#i'm about 5 tracks into a Tupac re-listen right now
breserker · 4 months
re-read that rap post and realized that the person in the tags that was like "i'm not that weak rap just talks too much about sex and violence and i'm not about that. anyway i turn to screamo and thrash metal"
dragging my nails down my face MY GUY SEX AND VIOLENCE IS EVERYWHERE IN MUSIC ESPECIALLY METAL and if you're only rejecting someone's ability to talk about sex and violence based on a genre pioneered and helmed by Black people (so was rock n roll but that's a discussion for another time...!) then you're just saying that you don't like it when sex and violence is talked about by Black people, to say nothing of "you can't speak of your personal experiences"
@freevoidman mentioned WAP in their tags and i will put my whole chest into believing about how much that's a capital F Feminist song to me if you want to put labels onto it, like be careful if you say things like BIPOC sexuality should be respected but then turn around and degrade rap for having sex in it especially when it's by a woman
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