#i'm giving him his unibrow. i'm giving the twins their p1 unibrow. i'm giving dankovsky's mom who i made tf up a unibrow. i'm giving farkhad
meirimerens · 1 year
I just wanted to say that as a person who is hirsute it makes me really happy that you give Daniil his unibrow and chest hair, i love it
you're so welcome honeyyyy i will give everyone body hair past an age even if they are snow blonde blue eyes because that's just how it grows innit. i will give every guy chest hair even if it's a miserable little splattering (à la peter or rubin) (just remembering i forgot to save my refs for them this is so sad). and dankovsky. brother sister with these brows i know he fuzzy. fuzzy truther. i know it dense like fur/fir. you know it yourself. this is a safe space for the fuzzies and the hirsutes.
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