#i'm baaaaaaaack!
howlinchickhowl · 2 years
Oh ho ho HO HOHO!! What's this? What's this?! I'm alive and well and doing tags on the day that I get tagged in them? Surely not! WELL IT'S HAPPENING FOLKS I am finished with school for the year and back being a clown on the internet, I do hope you all didn't forget about me.
I got tagged today by @gallawitchxx @celestialmickey and @metalheadmickey to do this cute pinterest tag game, so I made a pinterest account, and here we are!
Rules: go to pinterest, search {your name} + core aesthetic and create a mood board from the first nine images.
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I used my real name and you know what. It's a vibe.
tagging @sleepyfacetoughguy @whatwouldmickeydo @energievie @greggster @squidyyy23 @thisdivorce @abundanceofnots and @vintagelacerosette if you haven't done it yet, and if you have, hey! how you doing? <3
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So I uh hit post instead of "save as draft" to prep for so we've got this a couple days early.
Anyway BUSY SEASON IS OVER! I have the brainpower for the fic again! \o/
First chapter: HERE
Recap: HERE
Enjoy! (And cry). NGL, this chapter is on the heavy side and I had to stare at a wall for a bit while writing it.
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why just say the jiang have an unnatural tolerance for spice? why not all flavor? Poisonously bitter, super sour, ultra sweet, the burn of the strongest alcohol, the jiang adore the extremes of flavor and still have very discerning palates and people with iron stomachs are WIMPS compared to the stomach resilience of the jiang, it wasn't on purpose but a true jiang is next to impossible to poison (which definitely helped Jin Ling when he's in Koi Tower)
Despite knowing that they were in the deepest, most isolated safe room in Koi tower, Jin Guangtong couldn't help keeping his voice low. "Thank you for meeting us here. Your... services are greatly appreciated, we assure you."
His fellow conspirators ducked and bowed their heads in agreeing acknowledgements, which went ignored by their guest who sprawled on his cushion like a drunken commoner. "Glad to be here," he grinned, vaguely sarcastic. "What services did you have in mind, exactly?"
"The new Jin-zongzhu." Jin Guangtong didn't think beating around the bush would get them anywhere.
Their guest---blast the man for refusing to give his real name---blinked. "Wow, I didn't think you Jin were capable of being that direct. You want the brat snuffed, eh? Not gonna just use him as your figurehead? Seems like that'd be more your type of thing. What, did his spirit dog shit in your shoes or something?"
The handful of other nobles around the table started blurting out their complaints, heedless of order or dignity. "He's punishing bribery!" "Had my nephew executed for a harmless bit of fun with a servant girl!" "He's auditing the tax collection!"
Jin Guangtong cleared his throat. "The brat is, unfortunately, intractable. Comes from being raised by that asshole of an uncle in Yunmeng. I'm afraid the boy is... idealistic and unwilling to adapt to the realities of ruling such a large and complex network such as Lanling Jin."
Their guest nodded pensively, scratching at his jaw. "I can see your problem. I've got one more question, though. Not to be ungrateful for your admittedly generous payment offer, but why not do it yourself?"
"His lineage is extremely strong," Jin Guangtong sniffed. "The highest pedigree, which means that his golden core is exceptionally strong."
"Plus he's been trained by that paranoid maniac since he was toddling around that backwater swamp," someone to his left muttered.
Jin Guangshan threw a quelling glare over his shoulder, though of course, they had a point. Jiang Wanyin's training had been rigorous to the extreme due to both his and his nephew's insistence that the latter be able to wield the formidable Jin Zixuan's sword when he came of age. And since Rulan would be unlikely to match the sword's strength at first, those Yunmeng bastards had taught him to be deadly with a bow. Because apparently there was no kill like overkill at Lotus Pier.
And speaking of overkill. "We in Lanling Jin are certainly not... unfamiliar with poisons. However, between the strength of the boy's core and the inevitable wrath of Sandu Shengshou, it is imperative that the poison be untraceable as well as effective. Preferably something innocuous that can be chalked up as a tragic accident. A food he is allergic to, perhaps."
Their guest barked out in laughter. "Wait! Wait a minute... you said the kid was raised in Yunmeng, right? And you think he has a food allergy?!"
Jin Guangtong drew himself up in irritation, unnoticed by the cackling man in front of him. "I don't see why not! In fact, noble though our lineage is, our blood has always had a weakness to-"
"Look, look, I understand where you're coming from, I do!" the mysterious man wheezed. "It's just... well, I've spent some time in Yunmeng. In fact, I've even known some Jiang disciples. Frankly, I'm not sure anyone from Lotus Pier can be poisoned!"
"Ridiculous!" another voice scoffed.
"Look," their guest continued, still trying to contain giggles. "The only region that can even compare to Yunmeng for spice is Meishan, and the ruling family of Lotus Pier is half Yu. The whole sect is used to a flavor profile that could kill a Lan at fifty paces, and that's not even taking into account the dares."
Jin Guangtong blinked. "Dares?"
"Oh yeah," their guest drawled, somehow managing to lounge even more. "Those Rangers are insane. The butcher sect might run their people through a crazy level of training, but nothing and no one can survive crazy like a Jiang. They don't even train for it- it's just how they live. Those bastards challenge each other to lick poisoned toads for fun! They will eat anything that comes from the river, no matter how disgusting! And don't even get me started on the so-called 'twelve-day rule'..."
Jin Guangtong decided he didn't want to know. "But surely, as the Jin heir, Sandu Shengshou wouldn't have allowed-"
"Sandu Shengshou?" their guest scoffed. "The man who cobbled together then had to feed an army of massacre survivors and rogue cultivators? The man who spent the first decade of his rule rebuilding his home from a few burnt sticks poking out of---how'd you describe it?---a backwater swamp? The man with the bottomless stomach? Seriously-" he added, abandoning his slouch to stab an emphatic finger into the table. "That man can pack it away like nobody's business. I think his fucking legs are hollow or something...
"Anyway," he continued, lounging once more. "The point is that Sandu Shengshou's perception of what is and isn't edible is... flexible. Especially knowing his shixiong's penchant for supposedly intolerable amounts of chilies."
"Then how do you plan on killing Jin Rulan?" Jin Guangtong spat, throwing his hands up in exasperation.
"Oh, I'm not planning on killing Jin Rulan," their guest grinned, still scratching at his jaw. "I'm planning on killing you!"
Then his scratching fingers began pulling his own face off.
Jin Guangtong and his conspirators all recoiled in horror, a horror that increased one hundred-fold when their guest's discarded face revealed the damnable visage of Yiling Laozu himself!
The reborn master of demonic cultivation twirled the grotesque false face around on his finger. "Neat trick, isn't it? Picked it up from Xue Yang, of all people. Ah well; genius comes in all forms. Now!" He leveled a sinister smile at the gathered men as he raised a black flute to his lips. "Raise your hand if you wanted my beloved nephew dead!"
Eventually, the screams faded away into gurgling, then silence. Jiang Cheng nursed a bottle of wine as he leaned against the secret meeting room's door, still glowing purple from his sealing spell. Some of those fuckers had really made a go at it, but none of these lazy Jin were a match for his own spiritual power.
After the silence reigned for a few moments, the wood against his back rattled with a brief knock as his brother's cheerful voice echoed out. "It's done, Jiang Cheng! You can let me out now!"
Jiang Cheng took another lazy swig. "What's the password?"
"Jiang-zongzhu is a little crybaby bitch who can't put his shoes on correctly," Wei Wuxian's voice snarked back, sounding decidedly annoyed.
"Nope, that's not it," Jiang Cheng answered, wiggling the bottle so that the sloshing liquid was audible. "Damn, this really is good wine."
"Jiang Cheeeeennnnnnggggg," Wei Wuxian whined from the other side. "You're so meeeeeaaaaaan! Making me do all the hard work-"
"You wouldn't let me kill them, you bastard! Said I had to keep my own hands clean even though they where plotting against my-"
"-while you lounge around drinking Lotus Pier's finest wine like a mean meanie who's mean!"
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes so hard he was pretty sure he got a good look at his own brain. "Gods, you really are three years old, aren't you..."
"Let me out, you asshole! You know my core isn't strong enough just yet!"
He considered the wine bottle in his hand. "Say that Yunmeng wine is better than Emperor's Smile."
A scandalized gasp sounded from behind the door. "You wouldn't!"
"What's the problem? It's true," Jiang Cheng shrugged.
"But Emperor's Smile is so delicate!" Wei Wuxian protested. "It's the perfect balance of-"
"Well I guess I'll just go and find someone who does appreciate Yunmeng wine..."
"Okay, fine! Bastard. Fine, Yunmeng wine is better than Emperor's Smile!"
Smirking, Jiang Cheng released the seal on the door. Wei Wuxian stumbled out of the room that now stank of blood and excrement. Jiang Cheng amiably held out an untouched bottle, which his brother grabbed eagerly.
The deviant spilled half the fucking bottle down his chin as the other half went down his gullet, but smacked his lips like a satisfied toddler. "Hits the spot," he crooned. Mischievous eyes locked with his. "Emperor's Smile is still better, though."
Jiang Cheng snorted. "Traitor."
"Barbarian," Wei Wuxian retorted loftily.
The two bothers clinked their bottles together and took simultaneous sips.
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BIG BSD WINS TODAY: the daughters x2 finally returned, Kenji and Tecchou friendship is real and true, ATSUSHI AND FYODOR FINALLY MET AFTER 118 FUCKING CHAPTERS, and most importantly of all, WE ARE INCEST FREE BABEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
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answermywearyquery · 7 months
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deepsixsquid · 10 months
Splatoon 3 devs be like
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cruciology · 2 years
Morals (Part One)
Summary: You have been traveling with Joel and Ellie for some time, but something has been bothering him.
Joel/Reader Insert
You were always getting into trouble. You could be worse than Ellie sometimes, still unsure of yourself with a knife, even less so with a gun. Joel couldn’t blame you, no matter what he said to you out loud. He told you to get a grip, that he wouldn’t always be there to save your ass but he still made sure he was watching you and Ellie at all times. He didn’t want you to know that though, of course. And the one time he let you out of his sight, you’re bleeding. 
This time wasn’t nearly as bad as when he had first met you, at the Lakeside Resort. You had just taken a spill down some steps getting away from a clicker, getting a nasty two inch slash across your thigh. But still, you didn’t cherish the thought of Joel having to rescue you once again. 
You tried to stand, pulling yourself up on the dusty bannister, but Ellie came rushing in, gun in hand. She spotted you on the steps, shouting your name. 
“Joel! I found her,” her eyes went wide as she took in the blossoming of red on your jeans. You held your hand up, assuring her. 
“I’m okay, it’s just a cut,” You said even as the pain burned up your leg. It hurt like hell, of course, but you would live. “I didn’t get bit, I’m fine, just a little banged up.” 
Joel came rushing to the door, his eyes going to the bloodied leg as well. He shoved Ellie behind him quickly. 
“She wasn’t bit,” Ellie said, looking up at him. 
Did you imagine a sigh of relief? If it was, it was because of Ellie, you were sure. It was the same reason he kept you around at all. You had helped Ellie when he couldn’t and Ellie got attached to you. As much as he would like to play a hard ass, you knew he would give Ellie pretty much anything she wanted. He wouldn’t hear the end of it if he let you die. 
“Get the kit, Ellie,” Joel barked, dropping his bag to the floor. He walked over to you, kneeling down in front of you without looking at your face. You wished you could read his expression. Was he annoyed at you for getting hurt yet again? 
“I’m sorry,” you said, a preemptive strike. Ellie ran up behind him, setting the first aid kit beside him. He popped it open, cleaning his hands of blood and dirt before he did anything. 
“You shouldn’ta run off on your own,” he said, gingerly touching the tear. It split across your mid thigh. He stared at it for a long moment before grabbing both sides of the opening, as if he was going to rip it. You held his hands to stop him. 
“Sorry, these are the only pants I have and I’m not about to walk out of here with my ass out,” you said. Ellie tried not to laugh at Joel’s bewildered face. Before he could get annoyed you lifted your hips, unbuttoning your jeans and sliding them down your legs, careful over the wound, and stopping at your knees. 
Joel paused, not moving or saying anything. His eyes darted to yours for a moment before he went back to what he was doing, now hyper focused cleaning the cut. 
You hadn’t thought it though, but now you looked at yourself, your jeans pulled down and nothing but your panties covering you with his face inches away. You tried not to blush. 
Of course you thought of Joel that way. He saved you on a number of occasions, he was good with Ellie. And god was he good looking, you always had a thing for silver foxes. He was tall and broad and strong. 
But he was older than you by twenty years, you were sure he thought of you like another damsel he had to protect. 
He was gentle for someone with hands that rough. He cleaned your wound and had you bandaged in no time. His pinky finger almost grazed the hem of your panties a few times, each time he flinched away. You wanted to tease him for it, ask him if he was allergic to silk and lace. It’s the one luxury you allowed yourself, especially as it wasn’t hard to find in the wreckage of old malls. No one was really looking for impractical things like that anymore. Which left it all for you to grab when no one was looking. 
You grabbed your jeans, pulling them back up carefully over the fresh bandage. Joel helped you stand, the wrapping tight on your leg. 
“Can you walk?” Joel asked, his hand ready at your waist, just hovering over you enough so you could barely feel it. 
“I’m fine, it didn’t even need stitches,” You said, waving him off.
“I can do stitches,” Ellie offered, her hand raised. 
“She can’t do stitches,” Joel shook his head. 
“Which is fine because I don’t need them, can we take this show on the road?” You asked. Ellie laughed, the kind of laugh that wasn’t necessarily at your joke, but out of relief that you could still make them. 
Joel had told you what she said. She was dead asleep one night, when Joel finally trusted you to be near her when she slept, and he had told you about her fear of being alone, of being abandoned. How he would kill you if you did anything to hurt her. That’s when you had told him about your son, the one David had said he buried after he fell and broke his neck. At only eight years old. Although now you knew that was likely untrue. 
“You look too young to be a mother,” Joel had said. 
“I was,” You had said. He didn’t need you to explain. He had clenched his fists on his legs and you knew exactly what he was thinking. It was what you had thought when you first saw David with Ellie. You saw yourself not much older than Ellie, already with a child and unable to point a finger because he was the only thing keeping you alive.
David hadn’t bothered you in years, you were much too old now. Hadn’t bothered anyone, you thought. Naively, you knew now. That’s why you didn’t think twice about helping Joel get back to her, even if it meant risking your life. You knew he only let you live at first because Ellie begged him. He had slaughtered anyone else in his way. 
He wasn’t all that much nicer to you after you told him that, but he seemed to trust you more. 
If it were up to Ellie, they would stay for weeks. The compound that stretched over five acres was seemingly abandoned, with walls that looked like they used to be maintained, but hadn’t been for quite some time. Probably a town that had enough people willing to stay and fight for themselves, and rich enough to have stockpiled the supplies after 9/11. A lot of the houses had been equipped with security strong enough to qualify as a giant panic room. 
What you all enjoyed was the heat and running water, saved from the solar panels and rainwater. Rich people knew how to live at the end of the world, you decided. You spent a day clearing out a small block around a big, pale blue house. Once Joel triple checked that the house was empty and figured out how to seal it up at night, you finally had your first good night’s sleep in years.
It had been over a week at the compound, spent with you, Ellie, and Joel scavenging for supplies. It seemed like every day you found something useful, which made it easy for Ellie to convince Joel to stay “just one more day.” 
You would spend all day in the tub if you could. You waited until the house was locked up for the night and everyone else had showered so you didn’t care if you used the last of the hot water. Joel and Ellie made fun of you of course but that didn’t stop you. 
That’s where you really wanted to be right now. In the tub with a book, knowing Joel and Ellie were safe downstairs playing Boggle. Instead, you were in the creepy dilapidated grocery store, a gun you barely knew how to use in your hands while Joel stayed exactly two steps ahead of you at all times, gun raised. At least you two knew Ellie was safe at home, locked away. Ellie knew how to open and close up the house you had been staying in and both you and Joel knew she knew enough to stay put until you got home. 
You just hoped you made it back to her in one, uninfected piece. You and Joel had found a wealth of supplies on this little excursion. But you had also found several infected.
You had been young when the change happened. And after, you were taken in at Lakeside. You hadn’t had much contact with the infected. You had been fine with this arrangement. But as the weather was now much warmer, you were seeing more and more. After one had gotten right in your face, nearly biting off your nose before Joel ripped it away from you, you decided you never needed to get that close ever again. 
Joel pulled you through the downpouring rain, to the  big red pick up truck they had driven up in. They had gotten as close to the store as they could, but med tents and army trucks had been parked in front. 
“Fuck,” Joel yelled as you ran up to the car. You didn’t need to ask why, you could see the back tire torn to shreds just as well as he could. “Just get in, get in, we’re safe inside!”
He ripped the back door open for you and you hurried in, crawling to the other side. He jumped in himself before shutting the door. He finally took a breath, ragged and exhausted as you sat in the back seat. Your shoulder touched his bicep, warm and solid.
“I got another tire in the bed,” Joel said, though you weren’t sure to you or himself. 
“You can’t change it in the rain, we just gotta wait it out.”
“Well, who’s fault is that?” He snapped at you. You jumped back at his sudden shift in mood. You couldn’t imagine how stressful it was for him, but it had been a while since he yelled like this. “You should’ve stayed home with Ellie.”
“So you could die out here by yourself?”
“I’m fine if I don’t have to worry about you, you’re a distraction,” he said, his words tumbling out of him. 
“Excuse me?”
“How’s the leg?” He asked, teeth gritted. The cut had almost healed, just a faded pink line now. He had seemed a bit off around you but you had written that off as being annoyed he had to save your ass once again. 
“My leg?” You asked, studying the lines on his face. “Joel, what the fuck are you talking about? Are you mad I got hurt? Because I didn’t get hurt just now. Actually, if we’re keeping score, I think I even got one this time.”
“You think I can’t see you?” Joel said. He sounded as if he had given this a lot of thought, which was odd considering you weren’t quite sure what the hell he was on about. “Walking around in a little towel, getting undressed right in front of me, showing your-,” He shook his head. “Jesus, I know I’m twice your age but I ain’t dead.”
You felt your cheeks burn bright red. Those dreams you had of him throwing you down and taking you weren’t one sided. 
“You’re not twice my age, don’t exaggerate,” you said. His dark eyes were hard on you. “I’m sorry if I…distracted you?”
“Don’t make me sound like a jackass.” You couldn’t tell in this dim light but was he blushing as well?
“I just said what you said, verbatim.”
“You know what I mean,” Joel said, now more annoyed than angry. “You’re running for your life, why are you wearing frilly underwear?”
“My underwear is distracting you?” 
He turned away, looking out the windshield with rain pouring down. He gripped the gun in his hand harder. “You were shoving your pussy in my face, what do you want from me?”
You had to bite your lip. Why did that sound so good from him? He was angry, but not really at you. It had certainly been a while for you. How long had it been for him?
“I mean-,” you started but he shook his head. 
“Stop,” he said. “We can’t. Jesus, we can’t.”
“Why not?” You hoped that didn’t sound like a whine. He turned to you, studying your face. 
“I ain’t gonna fuck you just ‘cause you’re desperate,” he said. 
“What makes you think it’s because I’m desperate?”
Joel laughed, a cold humorless laugh. “You’ve seen what I do. You know what I am. Do I gotta mention that I’m old enough to be your father?”
“I don’t care,” you said truthfully. You touched his thigh. He didn’t pull away. “It’s not because I’m desperate. I mean, obviously I’m horny as all hell, but the thought of you bending me over gets me through many cold nights,” Joel cursed under his breath as you let the word vomit tumble out. You weren’t sure if it was adrenaline or pure stupidity but he had crossed the line first. “I want you.”
You let your hand go up his leg a little further. His reflexes were fast and he grabbed your wrist, throwing it away from him. At first you thought you had pushed him too far but instead he grabbed you, throwing you up over the center console. Your torso leaned over into the front, while your legs and ass hung into the back seat. You could see his hungry eyes in the rear view mirror.
“You said you want this,” he said behind you. You felt him move behind you, sliding into the middle seat so he was directly between your bent legs. He smacked your ass sharply. “Do you want this?”
“Fuck,” you hissed out. “Yes, I want this.”
Joel undid your belt, sliding your jeans off your hips, along with another pair of what Joel would call ridiculous panties. 
He spanked you again, this time on your bare ass, surprising a yelp out of you. You felt so exposed, naked in front of him. 
“I want you to fuck me.” You knew how needy you sounded. It had been building since you met him. Every time he grabbed you away, held your hand, touched you at all. Your skin felt like it was on fire now.
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath. You shuttered as he kissed the back of your thigh, his stubble tickling the sensitive skin. 
You were about to beg him to take his pants off when you felt his tongue touch you. He grabbed your hips, plunging his face into you like he had never tasted anything so good. 
“Joel,” you moaned, only causing his grip on your hips to tighten. “Oh my god, Joel.” 
You reached back, grasping at his hair, his hands, anything to feel closer to him. You wanted him inside you so badly but the way he was devouring you was making your eyes roll back into your head. 
“Come for me, sweetheart,” A name he only reserved when he thought you really needed it. God, did you need it. The string snapped and you came, hard, squeezing his hand against your hip. 
He dragged his tongue lazily up one last time, as if savoring how you tasted. He pulled your jeans back up, making your spirit deflate a little. 
“You don’t-,”
“No,” he said firmly. 
You sat back in the back seat. Your eyes wandered down. His jeans were tented, a noticeable bulge in the front. You bit your lip, noting how big he was. You wanted to climb in his lap and ride him until you made him feel like he had just made you feel. 
“It looks like you want to.”
“Believe me, I’ve never been so fucking hard in my life,” Joel explained, even as he shifted uncomfortably. “But I can’t.” 
You laughed incredulously. “Are you serious?”
“After that you’re gonna say you can’t fuck me?” You asked. You were still dripping wet for him, knowing you sounded like you were begging. You kind of were. You had never felt so good in your life, you wanted more. 
“Trust me,” he said, leaning up again the side of truck. “Now go to sleep.”
You didn’t know how you could, when every part of you wanted him inside of you. 
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rose-of-pollux · 2 years
New reaction image just dropped--
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crimsonquillsims · 2 years
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With just one week left before the start of the semester, Luca was desperately trying to finish up his latest app. Once classes started up again he would have far less time to devote to his personal work. Something which he lamented, but knew was necessary. At least for now. Once he graduated, things would be different. And he couldn’t wait.
Just as he was working on a particularly difficult piece of code, Luca heard a loud knock on his door. He thought about ignoring it but knew that it was either Aiden or Ollie on the other side. And whatever it was they wanted wouldn’t wait. The two of them had absolutely no chill at all.
“What do you want?” he yelled
“Open up, asshole,” Aiden replied. “We can’t tell you from out here.”
Luca let out a large sigh. He didn’t want to talk at the moment. But it would do no good to delay the inevitable, so he got to his feet and headed to the door.
Beginning ◘ Purple Skies ◘ Most Recent
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independentplant · 1 year
What’d I miss?
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mybrokenlittletoy · 2 years
So I really REALLY hope this isn't weird, I just love your writing. I think it's really really good, you do suspense and emotion so well. Your detective story was so beautifully done even though I know it was so long ago. Anyway I hope you have a good night.
Thank you!
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" nodding off... " ( from damien ( @shadxwbrxken ) or atlas / engineer ( @scriptedstories ) ! )
Morgan was able to pluck the coffee mug from Mark's hands before it slipped completely out of his fingers and set it on a nearby flat surface. He protested, saying that he was only resting his eyes "for a second", but with how much he was already slumping against their shoulder, he would have to forgive Morgan for having doubts.
But he deserved it. For the first time in what equated to decades, (maybe even centuries) the Head Engineer could sleep easily knowing that tomorrow would actually come.
As much as Morgan also wanted to take a nap for the next twenty-four hours, they had to maintain some semblance of doing their job. When she was running as she should have been, The Invincible II was relatively self-sufficient, but that didn't mean Morgan could just stand on the bridge and look pretty. Morgan sipped their own lukewarm coffee as quietly as possible and shifted their tablet to their off hand, pulling up the on going report Gunther was sending them from down on the surface of the colony (no hostile aliens, much to his thinly veiled disappointment).
In the back of Morgan's mind, they worried that everything was going too well. They were on pins and needles waiting for the other shoe to drop; for the ship to explode or for... They didn't know... An attack from giant rabid... space honey badgers (they had seen so many things this journey). But the crystal hadn't mysteriously regrown in their palm. They hadn't woken up in their cryopod.
It was fine. They were fine.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 month
I hope everyone is having a fantastic night and has a fantastic rest of their week! :)
Except for Wada, I hope you step on a lego you fuck. uwu 🙏🙏🙏
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aromothmantic · 10 months
To the surprise of literally no one my top artist was The Birthday Massacre and my top two songs were the result of me obsessing over a specific whump OC
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Does using my own photo that I took on a trip for an imagine make me the real y/n? I wonder...
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mayajadewrites · 19 days
Could've Been You (Aizawa x Fem! Reader, Hawks x Fem! Reader)
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chapter thirteen
I'M BAAAAAAAACK! sorry for the long wait, but I wanted to be sure to provide you guys a good chapter that will help keep the story going. i'm probably going to change this more to aizawa x reader, since keigo has one foot out the door lol I hope you all enjoy this chapter!
✦ story synopsis: You're the new teacher at UA with a rocky past with one of their beloved teachers, Shouta Aizawa aka Eraserhead. You'd rather never see him again but alas, such is life. You also meet Keigo, aka Hawks, who is the opposite of Aizawa. Smiley, golden retriever energy.
✦ chapter content warnings: none
✦ relationships: aizawa x fem!reader, hawks x fem!reader
comments are ALWAYS loved and appreciated <3
@come-away-with-me87, @kxshdoll, @evilsanzu, @friendly-neighborhood-turtle, @lili-pond,
@the-unhinged-raccoon @falling4fandoms @cherry-cosmoz @kkgraham @big-denki-energy @aphrodite-xoxo @keiweeny @minminroie @skazewrld @crimsonsaki @@smarty0029 @bokunokamijiro
"She's here, isn't she?"
There he was, Keigo, standing in Aizawa's doorway with a scowl on his face.
You keep your face behind the door, pressing your ear against the door hoping to hear more.
Shota is not one to back down from anything, especially when it comes to you. After all, he waited years to have you.
"And if she is?" Shota crosses his arms over his chest, his biceps pressed against the hardness of his chest.
Keigo looks at Shota, eyeing his stature, as if sizing him up. He puffed up his wings a bit, looking inside the room. "I need to explain to her what happened, that I-"
"You can save it, pretty boy."
"She moved on that quickly, hm? A shame that you had to have my leftovers."
"Leftovers?" Shota's voice got louder, and you can sense the tension in the room. "She isn't a piece of meat. Is that how you think of her? Since you slept with her, you think you own her?"
"I'm just saying - I've had her, and now you have too. I see those bites on your skin, I've had those too."
Shota was starting to get enraged. The thought of you, sleeping with Keigo before him makes his blood boil. No, you weren't together, but in his mind - you're his. He doesn't need a reminder of who's been inside you before.
You pull on a pair of Shota's sweats and a t-shirt, walking out of the bedroom quietly.
Your heart rate increased as you stepped into the living space. If looks could kill, you'd be dead from the look on Keigo's face.
"There's the woman of the hour." Keigo looks at you, his voice dripping in sarcasm.
"Keigo, please leave." Your usual strong persona was not present. Your arms are across your chest - you're uncomfortable.
"Not without me explaining myself. You can't just sleep with another dude because I left when you were sleeping."
"Sleeping with Shota wasn't a spur of the moment decision, Keigo. Actually, you were."
His face slightly changed, no longer with a proud smirk on his face.
"I've known Shota since we were in high school. We had a falling out, but he's always been a part of my life, a part of me."
"So our nights together meant nothing, hm? I was just there as a placeholder?"
You sigh, your hand pressing to your forehead. "No, I actually liked you. But when you left me without a word, something in my gut told me to leave you alone. And my gut was right."
Shota is leaning on the doorframe, watching you speak with a slight smirk on his face. Damn, that's my girl.
"I'm not the one for you, and that's okay. You need a woman that will fuel that giant ego of yours. More of a fan girl."
Keigo's face turned a bit red as he looked down at the ground. He's embarrassed, no doubt, but you had no choice.
Without another word, he turned around and walked away. His face was full of... hurt. Possibly embarrassment.
How could she want him instead of me?
His insecurities were starting to seep through his cocky exterior, which made him flee.
Shota closed the door, looking at you once again. He brought his hands to each side of your face, squeezing your cheeks gently as he looks at you. "Look at you standing up for yourself." His voice is soft as he caresses your soft skin.
Your hands wrap around his wrists, looking up at him as you stand on your tippy toes to eliminate any space left between you.
Shota's lips mended with yours, moving slowly as his thumb grazed over your cheek. "Are you sure I'm what you want?"
Your eyes flutter open as you look into his, nodding slowly. "There's no one else for me. Just you."
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Months went by as you and Shota rebuilt your relationship. Almost like getting to know each other all over again, this time without the angst.
You basically live in Shota's apartment, yours almost untouched a couple of doors down. You spend your days teaching the next generation of heroes, and at night you belong to Shota.
"Kitten, can you pour me a glass of wine please?" Shota's on the couch, reading the newest novel he picked up from the bookstore.
You nod, finishing washing the dishes and grabbing him a stemless glass, filling the cup with the sweet liquid.
After pouring yourself a glass, you plop down next to him and hand him his.
"Thank you." His lips press against your temple, your body curling next to his as you press your chin to his shoulder.
"Your book looks boring." You sigh, skimming the pages.
"Actually, there was something I wanted to bring up to you." He closed the book, his attention now on you. You straighten your posture as you look at his face - this is definitely serious.
"There have been more villains around. And... I was thinking, you and I could be a part of the team that protects the city. I think both of our quirks would work-"
You freeze. The last time you and Shota fought a villain together, you ended up in a coma. Your friendship with him was done.
Shota could sense your anxiety, and his hands anchored you to him.
"Hey, I'm right here." His voice is soft as he caresses you.
Your whole body felt like it was frozen. Like there was absolutely no way you could move anytime soon. Your anxiety was palpable.
"There are lives at stake, darling. This isn't a training session. I'm... I'm worried."
You force yourself to look into his eyes, your heart sinking as you watch him.
This might be the beginning of the end.
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