#i'm also aware i'm not necessarily a very good representative sample
idk what the ettiquette is for liking posts people have made about the show. I wanna encourage you to yell about it!! i make the shows for this very purpose!! please yell!! but i worry that my tendency to go through the notes like 'yes good' may be slightly off putting.
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the-physicality · 4 months
We know why bestie i am not versed in Montreal knowledge i do not know why
ok. so fun fact you get 2 answers today. this is what another anon said:
"when your goalie is one of your three first signings you’re kind of forced into it….even if the other one is playing better
(i kind of wish we could have seen a minnesota goalie situation with chuli)"
I agree and would like to expand upon this a bit. obv We're not going to talk about the playoffs bc that is a totally different conversation.
prefacing all of this with I am not a coach i am not an athlete I only know from sports what I see and what I read so use this as you will. [i got into hockey January 3 2024]
I do think Kori has a tendency to rely on canadian national team members even when they aren't necessarily being productive.
I also think the data isn't fully representative of the situation. Chuli has a much smaller sample size and many of her games occurred before our injury troubles.
She played against every team except ottawa, which is interesting, because we usually [except that one game] did well against ottawa. and Kori seemed to prefer to play Chuli against teams that we did well against.
It is also interesting that she played 4 of 5 against minnesota, starting after the 0-3 first meeting with ARD. Chuli was 3 wins and 1 shootout loss against them.
Interestingly enough, it took until the 4th meeting for her to play against toronto, and saved 30 of 32, second only to ARD saving 36 of 39 in january. We always let in 2 + goals against tor, with the closest regulation game being 2-1 and having a 3-3 OT and 3-3 shootout [guess what happened lol]
Chuli before worlds would regularly only have one goal allowed, as opposed to desbeins who would let in 2. [this is very clear looking at the goals against avg]
I think it's hard to look at the Min game after worlds because 1. it was the team's first game after worlds and 2. it was her first game in nearly a month.
The argument for ARD [aside from the FA thing*] is that if we're still mostly winning [aside from toronto] it's not a bad record so why not play the "#1 goalie"
the argument against is would it not be easier to win if we were scored on less? [the answer is yes]
You of course have to look at how the goals were scored too. I could have gone back and looked at every goal against but I didn't feel like doing that so this is my recollection.
Chuli had some issues with rebounds I think and goals in the top corner on her stick hand [which i'm sure is where people are trained to shoot]. Desbiens to me, seemed to let in more "oopsies" that kind of snuck in or were lower to the ground. "she's gonna want that one back" is what all the announcers say.
the team also played better with Chuli in net, and you have to wonder if they are more aware of not letting as many shots through because "the best goaltender in the world" isn't in net. Though Desbiens faced on average 29.8 shots per game [inclusive of OT] and Chuli faced 31.6.
I think if you don't have the worlds break, Chuli plays more in the last 5 games. I do think the biggest mistake was not playing her in the last boston game but what do I know.
desbiens' save % was .923, which is 5th among qualified goalies, but her goals allowed against was 2.28, which puts her above only schroeder and Maschmeyer. 2.28 also means that the team has to score more to win. [and as we all know montreal has a mentality problem and difficulty coming back from being down/ shut out]
we went to OT [not shootout] 5 times, and desbiens was in net for 4 of those, with a 2-2 OT record [one of these OTs was against boston and we had a goal called back with a long review so that was rough on all involved]. Chuli won in OT against Boston, facing 3 shots on goal.
We went to Shootouts 3 times and honestly i'm not even going to talk about that because I blame the skaters for not sniping the puck/kori for playing poulin a bunch even though her record was not good. lmao [other goalies you're welcome for giving you better shootout save %]
If I were montreal, I would want to lock her down by offering more playing time or at least more opportunities to play. If I were Chuli, I'd see if Ottawa or New york wanted me [honestly I think those are the only places she'd get playing time even though toronto/boston are probably also looking for #2s jk she might get more times in boston but idk] . If I were Kori cheverie this season, I would have played her until her #s matched desbiens'.
There is something to be said about consistency in playing which is a reason to have a #1 goalie [if you look at save %, both Minnesota goalies [who played pretty close to an even number of games, came in 6 and 8 of 8 on save % from qualified goalies [masch came in 7] But rooney and hensley came in above desbiens on Goals against avg [2.08 and 2.19 vs 2.28]
of course we have to acknowledge that all of these stats come from a very small sample - desbiens only played 16 games, Chuli 8. But head to head, I think [not know] that their stat differences are statistically significant.
*the FA thing [which we can combine with the national team thing bugs me a lot because why wouldn't you just play whoever is playing well the most. The most obvious examples of this are hilary knight and kristin o'neill [not a FA but a high draft pick] who while I understand are important leaders, probably could have been moved down a little more.
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