#i'm down for toxic yaoi but this is VERY focused on the legit abuse in their relationship and i don't want that part to be ignored k? k.
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dimonds456 · 6 months ago
animatic i'll never finish
Book of Bill spoilerssss, cw physical/psychological torture
I also put it below the cut in case you can't/don't wanna click the link(s)
(also also if you wanna do something with this just gimme a tag, I wanna see fgshdj)
Credits. We see Ford alone in his house; in his study; walking down the hall; approaching the front door with a crossbow.
Don't mind the noise outside the door It's just a phantom, nothing more
Ford ducks his head out of the house, looking around for something he thinks he heard.
No need to give yourself a scare When you glance and no one's there
Once he's confirmed nothing's there, he shuts the door and sits up against it, breathing weirdly. Then, we see a Bill-shaped shadow moving around the room with him, though he doesn't notice.
I don't wanna have to hurt you
Ford takes a breath, then stands back up
It's not your fault, I felt his rage Just a child about your age
Flash back to the science experiment gone wrong, except it's wrong. Stan is actively ripping into the machine. The camera pans out to show it was Bill telling him this; the visions were in his eye the whole time.
But something drives me to this place I can see him in your face
Ford looks doubtful. He knows that's not how it happened, but instead of confronting the realization he was wrong about Stan, he chooses to keep it buried. He keeps going down the hall, towards the living room.
You'll never know the hell I've seen
He collapses on the chair, exhausted. His eyes slip close... then snap back open again. Uh oh.
Don't fear what's coming We can't fight off the urge inside
Bill, possessing Ford, basically prances through the house. He heads over to the secret door and punches in the code
It's dark and you're afraid of The devils that come out at night
He goes down the elevator, making it to the portal room. It looms ominously over him.
Let's make this easy
He pulls up all three journals and aligns them
Soon you'll haunt these beasts you hated
Bill is looking at Ford's six-fingered hand (the implication being he's talking about the people who made fun of Ford before)
No need for sleep tonight Sweet dreams are overrated
Bill pulls the lever, but the portal flickers uncertainly. He shakes his head, then heads back to the desk. He grabs sticky notes and a pen.
Ford wakes up in bed, finding a sticky note stuck to his face from Bill. He's confused, reaching up to grab it, and we see that his knuckles are bruised. Concerned, he gets up and heads to the kitchen. He makes himself a mug of coffee, downing it pretty fast, then glances back at his hand. It fades to a shot of the hand being bandaged up. Ford slips one of Fidd's gloves over it, then frowns, a mix of concerned and scared.
I'm just a whisper in the void No one's there, you're paranoid
At the diner, Ford is trying to order something, but he's clearly anxious. His foot is bouncing, and he keeps glancing at all the people around him warily.
I'm just a trick of your own mind
The people all become shadowy. They turn to look at Ford, yellow, slitted eyes gazing at him unblinkingly.
Blink your eyes once and you'll find I'm just a ghost inside your head
Ford slams his eyes shut. When he opens them, everyone is looking at him, but in concern now. it'd been a hallucination from Bill. Ford gets up as the waiter comes over with his order and guns it out of there.
Don't fear your fate that soon arrives
Ford's sitting on the floor of his study, hands on his head. He's breathing heavy.
It's a deadly lullaby
He looks up to see dozens of Bills watching him- drawings and other decor HE put there.
You'll be with us very soon Another spirit in the room
The bathroom. He's looking at himself in the mirror, noting the deep eyebags under his eyes. One could say he looks dead.
Take your place among the lost
He's alone. He's all alone and there is a demon in his head who wants him to end the world.
Don't fear what's coming
Bill again. He's possessing a bunch of zombies this time
We can't fight off the urge inside
Ford snipes him hell yeah
It's dark and you're afraid of
Ford gasps awake, finding ANOTHER sticky note.
The devils that come out at night
He slaps it on the bedside table next to a BUNCH MORE.
Let's make this easy
Ford pushes furniture in front of the secret door, even though he knows that won't do shit. it makes him feel like he's doing SOMETHING
Soon you'll haunt these beasts you hated
He downs an entire pot of coffee someone help this man
No need for sleep tonight
His heat has turned off. He's huddled in the living room, where puffs of air appear when he breathes- harder now.
Sweet dreams are overrated
He's fighting sleep so fucking hard right now
We see a montage, but centered around Ford as the camera spins around him. He's looking up, watching his world spin, then is falling. He catches himself on the kitchen table, downing more coffee. He stumbles back to his feet, before Bill circled around him. Sticky notes, sticky notes, sticky notes. There's hammers, the Memory Gun, the crossbow, various other weapons (all pointed at Ford), before the camera spins just right to point at Ford head-on again. Now, he's holding a VHS. He bends towards the camera and slips it into a VCR
You can't wake From this dream
Bill is taunting him. Ford grabs the edges of the TV in panicked anger.
No one will hear you screaming
Ford throws the VHS into a fire.
So hold on For the ride
Bill takes over forcefully. The world goes black around the two of them.
I'll take you with me tonight
PAIN. Pain, pain, pain. Ford falls.
This nightmare This prison
Bill floats in front of him, almost gloating, but moreso just upset
Inside the suits we live in
He grabs Ford's shirt collar and yanks him closer
Don't fear me Together
Bill suddenly lets go. He drifts backwards, throwing his hands out.
We'll have sweet dreams forever
Close-up on his eye. He looks excited to the point of being unhinged.
Ford sits bolt upright, hands immediately going up to his eyes. They're still there. He stiffens, sorta going numb. After a moment, he drags himself to his feet. He heads down to the basement, grabbing the journals and a postcard. He scribbles something down, then heads out. He drops the postcard in the mailbox, then puts Journal 3 in the ground.
Don't fear what's coming We can't fight off the urge inside
Bill in possession of Ford. He opens the front door and steps out into the snow
It's dark and you're afraid of The devils that come out at night
Ford wakes up, but he's on the roof of his house. He panics, falling to his knees to prevent himself from sliding off. He's breathing heavy, and finds himself pulling another sticky note from his coat pocket
Let's make this easy Soon you'll haunt these beasts you hated
Bill is holding a hammer. He positions a nail right above Ford's hand. He raises the hammer, then brings it down.
No need for sleep tonight Sweet dreams are overrated
Ford is holding his hand close, bandaged as best as he could, and he's shaking BAD. But, he's also tossing around a bunch of Bill-related shit. The bags under his eyes are designer.
Don't fear what's coming We can't fight off the urge inside
Ford with the crossbow. There's been a knock on the door. He looks wild and unkept. He grabs the handle and opens the door.
It's dark and you're afraid of The devils that come out at night
It's just Stan dw. Ford yanks him inside and checks his eyes.
Let's make this easy Soon you'll haunt these beasts you hated
They head downstairs to the portal room.
No need for sleep tonight Sweet dreams are overrated
Ford shoves Journal 1 in Stan's hands, and Stan gets upset. We know where it goes from here.
The fight starts, though it's portrayed in still images. Around them is the interesting part. We see Ford's initial deal with Bill, the good times, the laughs, the vulnerability, before it turns into the horror we know it as today.
(Sweet dreams are overrated)
Notes. More things from this animatic. Journal pages. TRUST NO ONE. It devolves into paranoid screaming, basically.
[Music box]
Stan shoves Ford into the portal. It's caught in slo-mo, with Ford assuming he's going to die here. After all, *Bill's* on the other side. This lasts about halfway through, before it snaps back to normal speed. Ford's gone. Stan can only look up at it, before reality snaps back. He runs to the lever, but he can't pull it. Ford's gone.
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