#i'm always in favor of spy/spy ships
niofo · 2 months
anyone else planning to recreate iron bull in dav character creator for the exact purpose of romancing lucanis? just asking.
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loojii · 1 month
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Constellations as blue aliens! I made these last year, only uploaded them on Patreon Aquila, Cygnus, Pavo, Canis Minor, Canis Major, Boötos, Minor Leo, Lepus, Lupus, Cetus, Centaurus, Orion
For more info about them see the lore dump under the line ~
Aquila the eagle constellation. A myth tied to the constellation tells about Zeus, who transformed himself into an eagle, and kidnaps a pretty boy to be the cup bearer of the Gods. This boy was of course Aquarius. So the characters are friends! Or well, Aquila pressures Aquarius into doing dumb stuff and Aquarius can't say no (in a way kidnapping him for a good time). Aquila's outfit is based on an eagle as well, with white on top and dark on the bottom. He, and other bird constellations, have feather like hair! He is the younger brother of Cygnus and Pavo, and the older brother of Columba and Corvus (they're a big bird family!)
Cygnus the swan constellation. A myth tied to the constellation is that about Zeus, who again transformed. He got a woman pregnant and from that a set of twins were born, one mortal and one immortal. The twin being Gemini, of course. So the character here is best friends with Gemini (she seems to be the only one that is able to handle him). Since Gemini's alpha and beta star are actually the twins, she often visits them and favors Pollux, the immortal twin from the myth. She's like a fun aunt! Another myth tells about a lover being lost or something, drowned in the river depicted by the constellation Eridanus. So she probably doesn't like her that much.
Pavo the peacock constellation. One of the myths tied to the constellation tells about a monster with many eyes that was able to act as a spy for Hera. As a thank you she put his eyes on the peacock feather and the monster himself in the sky. The constellation also depicts the captain of a ship, who are also depicted by several constellations. I don't know what to do with that part yet for this character, maybe those constellations admire Pavo as a teacher? But as for the spy part; this guy obviously loves gossip and always knows everything about everyone. He is the oldest of the bird siblings!
Canis Minor the lesser dog constellation. In the sky the dog is seen hunting Lepus, together with Canis Major and Orion. So all three of them, the characters, dislike her of course! He is always seen hanging out with Orion, following him around and being his yes-man. He's the younger brother of Canis Major naturally
Canis Major the dog constellation. Another yes-man of Orion. I like to take inspiration from myths and science when it comes to their personality / relationships but sometimes I just go by vibes too. And what I feel is that Canis Major gets awfully flustered when Ursa Major is around (yes its solely based on the fact that both of them are the only ones with Major in their name). He does not know how to deal with her overly friendly demeaner and gets kinda angry
Boötos the herdsman constellation. In the myth tied to this constellation a herdsman was killed due to his bad whinemaking skills and his daugther and dog moarned him so much that they died too. The daughter was seen as Virgo and the dog as Canis Major. So the characters are friends! Boötos also has Canes Venatici (the hunting dogs constellation, no design yet) next to him, but the reason that constellation doesn't take on the role of the dog in the myth is because it was first known as Bo's staff. So that character would also be friends with him of course! Maybe part of the dog family? But I'm not sure yet. Boötes has multiple friends but he especially adores Virgo, in his eyes he can do nothing wrong and is the depiction of perfection. Many see Virgo that way but Bo is just a bit more extreme about it. The constellation is also seen hunting Ursa Major in the sky, so maybe they don't have a good relationship?
Minor Leo the lesser lion constellation. I was actually unaware this constellation excisted until I did this project. He is Leo's biggest fan and follows him around. Despite the name they are not related, they're just great buddies! The constellation at one point was planned to be changed into the lioness constellation, but eventually this didn't catch on. So this guy here is sometimes mistaken for a girl!
Lepus the hare constellation. In the sky the hare is seen being hunted by Orion and his two hunting dogs (Canis Major and Minor). So this character of course hates them. She's very quick on her feet and tries to outdone Orion every time she can.
Lupus the wolf constellation. The wolf is also being hunted in the sky, this time by Centaurus. So he dislikes him as well. But he's almost always silent and hangs out with Lepus a lot. It has nothing to do with their myths or anything. They just have similar names and are both being hunted, so I declared them buddies. Lepus always knows what Lupus means, without saying a word, and they are often spotted hanging out (Lupus following Lepus around)
Cetus the whale constellation. Cetus is the unofficial 14th zodiac sign, having the sun in its constellation for just one day. To represent this Cetus (the character) is engaged to Sagittarius, to one day become part of the Zodiac family (but he said yes when they were children and doesn't want to anymore, because who in thei right mind regocnizes Cetus as a Zodiac sign). The myth tied to Cetus is that of a sea monster who only came out of the sea to eat a beautiful maiden. Cetus (the character) is very insecure and never leaves her house. She's the big sis of Ophiuchus, the 13th Zodiac sign
Centaurus the centaur constellation. No, it's not Sagittarius. Both Sagittarius and Centaurus are depicted as centaurs in the sky and because of that their myths are sometimes mistaken for one another. So this guy here is very often mistaken for Sagittarius. But he's taller, better looking, stronger, more mature, etc. The myths of Centaurus go crazy and he's literly tied to everyone. In the discord server theres the ongoing joke that Centaurus is actually the main character. So this guy is just a very popular guy that everyone (excepts Sagittarius, who hates him with the might of 30 suns) likes! He is actually nice and unaware of Sagittarius hatred. Lupus, the wolf constellation, also doesn't like him but he's not as vocal about it as Sagittarius.
Orion the hunter constellation. Orion's myth he was a great hero who was defeated by a little scorpion. He and the scorpion were put in the sky but he's still avoiding the scorpion till this day (they are never seen in the same sky). The scorpion in question is of course Scorpio. Orion (the character) absolutely hates Scorpio and avoids him at all costs. He is seen hunting a hare (Lepus) in the sky together with his two hunting dogs (Canis Major and Minor). So this character of course is buddies with the two dogs and they all hate Lepus.
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dejjavuus · 8 months
it's me, hi! i'm liv (25, she/her) & i’m looking to find some new writing partners for some dramatic, angst-ridden crime/mafia/spy plots on discord!
i’m incredibly lazy when it comes to blog set-up but i can promise that i’m plenty familiar with the indie rpc and i wish i could have jumped back here sooner but alas, life got wild!
in terms of my writing interests, i’m happy to write both males and females + i’m more than happy to double up or make things a mumu (even better!).
i have an abundance of wanted plots, wanted faces & wanted opposites that i’ve been hoarding so i promise i’ll come prepared when it’s time to plot! i also love to give people their wanted opposites and plots (and always adore when they return the favor) so please throw them at me!
so in conclusion, if you’re looking for a writing partner who will be 110% invested in your ships with endless headcanons and inspo, look no further!!
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woodsfae · 11 months
B5 s03e03: A Day In The Strife previous episode • table of contents
Transport Dionysius has been waiting over an hour to dock! With how much foreshadowing is done by the names of ships in this, the B5 crew are probably battening down all the hatches and hiding all the wine and sundry other intoxicants. 
Sheridan's tactic of cooling off violently angry people by freaking them out is a great tactic. I've used it myself from time to time! When it works, it's always a rush. 
Ohhhhh, dang!! Someone's here to replace G'Kar as Ambassador! I wonder if they're collaborators, or if they're pretending to be collaborators. They could be great allies or a great torment for G'Kar.
The new opening is so dramatic. I would say cheesy, except it grips me, and I like cheese anyway. I notice that all the main B5 crew, and Delenn and Lennier all look firmly into the camera and give a little nod. Then Zack Allen and Londo stare dead into the camera. But! Interestingly! Vir and G'Kar both come into frame looking away from the camera, then turning their heads to stare directly into it. The movements are so distinct and patterned, it's got to be intentional. I wonder if Vir will work with G'Kar this season. And if Zack Allen with with Londo, or they'll have related arcs in some way.
Ambassador Na'Far draws a terrifying and brutal day to day life on Narn. The resistance is active and killing Centauri regularly, and for every Centauri killed, five hundred Narn are executed. There must be just...mass slaughter. Every day. I'm sure Na'Far does want to save as many Narn lives as possible, and I'm also sure that he was instructed to request G'Kar's extradition. This meeting was a good way of serving both goals: alert the Captain to ongoing ground conditions on Narn, and officially request G'Kar's sanctuary be terminated, on behalf of the Centauri warlords. 
Happy and charmed to see Garibaldi and Franklin continue to hang out and be friendly! Having regular, quiet dinners together, as bros do. And it's good to see the senior staff hanging out! Ivanova joining them to swap gossip intel, and then actually listening to the classified information from Sheridan's file that Garibaldi hacked is too good. 
Franklin returns from the bathroom to flirt with Garibaldi before heterosexually dancing away. 
Ambassador Na'Far reporting as ordered to Londo Mollari is so horrible. What is wrooooong with him treating and talking to Na'Far this way, fuuuuck. Vir has the sense to be obviously horrified. And he's gotten quite comfortable with confronting his boss - good for him. Horrifying subject content. 
New ship! First Contact, presumably. Interesting! A fun, sci-fi moment amidst the war drama. 
Londo complaining about Delenn and everyone disapproving of him, and also calling in the favor Delenn owes him. And hah! What a favor! He wants Vir to be appointed to Minbar as Ambassador from Centauri and described him with such ringing terms as "most inoffensive," "keeps to himself," and "wouldn't even spy on your government." lmaoooooo. Londo is right that Vir is liable to get himself yoinked home in an unpleasant fashion if he opposes the Narn genocide too loudly. 
If Londo seeing his own youth in Vir is in any way accurate, then he changed dramatically and horribly over the course of his life. A good reminder that life really is all about choices, and you can make new ones anytime. If only Londo would make some new choices! He seems blind to his own opportunities, deep in the Sunk Cost Fallacy.
"Sometimes I miss that we don't talk anymore, Delenn." "We never really talked, Londo." "No, I suppose not."
wow. So darkly sad. There is something sad (although mostly pathetic) about how Londo is so desperately lonely now that no one will hang out with him anymore. He is the architect of all his own woes.
Another totally heterosexual dinner date between Garibaldi and Franklin. This time, Garibaldi cooked and had Dr Franklin over! Slash mental health intervention? Steven has a legal prescription for stims because he has to work 36 hour shifts. And Garibaldi has feelings. And Steven has very defensive feelings, so Garibaldi's probably onto something.
This is an extraordinary level of kind, gentle, thoughtful, concern between men. I love the tenderness. What an excellent plot to put in. Love seeing people try to be good to each other and build bonds and reach out. Funny that the concern is that Dr Franklin is doing too much space coke, though.
We have now seen Na'Far twice, and now his assistant. And!! I didn't realize! But he's Narn that Sheridan met while kidnapped onto the fight-to-the-death alien ship! I also love his and Sheridan's friendship. He wants to repay Sheridan for rescuing him, by being his bodyguard.  "Here is a man who will live to be a hundred and fifty." Hah!
The alien ship is indeed a probe, and it's running an intelligence test on the B5-ers. They provide correct answers, or the probe with blow up and take B5 with it. That's a high stakes first contact! And! One of the things they're offering to induce the humans to want to try to answer the questions, is another panacea. There were two or three panacea episodes so far, I was wondering if the theme would come back.
So far they seem to be saying "Panaceas are always sought after, but in reality there is no magical elixir for all medical ills."
Oh, Na'Far really did come here argue with G'Kar! no thank you!! G'Kar has been up to a lot. He is organizing a lot of resistance. He is organizing food drops -- the Centauri are not importing enough for everyone. 
Both Na'Far and G'Kar are being relatively reasonable. Except for Na'Far seemingly genuinely thinking that if G'Kar were to return to Narn, that he wouldn't be harmed. 
Dr Franklin is doing space coke! but as he said - he has to be alert on long shifts and he has to do emergency surgery. Unhealthy? Probably. Necessary to work those long hours? Definitely. Bad situation with no good choices. 
Vir, while unhappy about Londo arranging his promotion and transfer, but perks up when Londo says "In time women may even come to find you attractive." 
Oof, Na'Far is not finding the B5 Narn to be friendly. I hope G'Kar doesn't actually end up imprisoned on Narn! I'd rather hang with him on B5. 
Dang! Sheridan! Rude! Ivanova is not to be insulted, she is to be cherished. 
Garibaldi is being very decent. And rationally clear-eyed. He does not want G'Kar to return. 
"My fate is in the hands of G'Quan. What must happen, will happen. Thank you for your concern Mr Garibaldi. Good night."
Well, now I think he has some sort of plan! I don't want to think that he would be giving up, so I must believe he has a plan. 
Dr Franklin! Another round of space coke?! He's just reamed out a respected colleague on earth, and now he's got a surgery to perform. Uhhh, personally I'd rather my surgeon nap a little first. 
Huh, odd sequence of events here. I do think that it's an odd set-up for a technologically advanced species to go around threatening species and blowing them up if they aren't advanced enough. But it did blow up  like it was charging weapons to attack B5 and the data transfer made it....self-destruct instead? Anyway. peculiar! I hope there's follow-up! 
Na'Far did not persuade the B5 Narnuan people that G'Kar should be sacrificed for the faint hope that their families might not be harmed, and they want G'Kar to stay. Including the bodyguard guy! Good on them. I'm very glad G'Kar is staying. 
Garibaldi and Dr Franklin are having their third dinner date in this episode alone. Partner says "of course there's an AA episode in a 90s tv show," which I guess seems like it could be. I'll take some genuine-seeming friendships with male support networks where I can find 'em, though.
Bye, Vir! He really is leaving! I hope he'll be back more, too. Would he be in the title sequence if he was leaving the show after the third episode??
Overall, a lot happened! I wonder how Na'Far will fit into future episodes. I hope Vir comes back! And as always, I hope that Londo will get a fucking grip on himself and start making some baby steps towards doing the right thing. Because his current rational of "If I don't do the wrong thing, someone else will, and get the credit for it, while I lose out," is terrible. And he's been mired in it for awhile.
on to religious metaphor
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willel · 1 year
Why is twitter so toxic? I think you wrote something about it some time ago, that on tumblr, for instance, there’s no immediate incentive to write a hit post and then to come up with the most outrageous claims that create "engagement"? Or because it’s not really about direct conversation made of short messages when everyone wants to "win" the argument, but favors calm analysis instead. Anyway, I just can’t go there anymore right now, too much hate and stupidity, I’m glad there’s still blogs like you and a few others to enjoy some ST escapism.
Twitter's short form context was pretty great when it came out years ago. "Tweets" were generally someone putting random thoughts out in the aether or a quick notification or an alert to check out news on this site or that site. I feel like it wasn't meant for what it is today, for people to be interacting with each other in a meaningful way. Like, what are you gonna talk about in 100 characters or less? That's why you'll sometimes see old tweets of celebrities floating around of the most random nonsensical statements with no context. That's what twitter was as its core.
Now combine that with people starting to use twitter for more than just random thoughts that popped into peoples head. It started to be used for political activism (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) and fandom activities.
We all know how bad politics fandom can get on long form sites like tumblr and reddit. Imagine how much worse it is when you cut away all context and nuance to fit in a tweet.
Imo, it set twitter on a downward spiral. Doesn't matter how much they increase the character limit, the culture now is tweet fast. React fast. Argue fast. If you lose, resort to other means. Anything to win. Anything to get your tweets more attention that the other person.
It's like a game. I'm sure that plays into the desire to be "famous" that a lot of social media enjoyers crave.
I'm not saying tumblr is much better, but I feel the culture here is more like "take your time" or "time doesn't matter, old stuff is good". Tumblr does have an issue with people not reblogging content, causing good posts and content to go unnoticed given there is no real algorithm here, which is sad. But for the most part, ain't nobody here trying to get famous. Everything is talking and creating stuff for the sake of it.
Most of the time even the people arguing here are arguing about stuff that happens off site or they stay in their corners and tag correctly. (if you don't tag correctly and start fights on purpose, I immediately assume you must be from twitter)
People who have been here on my blog for a while are probably thinking "Tch, what do you know about fandom conflict?" and let me tell you, in my youth I participated in a ship war. It was just one,but still. I didn't resort to name calling or doxing people though, that's for sure. I wrote essays and essays in response to people, defended my ship, made stuff for my ship (which I still do), the whole shebang. It was all here on tumblr and deviantart. I do have a twitter for that fandom but I don't use it for any drama. I can say the drama on twitter is MUCH WORSE than anything I experienced on tumblr.
That is the ST fandom on twitter in a nutshell. No one can mind their own business. They're constantly spying on each other, posting using common search terms of the people they don't like and then acting surprised when the people they don't like respond to them. It's all like a game. Every blue moon when I go there to see if there's WillEl things, inevitably I will see shippers using it to fight against each other or crap on Will or El.
Once a week it's the same suspects saying the same things over and over again. Finding something pointless to be mad about. Sending angry anon messages. Never actually sitting down to enjoy the ships/relationships they claim to be a fandom of. Cannot mind their business and always have something negative to say. Denying what is literally in the show because they personally don't like it. Literally the worst kind of people to have in your fandom. (I associate that kind of behavior with like.... Riverdale drama or something. Sorry if you're a Riverdale fan. Lol)
In conclusion, yeah. I think twitter is that way because the short form context has breed a culture of "win or lose". Mixed with a little bit of celebrity idolization and a desperate desire for people to interact with you even if it's negative.
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I can totally fit RuoYao into my beloved Supervillain x Evil Butler archetype if I kick hard enough. Sweating.
(I think the True Original is probably Dracula x Renfield but I do not want to think about that to hard)
-Incarnation Anon
Asdfghjk If I was to tell you anon of the amount of AUs and mental gymnastics I go through everyday to fit my ships into many an archetype and trope, especially ruoyao since that's the one I'm more insane about XD
But I mean. They already are sorta like the villain and the right hand?? Most powerful cultivator and his trusted favored little torturer ;u;. And if there wouldn't have been any spy mission going around and MY would have been there out of true conviction, I just KNOW that he would have been the most loyal and devoted bc he finally got the positive attention and reinforcement he always craved!
If he's going to violate the ancient Chinese Geneva convention, he's at least going to get an honest head pat out of it 🥰
Now I'm thinking about that one twitter post with the two cats and a caption along the lines of fave ship dynamic: big and scary bad guy with his pretty and delicate lover that is just as dangerous.
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lansplaining · 2 years
Where did the idea that LXC saw into the depths of JGY’s soul come from? Why do so many people disagree with mxtx’s claim that he’s just sweet, pure and oblivious? I low key ship xiyao but sometimes I’m confused by the popular fanon for the ship.
Hmmm, MXTX's description of LXC is one of those things that I am hesitant to comment on because I think there are some things lost in translation, and I don't speak Chinese. I think I read once (and I tried to find the post and can't, of course) that that was less in reference to his basic intelligence and more to the fact that while the novel was coming out, people kept expecting LXC to turn out to be some kind of mastermind. But I may be wrong!
And anyway, I think the two aren't necessarily related. To me, the idea is less that LXC sees into JGY's soul and more that in private, in scenes we never see, JGY shows LXC a version of himself that LXC thinks is the true one, and I'd argue JGY also thinks-- or at least hopes-- is the version of himself he'd most like to be.
Most xiyao shippers want to think that LXC isn't just being obliviously manipulated by JGY-- we want to think he truly believes in what he's seeing, and that he's largely right. (if we wanted manipulation, we'd ship xuexiao) I think some of the extremity of the xiyao shippers' push in favor of LXC's insight into JGY's personality is in resistance to the also popular fandom idea that clearly he was just a dupe and everything JGY told him was a lie, which he believed because he's just a lovely himbo.
I'd also argue that canon suggests that the version of JGY that LXC is seeing is not entirely some sugar-coated fantasy. He knows that he was a torturer and spy for Wen Ruohan. It's heavily implied he knows about a lot of the things JGS was asking JGY to do, though, for example, he probably didn't know (in novel canon) the extent of Xue Yang's demonic cultivation torture ranch. LXC doesn't need some superhuman insight to see who JGY is, his affection is based in trust: he trusts that JGY is a person who has reasons for doing the things he does, because in LXC's experience, he always has. That's part of what makes the end of canon so devastatingly hard for LXC: there could yet be an explanation. He'll never know.
I think part of the fantasy of xiyao as a ship is this idea of being known and liked for the worst parts of yourself, so it makes sense to me that the fanon warps a little bit into LXC being the person who's able to see past JGY's well-honed defenses, which naturally requires extremely good insight because JGY's a great liar. But I'm with you on finding this dynamic not quite right. JGY shows himself to LXC. Whether the version of himself that he shows is one that can be trusted in the end is the question that torments LXC, too-- but of course, I think that it is.
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gildedmuse · 3 years
Hey, everyone.
So recently I've (predictably) very not well. Actually, whenever I don't post for long periods, just assume my body is trying to kill me. But I've gotten messages from three people asking if I. Okay, which is super sweet. I am actually trying to work on the next All Hearts, a really long ZoLaw post and two request fics, but mixing chronic kidney pain and capitalist society's mandate to work 40+ hours is not recommended.
But to prove I'm okay and still me, here is some Shanks antics with him being a total slut while Mihawk and Beckman just roll their eyes and go along with it. [Shout out to @jhaernyl who not only listens to me ramble about this stuff, but actively encourages it]. I also have many thoughts on the latest episodes and so many screenshots it's embarrassing. Hopefully, when I'm in less pain, I'll get around to actually posting those. Otherwise I just look like an insane person who literally takes by the second frame shots every time Zoro is on screen.
.... What is that? I look like that anyway? Fair.
Shanks Is A Bad Influence
It feels like Buggy and Shanks split up after Roger's death (the crew was told to, and they are the only ones who went to his execution) and I find it impossible to think Shanks didn't immediately set out and find a crew; like, pirating is the only thing this kid knows in life. This means two things:
He set out from East Blue. Also, he seemed at ease and familiar with the East so it's possible he spent like a year there getting everything together. Maybe he even played around in the other blues for a while before heading back to the Grand Line. I say this because his crew is from all over so either he found and recruited them in the Grand Line or visited various blues. Either way, I'm gonna say it took him about two years before getting a 'proper' start. In that case, he would have started out properly at the age of 17 and we know One Piece likes it's parallels.
That still puts Shanks at 17 to Benn Beckmen's 28. How the fuck did Shanks manage that? I'd call it grave robbing, but let's face it, the little tyke probably got up to some actual robbing of graves as well.
My point being everytime Shanks teases Mihawk about keeping this 19 year old kid on his personal island, mostly shirtless, Benn Beckmen just lifts an eyebrow.
Excuse me, captain, who had prefected the 'opps still don't have my sea legs' trip-and-fall into their first mates lap by the age of 17?
Shanks: Beckmen, you caught me! *Shamelessly nuzzles up* Thank goodness! I could be a devil's fruit user after all and - Ahh!
Benn: *Drops Shanks straight over the side of the ship into the water*
Shanks: *Sputtering* What what that!?
Benn: Checking to see if you had eaten a devil's fruit on us, Capatin.
Benn: You didn't.
Smart ass. But he can't resist Shanks forever. Shanks will wear him down eventually.
Next time Mihawk tracks him down for another match - because you know he gets bored way quicker than he'll ever admit and Shanks is at least amusing a challenge - Shanks makes a big deal out of how Mihawk follows him around, "accidentally" revealing they slept together, sighing about how it's so hard to resist him.
Benn Beckmen is just leaning against the side of the ship, sipping his booze.
Shanks: -and I can't stay for hours like last time!!
Mihawk: Are you quite done?
Shanks: *whispering* Does Benn look jealous?
Mihawk: He looks bored. Much like I am. Is this some strange attempt to get out of my challenge, Akagami?
Shanks: What? No, come on I told you I was game. But, hey, could you do me a favor? Maybe like try and kiss me or something? Like take a swing like your going to hit me but then stop shot and grab me by the waist instead.
Mihawk: .... Trickery is beneath you. Besides, you're absolute rubbish at it.
Shanks: Oh, come on, I would totally help you get laid if you asked!
Mihawk: .... *Sigh* I want a proper match afterwards.
Mihawk: *In a forced, monotone voice* After this I will take you to my lair and have my way with you, Akagami.
Mihawk: ... My lair? Really?
Shanks: *Holding up cue card with quickly scribbled line* What? That is how you talk.
Mihawk: I can't believe I wasted precious hours of light tracking you to this atrociously rural port.
Shanks: See? Now, read the next one.
Benn: Captain? If this is going to take all night, I am going to go join the rest of the men in the tavern.
Shanks: Huh? Wait! Benn! What if Miha really stabs me this time!?
Benn: *Salutes Shanks with his bottle* Sounds like that is his plan captain. Have a good 'challenge'.
Shanks: What? No... *Reaching out hand, like he might die if Benn leaves, looking completely devastated* Not even a little jealous...
Mihawk: You couldn't have thought that pantomime would actually work.
Shanks: Benny, don't leave me.... *Turns to Mihawk, immediately brightening* Oh, well, there's always tomorrow. Hey, Miha, guess whose free all night and horny as a pirate in the calm belt?
Mihawk: .... *Sigh* Very well.
Mihawk might as well get something for the trip he made. Although, he's reconsidering if the sex was actually worth the trouble after he ends up listening to Shanks worry half the night that Benn is shacking up with someone else (after a couple hours of rough and raw fucking, admittedly).
Is it the hat? He likes his captain's hat. Miha, you think his captain's hat is sexy, don't you?
Mihawk: It's utterly ridiculous.
Shanks: ....
Shanks: ....
Shanks: *Smile* Ahh, Miha, I knew you liked the hat!
Shanks: What do you old Northerns find sexy?
Mihawk: I am only four years older than you.
Mihawk: And silence.
Trying to convince Mihawk to go spy on Beckman for him. Shanks doesn't actually care if he does sleep with someone else, it's more that Beckman didn't immediately turn angry and jealous like Buggy would have that has him paranoid.
Mihawk is going to fuck this annoying red head again just to shut him up.
Mihawk: Maybe he doesn't like red haired boys who don't know when to be quiet?
The next morning Shanks is pacing among his poor crew that's gotten stuck listening to Shanks obsess about Beckman again. IS IT REALLY THE HAIR!?
It's not even a matter of Shanks's age (or obvious immaturity). I mean, Beckman got on board and stayed, didn't he? Beckman just enjoys watching Shanks try so hard to get his attention. Like Benn's attention isn't constantly on Shanks. He had to when his captain is always one step away from disaster.
He only left him with Mihawk because it was clear Dracule is not a real danger to Beckman's captain.
Except maybe insulting him to death. But Beckman is pretty sure Shanks can handle it. He's met Buggy. He's suspects Shanks LIKES it if anything.
It gets to the point where when they dock somewhere and see Mihawk waiting, or come back to the ship and spot his familiar silhouette, most of the crew goes off somewhere for another drink (sometimes the newer kids will stay to watch such an awesome fight, everyone else is like... Look, you'll have plenty of opportunities later. This is not a one off.)
Benn just takes a look around, nods to Mihawk (a silent signal for, "he's all yours, do with him as you please, if anything happens to him I will track you down and make sure your last few hours on this blue world are as painful as humanly possible") and heads off.
Oh, it's just the Hawk boy.
That's fine then.
Benn use to be a sailor on a trade ship between the North, East, West and Grand Line. He's seen it all.
They called him The Gun Slinger BEFORE he joined Shanks's crew and became a pirate.
So this young, broke ass kid from the streets of some near artic northern island trying to pass himself off as a Lower North rich type has a thing for his captain? Not really enough to keep Beckman up at night, no matter how good at swords he's supposed to be
Besides, he's pretty sure for the kid to keep tracking down Shanks, he must be bored out of his skull. He's not going to do anything to endanger their captain.
Not if Shanks is the only thing he can find to keep him entertained.
One day, Mihawk is going to be waiting on the dock when a bunch of Red Haired pirates are stumbling home, laughing and chattering amongst themselves (Shanks's crew always seems to be in a good mood). One of them will catch sight if Mihawk and walk by with a smile, patting him on the shoulder.
The captain's occupied. Seems likely he'll be 'occupied' for a good while, too.
Mihawk won't smile, but he will think "So you finally warmed him up to you, Akagami?" and snort lightly.
Poor Benn, though. Mihawk could never imagine being with someone so much younger than him. Shanks is only four years his junior and already it strains Mihawk to put up with his occasional moments of "youthful whimsy" (aka being an annoying, immature child)
"A young, cocky pirate with strangely colored bright hair"
Mihawk just putting that on his Not To Do List.
That lasted until Roronoa.
(Mihawk just looking at Zoro knowing this is bad news.)
Mihawk: *Takes list from Benn*
*Cross out, scribbles*
*Hands back to Benn*
Do Not Do:
- A young, cocky pirate with strangely colored bright hair a silly hat, who is overly dramatic and in any way, shape or form related to Gol D Rogers.
Ace: Hey what's up?
Mihawk: *Takes list from Benn*
Go ahead, Benn, laugh it up. Mihawk is aware he has a type. Young, pretty, and utterly insane.
After that night where Shanks was otherwise 'occupied', it's over six months before Mihawk sees his friend his rival again. He is, as expected, far too smug and proud looking.
Shanks: Oh, Miha, so sorry you came all this way, I'm-
Benn: Well, I'm off, captain.
Shanks: What!? But we, you, I... Benn, hessoeexyarentyouworriedforyourcaptain?
Benn: *patting Mihawk on the shoulder* Have fun with him. Don't forget to return him by noon tomorrow, we have a schedule. Oh, but if you can babysit him for at least four hours? That would be great.
Shanks: BABYSIT!?
Mihawk: I suppose I can be troubled to do so.
Shanks: TROUBLED!?
Benn: Thanks, Hawkeyes. I owe you.
Shanks: *Fake tears clinging to his lashes* You two are so mean!
No, don't feel bad for him. Shanks is just trying to guilt the two of them into bed at the same time, and they both know it.
Thanks no thanks, they're not into that. But Shanks can be pretty cute when he's trying so hard (Benn) and at least he's not as boring as everything else in this world (Mihawk) so they allow him to keep up the act
Shanks: *looking at Zoro's wanted poster over Mihawk's shoulder* But I feel like you'd gladly go to bed with him and his captain if he asked. That doesn't seem fair to me. You'd never go that far with me and Benn.
Mihawk: *Eyes Benn*
Mihawk: *DEAD. ONLY.*
Mihawk: I have my reasons.
They can and do agree on plenty of things, including reciprocally not being that attracted to each other.
Shanks: Sounds fake to me
Shanks: But guys!
Shanks: This isn't about you
He's gonna need you guys to drop the egos and focus on what HE wants. I.E., being in the middle of two sexy Northern men.
Honestly, so mean to poor Shanks!
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fictionadventurer · 3 years
I hope it's okay to come in here with a random out-of-the-blue ask, but I know you like the New Trilogy of Star Wars, and... well, I was just wondering if there's anything you didn't like or think was done poorly? I don't want to make a fuss, and you can delete my ask if you want. I just got the thought in my head, and I wanted to know, that's all :)
I never mind random out-of-the-blue asks. Thanks for asking!
The short answer is that I dislike the vast majority of stuff about the Sequel Trilogy. As a whole, it's a soulless, cash-grabbing mistake. Star Wars has never been a good franchise, but it's a creative one. As bad as some of the stuff in the previous movies was, you still got the sense that this was George Lucas' creative vision, sometimes weird and objectively terrible, but personal. This is Star Wars made by committee, Star Wars not as a story, but as a franchise that fails to tell any meaningful story at all.
The Force Awakens, while derivative, introduced some amazing characters and an intriguing potential story, and it's the reason I got into Star Wars in the first place. The Last Jedi is a movie with some of the best imagery and character arcs in the franchise, and some themes that are extremely important to me personally, so I'll always have a special love for it. But The Rise of Skywalker is where it all falls irreparably apart, to the extent that I don't think Disney can tell any more stories set around or after the Sequel Trilogy. This is where it becomes clear that there was no plan. This series was all promise with no payoff. All those intriguing threads in The Force Awakens were just bait to make us pay for more movie tickets. Anything interesting and new and personal that The Last Jedi did was ignored in favor of a million new plots and characters.
To be honest, when you sent the ask, I'd never watched Episode IX. I saw the reviews and the spoilers and never bothered. I watched it just now for the sake of answering this ask, figuring that if I was going to tear apart the trilogy based on this movie, I'd better actually watch the movie for myself. That's two hours of my life I'll never get back. I can't think of a movie that's been more painful for me to watch. It's just two hours of stuff happening--images and words thrown together almost at random, with no plot logic or character coherence at all. Leia's lines are clearly just copy-pasted into scenes based on what they had from leftover footage, and it feels like the whole movie was constructed that way--just bits and pieces that they had lying around that someone pasted together into a two-hour collage.
I can't even coherently explain what's so bad about this movie. It's easier to list the few things I did like.
The first couple of minutes, with Kylo Ren's lightsaber stuff, was cool-looking and interesting. It reminded me of what I like about the sequel trilogy and made me think for a very short while that perhaps this movie wasn't going to be as bad as its reputation.
Poe and Rey bickering when he gets back to the planet. It makes no sense that he thinks it's dumb for her to be training as a Jedi, but the bickering about how to handle the ship and BB-8 showed a bit of personality and gave them a slightly interesting dynamic.
"Somehow, Palpatine returned" being delivered with Oscar Isaac's most dead-eyed "my career is over" look was even funnier than it is in the gifs.
The snow on that one planet was cool. I'm used to Star Wars only having snow on snow-planets. This was just a light dusting, which made for a different look, with the light sparkle adding visual interest to an otherwise typical set.
That hairdryer droid was adorable.
That little alien hacker dude was interesting, too.
Hux as the spy had potential for, like, five seconds.
That moment when Ren takes the necklace from Rey.
The chalk dust cannons.
The fact that they meet other First Order defectors.
Ben's talk with Han mirroring his moment in the first movie.
The moment when Rey's lightsaber appears in Ben's hand.
The moment when Ben brings Rey back to life. They look at each other and for, like, five seconds, I actually believe in them as a romantic couple. But only for those five seconds.
And that is absolutely it. Every interesting moment in that movie was never followed through on. We just moved on to another random plot point or another five new characters or another ten new spaceships and never built on anything or had any connection to anything whatsoever. I'd say this was like kids playing a game with their toys, except that is an insult to all kids everywhere. At least kids have passion for their stories, and this movie has none.
Star Wars is based upon movie serials, but it was never really a serialized story. Each movie told its own story. Each movie gave you the information you needed to connect to the characters and understand the story they were in. Those movies had us connect to the characters and then be surprised by a twist. This series promised us a twist while never telling us who the characters actually were, and when we did find out, it meant nothing because we never really connected to these characters or their story. It's just empty, all smoke and mirrors with nothing of substance.
This trilogy had amazing casting, some very promising characters, gorgeous visuals, all thrown into a pointless story. And that's really a shame, because it could have been better if anyone had really cared.
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jc-ocspam · 3 years
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These will contain main canons from the game that turn into canon divergence. I will mention the fact something is canon then discuss where I diverge. So spoilers.
Any Kaeya I am currently portraying (meaning with all partners) will follow these headcanons. All Kaeyas' I currently portray has been in canon. In a specific canon divergence thingy is mentioned, then a separate headcanon post will be made, tagging the partner it pertains too.
I always portray Kaeya and Diluc as brothers. I do not ship them. I do not care if you do, but I see them more as brothers. I also portray a more aggressive Kaeya in regards to Diluc. I do know this may upset people, so be aware of this.
Kaeya is my favorite character. I hold him on a pedestal. He's one of my top 10 favorite characters from any kind of fandom. Like I'm not kidding. LOL
His relationship with Diluc
Kaeya and Diluc's history is based on the current canon, however, the canon divergence is that Kaeya does not continue to interact with Diluc unless absolutely necessary. If he does to Angel's Share, he will avoid the bar and only go with other people (such as Venti or Rosaria for example). He will not be left alone to talk with Diluc. He has grown tired of trying to gain Diluc's favor again. While he understands why Diluc is angry, he doesn't feel as if the death of their father was all on him. He had since turned on Khaenri'ah.
Kaeya will eventually grow tired of Diluc's attitude towards him and eventually explode (like I already have this idea in my head).
His relationship with Khaenri'ah
Following canon, Kaeya was a spy from Khaenri'ah, but where the canon divergence starts is that he wasn't only a spy, but the Prince that Deinsleif serves and he is the one that Dein constantly mentions to the Traveller.
However, after several years with Crepus and Diluc, Kaeya was happy with his new family and with Mondstadt and turned his back on Khaenri'ah. After his eye changed (headcanon to be mentioned below)
His eye
Kaeya's eyepatch covers his eye because when he hit puberty, it changed. As a member of the former Royal bloodline of Khaenri'ah, all those born of this bloodline will have a 'cursed' eye, a "gift" from the Gods when Khaenri'ah turned its back from the Gods. It appears like such; the sclera is a pitch-black color and the center pupil is still a star shape (a common distinction of those from Khaenri'ah), but a golden color.
After his eye changed colors, he came clean to Crepus about who he was and why he was in Mondstadt. Crepus did not feel any hostility or anger at Kaeya and decided to forgive him. He gave Kaeya the eyepatch and they told Diluc it was a sickness that was not life-threatening. After the death of Crepus and coming clean to Diluc, Diluc knows that is it merely a symbol of Khaenri'ah, but not Kaeya's lineage as the Prince. Kaeya has only ever told Crepus (as of me writing this. This will 100% change).
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hermitden · 2 years
Hello! READ!!!!!!
Hi, I'm new to Tumblir. I didn't really want to make an account, but since Tumblir won't let me keep an eye on my favorite fandoms without an account, it's the lesser of two evils.
Since I'm here, I might as well be a headcanons blog. I will be accepting requests for various fandoms. Such as characters, ships. I do fluff, angst but nothing NSFW. Keep in mind, I reserve the right to ignore or not do any of those, as well as block if you're sufficiently creepy and or weird. Especially for the ships.
The fandoms I'm in are:
Owl House
Wings of Fire
Keeper of the Lost Cities
Warrior Cats (Kind of)
Spy X Family
Big Hero 6
Carmen Sandiago
Fruit Basket (Kind of)
The Rising Shield Hero
Genshin Impact
FNAF (Kind of, I keep up with the lore)
Keep in mind, just because I'm in a fandom doesn't mean I'm 100% aware of everything going on or will be accepting requests. I live under a rock. That said, unless I find it creepy that dosen't mean I won't do it. Just might mean I'm not in the mood. Also, I'm in more fandoms than I list, these are just the ones I feel comfortable talking to about others. Or taking requests for. For example, I am in the Afterlife SMP, Empires SMP, Last Life SMP, those kinds of things (Not the DreamSMP) but because there are real people controlling those characters, and not just pixels on a screen or letters in a book, I don't exactly feel comfortable doing that. I will especially block you if you are persistent on that. I'm fine just talking about it though!
Also, love, love love the trope of adopted family.
NOTE: I have a tendency to ignore main characters in favor of minor characters.
Also, I will post very sporadically I'm predicting. Like I said, this is a "lesser of the two evils" kind of thing. And will also probably randomly private and unprivate posts in bouts of self-embarrassment.
TL;DR: I'm in a lot of fandoms, only willing to gush about the ones listed. Won't do live action, or something similar. Will talk about them. Will not always be around.
Also, I like names, expect me to change my name a LOT. So a blanket name for me can be Blue.
I also like writing and might dump some eye sores, not taking requests for those. I also will probably randomly make AUs, and then abandon them. There's only one I really am sticking to right now.
I will not divulge personal information. While I am willing to answer questions such as "Favorite __" nothing beyond that is allowed. Any attempts shall be blocked.
And, that's everything I can think of. Will edit later based on changes.
EDIT: If you start following me and have nothing in your profile but a name and a picture, I'm blocking you. Sorry, but I do NOT want bots.
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Naruto OC ship week
Prompt: Hair
Synopsis: Temari, Kankuro and Gaara were adopted by the well reknowned couple Hatsue (OC) & Sasori, a few decades when the siblings had long been adults, they reunite and reminisce their childhood
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[This prompt will become a future chapter to my existing fanfic at FF.net ]
"You know what, our parents are jerks." Kankuro grimaced and then downed his cup. With a tap, he set it down and his younger brother moved to pour more for him.
Temari, the eldest of the Sand Siblings, giggled in her drunkenness, letting out hiccups afterwards, her eyes half-lidded as the alcohol kicks in. "No kidding."
Gaara couldn't help but snort at that, an action he wouldn't be caught doing in a sober state.
"I mean first, there's our birth mother who couldn't keep herself alive." Kankuro complained. "Don't worry, Gaara, I'll say this again and again: you didn't have to anything to do with her death. Mother protested against Father from making you a jinchuriki and strained herself, risking you to be prematurely born."
The red head sipped generously from his cup. "Then there's our birth Father, who tried to have me killed multiple times for the sake of testing my control over Shukaku."
"Which was real shitty of him." Temari concluded. "He was a stellar father... in another life, probably. Kami, he was terrible."
"He was indifferent to me." Kankuro huffed, downing his shot in one go.
"I could never get a single praise out of him, no matter how well i perform my jutsu." The eldest of the three complained, wiping her face with her hand.
"He tried to have me killed. Multiple times."
The three looked at each other and barked a laugh.
"Oh gosh, are we competing on who among us siblings he treated the worst? Gaara wins that contest hands down." Temari grabs the bottle of sake to herself and orders a new one for her brothers.
"Hey, you should slow down, if you drink too much, we'll get your husband and we'll be cutting our reunion short." Kankuro nagged, squinting his eyes at her.
"I can hold my liquor, Kankuro, besides I know my limits, after this one I'll try to sober up before Shikamaru arrives." Temari assures her brothers, and then takes a swig out of the bottle. She looked... solemn now. "Sorry, I couldn't be here for their burial."
Kankuro gave her a sad smile and Gaara nods at her. Burials here at Suna, when a person dies, the body is buried at the same day because of the heat. The hot weather makes a dead body permeate a strong foul odor so funerals are held almost immediately.
"Hatsue-kaa-san was a damn jerk too." Temari says this without bite, her eyes dulled as she remembers memories of their adoptive mother.
"Yep, mom was a jerk." The middle child agrees, snorting in his drink.
"Agreed." The red head nods, not only to affirm his elder siblings' statements but because the room starts to sway.
"She was so disgustingly kind."
"She was. She had no business on what happens to us and yet she goes ahead and adopts us. Strangers. We would have been orphans if it weren't for her."
"In a way, we already were. Mother died early. Father was negligent."
"She let me use her paints, her paint brushes and... she would paint on my face too.", Kankuro reminisced, a nostalgic smile graced his lips. "She used to tell me I was handsome-
"it's either I'm biased to say you're handsome because you're my son or you're really handsome", the three simultaneously quoted.
"Such a jerk, blowing up my confidence like that."
"Yeah, I remember her combing my hair, hated my hair because-" She looks at her brothers alternately then her eyes went back to her bottle. "Kankuro looked like he got his genes from Hatsue-kaa-san, Gaara looked like he got his from Sasori while I look like neither of them. I look like Uncle Yashamaru. that bastard."
"Everyone here in Suna, knows what's the deal with us. It doesn't matter."
Temari shrugged nonchantly "When we would all travel for Sasori's spy network... It was nice to pretend that we were their real children."
"... The people would give us scandalous looks, doing the math, it would seem they conceived Temari at 16, Kankuro at 17 and I at 18."
The blonde and the raven head guffawed hysterically, remembering the instances conservative people coming up to their mom and passing down unwanted advices. Sasori would hide a smile and Hatsue-kaa-san would turn as red as her husband's hair.
"Hatsue-kaa-san would tell me she loved my hair. She said every time she brushes my hair it's like she's spinning threads of gold."
Kankuro made a vomiting sound. "She was such a... sap."
"... i miss- ... She would hug me the longest."
"She taught me how to care for myself... and I loved it every time she would do her skincare with me." The memories brought the distinct smell of rose scented lotions and citrus moisturizers.
"She would hover around whenever I would get ready to paint my face." Kankuro chuckled fondly.
"You were their favorite." Temari says, a hint of envy was there and there was also acceptance with the way she shrugged her shoulders.
"Me? No way-" The puppeteer tried to deny it; he didn't believe it anyway since there was this saying about middle children often are ignored.
"You are. Hatsue-kaa-san loved that you were interested in painting and Sasori .. bonded with you through puppet making." The red head gave Kankuro a slow nod.
"You don't need to feel bad, our birth mother, Karura's favorite would be Gaara and Rasa's favorite was me, being the first born and all... before he got into the council."
"You were Uncle Komushi's favorite too, Temari, not just father's."
She laughed at that. "Oh, I miss that old man. I think I only became his favorite because of the fact that I was the eldest. He used to say I was what Sasori owed him."
"And Chiyo-baa-san favored Gaara the most."
They had grins on their faces and it slipped quietly to sad smiles. Memories flooded them, brought them happiness and warmth more than they could ever hold, thus it was no wonder if their eyes were a little misty. They blame it on the alcohol.
"I should've spend more time with them." Kankuro opens up, sake really did have a way in making an honest man out of him.
"I should've brough Shikadai more for a visit." Temari regrets
"I should've called him otou-san, at least once."
The three shared a look and couldn't help but be immersed in their shared regrets.
"We should've."
"But Sasori was an asshole."
"Agreed. He made it hard to call him so."
"His guard was up."
"He was stern."
"He threatened to kill me." Gaara paused, and then added. "Understandable since at that time, I recently attempted to kill his wife."
The older siblings froze and stared at the youngest.
"That happened?"
"You never told us."
The red head shrugged.
"But... he was a father to us. In his way. He would find wind technique scrolls for me to learn. When we were younger, I remember him tying my hair up, although Hatsue-kaa-san made him do it but still..." Sasori had a stoic expression the whole time but the slow, barely there tugs as he gently brushes her hair, belies that he cared despite his seeming indifference. Temari remembers catching an almost imperceptible smile he gives her when he was done, and patted her head.
"He told me, after developing my Red Secret Technique... that it was impressive. It was stupid, I admired him and respected him, idolized him even. He was an example to follow as a Puppet shinobi. It was stupid that I-.. I wanted to hear him say he was proud of me." The middle child confessed, whispered his words, one of his vulnerabilities. "But he was such an asshole, he made us look up to him as father figure but we always felt like we weren't allowed to call him that."
"Shukaku was always loud in my head but Sasori- After defeating me, Shukaku was... cautious of him. He'd grumble alot in my head. But he quiets down when I'm near... Sasori made me feel like... everyone was safe because he was there to stop me. That's why I always asked you to go with me and sleep in their room."
"I think we interrupted them a whole lot." Temari snorted.
The three siblings burst a laugh. They remember Sasori opening the door, breathless and Hatsue-kaa-san disheveled, her pajamas looking suspiciously crumpled. Their laughter faded after a few minutes and they sat there for awhile, wondering about their parents. They didn't doubt that their parents loved them but... they wondered if their parents knew they reciprocated.
"I used to think Sasori tolerated us, you know?" Temari waved the bottle, her head was resting on the table. "That us being his kids was only an extension of his love to Hatsue-kaa-san."
"Not gonna lie but I think that's how it was for him in the beginning. Just a bunch of brats he tolerated for mom." Kankuro says, shaking his head a little. "He was a damn good father, though."
"Except... he just didn't make it known that we were allowed to call him that." Gaara stares blankly into his cup.
"Everyone said we could, if we wanted. But I wanted him to say it."
"We were stubborn. And so was he."
"Yet we follow after them. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
"Because we love them more."
"More than our birthparents."
"That's why..."
"Our parents.." Temari hiccuped, cheeks red.
"They're..." Kankuro was swaying his head, as if he was hearing a lullaby.
" All..." Gaara rubbed his eyes, trying to keep the drowsiness at bay.
"..jerks!" The siblings all said simultaneously, clinking bottles and glasses.
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uselessgaywhovian · 3 years
aw man y'all, our D&D game is a great time!
We're currently deep in the Dreadwood trying to save Bael-lys's mom and GOD THERE'S SO MUCH DRAMA BUILDING UP I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT ALL TO POP.
Everybody's got some bullshit percolating, it's amazing!
So we're in the Dreadwood because Bael-lys's mom was captured by Granny Nightshade and that boy is like two inches from snapping, hoo boy y'all. We failed our survival challenge and got lost in the goddamn Dreadwood full of nightmare creatures, and we needed help from this fey motherfucker who trapped us in a puzzle house one time (waaaay back when on our first trip to Seaton), and Bael-lys was Not Having It, it was great.
Meanwhile, y'know how Orvo set a vampire free and didn't tell anyone? Welllllll it seems like there was a curse! on anyone who helped that vampire! And now Orvo might be becoming a vampire!! So that's fun!!! He finally told Eoleo when they took watch together, and also told Eoleo some of the shit he found out from the vampire. Eoleo got weirdly annoyed about Orvo making some kind of impulsive decisions given that Eoleo's also the guy who fuckin' punched Bael-lys while we were actively being boarded by pirates looking to parley (no, i haven't let that one go yet, lmao). Oh, also Orvo was concerned about the fact that he seems to be becoming a vampire and was like "Hey, I don't think you can do this, but if I seem like I'm going to hurt people I need to be put down."
So who did they ask for this favor?
Oh god, Bree.
Bree's not doin' good y'all! Not at all!! She's at her goddamn limit!
So like. In the last two months, Bree's parents died. She found her long lost brother who she thought was dead, and they don't... always see things the same way, which is difficult... She started making friends with all us dumbasses and then finds out Yara's a pirate, which, y'know, she lived on an island with only her parents and thought her little brother was dead for most of her life because pirates sank their ship. So finding out your friend was secretly a pirate is less than ideal. Then Yara up and leaves without saying goodbye (in my defense i didn't mean to be gone this long and i DID leave Bree a note..) which Bree's not taking very well. Then Poppy, the little girl we all adored turns out to be Primewater in disguise the entire time, and we had accidentally kidnapped two little kids because Primewater modified their memories to help sell his Poppy act.
And now she finds out that Orvo freed the vampire she had discovered was trapped outside of town, he's turning into a vampire, and he wants her to put a bullet in him if he starts to hurt people.
These motherfuckers were so lucky Yara wasn't here, 'cause she would've lost her shit on Bree's behalf. I can't believe they asked her to just kill one of the ONLY FRIENDS SHE'S HAD IN HER LIFE if they need her to. What the fuck, boys. What the fuck.
But the good news was, that revelation made Bree lose her shit a little bit at the guys and she was then too distracted to ask Shamys more about herself and why she was still tagging along after the party.
Y'know, Shamys? The Tabaxi thief that's fuckin' spying on them for Primewater?
yeah. that's gonna be fun if that gets out before Shamys can bow out. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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Cold Eyes (Dark Rey x Reader) [Part 6]
Summary: Rey takes you to her new base and show you a new and hurting side of her. Previous part.
Words: 1,721
A/N: Thank you for reading! And for wait for the update, I really enjoy working on this series and writing your request. I may be a little slow this next weeks but I'm working on them, don't worry. Hope you enjoy this chapter!
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The heat was suffocating in Mustafar, the lava planet everyone had heard of in legends, though you never imagined it would be this hot. The black rock contrasted with the bright red of the magma, this planet looked like a real threat for all who set foot inside it.
As soon as you landed, Hux guided Rey and you to the old base, a castle or rather a fortress, dark, probably made with some of the rocks from this place.
“Not exactly what I was expecting” said Rey looking the tall building clearly disappointed. For the corner of your eyes you caught Hux tall figure tensing by the words of the Supreme Leader.
"Perhaps once we finish with the rebuildings it would look like in its golden days." He said doubting.
"Whatever, this will do" said Rey and walked to the entrance.
The interior was as terrible as outside, dark and very old but at least it was a little bit colder. The long halls were filled with stormtroopers and First Order's commanders each of them moved aside to let Rey passed, you behind her following closer as she ordered.
She guided you in silence for the fortress as if she knew this place like the palm of her hand. There was a really dark feeling everywhere, you felt it, you heard it, like millions of voices whispering in the air, unfamiliar voices filled with fury, regret and so much pain, all of them seemed to welcome Rey but also you to this fallen temple.
Finally you got inside an almost empty room, Rey turned around to see you face to face.
"We're finally here, Y/N" she said excited "This is where we were meant to be trained" you couldn't understand what was going on in her head but wished you knew what she was planning.
"You hear them, don't you?" She told you and you nodded "They are calling our names, we will honor them"
"I don't…" you tried to said.
"We had this talk before, Y/N. I'll be your mentor, your teacher, your master. Trust in me once you get to this side of the force you will understand who are you really mean to be".
"Is this what you're mean to be, Rey?"
She got a bit quiet for a time but then she gazed at you and walked closer to you, taking her time making your blood freeze keeping her eyes on you, she talked you in a slow and dangerous way.
"When I was a child my parents left me on a desert planet, sold me as a slave so they could have some money for alcohol" you already knew that, she had told you about it. You knew how much she wanted to find her parents and how long she waited never losing hope, she was sure they would be back. Now was different, the tone in her voice, was it anger or pain? You weren't sure.
"I waited for them every day" she continued "Worked for some food, but they didn't come back, they never would. Who sells her little daughter just so they could keep drinking?" Her voice started to cracked. "But then I joined the Resistance, and I thought I found my place, everyone was nice and there was you" she stopped in front of you and stroked over your cheek, your mind and heart racing with her touch and her gaze on you. "Oh, Y/N you were perfect. You offered me your help, you made me let my guard down taking me into your embrace, I really believed you felt something for me, what a good actress you are, my dear"
You chuckled "Feel something for you? You think I would have search for you if I didn't feel something? I thought Kylo had captured you, even tortured you, but instead I found you transformed into this" you told her feeling as if a dagger stabbed your heart. She stood silenced for a moment, the look in her eyes suddenly changed, it softed and let her face filled with surprise.
"You were searching for me?"
"I never stopped, not planning to do it now, Rey." You told her, maybe she was still there and you hoped you could bring her back to your side. "The first time I saw you, I felt something inside me beating for you. Please, it's not late. We can leave this planet, run away. Wherever you want." She glanced at you thinking, you have seen that look before, her eyes shimmered with hope once again… but then she laughed,
"Y/N, you fooled me, you really did." She told you confusing you even more. "You're good. I don't know why Leia hasn't use you as a spy instead of just fixing broken X-Wings"
"But I wasn't lying, Rey" you looked at her in the eyes. "I feel something for you, though maybe the Rey I fell in love is gone now and replaced with a monster" you growled at her, the blood boiling in your veins both with pain and a bit of anger. The first confession you told this woman and she didn't care, it broke your heart a little.
"No" she told you serious "You used me, Y/N. You just wanted to find Skywalker, just as the rest of them, but I think you were a bit smarter than them."
"You really think of me that way?"
"I don't know who to trust anymore" she said taking her hand out of your face. "Now come on, we'll come back here to train later but now, I gotta attend to a meeting."
Some time later you were sitting in a improvised control room, listening to Hux informing Rey about the things that needed to be done but also the things the First Order had succeeded. And something he said made you shiver.
"Everything is ready, Supreme Leader" he said.
"The ship?" Asked Rey
"Affirmative, the ship is already in the way to Endor. His words elicited goosebumps all over your body. If it the ship was like the last one you saw, that planet was in real danger, it meant the end of it.
"Good, if they didn't understand the message in Jakku with this, the whole galaxy is going to shiver in fear with this one" Said Rey, the crew applauded.
After the meeting Rey ordered you to stay in your new quarters, four black dark walls around you and a small mattress was barely all. In silence you walked from a side of the room to the other and then again and again. You mind trying to think in a way out of this. Endor, the new target of the First Order, they were about to destroy it, you heard it but you were stuck there, weaponless, surrounded by stormtroopers in a lava planet. The odds weren’t exactly at your favor and it made you feel impotent and weak. You wished you could so something to help the Resistance, if they knew this information you were sure they would save that innocent planet, finding a way to let them know was a must.
You sat in the edge of your bed and closed your eyes, there was something you could try. The force, always around and inside everything, it was strong in this place, dark but strong. You concentrated as much as you could, trying to reach forward, to find someone that hear your voice.
You couldn’t feel anybody, or maybe you weren’t ready, you had quite your training after all. Cursing you went back to your walk along the the room and then a risky idea crossed your mind, the only way to save Endor was to escape.
Taking one last deep breath you opened the door, a white armor in front of you that turned around when the door opened only to met your fist in the helmet. You stole the blaster from their hands and immediately shot at them. You ran through the dark halls of the fortress, taking some troopers from time to time but it was surprisingly empty, most of the soldiers were helping with the reconstruction so it made sense. Soon you made it to the improvised hangar, hiding behind some boxes you found a small ship you could stole and rushing as fast as you could you finally did it.
“Come on, turn on, please” you whispered as you sat in the cockpit, pushing buttons and pulling some levers as the ship’s console started to light and the engine started to rumble attracting some troopers that started to blast the ship.
The ship elevated making some of the soldiers back off, and then you were finally able to pilot it out of the hangar, leaving behind the fortress. You chuckled as you looked down to see the troopers rushing for their weapons, they could be a bit silly sometimes but then a shadow emerged from the base, a cloak covered figure of a woman, Rey. You saw her raised her hand and then the ship stopped in the air, even if when you tried to speed up there was something that just pulled the ship in the opposite direction. This was the end, Rey wouldn’t let you go that easy.
As the ship was slowly getting back you filled with panic, what would she do to you? but most important, you had failed again in help, the pain in your chest grew stronger but then you pushed a button and type ‘Endor. Tomorrow. Save them’ and send the signal to the Resistance base, if they caught the message all of this was worthy. But they could take it as a trap, a First Order message surely. They needed to know it was you.
Closing your eyes and breathing you tried again to reach someone Leia, Poe, Finn whoever as long as they could feel you.
“Y/N?” you heard a distance voice but clearly you were connecting with him. “Y/N, where are you?” said a echoe of Finn’s voice.
“Save them” you whispered with your eyes closed before you felt the connecting breaking and the ship landing.
A handful of troopers entered to the ship and held your arms to guide you outside where she was waiting for you.
Tagging: @cpt-bolter , @elvencantation , @jay-birf03 , @x-a-gay-disaster-x , @sheogasms , @hstoria
(In case you want to be tagged for specific things, just let me know)
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6rookie-writer0110 · 5 years
Storming the castle but not ready
Rey x Male Reader x Vi Moradi
Request- Hey, Redd anon here(🏳️‍🌈), it’s good to see you again friend. I have a request where the male reader is dating Rey (Star Wars) and when they land on Batuu to help the Resistance and spy on the First Order they meet Vi Moradi (Leia’s top spy on the planet) and they both fall for her. They both begin to flirt with Vi and her flirting back until Rey and the reader confess that they both like her and would like to welcome her into their relationship.
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You and Rey are on the planet Bespin. You and Rey were helping a friend and the plan worked out fine. But you and Rey decided to stay in Bespin, for a couple of days to spend time together without any interruption.
Rey wakes up first and she noticed you are still sleeping. She moved closer to you and she put your arm on her. You kiss her cheek and she smiled at you.
”How did you sleep?” You mumbled.
”Really, well. This is super soft and I actually want to steal this bed” Rey said.
You and Rey laughed. You and Rey have been staying in a hotel. Suddenly the holoprojector that belongs to Rey, started to ring. She pressed the button and a hologram of Lea popped up.
”Rey and Y/N, come to the planet Batuu to help the Resistance. We will explain everything once you and Y/N come” Lea said.
The message stopped and she looked at you.
”Let’s great ready,” You said.
”What wonder what she needs us for,” Rey said.
You get out of bed and start to get ready. Rey does the same thing and grabbed all the stuff.
You and Rey left the hotel. Got on the spaceship with C-3PO and R2-D2, Rey told them about the message. R2-D2 starts to say something
”It could be a mission,” C-3PO said.
”I agree with you. She didn't say much on the message but in person, I know she will tell us everything” You said.
”We will be there soon and we will find out,” Rey said.
”Whatever she needs we will help her,” You said.
R2-D2 starts to say something.
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Leia is happy to see everyone, she hugged you and Rey.
”It’s been a long time, that I have seen you or Y/N,” Leia said.
”We missed you too. We are always happy to see you” Rey said.
”Whatever you need, we will help,” You said.
”Follow me because we have a lot to talk about,” Leia said.
You and Rey followed Leia to the deck. She starts to talk about the plan to help the Resistance and spy on the First Order.
”Y/N and Rey, I want you to meet the best spy in the galaxy Vi Moradi,” Leia said.
”Hello,” Vi Moradi said.
You are admittedly attracted to her. You are intrigued by her beauty and you try to play it cool.
”You and Rey will help the Resistance and be spies with Vi Moradi. I trust her with my life. We need to know everything they are doing every second of it. If we miss anything then they will win” Leia said.
”We will do what we have to do” Vi Moradi said.
After a while when Leia talked about the plan. Rey wanted to get to know Vi Moradi, there is something about her that Rey couldn't look away.
Later, Rey walked towards Vi Moradi.
”Leia talks a lot about you and Y/N,” Vi Moradi said.
”How did you meet her?” Rey asked.
”She is friends with my parents. I heard many stories about you and Y/N. You are really pretty” Vi Moradi said.
Rey blushed.
”Thank you. You are very pretty. Maybe want to get a drink?” Rey said.
”Only if you are buying” Vi Moradi smiled.
”I will,” Rey said.
Vi Moradi and Rey to the bar together. They start to drink and continue to flirt with each other and won't stop smiling at each other. They are touching each other hands and smiling non-stop. Rey won't cheat on you but she is starting to like Vi Moradi. Start to know each other a little more, of what they do and their past.
They look at each other with heart eyes, nothing else matters right now.
✧ ✯ ✧ ✯ ✧ ✯ ✧ ✯
You are working on the ship by fixing a couple of things. You and K-2SO are not getting along that well.
”I know what I'm doing,” You said.
”No, you don't. Everything that you do is wrong. Do you know the percentage of what you are fixing will blow up? 98%” K-2SO said.
You didn't listen to him. You fixed and you thought he is wrong but it blew up on your face. You start to cough and you moved away and he starts to say I told you so.
”You should have listened to me. Humans are so stubborn” K-2SO said.
Vi Moradi gave you water to drink. K-2SO told her what happened and you want him to shut up.
”Are you okay?” Vi Moradi asked.
”Yeah. And thank you for the water” You said.
”Maybe, you want to join me get something to eat? Looks like you need a break” Vi Moradi said.
”I would love to,” You said.
”You should teach him how to fix a spaceship” K-2SO
”Let’s go before I take him apart,” You said.
You and Vi Moradi went to eat. You find her attractive and she feels the same. You and Vi Moradi start to get to know each other and she tells how she met Leia.
”Tell me, how did you meet Rey,” Vi Moradi said
”I met her through Poe Dameron. He needed a favor and I helped him. During the mission, Rey and I got but we got closer after the mission. Since then, we have been together. What about you?” You asked.
”I’m single and looking. But I won't just date anyone I’m not that desperate” Vi Moradi said.
”You are really beautiful,” You said.
Vi Moradi smiled at you.
”Thank you, Y/N. You definitely handsome with a cute smile” Vi Moradi said.
”Thanks,” You said.
You and Vi Moradi just keep talking about everything. Vi Moradi can feel the chemistry with you and with Rey.
✧ ✯ ✧ ✯ ✧ ✯ �� ✯
You and Rey are in bed just talking to each other. Now you and Rey talk about Vi Moradi.
”Do you think, she will be interested in being in a relationship with us?” Rey asked.
”I don't know, really. I mean, we can tell her how we feel and from there she will tell us her answer” You said.
She did agree with you.
Rey lies on top of you and you wrap your arms around her. She starts to kiss you and you kiss her back.
✧ ✯ ✧ ✯ ✧ ✯ ✧ ✯
You and Rey went to see Vi Moradi. You started the conversation then you told her how you feel about her now it's Rey turn.
”What Y/N is true. We both have feelings for you and we really like you. We talked about it and we want to know if you want to be in a relationship with us” Rey said.
”I like you and Y/N. I really did feel the chemistry between us and I actually thought nothing would happen between us. But this really surprised me and I say yes” Vi Moradi said.
Everyone is smiling. Vi Moradi kissed Rey first then she starts to kiss you.
Vi Moradi has been traveling with you and Rey. The relationship is not a secret and Leia supports the relationship. The relationship is strong because there are no secrets. You and Rey share the bed with Vi Moradi.
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vagrantblvrd · 5 years
i'm love the kings concubine post you reblogged earlier! what pairing do you see working for it best?
Oooh, Anon, I am super torn on this one because the Possibilities???
I won’t lie that my first thought was Myan?
Young prince Ryan with young soldier Michael who’s injured while doing a Heroic Deed by saving Ryan’s life/someone close to him or pushes a kid out of the way of a runawawy horse/carriage because Drama. Or maybe Ryan’s out inspecting his troops and someone jealous of Michael’s skill - the officers think he has Potential - deliberately injures him and Ryan’s there to see it. (Similar instance in which Ryan hears about the incident - either directly from one of his advisors or he accidentally overhears someone talking about it and he’s Intrigued.)
And then you know, Michael being like, “Uh, no,” at first because talk about sketchy as hell? But then the doctors and healers tell him his injury will never fully heal and the officers and whatnot are already treating him differently. (They know, even if he’s not ready to accept it yet being young and bullheaded as he is.)
So he sits down and thinks about it for a bit. Ryan’s got him in the castle proper or what have you being ~pampered because Michael won’t accept any other thanks and the like and he watches the way certain advisors act around him and Ryan isn’t even the king yet, how much worse will it get when he is? Chews on that thought for a while.
He sees Ryan working so hard to learn what he can about being a good ruler before the current ruler dies - maybe they’re sick or it’s just Duty has been drilled into his head that he’s got this feeling of time running out on him. (His parents won’t always be there and so on.)
Sees how hard he pushes himself, how determined he is to be a good ruler for his people and on the flip-side there’s that asshat advisor, people who definitely aren’t in this for the good of the people and decides to take Ryan up on his offer. (And then, you know, The Romcom Shenanigans Truly Begin.
There’s also the Mavin route, where they’re childhood friends and royal Gavin sees Michael being treated badly by his fellow soldiers until there’s an Incident in which MIchael’s injured.
And Gavin is like, well.
He’ll be inheriting his parents’ advisors and such? But the whole…concubine situation is a bit different and what does Michael say?
(Michael says Gavin’s an idiot and it’ll never work and shirtless you say? I can do that. And then those two idiots run rings around the stodgy old advosors until they manage to drive a few away with their shenanigans. (Like, okay. There are a few assassination attempts along the way? But that’s what Michael’s for and wow, how the idiot(s) behind the attempt forgot what a formidable fighter MIchael is is beyond either of them, but since it works out in their favor they’re not too fussed about it.)
(Also, also, the Mavinwood route of prince Ryan, childhood friend Gavin (who play-acts as his court jester but is really his spy master) and Gavin’s childhood friend MIchael and a combination of the above two scenarios? But with like. Ryan sekritly Pining for Gavin and Michael and all :(((((((((((((( because clearly those two are madly in love with one another and don’t see him like that, which is fine! Really!!1! He’s super happy for them, just. Pining like an idiot and missing all the signs they’re cahooting against him because jfc he’s real dense.)
But also, also?
The one I really kind of love is prince Trevor and ~concubine Alfredo, because the sheer chaos and shenanigans?
Prince Trevor who meets Alfredo via life saving shenanigans and Trevor finds out he’s a talented strategist so he makes sure Alfredo gets the education on said matters he deserves? (And then Alfredo is injured in battle and Trevor makes The Offer that Alfredo considers carefully before accepting.)
Alfredo just fucking’ embracing his new role to Trevor’s amusement and that of the others who figure shit out pretty damn fast?
Alfredo lounging all over the place and being an idiot until he’s not?
Snacking on an apple and leaning over Trevor’s shoulder at whatever battle plan asshat advisor has and just being, “Nah, that won’t work.” and sauntering off somewhere with a sway to his hips?
Trevor immediately telling asshat advisor to rethink said battle plans or he won’t okay it and dismissing the meeting and just.
Things of that nature.
Trevor either doing the Pining Thing because it was only ever meant to be a business deal, little loophole he found? And, sure. It’s working out great for the kingdom and Alfredo, but Trevor is Suffering watching shirtless Alfredo waltzing around all the damn time.
Alfredo insisting on teaching Trevor better fighting techniques and so on. Sure, Trevor learns swordsmanship and whatever else from his private tutors and so on but they’re teaching him the proper way to fight. Like he’s always going to face someone who plays fair, and Alfredo wants the idiot to live, so.
Those sparring sessings/whatever where he gets the better of Trevor, blade at his throat or under his chin and all that ~tension of a sexual nature? Alfredo pinning him while showing him hand-to-hand and all that?
(And then the assassination attempt Alfredo helps thwart, but in the process he has to tackle Trevor to the ground and wow, their faces are awfully close? Or maybe there’s a moment where they’re pressed against each other in a narrow hidden passageway to get Trevor to safety - and again they’re awfully close to one another??? So many possibilities.)
I mean, there are so many pairings/ships my brain latched onto this idea I cannot choose just one. /o\ (I haven’t even gotten into the Jeremwood which would be amazing because those two dumbasses or anything and just. Yes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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