#i'll weasel ShiraYuki x Doc in wherever i get the chance
johannstutt413 · 4 years
(requested by mathmaticalknight) 
“Doctor.” ShiraYuki materialized in the Doctor’s office from nothing, causing him to jump and spill his coffee. “We must talk.”
“Sure, sure, just need to find a- towel...” He took the cloth she offered him and began cleaning the mess she’d made of him.
The Anaty, for her part, walked around to the front of his desk to continue their conversation. “W’s too dangerous to trust.”
“Yeah, people keep telling me that,” he replied. It was true - they didn’t stop. “But as long as we can point her grenades away from us-”
“You gave her my job.”
The Doctor looked up from the sweetener-laden pool on his desk with a note of realization. “I didn’t know ninjas could be jealous.”
“I...I’m not.” The mostly-concealed blushing behind her mask told a different story. “You can’t trust her-”
“I can’t trust more than half the people here - SilverAsh is definitely here for more than just to ensure his sister’s wellbeing, Deepcolor is blatantly lying about the kind of person she is, Platinum might as well have ‘I’m a spy’ written on her back, Leizi’s in the same boat. Hell, you’re here on orders from the Princess, so honestly, how do I know I can trust you?” All of this was said to the coffee but directed at ShiraYuki.
That stung more than he could’ve ever known. “My word isn’t enough?”
“I...That’s not what I meant.” He sighed. “Look, I didn’t give her the job because I think she’s more trustworthy than you or anything like that. Her skills are entirely battlefield-oriented, whereas your assignment was to be my bodyguard, and you have plenty of other talents besides. Frankly, it’d be a waste to send you out on field missions when you could be here with m- to fulfill your duties as a bodyguard.”
“I see.”
The Doctor finished mopping up the coffee and grabbed the cleaning wipes he needed to keep his desk from getting sticky. “If you really would rather be out in the field-”
“No, Doctor.” ShiraYuki slowly walked behind him. “I understand.”
“Good-” Maybe a little too well, as it turned out; she’d walked around him to wrap her arms around his waist.
She slid her mask off her face so her breath would touch the base of his neck. “You want me here.”
“...Guess I gave away the ghost with that one, huh?” He sighed. “I didn’t want to make your job a big conflict of interest or anything-”
“There’s no conflict. I’m sworn to protect you.” It’s not as if the Anaty hadn’t hoped he might say something like this since first encountering him, after all.
Well, that was a load off his back, even though there was now a ninja glued to his. “The, um, other Area Snipers aren’t mad, are they?”
“I don’t know.” ShiraYuki rubbed her cheek against his back. “I don’t care.”
“Fair...Would you like to sit with me while I work? There’s a bit of admin I need to take care of before tonight.”
She released him so he could sit, but then she immediately settled into his lap. “Tonight, Doctor?”
“If we’re going to do this, we should do it right, don’t you think?” He flashed her a smile. “I want to take you to dinner and celebrate a little, if that’s alright.”
“...” The Anaty simply nodded, struck silent by the thought.
The Doctor nodded in return. “Good. You know, I’d never seen your face completely until now.”
“You haven’t.” That meant that at this point all of ShiraYuki’s excitement was on full display. “Enjoying it?”
“I’d like to enjoy it a little more, honestly.” He gave her a peck on the cheek.
...It was some time before the Doctor got any work done that day.
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