#i'm gifting this and a drawing of alexios to my bf just because i can
winters-uprise · 6 years
Love is Blind
Paring: Arthur Morgan x Male! Reader
Warnings: Blind! Reader, mention of slight animal abuse, grand theft of Arthur's heart
Notes: There's a serious lack of self insert mlm, so here my sweet children. Let boys love boys. Also don't imagine Arthur trying to describe a tree. "Well think of it as a big stick with u-uh smaller sticks pokin out the side.
And you scoffing, "I know what a damn tree is ok."
Also someone teach me how to add the 'read more' thing on mobile before I kill one of u guys
• "You need something you'll find it right here in this catalogue."
The catalogue thuds loudly against the grainy countertop. Arthur takes it from the shopkeeper and opens it, shaking off the dust. He absentmindedly scratches along the underside of his stubbled chin. He's gotta shave that soon, he thinks. "Alright, let's take a look."
The bell perched above the doorway rings and the manager instinctively turns to greet the arriving customer. He's pleasantly surprised with a familiar face, he smiles fondly. "Well Y/N. Finally came down to grace us with your presence have you?" He muses, his pen lightly taps against the clipboard in hand. "I got your things ready. Just need you to sign for 'em."
"Yes consider yourself blessed only for this week Louis," You huff at the old man, quickly writing off your signature anywhere. Arthur's attention is torn away from the heavy book at the sound of your gruff voice. And he jumps at the unexpected feel of warm wet huffing against his clothed leg. His brow quirks in amumsent, a slight tug on the edges of his lip. He promptly shuts the catalogue. His hand coming down to gently pat the furry beast.
"That's a real beautiful dog you got there." Arthur kneads those floppy ears, he loves 'em. It makes the dog whine, swiftly licking away at the corners of its mouth with a big slobbering tongue. You grab your bags, nodding in endearment to the stranger's comment. Your face only just peeking underneath the hat you adorned. The stranger he was curious, his voice had quite an alluring roughness to it. It was certainly- unique. You give a short tug to the leash wrapped securely around your wrist and utter a quick bashful thanks to the kind man on your way out.
"Take a look around before you go Y/N, might be something else in interest to you."
"Nah that's it for me today; pleasure doing business with ya."
• Louis gives the ticking clock yet another worrisome look, nostrils flaring as he sighs. Closing time was creeping and soon. Those residing in Valentine for as long as you have were kind folk and knew you well. Well enough to know you were a creature of habit. Yet there seemed to be no sign of you turning up today. The bell gives an alarming ding and his thoughts are interrupted; a feller. But his shoulders slump slightly in defeat, not you. There's a heavy clunk of boots as the mystery man steps in, eyes swiftly grazing along the shelves.
"Just need these 's all. Thought you'd be closed by now." A box of premium cigarettes are tossed upon the countertop by Arthur.
"I should soon," Louis starts, exasperatedly so, "But I fear somethings happened to a loyal customer of mine, blind fella. You seen him?"
Arthur shakes his head somberly, "No, sorry."
"How about this, your cigarettes are free. Just do me the courtesy of delivering these supplies to him." Louis yanks a loose sheet of paper from beneath the counter, hastily scribbling an address. He slides the torn note over to the Arthur. "You can take anything else you'd like as well."
• Shaking his head, Arthur gives an awkward knock upon the wooden door, his posture stiffening when he hears the shuffling of footsteps. It creaks as your face peeks behind the jarred doorway.
There's a very absent look to your E/C eyes he hadn't noticed before. He notes your fitted button downed shirt paired with slightly torn jeans, no hat this time 'round. His gaze might've lingered on the fine curve of your jaw far longer than they should've. The black bandanna he keeps on his neck is suddenly too tight. The man really is handsome.
"Got a delivery for you from the general store. Uh I-I know you ain't remember me but I brought you your things."
"'Course I remember you; I don't forget a voice like yours, my savior. Y'know I was down to my last bottle of Tequila? Who knows what would've happened if you hadn't shown when you did."
The name makes him chuckle, "Well shit, never been called that before. Maybe a son of a bitch at my best. But most peopel just settle for Arthur." fool, he thinks to himself.
"Y/N. Thank you Arthur."
Y/N, Arthur hums softly
• It's the next day, Arthur isn't quiet sure why he's back in Valentine -the place is plastered with mud- I guess the same way he isn't quiet sure why your name won't leave him alone.
His brows furrow at the sound of hysterical barking, it comes from behind the butcher's stall. A pang rumbles within his chest at recognizing the furry coat of your beloved pet. Pestering kids balling up what they could fit in their grubby hands, they pelted the yelping dog. His fists clench by his side. "Hey! You best leave that dog alone. Go on! Get!"
An urchin screams, stumbling his aimed throw "Shit, run! Run!" There's no need for a second warning.
"Come here you," Arthur whispers, coming to a crouch and giving his thighs a firm pat. He spares the dog some loose bread crumbs from his bag. "Shh, you're okay. I know you've been missed, come on now let's get you home."
• You sat on the cushioned loveseat, absolutely fuming. The little home was too silent for your liking and you cursed whomever took your seeing dog to damnation.
There's an unexpected knock. You open the door, cautiously, but it's yanked from your grasp as it's nudged open by the wet snout of your dog. You recognize her barking. "How?" Her paws dig firmly into your skin as she jumps at your front. You laugh and she almost topples you over. You stuff your nose into the fluff of her neck and breathe a sigh of relief. You had missed her dearly.
"Found him pretty far from home,"
Arthur mutters, "You wanna go get a drink or something?"
• Arthur simply wants to enjoy the man’s company. It’s different being out here, away from the ruckus of camp, the constant nagging of Grimshaw. Together you strolled to a lush hill, overseeing a nearby river. Arthur takes off his hat and stretches his legs. He sighs, this is just real nice. You sat next to him, embracing the soft caress of the gentle breeze. Your heard tilts curiously to the side at the sound of rustling, Arthur digging further into his satchel.
"What you doing?"
Arthur pulls out his sketch book "doodlin." He’s free to watch you now. Arthur struggles a bit with the shifting shadows from the tree above, smudging too much of his pencil trying to get it just right. Not usually does he have the urge to draw people.
You kindly ask Arthur to describe what he sketches. It's the fierce flow of the river, its bank littered with milkweed shrubs and loose boulders, a stag lingers and drinks from it -Arthur feels a warmth spread throughout his chest, he had lost hope of feeling such a thing again. He doesn't mention him drawing you alongside the scenery.
Eventually he’s happy with what he’s drawn and Arthur tilts his head back, eyes to the clear sky. The sun was starting to set. He closes his journal and shoves it back in his bag.
Arthur's hand stays firmly squeezed around your bicep as he guides you home. You can hear the insistent sniffing from your dog along the trackside. You already know your way home from here, you dont say anything though. The same way you wont say anything about Arthur watching you. You happily play at being naive.
"I had a good time Y/N." Arthur quips, "Probably the first in a long while. Mind if we do something like this again?"
"So did I." you playfully pinch his scratchy cheek and lean further into him, smiling smugly against his ear "Just don't keep me waiting too long, cowboy."
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