#i'm being slow to draw spare me sobs
maskeddiany · 6 months
now that i'm sharing refs here's a more recent one
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the fav oc ever
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cielelyse · 8 months
Favourite 5 Saezuru Scenes
I recently reread Saezuru for the umpteenth time and just needed to gush about it like a crazed person who constantly hallucinates about Yashiro being happy and soOooOOooo.................
1. Why now? (Chapter 25)
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These 3 panels kill me always... although it's the entire chapter 25 actually, and not just these panels. This broke me when I first read it nearly a decade ago, and it breaks me every time I reread it. I recently just listened to the drama CD for the first time and wanted to hear how this scene played out (a.k.a. wanted to hear Yashiro moan wkegh;ghwle) and I did not expect to start bawling and sobbing uncontrollably when his flashback appeared. WITH THE MUSIC AND EVERYTHING. THEY DID NOT SPARE ME. FUCK. What was supposed to be a tender and gentle and loving and intimate scene between them turned into Yashiro facing the effects of his childhood trauma -- that will never cease to hurt me. Doumeki saying "kashira, kashira, kirei" right before that broke me in a way reading that scene in English couldn't. I WILL NEVER GET OVER THIS and if I keep writing about it I'm gonna cry again so:
2. Car ride back from Kageyama's clinic (Chapter 4)
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This is mostly for nostalgic reasons, really. I first read Saezuru in 2013, and I wasn't used to Yashiro at first. I didn't know what to make of him.
So what happened was that I read "Don't Stay Gold" first and was like... there's a manga about this mildly threatening and unreadable yakuza dude who's Kage's friend…? Who played cupid for him in a weird way? HMMMMM dubious, dubious. Would I even like him? It took me a while, but I finally gave Saezuru a shot anyway, and I remember feeling uncertain about Yashiro up until those panels. I remember it so starkly, because this was the instant I fell in love with him. I think it was because this was the first time I understood the depth of his loneliness (since I hadn't read his high school oneshot yet at this point).
There's just something about how Yoneda Kou-sensei draws these kinds of pages that just resonates with me so well. I CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE IT. It just connects with me the way Yashiro connects with me, and that was pretty much it for me. Obsession sealed. Life signed away. For the next 10 years I would follow the story closely and routinely check every few months for updates. Yashiro became one of my only 3 comfort characters, and rereading Saezuru always gives me a catharsis and sense of peace that I didn't know how to find elsewhere.
3. "To go on living this strained existence... no longer holds any meaning to me." (Chapter 34)
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This scene is one that I come back to every time I'm down. AM I A MASOCHIST? I really like the June translation too: "To go on living this strained existence no longer holds any meaning to me." I think the way the panels divided up those thoughts were brilliant!
This especially hurt me because for the entire manga up to this point, Yashiro has stated that he completely accepts himself and he's happy with who he is. It wasn't until his realization during the sex scene with Doumeki and how much he's said/done hurtful things to Doumeki afterwards -- who he considers pure and sweet and good -- that he thinks this.
4. "Falling in love feels like this" (Chapter 33)
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The first time I read this, I had to set my PC down, go out to my apartment balcony, and just silently stare out into the night and resist the urge to smoke (that was half a joke) (I did feel a pang in my chest though) (and I did have to fight very hard not to smoke lwkehg;hge). I love the dialogue right after these panels too, when Yashiro said, "Your sister was lucky that you were there." That, along with Doumeki's reaction, hurt.
This was such an intimate scene between them. Yashiro was so vulnerable. So was Doumeki. I hadn't realized this until I reread Saezuru this year, but these two have always had such intimate scenes right from the start. It was a slow burn, yes, but they had always been instantly drawn to each other: Doumeki thinking Yashiro was beautiful and captivating, and Yashiro doing something he doesn't normally do with his subordinates the first time he met Doumeki. And it didn't clue in for me back in 2013, but their conversations with each other were much more intimate than the conversations they'd have with anyone else, right from chapter 1. I find that so precious.
5. Dream (Chapter 40)
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I couldn't not include a scene from post-timeskip, BECAUSE I LOVE POST-TIMESKIP. I love Darkmeki and I love Yashiro and I love that the theme of post-timeskip centers around "change". Wish I could include that conversation Yashiro had with Tsunakawa about it, because I thought that drive-home was brilliant. I really appreciate that Yoneda Kou didn't have Yashiro and Doumeki get together right away after they have sex, and I really appreciate that the question was raised of: Do people change? Can people change on their own, or would you have to force them? Or are we always the same at our core? And I think the answer is of course a mixture of all of it, and that it's very much circumstantial and subjective, but I love how we're able to see the shifts in both Yashiro and Doumeki. How both men aren't quite the same people we knew pre-timeskip. Ten years ago I didn't think I would meet a version of Yashiro that wouldn't talk about sex 24/7, but here we are.
(Not to say that they're completely different now. They're still our Yashiro and Doumeki of course; I just wanted to gush about how well Yoneda Kou were able to flesh out her characters in such a complex, multidimensional way.)
ANYWAYS, I went on a rant without even mentioning these panels of Yashiro's dream. I love everything about it: Doumeki's face not showing, Yashiro running away and turning back to see Doumeki not there anymore, and that last panel of him standing in the middle of nowhere, lost and empty and lonely -- all of that was so incredibly told in pages of no words. UGH YONEDA KOU IS A GENIUS. It reminds me of that page of Yashiro looking at a mother and child in the rain; it's one of my favourite scenes too.
Honourary Mention (Chapter 4):
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I should end with a more light-hearted one. THIS WAS CUTEEEE. I remember reading this for the first time and thinking Yashiro was just salty that his roleplay got ruined. But upon second reread (and maybe I'm delusional here), I thought he might've been happy to hear Doumeki say that.
We know Yashiro gets angry and irritated whenever he's happy to hear something sweet from Doumeki (like that extra when they ate together LOL), and that he had the same reaction of kicking the chair when Doumeki said he can't touch Yashiro's hair anymore. Which was cute to say. So I thought Yashiro might've lashed out in annoyance because he was glad that Doumeki doesn't mind. (I tried putting myself in Yashiro's shoes so many times trying to imagine how I would feel if Doumeki had said this............. and somehow came up with "happy" xD)
...........or maybe this was obvious to everyone and I've just been clueless. AAAAAAAA THIS IS WHY I LOVE ABOUT SAEZURU SO MUCH. It never spoon-feeds you information and lets its readers interpret :")
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fourandmoreeyes · 1 year
Poets of Disaster
↪ based off this post ↩
I've been trying to be normal, but that post got stuck in my head, so now I have to do something with it.
cw: murder, descriptions of death, body horror, mutilation, hallucinations, grief, trauma, etc.
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"I had warned you... if so ever you grew bold enough to defy me, you would pay dearly."
Fang Ye pulled against the strings holding him. They tightened in retaliation and cut deep into his skin. "Don't— Not Hua Xue! Please, anyone but—"
"Even now, you're being impertinent, Little Fang. You dare draw boundaries when you have so often crossed mine?"
Fang Ye pulled again until the strings made him bleed. Even when they dug threatening into his throat, he strained forward as if that would bring him closer to his fearsome elder, to his lover there on the dais between them. Fang Ye sobbed.
"Forgive me— Please! Allow my boldness one final time." His sobbing shook his body so violently that it only made his shallow wounds deeper. He dropped his head in supplication. "Please grant me this: release Hua Xue... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..."
"Oh, Fang Ye..."
Hesitantly, Fang Ye summoned the wherewithal to slow his tears and lift his head. He blinked, and fat tears rolled down his cheeks. His hope lived and died in that blink for his heart sank as he watched Elder Bai bring his sword to Hua Xue's throat.
"Forgive or release... You ask me for a single request, so I cannot do both."
"Please." Fang Ye was frantic once more. "Pleasepleaseplease!"
"And so, I shall grant you neither."
Fang Ye felt the warm spray of blood against his face. Droplets mixed with his tears, which ran anew and turned the crimson a blushing pink. For the longest time, for minutes—maybe eons, he couldn't blink. He could only watch unwaveringly as the life drained from the person before him. He didn't even spare a glance upwards to meet the cold stare of the elder watching him.
At the edges of his vision, he watched as gentle, pale hands reached over his shoulders and lowered down until they set upon his own. Soon, a cheek touched his own, and a soft laugh filled his ears.
"Xiao Ye... What's wrong?"
Fang Ye blinked, and he was standing in his kitchen, staring at the booklet of pressed flowers. Hua Xue laughed again.
"Are they truly so awful that you would rather be somewhere else?"
"No." Fang Ye hastily put down his knife and curled his fingers around the soft hands that cradled his own. He kissed the small knuckles.
"You can tell me, Xiao Ye. I can find another hobby."
"No, no!" He immediately released Hua Xue and spun around to face her. He met her eyes and admired the mischievous glint in them. "I like the flowers. They're very beautiful."
She pouted a little and turned her head away. "You say such wonderful things about pressed flowers. When will you gather your courage to say them to me as well?"
She was teasing him, playing a silly game, but how could he resist falling for her trap. He curled a finger under her chin and guided her to look at him. In that small movement, he watched as her lips twitched with an urge to smile.
"You are more beautiful than your namesake. If it didn't mean I would have to leave you, I would quest the realms looking for ways to adequately capture your grace and radiance, Hua Xue."
She stayed quiet for only a few seconds before giggling shyly. "It's a start." She touched his chest with both hands and smiled fondly at him. "Is everything alright?"
"I." He looked over his shoulder to the knife and radish still left alone on the cutting board. His stomach turned unpleasantly, and he quickly looked at Hua Xue. He feigned a smile as he led her away from the counter. "Everything's fine."
"But you look so pale." She followed his guidance, though she didn't look away from his face. When they came to the dining table, they sank down together in unison. "Is it that dream again?"
He knew that it would be pointless to pretend for long, and so Fang Ye sighed and nodded sadly. "'Nightmare' is more like it..."
"Xiao Ye..." Hua Xue reached out to place a hand over his. She leaned a bit closer. "Is there anything I can do?"
He started to speak, but the words choked in his throat, all threatening to get out at once. He swallowed them down before trying again. "No." He set his free hand atop hers and then cradled her single, small hand between his much larger ones. "Having you here with me is more than enough."
"Then, I suppose my presence is nothing short of overwhelming."
When there was a new voice, Fang Ye's heart leapt into his throat. He hadn't seen Elder Bai in nearly a decade, and he had moved far away to ensure they would never cross paths again. For a moment, he suspected the worst—that assassins had come to undo them both, for Elder Bai's wrath to curse him once again.
And yet, somehow this was worse than even that. He and Hua Xue both whipped their attention over to the unexpected guest, and there before them stood the eerily handsome figure of Qi Jinghe.
"Brother." That single word was little more than a croak. "What are you— Why— H-how?"
Qi Jinghe ignored the clumsy attempt at conversation. Instead, he turned his head to stare at Hua Xue, and there was such a deep expression of disgust, sadness, and pity that Fang Ye was struck by a sudden wave of insult to add to his fear.
"Brother Fang. I won't allow you to live like this any longer."
"Like what?" Fang Ye countered suddenly, his tone waspish and sharp now. "Happily?"
"'Happily," Qi Jinghe repeated. "Is this what you call 'happiness', Brother Fang?" His gaze didn't waver from Hua Xue, who began to look self-conscious under his scrutiny.
Fang Ye rose to his knees and cast out a hand to protect her from Qi Jinghe. "Don't look at her like that!"
"Like what?" Qi Jinghe looked solely at Fang Ye now. And his expression didn't change; those emotions were still there, but the sadness deepened. Or was it the pity? It didn't matter to Fang Ye as neither were wanted.
"Leave us alone. Go and be with the others."
"You don't want me to go back, Brother Fang."
"Brother—" Fang Ye bit his tongue and shook his head. "No. I don't claim ties to you anymore. Not you, not the rest of the sect. I left."
"Yes, but—"
"I left!" Fang Ye repeated, his voice raising until it thundered in the empty space. Outside, the birds chittered loudly and flew away in a hurry. "You have a lot of nerve showing your face after all these years."
Qi Jinghe bowed his head. Ever the picture of grace. Fang Ye found it mocking now. "It's regrettable that it took us years, but we've been searching for you every day."
"Am I supposed to believe that? Every day for eight years? Even the most devout followers would give up hope if a king were to vanish for eight years, and you think that I would believe you searched for me? For us?"
Qi Jinghe frowned and lifted his head. A single lock of stark black hair fell in front of his eyes, but he didn't stop to tuck it away. Fang Ye swallowed again, his mouth suddenly dry as he waited for Qi Jinghe to fix himself.
"Every single day," he said resolutely. "We searched in the mountains..."
Fix your hair.
"...We looked in the villages..."
Fix your hair.
"We went to your home town; we asked after Hua Xue's family—"
"Fix your hair, Qi Jinghe!!"
Qi Jinghe fell silent. His posture stiffened slightly, and then with familiar, steady movements, he elegantly reached up to brush his hair back. He tucked the tail end into his headband once more and waited a few seconds. When Fang Ye didn't speak again, he continued on.
"We couldn't find a trace of you."
"That was for a reason. Elder Bai is still looking for us."
Qi Jinghe's expression changed then. It started with a brow twitch, and it evolved into something tense, barely restraining the emotion that wanted to spill out.
"Elder Bai is dead."
Time froze. Incense stopped burning. Even butterflies ceased to fly. Fang Ye tightened his hand around Hua Xue, more a twitch than anything purposeful.
"Elder Bai died in the Marching Flames. Brother Fang."
"Shut up."
"You broke your silence. You called on your pact—"
Qi Jinghe froze in place. He was as still as a statue and just as unnaturally beautiful. His brow creased further; his fingers curled in the air where he had his hand extended.
"Let go of Hua Xue, Brother Fang."
"We need to let her rest."
"Shut up."
"Time is running out; if we don't take her soul now—"
"Xiao Ye," Hua Xue began with a trembling voice. "What does he mean?"
Fang Ye wasn't sure what he should do. He wanted to smile; he wanted to beat Qi Jinghe to death instead. He quickly spun to face Hua Xue and gave her his full attention.
"It's nothing, Hua Xue. We're being tested, don't you see. It's merely a ghost. I used my pact."
"But you said you'd never—"
"I know. I know." He ducked his head, silently praying for her forgiveness as he brought her hand up against his forehead. "But it was for us. It was to protect you."
"You protected her, Brother Fang. You've fulfilled your duty."
"Shut up, Qi Jinghe!" Fang Ye lifted his head. Red tinged the whites of his eyes. "I'm not speaking to you!"
"I would rather you speak to me than a corpse."
Fang Ye jerked as if to attack him, but he merely lurched instead. He needed to stay here and keep Hua Xue grounded. With him, she would... He didn't want to think about it. He wouldn't dare start the thought!
Qi Jinghe moved his hands in the air in a calming gesture as he took another step. He took another approach. "Let her go, Fang Ye." His voice was deceptively soothing. "Don't give into your bloodlust."
"He's right, Xiao Ye." Hua Xue's voice was paper thin now. "Don't give in."
"But I have to protect you again." Fang Ye was desperate. He squeezed her hand tighter until he felt something give. Hua Xue's face didn't betray any pain. "He's going to take you. He's going to give you to Elder Bai."
"I would never betray you."
Fang Ye raised a hand, ready to attack. "You already have—"
The moment he tried to summon his qi, he already lost the battle. There was a sharp pain through his meridians and another as Qi Jinghe slammed his head into the table. He heard Hua Xue give out a terrible groan (or was that the wood bending?). He felt the warmth of blood in his nose, and his eyes began to roll.
Energy flooded his body, and his heart kicked up another ten beats. "It won't be that easy!" Qi Jinghe stated. He lifted his head and soon shouted. "He's in here!"
"Hua Xue..."
"In here! In here, quick! I can't hold him."
Fang Ye's skin felt as if it would slough off. His face was hot from the energy pumping directly into it. He broke out in a sweat—he was covered in blood.
He saw Hua Xue's face. Her beautiful countenance, once filled with fear, now lax from blood loss.
Now withered and aged.
He blinked, and she was staring at him, horrified. But soon, that was merely a blur. Several voices flooded the silence, and bodies hurried over to meet his. His hands were drawn behind his back. His wrists were bound together with 1,000 year old leather strips and bound by a talisman. He tried to resist, but his qi drained whenever he tried.
That sent him into a panic. He bucked with renewed energy, and as soon as he was on his feet again, he howled like a beast. "Hua Xue! Hua Xue!"
She stared at him with wide empty eyes. Her mouth was wide, toothless, a gaping maw of rotting flesh. She leaned towards him, a hand outstretched, a hand missing, crushed and left in pieces on the table.
Fang Ye felt hands firmly grip his forearms. They sealed tight against his skin, clinging as closely as Hua Xue's rotting skin on the tips of his fingers.
He howled again. He sobbed once more. Blood turned blushing pink, strings dug until they almost choked him. Elder Bai reached into the wound on Hua Xue's neck and pulled under her head began to lull.
"Hua Xue, Hua Xue, run!"
"We have to sedate him," someone said.
"There is no running anymore," Elder Bai warned. "You must pay for your actions."
"Forgive me," Fang Ye begged. His memories and voice doubled as his feet nearly tripped over a missing floor panel and the roots sticking up from below.
"Forgive me," Qi Jinghe whispered as he reached out for Fang Ye once more.
Hua Xue's body fell to the floor of a decrepit home to the floor of a lavish manor. Her hair and blood spilled around her pale face around her withered and rotting face.
Fang Ye screamed and wept until he couldn't anymore. Another member of his clan walked forward with the Soul Sealing Jar, and the last he saw was Hua Xue turning into dust
Hua Xue bleeding on the floor
Hua Xue smiling and holding out her hand. "Promise you'll be happy for me."
"I promise," Fang Ye whispered as he felt qi flood his aching veins, and as darkness took him for what he wished was the final time. "I promise."
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atinywhore · 3 years
chapter 1
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ateez x reader
word count: 2873
warnings: violence, use of knife, swearing, a pathetic man but what man isn't pathetic am I right? , mentions of previous abuse, drugging?
an: this chapter one to my mafia series. this will turn into a yunho x reader over time but its gonna be a slow burn typa thing ;p. I have been dying to write this and get it posted and share with the world! please be kind, give lots of love and enjoy you dirty hoes:)
p.s: I'm getting this ins just in time for yunho's b-day! SO happy birthday to our puppy! I love him and dear god I hope none of them know about fan fiction and how crazy we all are lol
also lol I have playlist that I wrote this too... if you'd like to listen to it lmk and maybe I could drop the link..
tag list: @ch0isa99ie @mingigoo @ateezinmymind @wickeddarkness-place @whatudowhennooneseesyou @teezers99 @mirror-juliet @spiderlilyfics
edited 01/12/24
The sound of bone crunching and the metallic smell of blood flooded my senses, drawing me from my swirling thoughts. “Do you know how much you owe us old man?” The newly opened cut bleeds, the bright red liquid now running down his cheek and onto his ripped wife beater. Stuttering in fear at the man wielding the knife in front of him, trying to get his response out. “Huh? Can’t fucking speak now? How about I take out your tongue, then you really won’t be able to.” I see my brother grab the old man’s tongue and pull it from his mouth. “Enough W. We need him to be able to talk. For now.” He stops, just as the steel is about to cut off the muscle. Stepping closer to the disgrace of a man before me, his dirty brown eyes follow my movements, growing even wider with fear as I am now merch inches from him. 
“My brother tells me that you owe one of our casinos a rather large sum.” I gesture back to my other brother, Y,  who is casually leaning against the metal beam of some warehouse we are in. “He has also informed me that you have had plenty of notices and still have outright refused to pay what we are owed.” The man begins to sputter out apologies and excuses, pleading for his life. “If you can’t pay… then you have two options, old man.” His eyes,  now white with fear. “Option one, you die.” The man began to cry when the word “die” left my lips. Scoffing, I kick my boot out and it connects with his shin. The faint crunch of bones is almost like music to my ears. He screams out in curses and pleas for this torture to be over. “Option two, you pay upfront with an equal or better value of your existing debt.” 
30 minutes go by of nothing but continued sobs and empty promises, I am starting to get fed up with this man. “Okay since you don’t have anything of value to offer as payment, I guess  there’s only one option left..” I can see the material of the light gray sweatpants the man is wearing grow dark around his crotch and then being hit with the stench of piss. “No- no please! I’ll give you anything you want but please-PLEASE don’t kill me.” W comes back over to the man from where he was standing and crouches down until they are at eye level. “We have already determined that you have nothing we want, old man.” 
He frantically searched his mind for some way to keep him from his death sentence but he seemed to come up blank. Thoroughly annoyed now with this pitiful excuse of a man I looked towards W, clearly itching to get his hands dirty, I nod, giving him the signal to do what he does best. I watch him stalk towards his prey, his eyes black as the suit I’m wearing. Knowing what’s going to happen next, I make my leave, not wanting to stain my new suit. 
“Please, please you have to spare me! I can’t die! I have little ones to take care of!” W laughed. I heard the man scream out in pain as the knife tears apart the man’s skin. “We know everything about you.” Not turning around to face the scene behind me. “We know where you live and work. We know how much money you make every year and how much of it you blow at our casinos. We also happen to know that you have one daughter who is 20, so don’t bother trying to lie to us.” It’s almost as if I can hear the wheels turning in his head, the rusty cogs scraping against each other like it’s been years since he last thought something through. “Wait!” I almost debate not stopping and keeping going. But, curiosity takes over and I turn back to the bloody man before me. “Take her.” I go hot with anger. “You are even more pathetic than I thought you were.” I can feel Yeo's presence to my left, also curious at the man’s offer. “P-Pplease, she's young and good-looking. I’m sure she could fill any… needs you might have for her.” I couldn’t help but let out a laugh at this scum in front of me. “So what you're telling me old man, is that you would rather your child be used, in every possible way by my brothers and me instead of you paying for your debt?” I circle the man who has now gone pale, either from the loss of blood or from the situation he is now in. I stop next to W and he hands me the knife. The handle is now sticky with the dried blood, the cool gray steel is painted with spots of dark brownish-red blood. I take the tip of the blade and press the point to my middle finger, holding the weapon on display for the quivering man before me. 
The 8 of us are brothers by choice not by blood. We found each other at our worst, tackling our demons together, to become the most powerful men in all of Aurora. No one can hurt us anymore, as long as we have each other. 
One of my elder brothers and our leader, Hong Joon, is the fiercest of us all. He is the man who rules the other 7 of us, running the entire city of Aurora simultaneously. Our leader is the glue that holds us all together, making us a family. 
We keep our leader a mystery to the public, so in his stead, I have become the face of our company and the worst fear to anyone within the boundaries of our city. My name, Yunho, has replaced The Boogeyman. My name, never spoken. Like by just saying my name, might summon me. 
There is one other boss excluding Hongjoon and myself, Seonghwa. He is just as bat shit crazy as the rest of us but he keeps the most level of headed, taking into account the reality of our decisions. 
The direct responsibilities of our control are divided and handled by the rest of my brothers. Yeosang runs all the gambling, strip, and nightclubs. 
San is in charge of acquiring and handling the maintenance of the entirety of our real estate. 
Mingi runs interference between law enforcement, making sure there isn’t anything that could cause drastic repercussions to our rule. 
Wooyoung is the craziest. He finds and supplies us and all of our men with weapons of all different kinds. He has connections with everyone and next to me he is the most feared of us all, but we rarely let him off his leash, or else a lot of people could get hurt. 
Lastly, Jongho, the strongest of us all, controls every soldier under our payroll, ensuring their loyalty by any means necessary. He hires the best and trains the worst to beat the best. 
“I’m going to repeat myself once again.” I drag the knife across his collarbone and shoulder blades as I continue to circle him slowly. “You would rather your daughter suffer for your negligence than yourself?” I stop in front of him and look down at the man. A bright red line now dominated the man’s clavicle, no doubt rounding to his back. The man's face is now slack, trying to fight against the pain. My knife now stopped above his heart. I press the blade deeper into his muscle. His face contorts and he finally answers “Yes, I would rather you take her than I die! She is a useless daughter anyways.” He screams out as I press further into his skin, bloodstains his beater. I can feel the muscle separating from itself as the knife glides deeper into his chest. I rip the knife from the man's chest causing him to scream out. “Wooyoung take care of him but don’t kill him, for now.” Yeosang follows me out of one of our many warehouses, leaving Wooyoung to do this thing. 
Hongjoon is waiting for us in his office when we get back to the loft. We handle all of our business at a location separate from where we live. We try to keep the work away from home as much as we can, but sometimes it’s unavoidable, like the situation we were just called into. I was not supposed to be called out today, but Yeosang brought the man's immense debt to our attention and my appearance became necessary. 
“How’d it go Yunho?” Hongjoon said without looking up from the stack of papers in front of him. He looked so regal in this state. His royal blue suit without a single wrinkle or flaw. His jacket was unbuttoned showing the thin white button-down underneath, not a single thread out of place. He is the best of us and he always makes sure to look it, even if no one but us sees him. “Are we getting our money?” He looks up and leans back in his chair, leather groaning against his movement, and folds his hands in his lap. 
“What do you think?” I plop down into one of the chairs facing his desk. “The man was practically pissing himself when I made it clear how things work with us.” Yeosang sits down in the chair next to me, elbows resting on his knees as he blows out a long breath. “He told us to take his daughter as payment.” The heels of his hands press into his eyes. 
My brother Yeosang has always had a soft heart. He looked the girl up in the car ride back to the office. Y/n, 20 years old, an only child and now working multiple part-time jobs to support herself and her father. Her mother died when she was only 8 and according to the multitude of hospital reports, her mother was beaten and sexually assaulted often. He didn’t have the heart to look at the massive list of hospital reports for Y/n, no doubt matching her mothers. 
Hongjoon tries to hide his shock when Yeosang pulls out his phone with her life story. We see a lot of things, but not when it comes to this type of situation. We are in foreign territory here. “How I see it is that we have two options.” Hongjoon tears his eyes reluctantly away from the phone, no doubt admiring the photo provided of the girl. 
My stomach turned and my palms sweat when I first saw her picture. How could such a beautiful woman grow out of such horrendous circumstances? The pixels that made up this godly woman made every hair stand on my body and this tremendous urge came to pull her from the darkness and protect her. I shoved the phone back into Yeosang’s hands and moved away from those thoughts, I had to. I can’t go down that road again. “Our first option is to just kill the man and leave her to pay off her father's debt.” I can see Hongjoon’s eyebrow furl with hesitation, the break-in in his neutral expression. He too has been hooked by the girl. “Or we take the girl as his payment and make the man suffer for his cowardice.” Yeosang shakes his head in agreement with my second option and Hongjoon too agrees, now we just need the rest of the family to agree. 
The night shift at the diner was the worst. I always get stuck with the graveyard shift because I’m the new hire. I haven’t had a single customer come in for almost two hours. I have already cleaned, stocked, and prepped everything for my relief to come in, but that won't be for another 3 hours. I won’t have much time before I need to get to the bar to pull a double. 
I’m sitting in one of the booths, rereading my favorite book when I notice headlights pulling into the parking lot. Marking my place, I get up and make my way over to the counter to grab my notepad. I can’t help but yawn as I stretch out my stiff muscles. The bell rings and the click of footsteps quickly fills the diner, drowning out the soft pop playing in the background. “Hello, welcome to Granny’s-” I can’t manage to finish my sentence as I turn around to see 4 expensive-looking men looking around the diner. All have their heads turned but the tallest, his eyes are locked on mine. 
The purple and blue fluorescents highlight his features from the fullness of his lips to the darkness lurking in his eyes. He fixes the gold cufflinks at the ends of his sleeves slowly and my attention is drawn to the full length of the man before me. His broad shoulders, lean torso, and legs are covered in a well-fitted black suit. His large hands move to the buttons of his jacket. The black pristine shirt underneath hangs from his frame. Not only does he scream beauty but the way he’s looking at me has my senses heightened and muscles tighten, ready to run at a moment's notice. Danger emanates from this mysterious man and a small part of me is intrigued by the fear. 
His companions moved about the diner, all equally put together and dangerous as the one still stood in front of me. “Um. If you’d like to take a seat I can get you started with something to drink.” I motion to the booth I had just been sitting at. “No need, we won't be here for long. We just came to collect something that belongs to us.” 
My mouth went dry as I realized I was now encircled by the men. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the door to the kitchen, where the back door was. “What do you mean?” I stand frozen. “We came to take what's owed to us girl.” One of the men spoke from behind me, causing me to turn to face him. He was not as tall as the previous one I faced, but he looked to be the strongest out of the four of them. 
“I don’t understand what’s going on here. I don’t know any of you.” I spun slowly in a circle to face them all until I made eye contact with the tallest of them once again. He smirked and took a step toward me. I moved a step further away. We kept our steps up until I was flush with the counter, only feet away from my only attempt at escape. Fear crawled down my spine and sweat-dampened parts all over my body. My pulse quickened with each step he took closer to me. I should take the chance and run for safety, but my brain doesn’t send the signal. Something within the danger of the man pursuing me sedates me. 
“You don’t know us Y/n, but we know all about you.” The darkness of his gaze and the roughness of his voice strikes fear deep inside of me. “We won’t hurt you y/n, as long as you come with us without causing any problems.” The man to my right says, turning my attention to him for a split second. Something about his sharp features and warm eyes sends a wave of calm over me, but it disappears as I take in the man towering over me now. 
“You belong to us now Y/n.” I stare up at him as I shake, either out of fear or because of the proximity between us now. My hands grip the edge of the counter behind me, steading me as my head spins. “How? I mean… How could this have happened-” The realization hits me. I can feel the tears welling in my eyes and my face flushed from anger. “The fucking bastard.” Coming out barely a whisper, I let my head hang as the emotions wash over me. All hitting me like a bus, pulling me back in time to when I was still stuck under his control. I thought I had managed to finally escape him, but I guess he wasn’t finished using me. “I’m not going anywhere with you.” I push the man away from me but his hand grips my wrist, keeping it in place on his chest. 
“Yes, you will.” He uses my arm to pull me even closer to him. I’m now straining my neck back to look him in the eyes. My own widened with shock as I see his lips curl up into an intimidating smile. “Your father traded his daughter as payment for his debt to us and the one thing you need to know about us y/n is that we always collect our payments.” Before I can respond, a cloth comes from my left and the stench fills my nostrils and soon my lungs. My senses dull and my vision blurs. The last thing I feel before my world goes black is being held and the mumbling of voices.
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volturi-stuff · 3 years
Blood Moon p4
Demetri Volturi x fem!swan!reader
Taglist: @volturidoll13 @raindancer2004 @captainxholmes @kpopgirlbtssvt @avyannadawn
WARNING; mention of blood, Riley being an ass. Injuries
A/N: welp, here we go again. I’m sorry this took so long.
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You let out a soft yelp of pain, as Riley clutched your wrists in his cold hands. It looked like he got a thrill out of your fear. "Hm... And I thought Bella's scent smelled good." He purred as he lowered his head to the crook of your neck, as you shook in fear, wishing Demetri would have stayed now. “Let me go!" You yelled as tears welded in your eyes. You tried kicking him back hard in his stomach, but he didn't budge, he didn’t even move a muscle. His grip on your wrists only tightened, with a low throaty growl escaping passed his lips, as his is teeth grazed down the side of your neck, drawing a scream from your lips. Riley’s head shot up quickly, as he furrowed his eyebrows, he inhaled the air as he let a soft growl slip passed his lips. Riley dropped you all at once to the floor, fast and hard as you let out a whimper. A sob ran through your body, as the hot tears fell down your cheeks. You sniffled, as you suddenly felt stinging, your eyes trailed down your leg, to see one of your stitches had popped.
There was a lot of noise followed by Edward's shouting. You couldn't bring yourself to care, as your mind wouldn't stop thinking about the 'what if' possibility of Riley returning to finish what he started.
Oh had been silent for a few minutes, as your door creaked opened once more, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look, or even move, as the hot rushed tears fell down your cheeks. You began feeling very nauseous at the sickening crimson running down your leg, as you laid there on the cold hard wood flooring of your bedroom.
Then you felt a cold hand on your shoulder, you jerked up in a panic and crawled to the corner of your room bringing your knees tight to your chest, as you sobbed putting your head into your knees, “Please..” You begged as another sob ran through you. Deep down, you had thought it was Riley coming to finish the job. But a softer voice spoke, a familiar voice. "Darling, please... It's just me, come here." Demetri said in his low accent softly, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, as he got into the crouch position next to you, softly stroked your hair with his icy hand, his soft finger tips brushed against your face. After you realized whom it was, you hugged him so tightly around his waist, like he would float away. You pressed your face into his chest, inhaling the familiar scent of Italian cologne, and rose water. "Metri!" You cried out, as you pressed your face further into his chest trying to hide from the supernatural world, "I-I tried to fight him off b-but- the-the blood and I-" You sobbed as Demetri cut you off, "I know, my Love... I know..." He whispered as he held you tightly with his chin resting on the top of your forehead, slightly rocking you. It broke his heart he wasn’t fast enough to spare you from all this new trauma.
Demetri's eyes trailed down to your leg as the scent of your blood hit him all at once like a title wave. He slightly tensed but softened at you, "Here, let me fix your stitches... hm?" Demetri whispered softly, as he gently picked you up into his arms. You let out a tiny squeak as he effortlessly carried you into the bathroom, sitting you on the sink as he grabbed what he needed out of your bag, and the medicine cabinet. He returned to his place in front of you, as he spoke again, "I'm so sorry I wasn't here to help you, Darling." He whispered, as his ruby orbs faded to pitch black, with worry for his little mate. You stayed silent, as your lip quivered, your gaze fixed on the wall. "Ow!" You screeched, as your face contorted in pain, Demetri had begin cleaning your cuts, putting disinfectant on it that Carlisle had given him. He began to fix the stitches that had popped, as you let out a soft cry putting your head against the wall. It felt like fire sticking through your bone as you let out another scream of pain. Demetri whimpered at the fact, he was causing you agony. "Hey, shh... Love, it's okay." Demetri whispered as his cold hand slipped into your warm one. He ran his thumb over your knuckles calming you, as he put a clean bandage over your wound, his dark crimson eyes looked up into yours, giving you a comforting look. "See? You're okay..." He whispered bringing his hand up to your cheek, wiping the tears that had fallen with his cold thumb.
Demetri took in the sight of your bruised face, as he brushed the hair away from the gash on your head once more. "Come, I'm doing your hair love." Demetri said in an attempt to lighten the mood. You nodded as you sniffed your tears back, trying to forget about the pain coursing through your leg. "Okay, Dem." You whispered in a hoarse raspy tone. And with that Demetri grabbed your brush off the sink, and began brushing through your hair gently, as you sighed in content leaning your head back to give him more excess. “You know, I like it when you do my hair.” You said with a slight grin. Demetri smiled in response, as he put your hair in a messy bun, a successful smirk spread across his face. You giggled and started feeling better as Demetri placed a small kiss to your head, "Thank you, Demetri." You said with a slight smile, as the pain was still coursing through you. Demetri smiled in response, "Of course, Darling." He whispered, giving you a look, he only gives you. A look that's filled with such love, and kindness, memorizing your every detail with such admiration, that if he looks away, he'd be afraid you'd vanish. You blushed and looking down at your hands as you played with the sleeve of your shirt in nervousness every time he did this, too flustered to look at him. He thought this was the cutest thing he's ever seen.
Edward was watching from the doorway, as he read Demetri's thought's. He was confused at the fact his mind only held worry, and love, for the girl in front of him. Demetri Volturi, was supposed to be this evil ruthless man, a Casanova. But what Edward had witnessed, it’s like it was all a lie. He retreated back to the kitchen, to be with Bella after he knew there was no danger, but was deeply confused about how he managed to mate to you.
Demetri helped you off the sink, gripping your waist softly, your cheeks had heated up, as you turned into a strawberry in front of the tracker, with a small smile. This did not go unnoticed by Demetri as he smirked with such smugness, at the face he, made you feel this way. "You have to change." Demetri motioned to the blood on your pants. He went into your drawer, looking for anything that would be comfortable enough. He ended up tossing a pair of your shorts and his hoodie at you, the most comforting thing he could possibly find. "I'll be right in your room, let me know when you're decent, Darling." He said walking out of your bathroom, closing the door behind him.
With a small sigh, you changed out of the crimson dyed clothes, as a hushed wince slipped past your lips. You changed into the shorts, and soft black hoodie, the cotton material brushed against your skin making it feel like clouds. It smelled like Demetri, his cologne was strong on it, that gave you a comfort feeling, as butterflies begin fluttering in your stomach. You smiled slightly, opening the door to face the tall tracker. He was in your chair, with his feet against your desk as his bright crimson eyes fluttered up to look at you. Demetri drew in a breath at the way you looked in his clothes. His eyes lingered on you, as you froze like a deer in the headlights of a car, already feeling your cheeks redden in his gaze. “You feel comfy, Darling?” He asked in a low tone, with a small smile. You nodded, going over to your bed, a small wince escaped your lips, carefully leaning back onto the soft sheets of the bed.
You looked over at Demetri, as his eyes were already locked onto you. “When are you leaving?” You asked in a mumble. Demetri sighed shaking his head, “I’m not. Not till morning. I can’t leave you… Not again.” Demetri murmured as his voice broke. You nodded at him, as you patted the spot next to you. “Do you uh… Wanna lay with me?” You whispered, as Demetri heard your heart beat quicken, in the same way it did earlier that day. He gave you a small smirk and walked over, you felt the bed dip from his weight as you were faced with his crimson eyes, boring into yours. Demetri snaked his cold arm around you cautiously pulling you into his chest, looking for any sign of distress. You returned the feeling, moving to curl into his side. Your head rested in the crook of his neck, while your hand found its way to his cold one, Demetri got the hint, as he intertwined his cold fingers with your warm ones, giving you a sweet smile. “Metri, I feel safer with you.” You said just above a whisper. If Demetri’s undead heart could beat, it would have in that moment. “Of course, Darling. I intend on keeping you safe. You’re not just my blood singer, you’re my mate. You are my other half.” Demetri said, running is other hand through your hair, giving your scalp a soft massage. You closed your eyes, suddenly feeling really tired as Demetri continued this. You nuzzles your face into his shoulder more, giving into sleep, as your eyes fluttered closed, and your breathing slowed.
Demetri looked at your sleeping form, and his heart melted. You trusted him enough to let him hold you in your most vulnerable state. He places a soft kiss to you head, as he listened to the soft thumps of your heart beat, making him feel more guilty. But there was a reason as to why Demetri was there. And the secret he was keeping from you, killed him inside. Especially because he had fallen in love with you.
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
Hihi!! 🎉 congratulations 🎉 on your milestone! Ive always been so impressed by how you write angst & hurt/comfort and admire your range!
for your event, may i request a classic, romantic character x reader matchup, both sfw and nsfw? info about me: my love languages are physical touch and acts of service. i like to cook, read novels, draw, and dance to kpop songs in my spare time. I cant help being quiet and reserved when I meet people but if I'm close to someone I'll talk nonstop and we'll joke around a lot. I'm going to school for Pharmacy but if I got to chase my dreams i'd open a cafe with my friends that also acts as a bookstore/bar (after hours)/bakery and we'd call it The Bad B's. I'm also bi so you can pair me with either guys or girls!
💞: Kanroji Mitsuri
“Lovers dance when they’re feeling in love,” might be her favorite lyric, pulse stuttering warmly as she dramatically waltzes you around the kitchen; gaze brimming with devotion as she pretends to drop you; bright laughter spilling across the stovetop, prancing along the overhead light, caressing the flush of your skin; as you squeal loudly, “MITSURI!” Her palm presses firmly against your back, your head inches from the floor, body tilted in an admittedly impressive dip, “Yes, my love?” Melting in your exasperated huff as your face warms, lips so close you can taste the shine of her lipgloss, “You almost dropped me!” Promptly lifting you upright, forehead touching yours with unwavering certainty, “I would never!”
keeps a lonnng list of your book recommendations. Is she a slow(er) reader? Maybe. Does she intend to dwell in all the worlds you’ve visited? To fall in love with all the characters you’ve met? To giggle and sob and yell at pages once cherished by you, now passed on to her? Absolutely.
18+NSFW below
frequently wakes you up via orgasm. You’re utterly breathtaking—ethereal—in the morning, sunlight skimming your eyelashes, sheets tangled between your legs ~just so, mouth slightly parted in an adorable, sensual manner. “G’morning baby,” she grins cheekily, chin resting on your pelvic bone as you blink unsteadily, thighs trembling, “Feel good?” Cooing proudly when you nod, sleepy fingers curling into her hair as you mumble contently, “Feels great,” your eyes closing again, indulgent moan building in your lungs, “Why’d you stop?” The tip of her tongue flicking happily at your clit, thick murmur hot on your skin, “Don’t worry honey,” trailing wet kisses down your pretty folds, “Was only taking a moment to say hello.”
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vvitchering · 4 years
I love, LOVE, your writing! Would you be up for some hurt/comfort Gesekel? I'm a sucker for it, especially along the lines of Geralt thinking Eskel has died on the path but then he shows up with his grin and the whole "you should know better Wolf". 💜
I’m so happy to hear that you enjoy my writing ;w; I write for you guys so getting feedback like this literally fuels me. I am also a sucker for hurt/comfort so you are absolutely in luck~
It’s never a pretty sight when he makes his way through settlements ravaged by the war. As Nilfgaard pushes ever northward, the people suffer. Geralt is used to carnage wrought by mindless creatures, but seeing the violence done by men to men makes his stomach turn. The bright side, if it can be called a bright side, is that with war comes death, and with death come monsters. War can be profitable for witchers, if there is coin left to be paid. 
He’s just north of White Orchard, in one such town left ransacked and bloody by a skirmish. The notice board had been covered in desperate pleas for assistance with the encroaching necrophages, drawn in by the stench of blood and bodies. Ghouls and Algouls looking to make meals of the dead would quickly move on to living prey once the bodies were devoured. A witcher was needed. Geralt holds one of the contract offers in his hand as he talks to the barkeep at the town’s tavern, one of the only buildings left intact. 
“Ghouls were a big problem, yeah, but you’re a bit late. Another witcher beat you to them, though that might be to your benefit.”
Geralt frowns. He doesn’t often encounter other witchers. They tend to stick to their own territories. 
“And how is that to my benefit exactly.” Geralt asks, already mentally counting his losses. If this town was already clean, he had a week at least to go before he again encountered a settlement big enough to find work in. 
The barkeep gives him a slightly sympathetic look.
“He drove out the flesh eaters, but they still got ‘im in the end. Poisonous bite, you know? Got ‘im right in the neck and it wasn’t long before he stopped moving. Real shame. Wasn’t a bad guy for a witcher, had a bit of good humor about 'im, even with that scarred face of his.”
Geralt’s heart speeds up despite himself. There are plenty of witchers with facial scars. It’s not him. 
He asks the barkeep to describe the good humored witcher. 
Brown hair, strong jaw, wide nose, and terrible scars that disfigured the side of his face and twisted his mouth. 
Geralt’s blood chills in his veins. It’s not possible. No way he’d let something as mundane as a ghoul take him out. 
“Friend of yours?” the barkeep asks.
Geralt is reeling, still trying to process the information, still finding loopholes, when the man reaches underneath the bar and produces a long thin object, wrapped in a white sheet. 
“Was gonna try to sell it, but if he was your kin it’s rightfully yours.”
Any doubt Geralt was trying to hold onto vanishes as he pushes aside the sheet. It’s a witcher’s silver sword, adorned with runes as familiar as the ones on his own sword, and altered at the grip to be easier for larger hands to wrap around comfortably. It’s Eskel’s, unquestionably. And no witcher would let his silver out of his sight unless...
“Where.” Geralt bites out. “Where is he.”
“The body? Dragged ‘im to the old oak by the hill. Couldn’t spare the labor to bury ‘im, you understand, but it seemed the least we could do for his help.”
Geralt snatches Eskel’s sword from the bar and leaves as quickly as his feet can carry him. He leaves Roach tethered outside and takes off at a run toward the hill he can see by the edge of the town. It’s a mistake. It has to be. It can’t be, the evidence is in his hands, but it must be. 
There’s a figure resting at the base of a huge oak that looms into view the closer he gets to the hill. It’s not him. It can’t be him.
Geralt skids to a stop. Falls to his knees in the dirt, the sword slipping from his hands to rest in front of him. 
Eskel is splattered with dried but foul smelling blood and his armor is ripped and tattered. The townspeople must have arranged him in the dignified position he laid in; back straight, eyes closed, his steel sword resting on his chest. They’ve laid him to rest like they would a respected warrior, albeit one who they couldn’t spare the resources to bury or burn.
There’s a high pitched agonized whine coming from somewhere. It takes Geralt a moment to realize it’s coming from his own throat. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew this day would come. No witcher ever died in his bed. But for it to be Eskel, already... They were both still young, by witcher standards, barely men, not even at their first hundred years. And Eskel was gone. 
Distantly, Geralt registers that he’s crying. He feels lightheaded, like his soul is trying to escape and go somewhere else, like it can’t stand to exist in a reality where Eskel does not. Geralt shuffles forward on his knees until Eskel is close enough to touch. He bends over the fallen witcher and presses his face to his neck, searching for his scent, one last memory to hold onto. 
Eskel’s lightning storm essence is there still, underneath the putrid stink of necrophage blood. Geralt breaths it in, greedy, desperate, tears dripping from his face to Eskel’s neck and leaving tracks in the filth there. 
And then he hears it. A weak fluttering thud. A heartbeat. Geralt freezes, doesn’t even dare to breath, lest he destroy himself all over again with false hope. 
A moment passes. Then another. 
The dull thud sounds again. 
He’s alive. 
The relief is sudden and all consuming. Geralt collapses, curls around Eskel as best he can with all of their armor between them, and lets his sobs shake him apart. Eskel’s heart is slow, slower than even a witcher’s should be, and his chest doesn’t move at all for how shallow his breaths are, but he’s alive. 
He’s alive.
Geralt tries to match his breaths to Eskel’s and finds himself slipping into meditation. Eskel is clearly on a deeper level than Geralt has ever experienced, if being handled and transported by humans and having his sword taken from him didn’t draw him out of the trance. Geralt drifts, exhausted by both his grief and his joy, and only stirs when he feels the pillow he’s made of Eskel’s chest shift under him. 
Eskel groans and it’s the most beautiful sound Geralt has ever heard in his life. He sits up in a hurry and snakes a hand under Eskel’s neck to help the larger witcher sit up. His eyes are open and his pupils shrink and grow rapidly as he blinks and reorients himself. His gaze lands on Geralt and he smiles.
“Could’ve used you here a few days ago.”
His voice is rough and dry, but the deep tones are instantly comforting.
“You so far off your game you let a few ghouls turn you into a chew toy?” Geralt teases.
Eskel rolls his eyes and and moves to rotate his shoulder until it pops satisfyingly. He stretches his neck, producing a similar crack, and Geralt catches a glimpse of the half healed bite wound on Eskel’s neck. The barkeep’s story had been true, then. He brings a hand up to smooth down Eskel’s collar and lightly brush over the angry red skin. Eskel hisses and slaps his hand away.
“Gonna scar.” Eskel says gloomily. “I’ll never live it down.”
“You will. You’ll live.”
Geralt means it to sound light and humorous, but the look Eskel gives him says his joke didn’t quite land the way he’d hoped. 
“I’m fine. It was just a ghoul. Got me in a hell of a shitty spot, but it’ll take more than that to get rid of me.”
“I know, its just...They told me you died. You looked dead. I couldn’t hear your heart.”
Eskel reaches up and slides his fingers through Geralt’s hair to cup the back of his head. He pulls lightly, bringing Geralt close enough to knock foreheads with him. It’s an action that they’d done since they were children at Kaer Morhen, their own special way of being close. Geralt can hear Eskel’s heart now, beating away strong and loud in his chest. 
“I’m sorry I scared you. I really am fine.” Eskel says quietly, rubbing absently at Geralt’s scalp with the hand buried in the white strands. 
Geralt leans into the pressure for a moment and then pulls away, clearing his throat after the emotional display.
“Don’t fucking do it again.” Geralt says, feigning annoyance. 
Eskel laughs and Geralt once again has a new favorite sound. 
“Yeah, sure, Wolf. I’ll do my best.”
:’) well that certainly got away from me. I hope this makes up for how long it took me to answer!!
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bts5sosempire · 5 years
Yandere! BTS Reaction: Trap & Bound
A/n: *risen from the dead* I-I'm...alive!
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Pairing: Yandere! Bts x Reader
Words: 1,663
Content: Slight mention of abuse, toxic relationship, horror/ thriller, delusional, force relationship, drugs, manipulation, etc.
Prompt: “Take care of me will you?”
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Kim Seokjin:
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Sitting in front of your vanity mirror with such a petrified look as you do your best to calm down and try not to breakdown. Jin was behind you, combing your luscious locks as he glides a comb down smoothly to tame the messy tresses. Never would you have thought this person was capable of being a monster.
Jin was everything a person would've wanted in their life before everything went downhill. He was charismatic, so funny with his lame puns and jokes, and to the point your parents liked him.
Hell, the reason why you're sitting in front of a vanity and being decorated like a bride for a wedding…that is was is happening now.
“You look so pretty,” he complimented before leaning down next to your face and smiles at you in the mirror. It would've sounded nice but the fact that you can see your parents mangled bodies behind you through the reflection is very off-putting. Clenching your hands together into fists, Jin chuckles, “Since you're gonna be a Kim alongside with me,” he then utter those words that cause dread to set within you.
Min Yoongi:
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Breathing deeply as you feel another convulsion of a shock going through you again. You shaking hands grips the knife tightly in your hands.
Silently sobbing into the dark, you can't prevent any sounds coming out from your throat as the images of people who were precious to you like jewels lay dead in their own pool of blood.
“What do you want from me Yoongi?!” You scream angrily into the dark narrow hallway that was almost deprived of any light but was saved but a lone candle that seems to be walking closer to you in the hands of someone.
“What do I want from you?” Yoongi mocks your question rhetorically before a slight laugh and scoff came from them. “That's a good question,” he brings the candle closer to his face to show there was blood splatter across as it glint by the light. “Since you've made me so crazy for you and you're all I ever see in my head,” he stalks closer to your face and held the candle closer to you both, and whisper those words to you so soft and dangerous.
The candle then was blown out as a scream echo out.
Jung Hoseok:
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Faintly tracing the marred scars on your collarbone you look at your haggard self in the mirror. Dried blood smear on your lips due to being abused. Tired eyes from the lack of sleep. Bruises of handprints litter on your body due to being mistreated.
The sound of the door being knock open at the front brought you back from reality. Quickly putting your clothes—that was given by Hoseok, you open the bathroom door and fear overtook your body. Your heart was hammering loudly in your ears and it feels like it wants to bust out from your chest.
“(Name)!” Hoseok shouted in the house. He sounded angry by the tone and use of your name.
Slowly approaching the man, he throws a knife pass your head that implanted deeply on a dartboard and you stop walking immediately and close your eyes in fright.
“What took you so long? Also, did I tell you to stop walking?” His eyes dangerously narrow at you and you shook your head as a ‘no’ to appease him. Continue towards him, his mood shifted immediately to a happy one you recognize during the first few months of dating him. “Come here,” he opens his lap for you while extending a hand out at you.
Slowly accepting his hold, he pulls you into his lap and you tense up. It's not like he cares anyway. “Since I have been so nice to you for so long, why don't you…” He whispers out while one of his hands glides underneath your shirt.
Kim Namjoon:
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Hands clutching onto a much stronger one as the feeling of life is being depleted from you every second. Water spills everywhere from the bathtub from the frantic kicking and erratic movements.
Namjoon pulls you out of the tub of ice cold water and you gasp out for air. He tosses the glasses he was wearing somewhere in the bathroom as his white dress shirt was drench in water, which shows his chest and his stomach.
You were coughing and shivering in the bathtub. You were also sure that your lips were purple too.
“I've been patient (Name), and you're just taking advantage of it.” He was calm, and you can see he was disappointed in you. “I also expect much better behavior from you from now on.” Namjoon took off his tie and start to unbuttoned his wet see-through shirt. “Get out of the bath and drain the water, draw me a warmer one.” He then proceeds to pull you up from the bathtub by the arm. One of his arms snake around your waist that spare no personal space.
Namjoon then whispers those words slow and seductive, which cause you to squirm in his hold.
Park Jimin:
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You never thought something so innocent and pure would destroy your world overnight like this. Sitting in front of you was Jimin who happily talk to you minus the mess of dismembering corpses blood and bodies were everywhere in the room.
“Noona did you listen to me?” The man pouted and shook you slightly. Snapping back to reality, you stutter out a few incoherent words in fear. Seeing you try to answer him he just giggles at you. He thought it was cute how you were so afraid of him, “It's okay,” one of his bloodied hand went to your face, “I get that being newlyweds must be kind of shocking.”
“What do you mean newlyweds?” Your question makes the man pout again, and you gulp nervously at what he was about to say.
“I ask if you were okay that today we are married to each other, and you nodded. I even ask the part of wanting children too and you also nodded.”
Oh fuck, you're so screwed.
Jimin then grasp your hands tightly and pull you across the table to him, “You won't lie to me right?” You were so afraid that his eyes darken and you just nodded at what he said. “Great!” He let's go of your hands and clap his hands together, “Let's get started!” What Jimin said next didn't match his cheerful manner, those words that he said only makes you more afraid.
Kim Taehyung:
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Nothing seems to register to you, every time you look at the paper the world seems to spin around you. “Dr. Kim,” you childishly called out to Taehyung who was busy giving you a drug through the IV drip that'll keep your mind like a child, “I don't understand this!”
Taehyung snatch the paper from you and scan the paper, “Where do you get this?”
“I got it from outside! Doesn't the girl in the paper look like me?” Proudly telling him, the man hit your face. This made you whimper as you feebly hold your cheek in pain.
“What did I tell about the outside world?”
Cowering under his tone you can't help it but cry. “Y-You told me not to go outside and to never do it.”
“Good that you remember, and yet you still do it,” he then pulls out an electrical rod from a drawer, “but there is punishment for consequences too.”
Your eyes widen and you start to hyperventilating in your chair. “I'm sorry please don't hurt me!”
“You do know how hard it is for me to take care of you don't you? But I can let this slip if you'll be willing to please me.” That somehow made your ears perk up. “If you're willing to take care of me and help me lure the bastard who had handed you that flyer then I can let this go.” There was a smirk from him and a dark glint in your eyes. And without hesitation, you told him, ‘yes’ and that made him happy.
Jeon Jungkook:
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Chain to the bed headboard you try to tugged the cuff links just to make sure that there would be a defect in the links.
“What are you doing baby?”
You look at the door to found an amuse Jungkook who cocks a brow at you while leaning against the doorframe. Blowing hair out if your face you just roll your eyes at him and throw your head back into the pillows.
Jungkook heavy boots approach your prison form. The man looms over you. He grabs your jaws and let his thumb caress the bruise underneath before pressing it and this cause you to lash out violently at him in pain. But the cuffs prevent you from doing it so.
“You don't like it when I'm being nice nor mean to you, so you better pick a side and stick to it, baby.” Palming your face with his callous hand be gives a few slaps. You spit at Jungkook and he just chuckles, “Guess mean it is.”
He then presses a finger at the barely close wound on your stomach and you scream in pain as he digs it deeper to open it back up. Sinister as he is, he can replace the devil anytime.
Taking his finger out he then drew a heart on your unbruised side of the face. Blood seeps out from the wound. “I can be nice sometimes, all you had to do is just swallow your pride and submit to me.” He then drums his fingers down your bloodied stomach, “But then again, it's your turn so…”
His sweet voice says such words that sound so vehemently in your mind makes you wish you were dead.
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