Poetica by zeeskeit
Tommy's brothers left when he was young, and his father is barely present, but despite that he still managed to find his place. It turns out that place is poetry, and for a moment, Tommy has everything he ever wanted. Then his brothers return home, and things take a turn from there.
I will cry. Also the poetry is so fucking good. Dream and Tommy's slam poem performance? Holy shit holy fuck I got lost in the sauce
Chapter 10/? - 60k words
opus by darkwhitepebble
Mmmm pretty fic. It's kinda got surreal/psychological horror? With stringed instruments? Tommy has been through some shit, enough shit to turn a musical child prodigy into a nobody teen working three different jobs and living through sleepless nights. Luckily, he might still be able to piece himself back together.
Chapter 6/? - 30k words
My boy lost in time by sircantus
Featuring Tommy, who can time travel, and the rest of the SBI, who are immortal. It. It takes awhile for everyone to see what's happening. It's like that spiderman meme except its running into someone who should have died like a dozen centuries ago.
Chapter 1/2 - 6k words
Intergalactic Pest by skratchmarkz
Someone attempted to ship a whole-ass human in the mail across the galaxy. Just stuffed him in a package. It's okay though, the human both got free and is ready and fully willing to bite. It's also safe to say that the alien postmen are not enthused to have a bitey boy now scuttling around in their vents.
Chapter 15/? - 21k words
can you hear me? and as painless and colourful by droppingdroplets
Two exiled Tommy fics that give me brainrot. The first of which deals with his hallucinations, the second tries to give him a happy ending. I just. I just really like how this author wrote exile not gonna lie.
Chapter 1/1 - 6k words - complete (stats are the same for both fics)
people that you must remember by acatalepsy
Tommy really, really doesn't like Ranboo, but he also has to deal with him, since he's sort of living in Ranboo and Tubbo's mansion. However, after Ranboo loses his memory book and spirals, Tommy finds himself reevaluating that opinion. Allium duo my beloved.
Chapter 1/1 - 6k words - complete
Breathe by the_lanky_kat
Tommy can't stand to be touched after his death. However, he'll also do anything for his friends, even if that means helping Ranboo out of a panic attack with a hug. I continue to have allium duo brainrot.
Chapter 1/1 - 3k words - complete
from a cedar tree by sailingthenightsea
At the conclusion of the Manberg vs Pogtopia war, Tommy tries everything in his power to keep his loved ones alive, even at the cost of himself. Somehow, this lets him get a happy ending.
Chapter 1/1 - 4k words - complete
A Lifetime of Plans by Live
It turns out that Wilbur, Techno, and Phil are vampires. So, obviously Tommy does the logical next step: he locks himself in Tubbo's house and throws garlic at them from the windows. They may try to win back his affection, but Tommy knows its just lies. Sorta. Alright, maybe his affection can be bought with food, but it's good food!
Chapter 3/? - 10k words
Sharing is Caring by bitsinboots
Tommy is living with Phil, but he's still wary as fuck around Techno. Techno, it turns out, does not appreciate this.
Chapter 1/1 - 2.9k words - complete
heavy is the head by Odaigahara
An exiled Tommy makes the executive decision to raid Techno's house, but instead finds him hibernating. So, maybe it's not an awful idea to stick around for a bit? Featuring a half asleep Technoblade blurrily looking around his house, finding nothing out of place, and Tommy nearly having a panic attack.
Chapter 1/1 - 1.8k words - complete
Throw the Walls into the Fireplace by lockergirl
Tommy breaks into Techno's house post-exile, fully ready to get slaughtered. Except, well, what he finds instead is a hibernating Technoblade, and warm house to stay in until spring since obviously Tommy can't just leave Techno alone and undefended!
Chapter 1/1 - 4k words - complete
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