#i'm aware i missed the opportunity to incorporate the MCU's various Spider-Men and the ensuing multiversal implications
cytocutie · 1 year
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Each node represents a momentary event with multiple possible outcomes. In this model of the multiverse, every possible outcome exists in some universe. This is what allows a hot-dog universe, despite its entirely different evolutionary conditions, to end up with laundromats, Bollywood, Debussy, Evelyn and Deirdre. Some separate paths convergently develop similar outcomes.
Inter-dimensional beings (Jobu Tupaki, Evelyn Quan Wang, Mr. Mxtylpk, The Spot) should be able to access all of these universes. By contrast, Miguel O'Hara's technology can only access universes with native Spiderifying radioactive spiders (including those such as Earth-42, whence originated a radioactive spider but not a Spider).
Properly speaking, the Pinocchio node also descends from "Humans (tool-using)".
Theological implications uncertain.
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