#i'll throw words into these bitches with reckless abandon and one day
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svtskneecaps ¡ 4 years ago
you mean the world to me
(gender neutral) reader x wonwoo
genre: fluff + angst; words: 7k
(i’ve found i write for wonwoo in times of academic panic and if ever there was a time of academic panic, this is it)
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You didn’t see Wonwoo at all on the morning everything changed. His side of the bed was empty when you got out of the shower, and your keys were missing from the hook. Maybe that was your first clue that something was up. His set still hung there innocently, the tiny bear charm you’d gotten him on your two year anniversary swinging lightly on the breeze from the AC unit.
You shrugged and picked up the keys. This wasn’t the first time he’d grabbed the wrong set, and it probably wouldn’t be the last.
(your second clue was that the door was unlocked)
You called him on your lunch break to tease him about the keys, but it went to voicemail. That in itself wasn’t odd; usually if he was in a frenzy working on some idea he’d forget to check his phone, but it was sort of odd that it didn’t even ring.
You shrugged that off too. Maybe he forgot it at the apartment, and it died. He’d never forgotten it before, but there was a first time for everything.
You finally accepted something was wrong when you stopped by the bookstore with coffee and it was closed. And dark.
He always had the front light on when he was inside.
Hours later, as you paced around the apartment trying to work out whether or not to call the police, you heard the jangle of your keys in the lock. You swung the door open before he’d even unlocked it, heart in your throat.
“There you are! I was worried, where have you been, why weren’t you answering your phone?”
Your questions died in your throat as you looked him over. He looked exhausted.
“Wonwoo,” you said, softly, “are you okay?”
He visibly forced a smile. “Yeah,” he said.
You opened the door wider, and he hesitated before he came in. He hovered in the entryway, like a stranger in his own apartment (the one you picked out together).
You sat down on the couch, and he followed you to the living room, but he sat in the guest chair instead of his usual place beside you. He didn’t speak, just looked around the room as if he’d never been in it before. Finally, you were the one to break the silence.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
He looked at you, appearing to consider his words carefully (as he does, of course, he’s a songwriter).
“If you woke up in a stranger’s bed, in a life you don’t recognize, what would you do?”
You blinked. “Like those Hallmark movies?”
“Hallmark movies?”
“Yeah, it’s a huge trope in like the Christmas movies? Somebody runs into a Santa character and one way or another they make a wish and then Santa slaps them into an alternate universe where usually they’re married with several children or something, and they learn the true meaning of Christmas.” You made jazz hands.
He wrinkled his nose. “I don’t think Christmas is involved.”
“Are you saying you weren’t some rich businessman in your past life?” you teased. “I could see it, you know.”
“But if you were in that situation,” he pressed. “What would you do?”
You thought about that. “I guess I’d go with it,” you said. “Try to figure out who I am in the new life and make the most of it.”
“You wouldn’t try to go back?”
“I don’t see how I could figure it out, unless I recognized the Santa character on my initial run to all the places I used to know and talked to them about it.”
He groaned. “Please let’s not call them the Santa.”
You weren’t sure if he was joking until he smiled, and you relaxed.
“Well that’s what they are,” you defended, maybe a little too quickly, but he didn’t seem to notice.
“Can they not be wish granters? Or guardian angels or something? Not all of the stories are to do with the true meaning of Christmas.”
You shrugged. “I know you’re the writer here but your storytelling experience pales in comparison to my extensive knowledge of Hallmark movie tropes.”
He leaned forward. “I’m a writer?”
You forced yourself to laugh like he was making a joke even though something in your chest went tight.
(he chose to sleep on the couch that night and even though you were upset that he wasn’t next to you in the bed, some strange part of you was glad for the distance)
You called out of work the next day to walk Wonwoo to the bookstore, citing stress at your significant other going missing for most of a day. Seungcheol was understanding, telling you not to worry, that he’d see you Monday.
Vernon was leaning against the wall by the door when you came up, messing with something on his phone.
“Hey,” he said, glancing at your partner. “I was worried; it’s not like you to be late.”
Wonwoo was quiet for an odd amount of time, long enough that you glanced over at him. He was staring at Vernon with some odd look in his eyes.
“We got a late start,” you finally answered for him. “After yesterday. . .” You coughed. “Anyway, you guys need any help setting up?”
“Probably, yeah, we just got a shipment of that new YA series the other day,” Vernon said. You step to one side, motioning Wonwoo up the steps to unlock the door. “Maybe you shelve those while I blow the dust off the front desk. She’s not used to being unused this long.”
You laughed, too loud. “It was a day.”
“I know, it was ages.”
(you didn’t comment on how Wonwoo had to try three keys from the ring before getting the door open, or how he looked at the inside of his own bookstore like it was a wondrous new place. Vernon didn’t seem to notice)
You dragged the box out to the shelves and started placing the books. Apparently Vernon had forgotten how well voices carried in the quiet space, because you could hear him speaking as if he were next to you when he said, “Hey, man, did you two fight?”
You could imagine Vernon’s shrug, heard him fiddling with the crack in his phone case. “I don’t know, it’s just, usually you two are pretty much inseparable, but like, yesterday you totally go off the grid and now today there’s a whole sidewalk between you.” A floorboard creaked. “I know it’s probably not really my business, y’know since I just work the front desk and all, but, I thought I’d ask.”
The pause stretched out so long you found yourself frozen, breath caught in your lungs, hand hovering above the next book, waiting.
“I’m adjusting,” Wonwoo said finally. “I’m a different person than I was two days ago.”
It was an answer and a non-answer all at once and it implied more than it clarified. You picked up the book and slotted it onto its place in the shelf, above the carefully written label. You didn’t mention the conversation when you brought the box back. You made an excuse about going for coffee and bolted out the door.
(usually the bookstore felt welcoming, an extension of your significant other, but the atmosphere was stifling and foreign and you couldn’t stay)
Thankfully, Seokmin had the morning shift, and you arrived during a dead period. He was able to sit with you as you nursed your drink and fretted aloud over everything that happened.
“It’s like I blinked and he was a total stranger,” you said. “I don’t know what I did.”
“Maybe it wasn’t anything you did?” he offered. “Maybe he just changed.”
“It’s just so weird.” You cupped your hands around your drink. “I mean, I know people say that by the end of a long lasting relationship your significant other changes enough to be a bunch of different people, but it happened overnight. Like he went to sleep as a writer, and my--” you choke on boyfriend-- “significant other, and then he woke up and-- I mean aside from him still being named Wonwoo it’s like-- I don’t know who this man is anymore.”
“Maybe not,” Seokmin said agreeably.
“Wow,” you said, sipping your drink. “Stop hanging out with Jeonghan so much, you’re starting to sound like him.”
He laughed and nudged your shoulder. “What I’m saying is, maybe he feels strange and different, but that doesn’t have to matter. What matters is if you’re willing to find the pieces of him that you loved again. He can’t have changed that much underneath.”
He was right, no doubt. The awkward way Wonwoo had held himself the night before reminded you of the first time you’d ever really talked. He wasn’t so different, just undeveloped, like he’d jumped back in time. Like he’d crossed the multiverse from an existence where he’d never met you.
You could handle it. The situation was manageable. You could treat each interaction like you’d just met him for the first time. It could be easy, or it could be the hardest thing you’d ever faced, but you could handle it. Really.
(you texted Wonwoo asking if you should bring anything back for him and Vernon. his coffee order was different than the one you remembered)
You unlocked the door to the apartment that night. Wonwoo lingered in the hallway until you glanced back at him.
“You do anything at work today?” you asked.
He shook his head. “That office is a disaster. How did I ever find anything?”
You laughed, hanging up your keys. “Yeah, that’s what I’ve been saying basically since we bought the place.” You almost nudged his shoulder as you passed him on your way to the kitchen, but stopped the thought before it became a motion. “Keys on the hook,” you directed, “before you forget where you set ‘em.”
It took him two tries to find the right hook, but he got it. “I had to spend most of the morning organizing everything,” he said. “There’s so much stuff in there.”
“Let the record show that I’ve been telling you this was how it was gonna end up for years.”
“That’s the most long-winded way to say ‘I told you so’ I’ve ever heard.”
“What can I say? I like the sound of my own voice.” You pulled ingredients from the cupboards. “You remember where the pans are?”
“No,” he said.
Making the food was the only easy part. Sitting at the table, you were acutely aware of him, like every one of your senses was waiting for something major to happen. Nothing did, though; you ate dinner in near complete silence. It wasn’t the comfortable silence you were used to. The air between you felt charged like the static balls at a science fair. You wanted to bridge the gap.
Wonwoo wanted to take the couch again, but you refused.
“Your turn in the bed,” you said, shooing him away. “You and I both know that couch doesn’t do the back any favors, and it’s your apartment too.”
“You don’t have to, I can--”
“Mom said it’s my turn on the couch,” you said in a high pitched, nasal tone, and then snickered, halfheartedly throwing a pillow at him. It flopped on the floor halfway between you. “I’ll be fine.”
He hovered in the doorway a few moments more, but relented in the end. “Goodnight,” he said, and made to close the door.
“Goodnight,” you said, and then, “you mean the world to me.”
The door clicked shut. You scooped up the pillow again and dropped it and yourself on the couch.
(it really is back pain in all forms and you woke up with cramps in muscles you didn’t even know you had, but it was worth it. it was always worth it)
You spent the weekend dancing around him, like planets. Like stars. Like if you got too close it would end in catastrophe.
Sometimes you’d slip into a back and forth with him that felt so familiar you could almost forget that you hardly knew him anymore, until you’d reference an old memory and he’d give you a quizzical look. It would sting, except the old memories felt strange to you now too. You didn’t mind not thinking about them, if it meant he didn’t look at you like that. Like a stranger.
The stranger you were.
You returned to work Monday and Seungcheol swung by your desk.
“How’s your boyfriend?” he asked. “He feeling better?”
You ignored the part of your stomach that twisted hearing boyfriend (that was what he was, after all, or what he had been, before Thursday; it shouldn’t feel so strange).
“I think so,” you said, because he’d put his keys on the right hook without you needing to remind him and he knew where all the cooking utensils were without needing to ask you.
Seungcheol rested his arms on the top of your cubicle. “And you? How are you holding up?”
You felt like you were hanging on by a thread. “Fine, I think. Pretty well, all things considered.”
He looked at you with concealed concern, but seemed to understand. You didn’t want to talk about it at work, even if Seungcheol had been one of your closest friends in university.
“Well, give me a call if you ever want to talk about it,” he said, and then left, probably for his own desk.
You bolted the moment time ticked over for your lunch break.
You didn’t know if Wonwoo would want you swinging by. You didn’t know if he’d answer your call. You called anyway, even if your hands shook.
He picked up.
“Hey!” You wiped your palm on your shirt. “I’m out on lunch break; if you aren’t too busy maybe we could run get Chinese or something?”
There was a pause, and then, “Okay. Just let me make sure Vernon and Chan can handle the store.”
He met you out front, and you walked to the restaurant together.
It wasn’t too cold out, so you got the food to go and found a bench to sit at, watching people as they pass.
“You remember that game, where you pick somebody going by and try to guess what they’re doing?” you asked into the silence.
He hummed. “Maybe. Why, you want to do it now?”
You shrugged. “Might as well.”
Even though he’d seemed apprehensive, he took to the game quickly. He was the one to decide that the woman wearing heels with her paint splattered jeans was a street performer, on her way to meet up with the other members of her busking group. You countered that obviously, the man in the mask waiting impatiently to cross the street was on his way to manage a rambunctious group of idols.
“Can you imagine?” you asked, shaking your head. “Must be rough, having to keep some of those groups under control.”
Something odd tinged the edges of Wonwoo’s expression when you looked back over at him. You couldn’t tell what it was. You hadn’t been able to read his expressions for days. It should have scared you.
It didn’t.
“Must be rough,” he echoed, his voice hollow. You were caught between asking about it and pretending you hadn’t noticed when he pointed across the plaza at the fountain. “Bet that guy’s an idol.”
“Yeah?” You followed his hand to see a man standing by the fountain, staring up at the jets of water, his hands buried in the pockets of the long coat he wore.
“Yeah. He’s taking a break from the practice room to appreciate everything around him,” Wonwoo said. “He’s gonna go home to the other members of his group and they’re going to ask where he’s been and be worried.”
“What’s he going to tell them?”
Wonwoo leans back into the bench, and maybe a little bit into you.
“He’s going to tell them he was getting a new perspective,” he said. “That he’s seen life from a new angle. And. . .”
The silence stretched, but it was comfortable. His arm touched yours, resting there.
“And,” Wonwoo said, and his voice cracked, “that he missed them.”
You tore your gaze from the man at the fountain. Wonwoo stared into nothing, eyes wet.
“Are you okay?” you asked softly.
He didn’t look at you as he nodded. Maybe that was for the best. You could feel tears building in your own eyes. You didn’t even know why.
You missed them too.
The alarm on your phone went off.
“Ah,” you said. “I should get back to work.”
You stood, ignoring the chill on your arm where his had been.
“I’ll see you back at the apartment, yeah?” you said.
He looked at you, that time, standing. “Yeah,” he said.
You threw out your trash and offered him your arm gallantly. “Would you allow me to walk you back, sir?”
He laughed and tossed his own trash, taking your arm. “Sure.”
You walked him all the way back to the store, where you swept off an imaginary hat and dipped into a grossly exaggerated bow. You heard him laugh, and when you came back up he was smiling (you would do anything to see him happy).
“Alright, you’ve done your job,” he said.
You place a dramatic hand on your chest. “Are you implying that I did all that out of a sense of moral obligation?”
He snickered. “Well, when you put it that way.”
Whatever expression had made its way onto your face made him laugh, his face lighting up as he reached out for the doorway to steady himself. You broke into a smile, heart beating a little faster.
“Okay, I gotta go before I’m late.” You almost wanted to hug him goodbye, but something stopped you. You settled for a quick wave. “You mean the world to me, okay? I’ll see you after work!”
Friday, Wonwoo came in and barely hung up his keys (on the right hook) before tipping himself over the arm of the couch to flop face first into the cushions with a deep groan. You stared at his limp form from the kitchen, a tiny smile forming on your face.
“So, how was work?” you asked.
He mumbled something into the couch that might’ve been, “Peachy.” He flipped over. “Some woman decided we should be a bookstore and a coffee shop and made sure we knew it.”
You wince. “Yikes.”
“Yeah.” He ground his hands into his eyes. “I spent half my morning making sure she wasn’t taking it out on Vernon or Chan.”
“Well, if she didn’t get the kids then it’s all good.” You set down the spoon and moved into the other room, leaning on the back of the couch. “Shame Seungkwan wasn’t there, he’d have given her a real piece of his mind.”
“I would have let him. Not like I even wanted her to buy anything after she said that.” Wonwoo dropped his hands, one arm falling off the side of the couch. He gazed up at you.
“She can keep her condescending cash to herself,” you agreed, and reached out to mess with his hair.
And drew back just as quickly, your hand hardly brushing his hair before hastily retreating to grip your leg. Why did you do that? It was wrong, it was all wrong. Your face burned. You didn’t know him well enough you’d known him for years he was a stranger you’d played with his hair all the time in university, even before you’d made it official it felt wrong to do it it felt wrong to pull away--
Wonwoo sat up. “Hey, everything okay?”
“--Yeah.” You shook your head. “Just-- head rush.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yeah.” You tore yourself away from the couch, making for the counter again and ignoring the sting on your leg where you dug in your nails. You could hear him trailing you.
Wonwoo leaned on the counter as you picked up the spoon. For a moment, you thought he’d press you again.
“So,” he said, “how was work?”
Of course he wouldn’t push. He was Wonwoo.
“Fine,” you said, stirring the ramen in the bowl. “Same old story, really, except everyone was talking about the company dinner party Sunday.”
Wonwoo blinked. “You didn’t tell me there was a dinner Sunday.”
You dashed the spoon through the noodles with perhaps more vigor than strictly necessary. “I didn’t want to bother you. You know, since you haven’t been feeling well this week. It didn’t seem worth adding to your plate and it doesn’t seem like your scene.”
“It doesn’t seem like yours either.”
He was right; it wasn’t your scene. You always found yourself walking on eggshells every time, a glass of wine gripped in your hand that you never dared drink from out of fear of making a fool of yourself.
“It’s my job,” you said. Your next stir sent tiny dots of water into the air and you flinched back.
Wonwoo nudged you out of the way, taking up the spoon even as you pouted at him. “Well,” he said, “need a date?”
You blinked. “Are you volunteering?”
“Maybe,” he said. “You work for one of those fancy companies, right? They probably have all kinds of high society foods.”
“They do cover meal costs,” you admitted.
He scoffed. “And you were going to leave me eating ramen alone on my Sunday night?” He reached up and tousled your hair. “If you need moral support I’ll be there.”
Your heart swelled. “Jeon Wonwoo, you mean the world to me you godsend.”
He ducked his head, turning to the ramen again. “Hey, any guy would count himself lucky to be your plus one.” He nudged your elbow. “How about you grab a couple bowls out and we eat this on the couch? We can watch a movie or something.”
(you found your seat on the couch, your bowl nestled in your lap, and when he came to meet you he sat beside you)
Saturday you spent at the bookstore, shelving books, distracting Vernon, and waiting for Wonwoo to get off. Seungkwan stopped by with a deck of cards and in the spare moments between customers you played poker under the desk. Chan threatened to quit after you inexplicably bluffed him out of three rounds in a row. Vernon swore he wasn’t stacking the deck, you were just that good all of a sudden.
“It’s not possible for you to have gotten good at bluffing in under a week, it’s like you’re a totally different person,” Chan said, and he was joking but the sting and the familiarity of the words drained the blood from your face and you barely managed to play it off. The game continued, but without you.
Seokmin was sitting at a table in the coffeeshop flicking idly through a textbook. You ordered a drink and joined him.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
“Fine,” you said.
“Really? Because you only come in here alone when it isn’t.”
You huffed. “It’s nothing. I just needed an escape.” The bookstore felt more welcoming again, more like Wonwoo (Wonwoo with his arm touching yours on the bench, Wonwoo pressed against your side as you play fight over who gets to cook dinner, Wonwoo with his head on your shoulder as he sleeps through the emotional climax of Finding Dory, his breathing a steady breeze against your neck) but something in Chan’s words. . .
You’d recoiled.
“I’m not--” you gripped your cup, thinking carefully about your words. “I’m not a different person, am I?”
“As far as I know you’re the same person you’ve always been.”
You rolled your eyes. “No, I mean-- have I changed, like-- my personality, my little ticks. Any of that?”
Seokmin looked at you (he always looked like he knew more than he said; probably it came from being top of his class all through school but still. . .). “Maybe,” he said. “I’d say you’re the same you, but maybe they knew a different you.”
Your head slipped to meet the table before you could catch it. “Seokmin you know I’m not smart enough for riddles.”
“It doesn’t have to be a riddle.” He laughed. “Everybody has a picture in their mind of everybody else, and it’s never the same as what actually exists.”
“Philosophy is ruining you,” you said. “Stop hanging out with Jeonghan, he’s turning you into a paradox.”
“What I’m saying is, just because someone thinks you’re different than you were, that doesn’t mean you actually are. Maybe you’ve just been different this whole time, and now they finally noticed.”
He had a point, once you stripped away the philosophic layers. It was just the phrasing.
It’s like you’re a totally different person. In under a week.
Last week, everything had changed.
You couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong, but you sipped your coffee anyway. Seokmin asked about the company dinner, and you tried to forget about it.
You went shopping with Wonwoo after he closed up the store, trying to find something business casual for the dinner.
“And nothing in the closet would work for this because?” you asked, flicking through the rack of button ups.
“Because it’s a special occasion,” he said, holding a suit jacket against his chest and then hanging it up again. “We can’t wear anything we’ve already worn.”
You snorted. “What are we, movie stars on the red carpet?”
“No,” he said. “I mean, if you wanted, maybe, but no.” He glanced up. “Anytime is an excuse to treat ourselves.”
“Can’t argue with that.” You trailed your arm across a line of ties, letting the material fall over your finger. Your motion halted over a tie. “Oh, this’ll be impressive.” You held it up for him to see.
“Nice,” he said. “The bundles of bills will surely let your boss know you’re in this for what really matters.”
You pointed at him. “Exactly what I was thinking.” You looped it around your head, fingers pinching it together. “Maybe I could wear it like one of those guys in the post apocalyptic movies, that way they know I’m willing to go all the way.”
“Now you’re talking.” He hung up the jackets and came over, taking another tie off the rack, this one a soft coral pink. “Or maybe, you put this one on. . .”
He looped it around your neck and tied it properly.
“Where’d you learn how to tie a tie?” you asked, a laugh bubbling out of you.
“I felt bad making the stylists do it for me all the time,” he said, offhandedly.
The wrongness niggled at you.
You turned to the mirror nearby, playing with the ends of the tie. “I don’t know,” you said.
“What, you don’t like the color?”
“No, pink is a great color.” You surveyed yourself. “I just think I’d want a little more color to my outfit than a tie.”
“Of course,” Wonwoo said, moving to stand behind you, his chest nearly brushing your shoulder as he studied your reflection. “You’re the business one, we want to make sure you pop.” His eyes lit up. “I know.”
He didn’t quite have it the first few times, but finally, after taking over a changing room and trying on enough outfits that the both of you had nearly filled the reject cart, you walked out of the store with your purchases on your arms.
You stopped for takeout on the way back, too tired to cook, and ate dinner in a comfortable silence, leaning against each other and the couch as the TV played the weather forecast. When he dozed off against your neck, you forced yourself up.
“Come on sleepyhead,” you said, pulling him up with you. He made a few affronted noises but didn’t argue as you stole his trash and stowed the leftovers in the fridge and all but carried him into the bedroom.
“Dramatic.” You clicked your tongue, dropping him in the bed and moving to grab your sleepwear and get changed. His hand caught your wrist.
“You don’t have to take the couch tonight,” he said, and his voice was much clearer now.
“Well I’m not about to let you take it,” you said. “It’s my turn.”
“No, I meant--” he cut himself off.
“Oh,” you said.
“If you want,” he said hurriedly. “If it doesn’t make you uncomfortable.”
“Um-- if you’re okay with it,” you said, and your face burns and he looks kind of like he’s in the same boat and he drops your wrist.
“Okay,” he said.
“Okay,” you said, and made for the bathroom.
He was changed when you finished in the bathroom and you climbed into bed beside him. It was strange, sharing, even though you knew you’d done it before maybe. There was an ocean of bed between you that you didn’t dare cross.
You closed your eyes. “Goodnight, Wonwoo,” you said, the words echoing off the wall you faced instead of him. Then, quieter, “You mean the world to me.”
(it’s the best rest you’ve gotten in what feels like forever; you wake up in a tangle of limbs but neither of you are in a hurry to pull away)
You idled outside the building, picking at the sleeves of the shirt you’d picked out the day before.
“Ready?” Wonwoo asked, making eye contact. You nodded, eyes slipping down to rest on the pink tie, the same pink as you’d chosen your shirt to be. He held out his arm, like a gentleman, and you took it.
The room rented for the dinner is as stuffy as you expected. You made small talk with coworkers you’d only ever seen for five minutes at the printer, and played the people watching game with Wonwoo in hushed tones whenever you got a spare moment. Seungcheol swung by a few times to check in and spill a bit of corporate gossip in a hushed voice, both with and without Joshua by his side.
“It’s a game we play,” Seungcheol explained when Wonwoo asked about it. “We make small talk together, he sends me to ‘get drinks’ and then talks me up behind my back.” Seungcheol glanced over at Joshua, where he was chatting calmly with two members of the board of directors. “He’s really good at it.”
Your social battery died about halfway through, but you forced yourself to soldier on. It probably wouldn’t look good if you left early. Hopefully no one would notice as your responses grew shorter and your smiles more strained.
Wonwoo took your hand after you laughed a little too loud at a coworker’s joke, and then turned to you when they had said their goodbyes to do another sweep around the floor. “Are you okay?” he asked softly. “Is it time to go?”
You shook your head. “I shouldn’t leave early.”
“We’ve been here more than half the time, I think we’re allowed.” He folded your hand between his, rubbing it soothingly. “We can use me as an excuse, say I got tired. Please don’t force yourself to stay; I can tell something’s wrong.”
You kind of wanted to cry, and you didn’t know if it was the stress of the evening or what. “I don’t deserve you,” you said.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and tugged you in. “You deserve the world,” he said softly into your ear.
And then you left the party.
You stopped at the park, instead of going directly home, sitting at the fountain’s edge.
“You remember when we got takeout?” he asked.
You did. “When we first played the people watching game, right?” you asked, and stopped. That hadn’t been the first time; you’d played it all the time before hadn’t you?
“Yeah,” he said. “You dropped me off.”
“You got really into the game,” you said. “That idol guy’s backstory was impressively complex.”
He laughed, soft and fond, and yet also flat. Like there was a layer of irony you hadn’t caught.
“When you dropped me off at the bookstore, you said that-- you said ‘you mean the world to me’. And-- we’re dating, at least according to Vernon, and, this whole time you never said ‘I love you’.” He looked at you. “Why is that?”
You open your mouth, the answer of a shared back and forth you two had used since university sitting on your tongue, but it didn’t come out. You just closed your mouth.
Because it wasn’t. It wasn’t something you’d said since university. You-- hadn’t known him in university.
“I’m not sure,” you said, bewildered because it was true. Why did you say that?
“It’s just stuck with me,” he said. “Ever since that first day, when I didn’t--” he cut himself off. “It was like I’d been dropped into this world from another one,” he said. “I didn’t know anything, and-- you were a total stranger.”
Another world. Total stranger. The words vibrated against the walls of your skull. You’d thought of him like a stranger too, even though you knew him. At least you thought you did. But you didn’t know him in university, you didn’t know him at all.
“But, as time went by, and I got time to know you, I realized something,” he said, and he took your hand in both of his. “And I don’t think we’re strangers anymore.”
Strangers, you were strangers. What had you thought, that first day? How did you even know it as the first day, beyond Wonwoo’s strange actions? You weren’t thinking of it like the first day of Wonwoo. It was the first day at all. You didn’t know him.
“I guess. . .” he trailed off. “I guess what I want to say, is just that I. . .”
He wasn’t your housemate or your boyfriend or the guy you knew from the frat. He wasn’t-- he was--
Oh god.
You tore your hand from his.
Everything went deathly silent.
“Fancy meeting you here.” Seokmin’s voice rang out.
Your head jerked up.
Time had frozen around you. Wonwoo still sat by the fountain, looking in your direction with an expression of distress, his hand reaching after you. You scrambled back. He didn’t move.
“I guess this means you figured it out?” Seokmin asked.
You looked at him. “What have I done?”
“A wish was made,” he said. “I granted it.”
You blinked. A flash, staring up into the sky from the window; “I wish I could tell him what he means,” you said to the stars, “every night. I wish I could tell him, he means the world to me.”
“You’re Santa.”
Seokmin made a face. “I’m with Wonwoo, let’s not call it that.”
“And Wonwoo knew the whole time that this was wrong?” you asked. He nodded. “Why? Why not me? It was my wish.”
He smiled. “Wishes don’t always work the way you expect them to.”
You shook your head. “Send him back now.”
“It doesn’t matter why Seokmin, just do it!”
He blinked at you. “For the record, I’m not actually Seokmin. I’m just borrowing his appearance, to keep an eye on you.”
You dug your fingers into the dirt, like a reminder it was still there. “And Seungcheol? Vernon? Chan?”
“Projections. Every person you’ve met here is a projection.”
“At least you didn’t abduct them.” You stopped. “At least I didn’t.” You shook your head. “But it’s done now. You have to send him back. He didn’t ask to be here, he didn’t want to be here!”
“And if he doesn’t want to go back?”
“Of course he wants to go back!” you shout. “Have you not seen the way he cares for the members? You said you were keeping an eye on us, did you miss that day at the park? He misses them! And I dragged him away!” You shoot to your feet, throat beginning to close up. “You have to fix this-- I have to fix this!”
The thing which was not Seokmin looked at you. “Don’t you wonder what he was going to say to you, before everything clicked?”
You swallowed. “Whatever it was, it was built on a lie. And it’s a lie I refuse to keep living.”
Not-Seokmin shrugged. “Then turn and look him in the eyes and wish everything back,” he said.
You did.
(if you cried when you woke up in a single bed you recognized as truly your own, you were the only one to know)
Wonwoo was oddly quiet in broadcasts from that point on. You couldn’t bring yourself to talk about him anymore. Someone asked you on Twitter if you had something against him.
No, you’d responded, he just reminds me of a recent ex. Every time I see him I think about them and it’s just too painful right now. I don’t hate Wonwoo.
Two days later, the Seventeen Twitter account dmed you.
I need to talk to you.
You sent, I’m sorry.
You deactivated.
You almost gave away your concert tickets, but you’d been planning on going with a friend before everything and you wouldn’t let them down. You went despite all your misgivings. With the stage lights on full blast, there was no way he’d be able to see you in the audience. You were safe, with your seats halfway up the concert hall, half a mile from the stage.
And then Seventeen, in the middle of their set, hopped off the stage, into the audience.
You’d wondered why certain aisles had a security detail around them.
If it wasn’t the middle of a song, you’d ask the people farther down the row to switch with you but you didn’t dare move around; it had been drilled into you that doing so during a performance was disrespectful. You were the seat on the aisle, and Wonwoo was on his way up, his eyes scanning the crowd with a sharp determination even as he continued his verse flawlessly.
Would looking away be more conspicuous than staring?
Should you jump to blend with the energy of the crowd, or freeze so he didn’t look?
It didn’t matter.
He’d seen you.
He took the stairs two, three at a time, stopping on the landing beside you, turning to face the rest of the hall again as his verse finished, and then he glanced at you.
The spotlight shone on his face.
“Please don’t leave,” he mouthed, or maybe said, but the combined roar of the crowd and the blood rushing in your ears drowned it out completely.
And then he turned to complete the performance, leaving a few fans looking at you wistfully.
(several of them came up after the concert to congratulate you, to gush about how lucky you were, to speculate about what happened and laugh about it; blessedly no one was openly rude about it)
You sat on the edge of a fountain, in the plaza a block from the back door of the concert hall, fidgeting with your sleeves. You didn’t know if you were crazy. You probably were crazy, waiting for him. He’d be livid. He had to be livid. He’d never forgive you.
But whatever closure would mean for him, you’d give it to him.
The back door of the concert hall slammed open and a figure came bolting out towards you. They skidded to a halt at the edge of the fountain, and you could see Wonwoo’s eyes over the mask.
“I wasn’t sure you were going to stay,” he said.
“I wasn’t either.”
“I’m glad you did.” He sat down on the edge of the fountain. “I really need to talk to you.”
“I’m sorry,” you blurted, before he could get upset.
He blinked. “For what?”
“For making the stupid wish and dragging you into an alternate universe, and then not even remembering doing it.” You rubbed your arm, staring at the brickwork. “I mean I was basically gaslighting you the entire time.”
“I know you didn’t mean it,” he said.
You toed the crack between two stones. “What all do you know?”
“How that world worked. How I got there. How I got back.” You saw him move, reaching out like he was going to take your hand, and then stopping himself in the middle. “I’m not upset with you.”
“You should be.” The words dropped out of your mouth. “You should hate me. You-- I basically ruined your life.”
“You didn’t ruin my life, you showed me what I was missing,” he said. “You remember when we played that people watching game? What I said about that man?”
You picked at a loose thread in your sleeve. “He. . . he was taking a break from the practice room.”
You saw him nod from the corner of your eye. “And I said he was getting a new perspective.”
“He’s seeing life from a new angle,” you said.
“It was as much my wish as it was yours,” Wonwoo said. “I felt lost. I didn’t know where to go next or what to focus on, and it wasn’t something the members could help with, but it was something you could help with. And you did.”
You felt numb. A wish was made. Not-Seokmin had given one last riddle, one you were finally understanding.
“You add a dimension to my life that I was missing,” he said. “Just, please-- please don’t leave me again.”
You looked at him, finally, sitting there on the edge of the fountain, his hair a mess from the performance.
“I didn’t want to leave,” you said. “I just-- I had to let you go.”
“You don’t have to here,” he said. “I know I don’t run a bookstore, and we didn’t meet in college, but--”
“I didn’t fall for you because you ran a bookstore,” you said. “The bookstore was window dressing. You’re you no matter what career you have.”
On impulse, you reached out. He met you in the middle and you laced your fingers through his.
“I love you,” you said.
He clasped his other hand around yours and lifted it to his lips, his eyes squeezed up in such overwhelming happiness you thought you’d cry.
“I love you too.”
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blondrichclosetwitch ¡ 4 years ago
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“The sunlight eventually shows the path, and the obscurity of the darkness fades away.”
Cold as December but never remember what winter did
See, in a perfect world, I'll choose faith over riches
I'll choose work over bitches, I'll make schools out of prison
(It seems worth mentioning that one of the times I was told blond was in prison, I spent hours talking to her through the pendulum explaining that she could use this time to study with master teachers since she obviously had this gift of communicating psychically, and I encouraged her to study under my master teacher, Random. Now looking back, blond, I have to thank you for throwing me into a world where not only was it a masters program in all things occult, but ended up being a phD. However......there is something to be said for consent. And no one likes being lied to. How many police stations did I call, trying to find out where you were held, because you begged me to come visit because you said you needed me?)
In another life, I surely was there
Me, I wasn't taught to share, but care
I care, I care
Maybe I wasn't there
“This refrain questions the statements made in the chorus. Wherever Kendrick believed he was, he isn’t too sure of it anymore.
He may be referring to the concept of survivor’s guilt, a frequented topic on To Pimp a Butterfly, particularly on “Mortal Man” and “Hood Politics.” In this case, Kendrick questions whether he was there for his loved ones back in Compton, as he used his success to escape the violence, leaving others behind.”
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So I wake in the morning and I dress
I hang that charm of gold around my neck
And I haul to her window and look
And I crawl on inside and wake her up
So, apart from the things I touched
Nothing got broke all that much
And apart from the things I took
Nothing got stolen babe, and look:
You can love me foolishly
Love me foolish-like
(This is from blond’s point of view. I’m guessing the charm of gold that they’re referring to the necklace I was told to leave with the painting, at the church in May. The love me foolishly line both refers to the fool card, which is about giving yourself to whatever adventure you’re on with reckless abandon, and also to the fact that I fell hook, line and sinker for what she was insisting about wanting to be my girlfriend. I believed it until one of my teachers who did our past life work insisted that it was all a game to hurt me. )
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Sunlight splatters dawn with answers
Darkness shrugs and bids the day good-bye
At night I walk the streets Lookin' for romance
But I always end up stumblin' In a half trance
(That’s about me being led all
Over brooklyn & Manhattan)
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God made a mistake
I've been half a million places
I've seen half a million people who stare
I've been a star and down and out
I've been put on, sat on, punched and spat on
They've called me a faggot, a spiv and a fake
They can knock me down and tread on my face
They can't stop the music playing on
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Starry-eyed is about me always trying to see Jakk to figure out what’s going on, and him never saying a word.
And the tower and the wheel of fortune fell out of the deck.
On Ostara, bitches!
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The wind is chock full of references.
“And listen to the wind blow
And listen to the wind blowing”
WOMAN no one died in the hurricane. you know that? a city ripped apart, but no people.
MAN i think one did. where did you go?
WOMAN to a park. girl with a deathwish. three blocks away. straight shot. what did you do?
MAN hung out in the dark with the dog and listened to the wind.
Also this song is sorta fixated on how the main character doesn’t have a husband, and apparently loads of women go to her chapel to pray for a husband. And also, “she dreamt of children’s voices”.
Thought I should just mention that that dylan song played for the first time.
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