#i'm back for drawing ocs which I probably won't draw again for the next ten months
onikiribattousai · 7 months
Making a Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss ocsona despite the fact I know only a little about those shows
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Her name is Mairi Kokuhime, simply known as Mai/May for short, she was based on Ushi no toki mairi/Ushi no koku mairi (some sort of Voodoo ritual in Japan). Mairi is known for her habit for biting nails on her mouth which was disgusting and dangerous (luckily, it was a long 5 inch nails), she uses her dagger to gain her target's body parts, like hair or blood to curse them, she can also produce more straw dolls from her big straw voodoo doll on her back and manipulate nails and can use long range curse with her hammer. In her awakened form, she can used those dolls like the western version of voodoo dolls, a lot of rumors said that she has a power that can surprass overlord in hell due to her cursing method that can affect anyone, including exorcists and overlords, yet she often denies it.
Despite her gentle appearance, Mairi is actually pretty sadistic and unhinged which was the reason why she became Alastor's partner.
The candles on her head were her horns, the color of tye flames can change colors and size depending on her mood
Her Catchphrase/Quotes:
Taste the curse of my straw voodoo dolls, you motherf******ker
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bumblevoid · 2 months
do you want to hear a bit about my au as i'm working on the long fic? hit read more! long post.
do have no clue what this au is?
it's a kaden lives au! it starts off in the middle of rift apart, in kedaro station. ratchet, wearing the robot disguise armor, falls into the lombax dimension and gets mistaken as a robot.
after a few shenanigans that is the not yet done first chapter, ratchet is joined by the interdimensional division in trying to fix the dimensional cataclysm and, of course, find clank again.
below are the au ref sheets & backstories for the interdimensional division! since ive been having fun with the timeline and a lot of details probably won't come up
starting off: Kaden!
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this version of kaden just barely survived his fight with tachyon. he may have survived by being thrown into blizon so hard it shattered and brought him to the lombax dimension, but it wasn't an easy fight before that. he lost his left ear and lower arm to an explosion.
during the genocide, kaden had thought his family made it out, and he was not the one to hide ratchet on veldin. in the thirty years since, he lost himself to depression and grief for a long while. but eventually he started to find a new normal after the loss of his family.
kaden is currently the "keeper of keepers", the title for the head of the keepers which is one the divisions in d&d au. he is also a member of the interdimensional division, and formerly part of the praetorian guard. he and mags met when he was assigned to keep mage safe in other dimensions, which eventually evolved to him being made the keeper of the dimensionator.
next up: mags!
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first id just like to say i did draw this before id designed his prosthetic finger. if you want to see that in more detail there's a drawing a ways back!
now, mags is everything he is in canon and a lot more. he grew up during the great war and in his 20s acted as a translator for any and all alliances the lombaxes had. he was a linguist, and spoke nearly every language native to polaris. when the war ended and the interdimensional division began, he joined and proved very useful in exploring other dimensions with his knowledge of language. he helped to establish the research colony on savali, and was eventually selected for the first solo cross dimensional exploration mission.
it was meant to last five years, where he'd be hopping through some dimensions and spending more time in them to learn. the people he encountered in the first dimension were hostile and he ended up on a rainforest planet in a second dimension with a non-functional dimensionator. it took him nearly ten years to fix it with the limited resources there, but he came back as soon as he could.
when he came back it had been not ten years, but seven and a half centuries. it took him a while to accept that everything had changed and everyone he knew was long gone, but now he's doing fairly well.
mags is the head of the interdimensional division! while the division is mostly gone now, it was actually the biggest that made it to the lombax dimension. without the ability to travel dimensions anymore, nearly all of them spread out into other divisions.
now, the two ocs. the interns. they both have plot relevant reasons to be in the fic as much as they are, im just not going to spoil those :3
firstly, niven! not a new face to this blog haha
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niven is a bit of a prodigy in robotics. there isn't a specific robotics division, though, so they ended up studying interdimensional research at the academy. and while they have graduated already, they aren't quite old enough to be a full member of the division, so they're just an intern.
they were born in the lombax dimension after the city had mostly been built again. the population is still small, and niven ended up skipping a lot of grades. they found themselves lonely, and built a friend, M-01. they're almost never apart now.
aaaand, M-01! also known as Millie or Mellon
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she's a robot that niven built to be their friend. she's a bit sassy, and enjoys tinkering with random things. where niven enjoys robotics, millie enjoys making practical upgrades to things.
first and foremost, mellon is a companion. but she also likes racing. she wasn't programmed with a calculator and loves to rag on niv for it.
yeah! there's the interdimensional division of denial & disguises. the first chapter is about halfway done, and these guys first appear there! mags and kaden got oneshots already, though i do need to edit a few timeline things in the first one.
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curiousconch · 4 years
Chapter 6 of Ricochet (An Open Heart AU)
Catch up here: Series Masterlist
Chapter Synopsis: Heather is taken hostage, but by whom? And she isn't alone. Rafael and Bryce set tries to find the missing link.
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x MC (Dr. Heather Song) | Bryce Lahela x MC (Dr. Heather Song)
Words: 1.4k+ | Genre: Crime, Suspense/Thriller, Romance
Rating/Warnings: Mature (16+) / violence, language
Author's Notes: Thank you so much for taking time to read this series. Please let me know if you want me to include/remove you in the tags list. Also, disclaimer: Majority of the characters are owned by Pixelberry, except the main character Heather Song and an OC Jordan Anderson.
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Heather was due for another week in Johns Hopkins. So even though she didn't feel up to it after last night's fiasco, she forced herself to pack her clothes from the washer and clean out her temporary room.
She snuck glances to Bryce's bedroom door, trying to muster up the courage to face him and apologize. She was drunk last night. Drunk people make the lousiest mistakes, especially when that person is an emotional wreck. Long kept secrets of the heart creep up to the surface, often loaded with regrets like ticking time bombs inevitably blowing up the next morning.
In the end, she decided not to tell him her impassioned speech about nothing good ever happens after 2am, a reference from their shared favorite sitcom. Instead, she washed and cleaned and packed, and when the time came, left without a single word. She thought it was best to leave him be, giving them both space to process what they've just revealed. They'll just deal with it after she's done with her commitments in Maryland.
So she booked a car. And with one silent goodbye, she stepped out into the empty hallways. Her steps felt heavy against the carpeted floors, feeling more and more rueful with each. She was about to turn to the elevator bay when the fire exit flew open behind her.
Before she could turn around to see, an arm grabbed her by the waist while a piece of cloth covered her mouth and nose, muffling her shouts for help. Her head began spinning almost immediately. It wasn't long before she completely blacked out.
When Heather came to, she only saw darkness. Her immediate reaction was to scream, only to whimper after realizing she was gagged. Panic rose within her chest, as she struggled to think straight. She tried to blink to no avail. She was living in a nightmare, and she badly wanted to wake up. So she had two choices - either be a victim or be a survivor.
She chose the latter.
With that, she began to assess her surroundings, using her limited capabilities. She could tell that her eyes were covered, and by the tingling pain in her wrists behind her, she knew she was tied up. Strangely, her ankles were free. While most of her senses were restrained, those that weren't became magnified.
Her back felt the hard floor, she banged her head against it, confirming her theory.
Concrete? Uneven. Unfinished?
She tried to stand up, her legs felt weak, almost like jelly. She tried another time, and succeeded on kneeling. She balanced herself and used her legs to stand up, one after another.
She heard the sound of plastic rustling in the wind, and the cold night air brushing against her face.
Seems like I'm somewhere cold. Is that wind coming from large windows?
All of a sudden, she heard voices. The sounds were inaudible, but she observed intense shifts in the faint conversation.
Two voices, another room? Are they arguing?
She tried to direct herself towards the voices, taking caution not to make a noise. The volume gradually increased, aiding her to understand the conversation clearly enough.
"You're one hour late and you didn't bring enough."
"Such a whiney brat. Did you get that from juvy?"
"It's a mystery why someone haven't punched you and your perfect teeth."
"Some guy already did. But you? I bet ten grand you wouldn't. You're just a piece of shit without my funding."
"Right, without your pockets lined with cash, what are you?"
"Uh, free man with lots of connections?"
The words didn't make sense to her, but the voices that threw them around sounded familiar. She strained to get closer, trying to think who they could possibly be. Before she could hear more, she stumbled, her body making a noisy thud as it quickly planted on the ground. She felt something hard scrape against her cheek, a warm liquid trickled after, then pain.
She shifted her head sideways, her legs dangling over something she couldn't quite figure out from the thick fabric of her jeans. Then it moved.
She gasped and retrieved her legs, her mind racing.
Who is it? Bryce? Rafael?
Her anxiety rose as she struggled with the mere possibility that she wasn't the only one kidnapped. The danger of the situation suddenly becoming more grave.
Then the body elicited a groan, a sound similar with her failed attempt to scream earlier. She heard it grumble once more, and then again. It was in the third time that Heather finally figured out who the voice might belong to.
Senator Ed Farrugia's.
Like a bucket of ice, a bone-chilling realization came to her. If they went all this way to hostage the senator, what's gonna stop them from killing her?
Her panicked thoughts were invaded by the sound of steps approaching. In an instant, she felt that she was shoved upright in a sitting position. The same person grabbed her by the collar and dragged her body back to where she came from, making her bare feet blister and bleed against the rough surface. Her face touched edges of plastic as her body followed the steps of her attacker. She tried to swallow her screams in an attempt to preserve energy, but the hairs at the back of her neck gave her fear away. She was then banged against a wall, followed by silence.
A set of steps receded, probably of the person who just dragged her back to her original place. This was quickly replaced by another set of steps, producing a distinct tapping. Different shoes, different person. First one seems like running shoes, this one sounds like leather.
Without warning, her hair was pulled backwards, making her wail beneath the cloth in her mouth. She smelled the scent of cigarettes.
"You just won't go down without a fight, eh? Well good for you, doctor. This will be all the more enjoyable."
Finally giving in on her fears, she shivered. She knew that voice anywhere. It was a sound so despicable that she hated it ever since the first time she heard it. The one man who mocked her, brought her down since her intern year. Arrogant, ambitious and immoral. All the curse words in the world couldn't describe this person. It belonged to a man she never wanted to see, hear, nor be in the presence of ever.
It was the greatest scumbag of all time.
Declan Nash.
Rafael was in full blown recon mode for Senator Farrugia's disappearance when he learned that Heather was also missing. Elijah called in to check if she has contacted him for the last 12 hours, he wished she did, but he told him no. When he got off the phone, the conference room he was in suddenly felt crowded.
"Dr. Song is apparently missing too," he reported to the rest of the team working on the Farrugia case. "Let's find where and when she was last seen, and start from there. I have a hunch she's going to lead us to the senator." He called IT to extract Heather's phone logs and location pings before he stepped out for a moment to process this new information. He found himself slumping in the fire exit stairwell, feeling an urge to punch the wall.
When he was about to act on it, his phone rang. It was ADA Lahela.
"Have you heard?"
"Yes, I just got off the phone with Elijah."
"And Senator Ed?"
"Yes, we're trying to find leads for the past 3 hours since we were notified."
"Okay, have you checked her phone records?"
"IT is working on it now."
"Okay. She supposedly left the condo around 4am this morning. I heard her leave. That might be a good starting point."
Rafael made a mental note.
"I'm going to meet Perry. He's in the front and center of this thing. I'll let you know as soon as I come up with anything." Raf heard Bryce say, after which the line ended.
He felt like an idiot, a sinking feeling of regret drawing him in. But he couldn't wallow in it now. Not until they find her.
There's time for that later. Right now, Heather needs me.
Fired up with resolve, he went out of the desolate stairwell and worked. He immediately followed up on Heather’s phone logs and available electronic records. He also called up field agents to go down at Bryce's complex for a copy of CCTV footage for the past 24 hours.
Once the instructions were handed over, he focused on Travis Perry. He helped himself to a cup of black coffee, willing his mind to stay sharp. He pored over Perry's file, searching for anything they may have missed.
He sighed, pushing back his emotions to the back of his mind. It's quickly becoming one of the longest nights of his life.
Author’s Notes 2: When I wrote this, I thought of merging this with the next. I just felt that they're best read together. So instead of combining the two, I've decided to publish both chapters simultaneously. Both is packed, I know, even I got dizzy writing it. But I hope you'll enjoy the roller coaster ride as much as I did. Appreciate it if you could share your thoughts!
Taglist: @ramsey-lahela @eleanorbloom @choicesficwriterscreations
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