#i'm bad at sharing my ideas without a specific focus to filter them through
livesincerely · 4 years
It’s been a while but do you have anything new to share about the quarantine fic? I’ve been pretty obsessed with the domestic au, and still want more, but I am also very much looking forward to the quarantine fic too.
I really need to get on this one soon, huh? Or I’m gonna miss the window where this fic would relevant. (Well, let’s be real, the window has probably already passed, not that that’s gonna stop me lol)
So I genuinely haven’t touched the quarantine since I answered the original ask and made my little outline... 😅 But I still really want to explore it! It will either be the next thing I work on after I finish one of my current wips, or I might be able to find a way to add it to the current rotation? 
It would take longer to finish any single fic if I’m working on take a shot, tie fic, and quarantine fic all at the same time, but I could probably make it happen if people really want it.
But anyway...
Quarantine fic will feature:
clothes sharing
bed sharing
tons of domestic fluff: watching tv together where one of them rests their head in the other’s lap and they play with their hair, cooking and sharing meals together, having a morning routine, sharing study space where they both have to work on different assignments but still want be near each other. There’s so much underrated intimacy in the little rituals you share with someone.
The newsies already had a long-standing weekly skype session where they play online games and chat--these are even more important now that quarantine is keeping human interaction to a minimum. And it’s immediately obvious to them how much more cheerful Jack and Davey are now that they get to spend a significant amount of time together, not just stolen moments at holidays and a few weeks in the summer. Sidebar: Crutchie and Race usually spend a lot of time during the school year listening to Jack whine about how much he misses Davey. The biggest mystery of their lives is how the two most co-dependent morons they know ended up going to college across the country from each other. 
Davey being sleepy and grumpy in the morning while Jack makes heart eyes at how adorable it is
I’d love to just... showcase how good for each other Jack and Davey are? Because they balance each other out and bolster each others strengths and I’d love to find some kind of way to explore that. And now that they’re living together, they honestly can’t figure out how they made it so long without the other (and are dreading the day Davey gets the all clear to fly home)
I really want a scene where they get tired of being cooped up in the house and just go for a drive. They pack snacks and Jack brings his sketch pad, a blank canvas, and some paints and they end up pulling off the side of the road and having a little picnic in the Santa Fe desert. Davey sits on the hood of the car and reads, music from the radio floating out the windows, and Jack works on a new painting. And it’s just a little slice of tranquility amongst the COVID chaos
(I also kinda want to give Davey a switch because I think I’d be hilarious if he had a major slight Animal Crossing addiction. He makes Jack help him with creating pixel art custom designs because he wants his island to look juuuuuuust right.)
But yeah, that’s the current state of things! 
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