#i'm continuing to engage with all this bc admittedly i am enjoying myself. it's not often i get to really dig in like this
numetaljackdog · 1 year
Don't know if the Gospel callout is from racism but calling gospel the worst genre is pretty delusional. It's probably the only worthwhile Christian music I can think of. Also worst genre had to be skrillex era dubstep.
i'm sorry but WHEN are you guys gonna learn that there IS no "worst genre"??? that should be the moral of all this discourse. no worst genre. no, not that one. not even that one. now obviously "no worst genre" includes the hugely culturally significant and artistically rich juggernauts that we've covered already like rap, country, jazz, gospel, and so on, but it ALSO includes more generally maligned genres like dubstep, all forms of edm, crunkcore, harsh noise, and every other unpalatable or inaccessible genre that sneering geniuses have put in my notes!!
ALL genres, of ANY medium, are deserving of basic respect and acknowledgement as something that has worth to the people creating it and the people who appreciate it, and every genre has the potential to yield great art that achieves its custom purpose, just as much as it has the potential to yield shit art that fails entirely! if you don't like dubstep, or that specific era of dubstep, that's fine! if you want to criticize skrillex and other artists who pushed the genre into the mainstream, i think that's a valuable conversation to have! but that era doesn't represent the entire genre, and even during that era the potential for great dubstep to be created was equal to any other point in time since the genre's inception. the same goes for jazz, the same goes for gospel and other forms of christian music that anon deems to not be "worthwhile," the same goes for EVERYTHING. your personal preferences are perfectly acceptable on their own merits, as well as being none of my business, but i wish you would all stop trying to moralize them through this narrow lens of "good" and "bad" as if that somehow has any meaning in a vacuum, often recklessly reducing complex social issues of race, class, sexual identity, et cetera into incomplete two-dimensional concepts in the process!! enough already!!!!
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