#i'm fine with the pink as it still looks like a dry climate like how i wanted
dazzelmethat · 8 months
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My plant boy oc Ame looking out at a nice landscape.
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aassumida · 4 years
A / N: before I started everything I wanted to warn you that I don't speak English very well, forgive me if the story sucks
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Things bloom
In unexpected moments
"But I know
This can't go on forever
I have to let you go
But I want you so much "
15th century: March 21st Italy
POV Author
It was a scorching summer day in a quiet northern Italian city in which it was not well known except for the fact that it was surrounded by fine grains of areas that covered the streets, mountains and houses, its residents were mostly humble people who lived their lives calmly, and without a lot of worries just having to stay in the same village day by day, there lived a man he was not a high class nobleman who lavished wealth and money wherever he went he was a simple homeless person nor a he was certainly not the most humble person in terms of money but he had an inherent and pure beauty that was easily hidden by his "rags" and dirt
An orphan since his birth with the disappearance or death of his parents he doesn't even know without knowing the world trapped walking in circles he steals to survive not that he really had much choice
ー hey little thief come back here with this
But an escape really was getting difficult to escape almost the whole city knew his face and knew him very well that was what they called him "little thief" even though he knew his name Naruto Uzumaki this time was a simple bakery that had the displeasure of being in touch with the blond but it wasn't his fault after all in this village street people only have one end to starve or steal to survive what would you choose?
He ran for a while until the lord of the bakery got tired of running after him giving up on leaving him with bubbling anger in his eyes Naruto took advantage of it and started eating the piece of bread with such speed that he realized where he was only after savoring "his "food in a lost forest was all he needed. The forest was full of trees it was even surprising compared to the hot climate of the village that no water was so dry wasting nature would appreciate everything since it was his first time there in his 21 years but the desperation to leave and go to the place who called it home was bigger
He walked on confusing trails up and down up there and without even knowing if he was close to leaving that place, it didn't make sense to sigh loudly with tiredness "My back is killing me and my legs are stuck in a stream" I thought with every step I took I didn't know little where he was going had left by the city gates they said that the forest was haunted they had already seen monsters there that they had tails and fierce looks stories to prevent their children from leaving home or disobeying their parents "If you don't behave I will leave you in the forest "but the most" scary "" The Monster of the Castle "the monster of the castle say he was the son of a lord who was the fruit of a love that could not even exist he was born with a few lines on his face that was thing for an ox to sleep Naruto always thought of the orphanage where he lived always told him these stories he didn’t understand yes he knew that there was indeed a man who lived in a huge old castle like the grains of sand in the city is that he was in fact the son, not of a lord, but of nothing but nothing less, the Duke of Florence, the youngest son in which he was sent is expelled for his appearance to this castle, the residents who saw him said that they said he it was ugly disgusting it’s even horrendous the blond with beautiful eyes blue sky didn’t understand didn’t understand why they didn’t even really know the man
Surprised sighs mixed with euphoria came out of his mouth as he witnessed a huge castle in front of him, it looked like it was made up of unanswered questions, he was in fact lost, but now what he was going to do to face the monster or remain lost without even being good at it. forest
He did the obvious right back to the forest not five minutes after turning around he started trying to climb the huge walls several and several attempts most fail well all until he finally managed to get over the huge walls "My God what a hell wall "
His surprise was such a huge garden composed of the most diverse and beautiful flowers ever seen, each one more beautiful than the other yellow red white pink and many more flowers never seen was right in front of him his eyes shone but he never observed everything with the greatest fascination the most beautiful thing he has witnessed in all these years but at the back of him he saw a man with short medium-length reddish hair is a thin physique watering is cultivating these flowers he seemed so serene cultivating his flowers he was so beautiful indeed there were thousands of lines and some black dots marking his face it only made him more beautiful Naruto barely noticed the hours seconds transformed into minutes gardem gave way to hours when he realized the man had already entered his castle is left his jrdim there lit only by the dim light of the moon
Naruto looked at those beautiful flowers
"Only a few will not hurt anyone"
He thought with a careful leap he looked like a cat just on the tip of his feet he was admiring for a while or a lot he lost his hours touching the flowers with delicacy they were so soft then after a few minutes he tore some flowers with care, right, carefully wrapped them in his little cloth when coming back to the forest it seemed that going back to his village was much easier maybe because of his wandering mind that only thought about the day he saw "The monster of the castle" that of a monster only had names he didn't look like a monster people really invent each thing he went to his little hiding place it was nothing too much to tell the truth just a bed is a table it could be worse was sleeping on his straw bed because we don't have any improvised money not soon after putting the flowers in a glass of water I could hardly sleep that's a thousand because just to throw himself in bed if he sleeps there like a cannonball the truth was that he only thought about the garden and the castle he wanted so much to talk to the man when you saw earlier your hunger took away everything when you fell asleep due to tiredness your thoughts were gone for an instant
Naruto POV
Italy June 22
Waking up with the hot sun hitting me in the face again was an ass every day the mana thing didn’t make a day that this village doesn’t get a miserable heat and honestly I didn’t want to wake up I looked to the side lazily but the sleep soon passed me I got up hurriedly and went to the flowers I took them in my hand shock
ー It wasn't a dream, I walk so exhausted I'm even daydreaming it can only be that
My belly is asking for urgent food I give a loud sigh but one day
ー Sometimes I just wanted to be rich
With the flowers I went walking through the streets, vast streets of the city simple houses mostly humble surrounded me small markets but a common day for everyone as always people looked at me unwanted this is what I am but I couldn't blame them in the end one a thief who steals them almost daily would be funny if it weren't tragic an old woman approached me with a smile on her face different from most people around me, how strange people usually ignore me or pretend I'm not even here or even stop to curse me I looked at him suspiciously "not a good thing"
ー What beautiful flowers my young man how much they cost
She spoke with a gentle smile I raised an eyebrow what the hell is she talking about I dared to ask
ー What?
She looked at me confused we both looked at each other in confusion it was even funny the scene two idiots not understanding anything they were talking about we were on different pages it would never work
ー You are not selling your flowers
I looked at the makeshift bouquet in my hands. Sell ​​? Flowers ? Money….
ー Ehhh yes ... I am selling it I mean they are mine… .. lady
Trying to sound as good as possible as someone who really knows what he is doing as well as I thought it sucked the old woman laughed outrageously she took some coins and handed it to me I took it firmly let her decide not to give it to me anymore
ー Well I want these roses here
She pointed it out and gave it to me quickly and right after its withdrawal I still didn't understand anything in one hand flowers in the other money
ー Money….
A whirlwind of thoughts prowled my head. I could sell flowers to get what to eat and live, maybe get out of this crappy village and thus be able to live, but these flowers are not even mine, how can I sell them?
I approached a guy who sold Shikamaru muffins I think he looked at me ugly with a mixture of tiredness he looked like he hadn't slept in ages with his black hair the Nara family one of the families but humble is respected at the same time I remembered I had assaulted him last week he just doesn't get me because of the laziness that has to be moved a putz muscle it had to be him my stomach rumbled loudly I apparently gave a boring smile and my discomfort didn't show
ー Will try to rob me again Naruto
He said suspiciously but soon after yawned his eyes slowly closed I scratched my head
ー Not this time… .I mean I'll pay myself Naruto Uzumaki I'll pay
I said hurriedly I handed him the money anyway he still looked at me suspiciously not believing in a word my look at him was judging me looking into my soul
ー HMM ... you didn't steal it from anyone is it
I looked at you offended
ー OF COURSE NO! I managed with my own money I… .. am selling flowers
I showed him the flowers with a proud look they were fascinated with them I was feeling so good that everything in me screamed "you are too convinced for someone who won 10 silvers"
ー Didn't know you grew flowers
I don't cultivate!
ー I will change of life
Said firmly
ー As long as you stop stealing my cookies I don't care little thief
ー I have a name Shikamaru
He just looked at me and gave a lazy smile I gave a smile too I left that tent and left as quickly as possible pretending dementia listening to Shikamaru's laugh behind this Shikamaru invents everything
Somewhere else
Gaara POV
Another day in this huge castle alone with my beautiful garden one of the only things that doesn't keep me lonely in this scum of life I let out loud sighs staring at the wall in disbelief how long it will last how long
I hear the door slam that made my thoughts change a little bit. Who is it that I hurry up sitting on the bed looking for my mask?
ー Master you should have been getting up ...
I sighed loud relief stamped across my entire being my right arm and the only person besides me who lives in that stupid castle came through the door with a coffee tray in addition to my cook's right arm and basically mine does everything I feel that without him I would go to freak out
Lee Rock Lee you don't need so much formality is your day off you shouldn't be doing anything but fun like I don't know dating you are young
ー The 70 year old man talks more fun than cooking is helping you in your impossible Giardino
ー Lee formality the formality reminds
He gives a small laugh Lee always manages to get laughs and smiles from me
ー yes yes you don't think you should go out a bit but Gaara meeting new people a boy or girl who knows
ー Who would want to know me or my father wants to see me my brothers for them I hardly exist because I have to be so horrendous
I said throwing myself on the bed again running my hands over the marks on my face
ー You have to stop calling yourself that not everyone cares about how you look, besides that you are very beautiful I'm sure you just didn't find the right person and your brothers love you I know NOW go take a shower to eat for the love o sunny day perfect for farming don't you think
He put the tray on top of the table, which was always full of books about flowers. I loved creating flowers and taking care of them. My mother liked it. I felt sorry for not having met him. Lee left quickly. I was already preparing for monotonous days. to the bathroom
Somewhere else
POV Author
The young Uzumaki sold "his" flowers surprisingly they made successes who saw fell in love with his old "friend" Sakura Haruno appeared all euphoric as always a woman from high society nor was it known why loads of water she was in that peaceful village
she said already giving him slaps and sermons as always
ㅡ AINN Sakura-Chan how long I thought until you had already fled this city
I teased her, she rolled her eyes and gave me another shit making me bewildered it hurt so much it looks like I'm going to pass out sure there will be a cock
ㅡ SHUT UP THE MOUTH BAKA You know why I'm here I need to see my lady
She smiled smugly but with a look of malice I wanted to laugh but I am respectful
ㅡ first stop screaming the scandalous it's me second came to see Hinata again
her look fell I gave a look of I KNOW YOU
ㅡ Know that the Hyuuga are enemies of the Haruno
ㅡ nonsense nobody will stop our love now give me one of these wonderful flowers
I gave her the rest of the flowers with rest I say a flower she gave me the money and I quickly denied it
ㅡ Go right before I change my mind I don't deny money
She ran quickly with the flower she knows me well the flower in her hand she swayed with the speed of her steps more obvious without first giving me another punch mommy I just don't fight with her because I don't want to be beaten to death
Watching the sunset I didn't know where I was going the streets are still busy as if the joy of the city really started I could just go away and wait one day I had money for at least tomorrow but I followed the forest when I entered it all it looked so scary but also so comforting in a short time unlike yesterday the moon was bright i didn't know where i was going i was going back to that place to that garden for that man AI Naruto your idiot is going crazy
Upon seeing the castle even with the huge trees I could clearly see flashing flames and attractive drugs
I tried school again the walls were easier than the last time when I jumped I could see those beauties this beautiful Giardino I approached without wanting to steal know how much closer I saw a body A BODY was the red-haired man I got closer her every time but my heart was beating the more I got close until I saw him sleeping he was so serene in the middle of several sunflowers
ㅡ Who are you… ..
I ran my hand over his face my fingers were delighted by his lines his shadow on his face his little dots the man opened his eyes eyes sea green beautiful as the owner grandma tell you he looked bewildered but when he noticed our approach he quickly got up and walked away
ㅡ Who are you…. why are you here
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butterbeeryuta · 5 years
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warning: smut content
‘Thank you so much Yuta, I really appreciate it’ you said, stepping in his hotel room as you tightly held on your clothes, ensuring your undies (yes, undies) won’t fall off as you head towards the bathroom.
‘No, don’t worry it’s fine. Did you call the reception though? We’ll be here for the next 5 days so maybe it’d be best to ask.’ I turned my head towards him, taking a slight step back at his appearance. God, why is he so pretty? His dark hark lightly draped over his doe eyes, enhancing his tanned skin as he slightly tilted his head to the side, making him more ethereal than he already did. At the same time, he looked so comfortable and soft. His oversized shirt and his beautiful smile certainly did not help me, considering I was planning to use his bathroom where I will be naked... and he will be outside. I hope it will be fine. I hope.
'Oh, y-yeah. I called them 3 hours ago, and they did say that they'll help me. But that was 3 hours ago.' I quickly said, mentally scolding myself for looking at the man... in a very specific way that we shall not talk about. I excused myself to the bathroom quickly before he could say anything about my flustered state. What was going on with me?
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'Hey thanks for letting me shower, Yuta. Though not gonna lie, their shampoo sucks so I guess it'd be better if we buy one from the convenience store later instead.' I said, drying my hair with the crappy towel provided by the hotel.
Why is he not responding?
I lifted my head, only to see the man to be looking at my state. OH.
'I swear I'm wearing shorts underneath this long ass shirt, I swear I'm not trying to do anything inappropriate' I immediately covered my mouth the moment I rambled, internally hating myself for being a mess. Yuta's eyes quickly looked back to my embarrassed state, clearly unsure of how to respond from looking at his face.
'Oh yeah, no the shampoos here do suck. We can get them tomorrow after we come back from the lingerie store. And u-uh, yeah no you're fine. Pants can be uncomfortable so I--'
'I am wearing shorts, you pathogen'
'A disease causing organism? You know like a virus or bacteria--'
'Yes, I know what a pathogen is. But why?' He asks, furrowing his eyebrows. Oh boy. I giggled instead, making myself look more like an idiot.
'I give interesting names to people. But no bad intentions of course. Anyway! I was thinking we can maybe start designing and coming up with fabric choices for the new blush collection?' I asked, hoping to divert away from why I called him a pathogen.
'Uh yeah sure.' He awkwardly replies, taking a seat on his bed.
Why am I so dumb?
'So I was thinking that we can maybe use a mix of cotton, lace, and silk so that it can be both comfortable and stylish. And we have a good connection with one of the cotton production companies in Seoul, so financially speaking, we really shouldn't have that big of a problem.' I said, sketching a few designs on the digital tablet.
'I feel that the design should depend on the fabric. We don't really want something innocent-looking with lace do we?' He says, pushing up his glasses to see the drawing a little more clearly. 'Like this one, this seems pretty innocent and for people to feel, I guess submissive? The design will nonetheless make people feel baby-ish, so we should maybe stick to either cotton or a mix of cotton and silk.' I looked at the design he was pointing at; it was a simple and plain lingerie set that was in nude pink.
'I don't know about you, but I think you are allowed to feel whatever you want when you wear anything. You don't necessarily have to feel submissive or baby-ish when you wear simple or plain lingerie. And besides, lace can also give off that innocent vibe as well. For this design specifically, how 'bout we keep the base as cotton, and have white lace covering both the bra and undies?' I suggested as I drew the lace material on the sketch. And for the second time, he was silent.
'Did I say anything wrong?' I asked, putting the tablet down. Yuta looked hesitant at first, which could easily be observed from the way he was biting his lip and avoiding eye contact with me. After a few seconds of silence, Yuta sighed, finally looking at me.
'No, not at all. It just amazes me how hard-working and open-minded you are. I still feel sorta like trash when I came into the company, thinking I was one of the best employees. That was of course until I met you. So yeah, it's just an eye-opener for me I guess' he said, scratching the back of his head. It took me a while to comprehend whatever he said, but I was affirmative of the fact that he said something nice.
'Well I do not know about you, but I do not think you're trash. You fucking cried with me about climate change— that's some wild ass shit to do. You may have been a dick in the beginning for insulting my outfit and doing what you wanted to do before listening to the company's motto and beliefs, but that's all okay now. You're not really trash Yuta. You're maybe... recyclable?' He laughed softly at my last comment, making me feel somewhat relieved that he did not take my last comment seriously. But as per the rest, I definitely meant it. Yeah, I did not like him at first, but he has gotten so much better and is surely way more tolerable than he was before. As our laughter died down, our eyes slowly met each others. Oh my fucking god am I gonna f-word? Y/n get your shit together, and can you please stop being a chaotic meme for once in your life, and actually be serious or at least civil—
Before I could potentially embarrass myself for the 40th time, Yuta's hands reached up for my face, gently holding it in both of his palms. 'Can I kiss you?' He asks, eyes glimmering as he waited for my response. I nodded at him, his lips moving forward, eventually closing the gap between us. My hands unconsciously reached up to the back of his neck, pushing him closer to me as we continued to kiss. His hands slowly left my face, dragging them down to my waist as he gently lifts my body on his, intensifying the moment. I pulled apart, breathing heavily, dark, lust-filled eyes staring at one another, completely unsure of whether or not to take it to the next step.
‘Do you want to do this?’ He asks, thumbing the sides of my waist. Probably looking like a complete idiot, I nodded at him immediately, only to earn a cocky smirk from the fashion graduate. He reached down to tug them hem of his shirt over his head, only to reveal his toned upper body. Before I could stare and most likely drool, he leaned down to meet my lips again as his hand slowly made its way inside my oversized tee, reaching up for my bare breast. His long fingers took the hardened nipple, gently playing with it only to earn low moans from me. Yuta broke the kiss, and trailed kisses along the side of my neck as he continued to toy with the nipple.
‘D-do something please’ I whimpered, hips unconsciously meeting his, yearning for more of his touch. I could feel his lips smiling against my neck, his hands slowly dragging down my stomach, slowly slipping into the band of my shorts, making contact with the sensitive nub through the fabric of my underwear. Soft moans escaped my mouth without even realising, my hands immediately covering my mouth from embarrassment. Why are you like this y/n?
Yuta's lips left my neck, his breath fanning over my hands as his hands continued to rub my clit. 'Please don't cover your moans' he says breathily as his lust-filled eyes looks down at my vulnerable state. My hands slowly left my mouth as low whimpers and moans escaped as his hands continued to work. The pressure against my clit gradually increased, the speed of his fingers slowly increasing as well.
'F-fuck Yuta' I whimpered, hips furiously grinding up in the air to meet the sweet release. As if Yuta knew what was about to come, he inserted one finger in my velvety walls as his thumb continuously stimulated the sensitive nub. He placed his head beside my ear whispering, 'cum for me princess.' Just like that, a rush of pleasure ran through my body, the immensity taking control of my body as his fingers slowed down. The gorgeous Japanese man chuckled at my fucked out state, and my eyes caught a slight smile on his face before my eyes shut its eyes closed.
Laces and Things
crack, fluff, and smut corporate au; lingerie designers!yuta x fem reader
taglist: @neocitytevhno @mapleeleafmark @thealexalcala @my-chaos-in-stars @cscarletred @lavellanfriendliness @boinkhs
part 12 / masterlist
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