#i'm curious. i never hear about people's grand-aunts/uncles.
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"in your life" meaning you met them enough times and substantially enough to remember them. and not just consider them some faceless, theoretical stranger.
#i'm curious. i never hear about people's grand-aunts/uncles.#when i was younger i visited my grand-uncle moe (grandma's brother) every once in a while.#i never met my grand-aunt (grandpa's sister) but i use to be closer with her son
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Sorry I'm late lol. if it's not to much to ask then, could you tell me about the Frankenstein siblings then?? I amn. Intrigued.
Never too late to send me an ask, don’t worry! <3
Elizabeth, In the AU is Victor‘s cousin born around the same time he was. After Victor‘s aunt and uncle died, Liz came to live with the Frankenstein’s. To say the least, Victor was absolutely thrilled that he would have another playmate his age! Vic’s whole childhood was basically pulling pranks with Henry and Liz, and running around in the woods together. Elizabeth was always a bit of a tomboy, and tended not to be too much into ‘girly things’ at a young age, preferring to hang out with her brothers (that wasn’t too much of a problem to anyone, because this is a modern AU and no one’s trying to raise a perfectly ladylike little girl. Also means, no arranged marriages!) She’s pretty close with Justine, and they like to sit and chat a lot. Basically, Justine just listens to EVERYTHING Elizabeth rants about, she finds it endearing.
Nowadays, Liz is on the search for a job. She just got out of collage with a degree in English Literature (i think I’m very funny :] ) and she’s looking to become an author. She just needs to find an editor and a publisher she can get for cheap ;-;. She rides a motorcycle around town and Adam thinks she’s the coolest Aunt ever. She’ll call Victor out on his bullshit when ever he‘s acting up, and was furious to find out that Victor had originally abandoned Adam. But heck, they’re close, and they still hang out and pull pranks on the rest of the family. <3
Ernest, Victor’s younger brother by 4 or 5 years, is a freshman in college, working towards a degree in Psychology. He really wants to be a licensed therapist, and is trying SO hard to pass his class. His Professor, who happens to be Prof. VanHelsing, allows Ernest to help him with minor tasks for extra credit. (Not like he actually needs it, he’s got an A in the class, plus 30 extra credit points. But it’s not like VanHelsing’s complaining. His lecture hall is the cleanest it’s been in years.) After pretty much becoming a second father to Ernest, and being his biggest guidance throughout his freshman year, VanHelsing has decided to tell Ernest a bit about Vampires and other such bloodthirsty creatures. (Of course, these monsters actually exist in this universe. They commonly show up in local news, especially after multiple disappearances.) Ernest, who’s dreamed of becoming a hero his whole life, is ecstatic, and begs his Professor to let him help hunt Vampires. He’s currently almost an expert in tracking, trapping, and eradicating most monsters, and actually has done a lot to help prevent random disappearances of people in his community. Sadly, I don’t think he’s looked at the ‘monster reformation/therapy’ route, and would rather just wipe them out before they have a chance to kill again.
William, my baby! He’s almost 10 and super hyperactive, also best friends with Adam. He sees Clerval as an older brother and loves to go bug hunting with him. (Last time they were out, they found a couple of stag beatles, which highly amused the two of them.) He’s a big fan of drawing and other arts, as most young children are, and he’s quite proud of his family portrait that he painted a few weeks back. He really looks up to Victor, especially after hearing so many grand things about him! After Vic came back for summer vacation, he asked SO many questions. And he was quite curious about Adam. An 8 foot tall man comes home with Victor, looking like a patchwork quilt and mostly keeping to themselves, William knew he had to try and be friends with them! Yeah, they play soccer (or football, wherever you’re from…) together and do lots of drawings. (Oh my gosh, Adam has a 64 pack of crayons and William is so impressed!! So many colors! Like, 10 different shades of green; that’s going to be so good to draw trees with!!) He likes hanging out with Elizabeth, mostly because she lets him rant about bugs and asks him about certain bug species, which he prides himself in knowing about. (man, I just took bugs and made it his whole personality, huh?)
I love the Frankenstein family and they’re bound to show up more than once in the series. (Ernest will be very important later. I think he needs more love.)
Thanks for the ask!
#asks#long post#WHTS Elizabeth#WHTS Ernest#WHTS VanHelsing#WHTS William#WHTS Adam#(Alphonse gets no lore. He’s just there ;-;)#what’s happened to soho?
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Standing at the edge of the farm Binxi was still as stone. It'd been near fifteen cycles since he set foot in this place. It almost felt like a different lifetime. Like a distant dream. Almost as if the memories he held of it where not his own.
Taking a deep breath then exhaling slowly, he ran a hand through his hair smoothing away any jitteriness that'd betray him. A sudden rustling of leaves drew his silver white eyes to a nearby tree. A hawk, not any hawk. Natoshi. He had followed him. Ever watchful. The bird was against this. Leave the past to rest, he'd told him. But he couldn't.
Finally he took a step. One after another, moving closer towards the door of the farmhouse. His eyes wandering around the farm. It was in disarray. Things stacked haphazardly and left out to deal with the weather. The fields themselves barely resembled anything that was a farm. Untilled, no crops sowed. Overgrown and slowly being retaken by the wild plant life of the Twelveswood. It was disheartening for him to say the least.
Stepping up on the porch and coming to the door he stopped. Staring at it. It wasn't too late to turn back. He could forget it all and head back to the manor. Raising a hand to knock. He paused, a moment of hesitation. The thoughts of turning back drifted back into his mind. Quickly he shut them out and knocked on the door. He could hear the sound of feet shuffling inside. People moving about as a curious voice called through the door. "Who is it?"
"Someone who is long overdue to return home." Nothing but silence greeted him in return. His ears flickered at the sudden sound of hushed voices behind the door. It was only a moment longer before the door cracked open, warm yellow light spilling out from inside. A figure step in front of the opening, peaking through at him.
He could make out their stark white hair. A pale silvery eye. Skin darker then his own that was also littered with the same white freckles. And finally a voice. A woman's voice. "Binx'sae?" It was full of disbelief.
He struggled to find his voice at first. The only thing he could do was nod when she questioned him. It was too late to turn back now. He had to keep telling himself this. Finally he found his words. "Yea. It's me. My feet finally remember their way home." The words came out hoarse, his voice wavering.
The door flew wide open. And they where both standing. Just staring at him in pure disbelief and shock. He looked between them both quickly. His eyes resting on his younger sister. "Mia." It was all the prompt she needed to fly past his other sister rushing into and wrapping her arms around him. Burying her face into his chest. "We thought you where dead. Where have you been?"
"I was... I was away. Traveling." He put his hands on her shoulders and gently eased her back an arms length away. Looking at her. She looked on the verge of tears, she was always a gentle child. Easily upset. "I guess I wandered a little too far but I'm-" He didn't even get the last of the words out as a hand struck him across the face with full force. I probably deserved that.
It was Cia, she was standing beside Mia now just staring. Anger painted across her normally pleasant features. Her voice came out low, dripping with anger. "You. Where. Traveling?" He tried to open his mouth to say something but she cut him short. "While we where here, thinking you where dead. That we where the last of us, and you where just... Traveling?" The emphasis she put on the word was enough to make him almost cringe.
He didn't. His mind worked furiously to think of anything, something. That he could say in his defense. "I got a little lost on the way, I think." That was all he could manage, all he could think of. Silence stretched between the brother and sister, neither of them moving while their eyes where locked. Leaving Mia just to look back and forth between them waiting for one of them to speak first.
"LOST?" It was Cia, her voice filled with incredulity as she shrieked the word. He opened the his mouth to say something again only to be cut short by an exasperated laugh. "No Binx'sae. You where not lost. If you where gone a fortnight, sure. A moon, fine. BUT FIFTEEN SUMMERS!?" She shrieked the last three words.
That time he did flinch. Recoiling with each word. A finger leveled in his face. "Do you know what it's be like for us!? Do you?!" She was staring him down, daring him to answer. He found his voice. "I heard what happened and see-" The sudden wave of her hand cut him short. "No, no you don't. When the hound came down. Shattered in the sky. It fell on our farms. There is no one left. All our cousins. Aunts. The Matriarchs. Everyone. Dead, and where were you? Traveling..."
The way she said the word, filled with hate and disgust made him feel lower than he thought possible. The guilt kept his mouth locked shut as she continued. "We had thought maybe... Just maybe. Papa and our brothers or a few of the others, maybe they'll come home. They left with the Grand Companies, you see. But no, none of them came home. You never came home." She said the words accusingly. Her breathing heavy. He had nothing to say. He didn't know what to say. His voice wouldn't work not under the crushing weight of guilt and shame.
Finally her hand flung out pointing towards the forest. "I want you to leave." He just stood there, no longer able to even look at his sister's so he just stared at the porch instead. His voice still failing him. Slowly he just raised a hand outstretched towards them hoping they'd take it. That was all it took to set Cia off again. Screeching the words this time. "I SAID LEAVE."
She didn't wait on him to answer this time. Grabbing Mia by the wrist and dragging her inside as she pleaded with her sister not to send him away. He flinched again as the door slammed shut. Leaving him standing in the dark alone. He could still hear them inside arguing with each other.
All he could do was stand there in utter silence staring at the closed door. Numb. Binxi reached out to knock at the door again but stopped. He sighed. Letting the arm fall back to his side. That was not the welcome he was expecting, he had followed Kora's advice and it led to disaster. It's not her fault you where absent for so long. He didn't like the truth in the thoughts. Was this how Arin felt when he reacted similarly? She was only gone for half a cycle. That thought washed him anew in another wave of guilt.
Turning from the door he crossed the porch, walking down the steps. His feet felt light lead in his shoes. As if they didn't want to carry him forward. Shakily the keeper sat down on the steps. Taking a deep breath as he ran a hand through his hair. There was the sudden sound of a door slamming open. It wasn’t the front door. No this came from side of the house. His ears flickered quickly as he focused in on the sound. The pattering of many small feet, he barely made them out at first as they drew nearer.
Suddenly it halted. To his right. Turning his gaze towards the source. He just stared. Nine sets of pale silvery white eyes staring back at him. Children. The oldest couldn't of been no more than eight or nine. A boy. In fact there was three boys. The rest girls. They all had the same blue grey skin as himself, varying slightly in shade from darker to lighter. The same eyes. Same moon white hair. White freckles that looked like a field of stars that played across their dark skin. All prominent traits that normally passed down through his Clan.
"You're the one that got ma' and auntie upset?" It was the eldest that asked. His jaw tightening as if he where about to square off with him. Binxi just blinked. He was still trying to process everything. Slowly the words came out. "Yeah, that'd be me. You're their sons and daughters?" The children all looked between themselves before turning back to him to nod. All but the eldest who just stood there staring. Jaw clenched, before finally speaking. "Yea, we are. Who're you?" He just stared back at them, they all had Cia or Mia features. His family's genes where always strong when it came to offspring. Finally he answered. Looking directly towards the boy. "I'm your uncle."
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