#i'm actually suprised at meyer's restraint when talking about julius
ducavalentinos · 7 years
“Having achieved the dream of his life, as Pope Julius II he continued to brim over with ambitions unfulfilled. In a decade on the throne, this violent, irascible character would turn himself into one of the epic figures of the Renaissance and one of history’s legendary popes. He would be remembered as a reformer in spite of systematically selling offices and benefices and allowing his courts to be corrupted, and would be honored for a restrained use of nepotism that was made easier by the things his uncle Sixtus IV had already done to enrich their kinsmen and the fact that only one of his illegitimate children, a daughter, lived to adulthood.” @lucreceborgia here Tha, a bit of Della Rovere trashing for you, like I promised. lmao
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