#i'll tag this as wincest bc of my tags
sammyofold · 3 months
Kinda crazy how people who only know about supernatural through tumblr exposure tend to think it's about Cas and Dean with Sam maybe being there in the background when this whole show is about Dean and Sam being insane and obsessive about each other. and Cas is, like, there sometimes. Literally a total reversal of what the show is perceived as by outsiders
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kdaught · 4 months
Hope you don't mind me randomly dropping into your asks but since you asked me in the tags if I've started watching Supernatural I decided to send you an update on my spn (and wincest/destiel) journey.
I've now (re)watched s1 and started s2, and some of the thougs I had when I last watched it have returned to me. I started watching it 9 years ago (quit in the beginning/middle of s8) bc I thought Destiel would be like Johnlock which I loved, but I was disappointed bc I felt that the fandom had hugely overhyped how big Castiel was as a character. I even found an old tweet of mine saying that while I do somewhat ship Destiel it's the most overrated ship I know of. I also remember feeling weirdly like the canon WANTED me to ship wincest which I, still 17 and Pure in my Moral Fandom Opinions did not want to do. I also found a tweet from me saying that Wincest is a ship I'd never ship. Anyway.
My current diagnosis is: yeah the canon does want me to ship it. I don't know what to make of it. I keep comparing it to Defan which is so interesting bc I feel like (headcanonically) Defan wants each other despite being brothers, and the brothers part just adds a level of twistedness. Wincest on the other hand wants each other BECAUSE they're brothers. Their dynamic is like, Incestuous with a capital I. And more emotionally so, like levels and levels of weirdness that is so even without being sexual, but I do think the sexual level is easy to add. But so far I'm very interested in their dynamic but I don't Ship it, more like. Observe whatever is going on. It feels too weird to read fanfics or anything about so far bc as I said, it's so deeply incestuous. Not to say I wont, but for now those are my thoughts on it.
Also I've been an outside observer of the spn fandom for years now, and I don't want to pick sides with Destiel vs Wincest, just observing the fandom is funny enough. But tbh I'm afraid sooner or later I'll get sucked into it bc supernatural fandom seems like. The hellpit of tumblr. Pun intended and all the love to the spn fans who continue keeping me entertained.
omg hi friend! So happy you decided to send me an ask and I'm glad you're enjoying yourself with spn so far!
LOL, the part about spn wanting you to ship wincest is so funny to me. Eric Kripke, the creator of season 1-5 (and cowriter of some episodes after that as far as I'm aware) once said: "Turns out I have a thematic which is tight relationships between friends/brothers with unstated homoerotic subtexts." in reference to spn, so yeah. There's that, haha.
I can definitely see the defan comparison! I think both can be equally fucked up at times but with wincest it's.... definitely more emotional. Also fun that you picked up on the emotional incestous undertones with wincest, haha. We a two whole set of tags for that:
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I love this fandom so much, hah. Let yourself be dragged into the pit, ezra, we have so much content!
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jdeanmorgan · 1 year
if you are willing to share, what is one of your most favorite dark fics??
well... normally i wouldn't entertain the idea of posting my faves on here bc you know... it can get depraved but honestly i don't care anymore so let's do this.
i know you're most likely looking to know my fave 9-1-1 ones but i'll also add a few from other fandoms.
disclaimer: i will not tolerate any hate for any of these fics i'm about to say I like/love. My tastes have always been depraved, and will continue to be depraved.. That said, I will say to heed the tags, and mind the trigger warnings!!!
These are in no particular order btw, now without further ado, here are some of my faves that i've read.
9-1-1 FICS:
Morning's Echo ★ BuckMaddie ★ 3K ★ ➢ this is an incest fic. they're only two years apart in age in this one. I think the dynamic was very interesting, and i defo wish this had been longer, let me know more about their past and how they became entangled like this.
The Long Way Home ★ Buck-centric ★ 100K ★ sequel here ★ ➢ during the tsunami, Buck is kidnapped by a sexual trafficking ring and forced into sex work. this is basically his journey from when he's kidnapped to when he's rescued, with some glimpses of how the 118 handles it all, multiple pov's. there's things I love about this fic and things I don't, but ultimately, I would consider it a fave because I really couldn't put it down. I think I read all of it in like... a day or two.
The Way You Did (Once Upon a Dream) ★ Buddie ★ 2K ★ ➢ Sleeping Beauty curse. Buck is in a coma, or in a deep sleep, or however it worked in sleeping beauty, and Eddie has to take it too far to wake him up. the writing is really good, and i am still awaiting a sequel so we can see the aftermath. (rape/noncon)
will you hit me where it hurts (i won't feel anything otherwise) ★ Buddie ★ 18K ★ ➢ Buck is a serial killer. Eddie has an encounter with him. very interesting and well written. I don't wanna say anything more than this lest I spoil anything.
still ★ Buddie ★ 9K ★ ➢ Eddie steps into a trigger. Has to stay still. He and Buck grapple with the fact he might die that day.
hurt locker ★ Buddie ★ 77K ★ ➢ I personally don't really consider this a dark!fic per se, but I still think it's emotionally heavy and packs a punch at times. Buck and Eddie are childhood friends, and when Shannon gets pregnant, Buck enlists along with Eddie.
Broken Like Me ★ BuckBobby ★ 15K ★ ➢ Buck and Bobby meet a year before Buck is assigned to the 118, and neither of them have good coping mechanisms. I genuinely really enjoyed this fic, and how it explored their dynamic had they met before Bobby was Buck's boss, and it's take on Buck's 1.0 days.
Eight Drinks a-Roofied ★ Buck-Centric ★ 21K ★ ➢ shows how Buck's gotten roofied eight times. what can I say, it was a fun read for me.
desire, i'm hungry (I hope you feed me) ★ BuckMaddie ★ 5K ★ ➢ Maddie has never had an orgasm. Buck is the one to change that. Very hot fic.
the devil wants to fuck me ★ BuckJosh★ 4K ★ ➢ Josh blackmails Buck into sex.
Get Down, Make Love ★ BuckBobby★ 5K ★ ➢ A/B/O fic. Bobby and Buck are dosed with a drug that induces their heat/rut to kick in. They fuck it out. s1 era.
Trust me, Darlin’ ★ Buck/Dean, Buddie ★ 77K ★ ➢ this was honestly just a really fun read. a 911/spn crossover fic where dean "kidnaps" buck. they have hot ambulance sex. very very fun fic overall.
With Understanding ★ Destiel ★ 427K ★ ➢ Sam is dead. Dean's told that Castiel Novak is his soulmate by Anna (the angel that rescued him from hell in this universe) and he decides to kidnap Castiel so they can meet and thus know they will share a heaven. this is genuienly my favorite dark fic. hands down one of the best i've ever read.
They Think I'm Possessed ★ JohnDean, Wincest ★ 27K ★ ➢ John decides to make Dean a replacement for Mary. Dean becomes Sam's mommy, and John's partner. He's essentially John's housewife and Sam's mother. I don't wanna give anything away but this was literally so well written and I read it all in one sitting, I could not put it down, it was so disturbing and depraved and I loved every second of it.
Ninety One Whiskey ★ Destiel ★ 401K ★ ➢ Castiel and Dean are both soldiers in WW2 in the same infantry. Dean is a medic, and if i remember correctly, Castiel is a sergeant. very well written, very slow burn, very good. haven't read it in years though, i just remember it really being good.
Fever Where You Run To ★ JohnDean ★ 3,9K ★ ➢ John gets hit with a lust spell / sex pollen. He either has to fuck it out or die. Dean offers himself up. (John has been having inappropriate thoughts about dean for years at this point, though)
mother is pretending ★ Wincest ★ 19K ★ ➢ basically them developing a mommy kink in the course of season 2. i am not into mommy kink, but i absolutely loved this fic. that's saying something.
because you want to die for love ★ Wincest ★ 27K ★ ➢ Sam joins Dean in heaven after the finale of s15. Dean slowly but surely starts to accept that he can want and have Sam. Originally I wasn't gonna but this in the list but there's just two scenes that I was like giggling, kicking my feet, twirling my hair all teehee. So good. Very well written, too.
The Truth Shall Set You Free ★ Ziam ★ 34K ★ ➢ They're lawyers and enemies and they have to solve a crime together.
Birds in Gilded Cages ★ Larry ★ 157K ★ ➢ Harry got kidnapped as a teen and forced into sex work. Louis becomes a client. they fall in love. brutal and dark but i routinely read the last chapter bc I love certain scenes in that one.
Love Will Tear Us Apart ★ Larry ★ 103K ★ ➢ I don't remember much about this one, I just remembered really liking it and how it showed that you can make mistakes and be flawed and still come together and forgive and be happy together.
Run Like the Devil ★ Larry ★ 139K ★ ➢ Harry is a demon. Louis is a hunter. Can I make it any more obvious?
at last, at last ★ Larry ★ 41K ★ ➢ Harry is born into a cult in a post-apocalyptic world, and Louis is the leader of the rebel group tasked with the mission of shutting them down. Together, they make a rather effective team.
once upon a dream ★ Larry ★ 33K ★ sequel here ★ ➢ Louis is psychic and gets caught in the middle of a murder investigation led by FBI Special Agent Harry Styles.
Landslide ★ Larry ★ 143K ★ ➢ a true fave of mine. I also routinely reread this one. Harry goes undercover to try and uncover what's going on on Louis' farm. Louis is the cult leader. It's so interesting and well written.
A Tear in the Sky ★ OT4 ★ 27K ★ ➢ Niall Horan is a consultant on cases that need a personal touch, someone to get close to prey and predators alike to discover the truth, and he's eager for the chance to work with old acquaintance Zayn Malik at Station Twelve. His attitude shifts when he discovers what waits for him is more than just three boys caught in the midst of a cult. A tight deadline presses on him to complete his report, yet the more he learns about the unique dynamic between these three, the more he starts to question his own sanity. Professionalism is hard to hold onto as the case and Niall's mind begin to unravel.
A Political Romance / A Legal Romance ★ Klaine ★ 119K / 216K ★ ➢ Blaine has this darkness in him, a power of sorts. He sees Kurt and instantly falls for him and decides that Kurt will be his. Hard to explain this one but it did have a chokehold on me when I first read it as a wee teenager first discovering fanfiction. 10/10!
Dead in Ohio ★ Puckurt ★ 93K ★ ➢ zombie apocalypse. Kurt and Puck are stuck with each other and they fall in love. kinda enemies to lovers but also kinda not. this is a fic that I have not reread in years due to the actor who plays puck. but it's still a good fic and I wanted to include it for that reason.
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ashtraythief · 3 months
I love looking at your page and seeing you answer a bunch of asks! Thank you for feeding people’s curiosity. I was the person that asked you about favorite SPN fics. Thank you so much for answering! I love that that post got a bunch of notes, too, haha. You have such good taste! I wanted to follow up and ask about leonidaslion. I adore the terrible day fic, but I was so curious to hear about your thoughts on the rest of their fics? Like the darker ones? I know you said they were too depressing for you, did you finish them?
I read Disturbia and sobbed for days. Her Dean feels way too in-character and my god that author puts him through hell. Suite verse was such an intense read too. I am surprised they’re too dark for you ash because you write dark stuff too, haha. Though I remember reading your fics (Underneath specifically) after Disturbia to feel better about my life lol.
Aww thank you! Tbh I'm just thrilled that people are so interested 😅
I was honestly surprised by the number of notes bc this rarely happens to me, but I'm very happy people are still reading spn fics and those fics deserve all the love.
Hmm, as for leonidaslion's fics, the first thing I have to say that writing certain tropes and themes is different than reading them, at least for me. Usually writing dark stuff is an outlet for me which is not the case when I read dark stuff. Writing darker things and reading them puts me in very different moods and gets different emotional reactions. Like my own dark writing doesn't make me sad or angry or depressed, it's more of a catharsis. And even though I wrote dark stuff, it's generally not between my characters. I'll make the occasional exception for the masquerade prompt fest, but generally I write happy relationships (my serial killers are still very much in love and happy with each other lol).
I never tried the suite verse, the tags told me it was not for me. I very rarely read wincest where one of them is dark. Like I've read some dark fics of course, there are a couple of DemonDean ones I enjoyed and I'm sure I also read some boyking Sam, but in recent years I've definitely been gravitating towards happy things. Life is stressful enough, give me some fluff lol.
I tried Disturbia, but it wasn't for me. While I have written fics, well one fic (and that was many moons ago), with extensive whump, that's a kind of character torture I don't enjoy reading. I know it's one of the all time greats in fandom and it is very well written, but it's just not for me. But I'm happy for everyone who enjoys it or well, gets a catharsis out of it. Fandom truly offers something for everyone and that's amazing.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday, liz!! how does sam feel about their size difference? how does dean? any headcanons? i think we should talk about size difference this week❤️.
Happy wincest wednesday, Vicki!! <3
Well I Wonder If I Have Any Thoughts About Size Difference.
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This is the first post in my 19-page long tag for size differential!kink, lol. Begin as you mean to go on, I guess.
I'll shortly rb a one-two size diff ficlety/hc thing I did in the way back, too, but for now --
So it's so fun to have Dean feel All Kinds of Ways about the size diff, especially since it's fun to take canon as canon and say that he hit his max height of 6' at ~eighteen while Sam was struggling to keep up. But then when Sam finally does hit his real growth spurt(s) and rockets up, Dean's initial betrayal ("I'm older, how the hell are you taller?") turning into lust is of course delish.
I am sooooooo much more interested in Sam's own size diff kink, in particular if it's not just lust for being bigger (because of course he's bigger, than basically anyone he meets) but in specific a) being bigger than Dean specifically, bc of the hot-gut delight that might be possible re: the size reversal noted above; b) a lust born very precisely of Dean's alarmed kink. Which is a subtle distinction but one that I love -- in which Sam is just chill, like 'yeah, so what, I'm big af', but Dean's complicated tangle of emotions about it sets off a kink fire in Sam as a kind of call-response. (I like that all the time with them, tbh, but size is such a dumb gut-level neanderthal kink that it's particularly fun -- this waking realization of, oh, you like me to be able to overpower you? Oh, well then. I very much like making you come so hard your brain leaks out your ear. :)))
There's also a very delicate little turn to articulate in Sam that I really adore and don't feel like I see enough, which is this emotional/lust snarl around the tangled threads of: enjoying being bigger than Dean; enjoying that Dean likes it; but also feeling somewhat alarmed about his own enjoyment (re: previous fears of monsterhood or violence); but ALSO getting bizarrely off on that exact vague guiltiness or alarm. I have a major thing for sex volcano!Sam, so the moment where he'd be holding back and holding back and then erupting forward and using all that EVERYTHING to its fullest advantage is just. Lovely. And so I have written many words on the subject.
Hey -- friends, romans, wincestuous countrymen: what sort of size diff thoughts do you have?
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demons-i-get · 1 year
Hello, hello, my darlings!
You can call me Spencer or Dean! Pronouns are They/He please!
I am a writer and would LOVE to take requests!
First things first tho, some Dos and Don'ts:
Look, I'm not gonna bite your head off if you're into wincest bc let's be real there's just no escaping it in this fandom and I actually don't care bc they're fictional characters. However, I personally prefer to avoid it so please don't send any requests for it pls and thx ❤️
Anything else I think should be okay, and I will amend this post if I find anything else that's a hard no <3
Gore and violence and blood are perfectly fine <3 however Dean is my blorbo and specialist little guy and comfort character and I tend to prefer to whump on him so while other characters are of course welcome and I will gladly whump or h/c or fluff or whatever them for you, I can't promise that I'll get them in character or that I won't accidentally end up making it all about Dean 😅
PLEASE DO NOT request anything ✨️spicey ✨️ I am sex-repulsed asexual and would really rather not read or write anything explicit. Occasionally, I might imply/reference off-screen sex but mostly I avoid it.
I am not a big fan of reading or writing x reader or 2nd person narration, so please don't request that because I will not do it and I will feel very bad about telling you no even though my boundaries are listed here 😅
Be as specific or as vague as you like! Ramble and rant and word vomit at me or just send in a short prompt and a character, I don't care! I just want us all to have fun here ❤️
If you're ever not sure about something you want to request, you can always send in an ask (on or off anon) or message me and I'll be happy to let you know further details/specifics of about what I'd be willing to write for you! ❤️
Other Things to Know!
I'm a Dean simp first and a human being second 😘
I have seen every episode of Supernatural 💪
Destiel shipper!!!
I am not afraid of the block button and I will not answer hate, it will be deleted. If I can't tell if you're being rude or mean, I will answer merely expressing my confusion (privately if you're off anon for asks) and I will do my best not to jump to conclusions!
I like to think I'm a pretty chill person, so please don't be afraid to talk to me! I would love to interact with y'all ^-^
I do have a nasty potty mouth, but I'm pretty sure most of us in this fandom are the same way lmao
THIS IS A SIDE BLOG!!!!! My main is @invalid-author and you can check that out for non-spn related stuff! I also have Percy Jackson (@water-you-doing-bro) and Criminal Minds (@pretty-boy-baby-girl) specific side-blogs as well so feel free to check them out!
All my writing (including hcs) can be found under the tag #dean writes
All asks with be tagged #dean answers
Any requests made off anon with be @ -ed in the post once I've written it up and requests made on anon will include a link back to the ask once posted!
Any writing done for a request will be tagged #fulfilling a request alongside #dean writes
Can't think of anything else at the moment, but if I do I'll update this post!
All the tags mentioned above will be added in the tags of this post so you can find them easily!
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meowmeowmessi · 4 years
You know in season one ep 19 (I’ll paste the trascript)
[DEAN: (Softly) And... I don't mean any disrespect but I'm sure this is about Jessica, right? Now I don't know what it's like to lose somebody like that.... but... I would think that she would want you to be happy.
SAM is quiet and listening now, tears in his eyes.
DEAN: God forbid have fun once in a while. Wouldn't she?
SAM: (softly) Yeah I know she would.
SAM gives a half smile, then sighs heavily.
SAM: Yeah you're right. Part of this is about Jessica. But not the main part.
DEAN: What's it about?
SAM refuses to answer. ]
Like whats the main part Sam? Is it wincest? Is it pining!Sam how am i suppose to interpret this??? And what was the secret he was keeping in at the end of the bloody mary episode?
I was sooo confused when i first watched it (before being a wincest shipper) but now allll im seeing is pining!wincest in season one. Like???
I'm glad wincest made you see the light, nonnie!!! Welcome to the family! We have cookies :DDD
It's 100% pining!Sam on the first one for me. After all, the night Dean whisked him away from Stanford was the happiest night of his life, we all know this now. But I don't think he realizes his own feelings yet. But he knows guilt, because his girlfriend burned to death on a ceiling, yet his heart soars at Dean's off-key singing, at the way he drums his fingers on Baby's wheel in tune with the music (even though he complains about it, like any little brother worth his salt should). Even something as inane as Dean scuffling with him over his laptop sends warmth shooting through his chest, and that has him frowning, because as much as he loves his annoying big brother, his girlfriend just died, dammit. So maybe there's hurt in there, too, because here's Sam, trying to sort through his jumbled up emotions, and then there's Dean, adamant on pushing him into the arms of yet another woman.
But little does he know, Dean's pining, too. And worse still, he knows he's pining. Been pining for years. What made Sam's eyes bleed is the secret of his psychic powers, but Dean's not sure what made his eyes bleed: he's got too many damn secrets, too many to choose from, some darker than others. The trucker in Tennessee who'd looked at Sammy in his sweet sixteen for a minute too long, who'd been swiftly sent to the hospital with a wrung jaw; his selfish happiness at Sam's life burning away to ash because that means he can keep him; the ache he felt at every smile little Sammy threw at him finally clicking into place when his little brother wrapped his arms around him under the 4th of July fireworks.
The ache he feels even now as he watches Sam kiss Sarah.
"That's my boy," he says to himself, smiling, but his voice sounds thick to his own ears, too far away, mind screaming this is it this is it you idiot you pushed too hard and now he's falling into someone else's arms and, this is where you lose him this is where you finally lose him-
But then Sam's walking toward him, giving him a questioning look, and Dean moves away from the passenger side door -the one he'd been leaning against- on autopilot, mind in a haze. Sam's already folded himself into the passenger seat that still knows every groove of his body so well, and he's looking up at Dean with wide eyes.
"Dean? Aren't we leaving?"
And Dean's fingers unclench from around the impala keys at that, chest feeling light. Like a hand that had his heart in a fist had finally let go.
You get to keep him, the same heart sings.
This time, at least. Just for a little longer.
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first-only · 2 years
I've always been curious - what are your favorite ships?
under the cut bc its rambly and No One Cares about my old ass fandoms that were seasonal for most people but stuck with me for some reason and also to maybe avoid showing up in searches/tags for the rare person looking for Content
i guess the most Hardcore ive ever shipped is mcreyes (yes, overwatch i know), they consumed me with a rage that pretty much burned me out of fandom (tho i still ship it, i just literally never found anyone that sees them the same way i do - non-fanon compliant it is for me). along with them i also have somva and widowana and of course shimadacest, its just the Polycule living in my head [i guess i should point out i broke up w canon after the like first year of development ie after the great retconning so i neither know nor care whats happening there, these characters are basically (schrodinger's) ocs at this point]
the other fandom i am Too invested in is, tragically, dragon age, which i still sorta indulge in some Canon for (i apologize for whats likely going to happen to this blog once the next game comes out lmao). My ships there are mostly OC/canon, as the games sorta lead into. Anora/Zevran/Cousland (and cousland/loghain, and cousland/fergus...); Carver/Hawke/Isabela (/qp!Anders) [well and just some good old hawke/anders really], and Dorian/Trevelyan/Blackwall (/qp!Vivienne) are my mains.
dragon age leads to mass effect, where i fell head over for shakarian which i will fight for to my last breath i do not give a fuck. and also ashlaw wich i literally had to invent a shipname for cuz nobody else cares about it lmao (ashley and miranda if anyone even knows the franchise here lol)
i think more obvious is my love for star wars, i ship just the entire pentacule in the prequels/clone wars - obi/ani/padme/ahsoka/sabine. han/leia/luke(/lando?) for the og trilogy and reylo and finn/rose/poe in the new one (tho thanks to fandom im much less invested in finnpoe)
ive been in like a few fandoms that were wild and strong but didnt last - red dead where i shipped john/arthur/abigail; detroit become human where hannor ate my brains. pathfinder and divinity original sin which literally did not have a fandom, but i will tell you i very much ship my mains with amiri/octavia/regongar (in kingmaker) and camellia/daeran (in wotr);. in divinity Lohse/Sebille and Fane/Ifan are the other polycule plaguing me. oh and pillars of eternity with devil of caroc/maneha/PC tho i eventually ended up pairing up aloth w my pc in deadfire
real talk tho, the most recent thing close to an Obsession is fucking league of legends (yes i know) where its swain/darius/draven; yasuo/yone/taliyah; kayn/zed; and some good old lucian/senna. i mean you've seen the TF/Graves art this shouldnt be a surprise lol
and yeah in Arcane its silco/jinx/vi/vander
But mostly lately ive been merrily making DnD OCs and playing Rimworld which allows for amazing characters so it's kinda OC season i guess
oh and as an end to this rant which everyone gave up on reading im sure - i'll leave you with the fact that what got me into real fandom communities was itasasu (/saku and/or karin sometimes) and wincest (/jack) has been a latent interest even tho spn has never been high on my interests list so do with that what you will lol
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tiktaalic · 3 years
Hi, I know you've mentioned a few times about running prompt weeks and have been involved in setting some up yourself and I was just kinda curious about what the 'stages' of this would be? Or whether you could direct me to anywhere that has an overview of how to set up any kind of prompt or gift exchange without it instantly crashing and burning? Thank you!
I don't know anything about exchanges, sorry! I assume the timeline would be similar but there's more communication involved (with participants/discord/etc). I've set up 3 different prompt weeks and I like to get things outlined about two months out. By outlined I mean
-mod recruiting
-barebones planning discord
-picking a week
-setting up a blog with graphics and a faq page
-setting up prompts
-setting up ao3 collection
-setting up pinned post links (usually i put the ao3 collection, faq, prompts, and intro post)
usually what I'll do is snag a url, leave the placeholder stuff in there, then write out the faq. Once the faq is done i set up the ao3 collection. In the mod discord, I have a channel open for dropping prompt suggestions and I'll kinda prod it a few times for a few days as well as looking up different writing challenges/other event weeks i've seen. before i was into supernatural i was into bnha so i did a lot of scrolling thru bnhafandomevents on their week tag . i personally lean towards 2 prompts a day bc when i did interest surveys someone raised concerns about how when there's one prompt it can be pretty hard for them as a writer, so when making a prompts list i actively try to have a more visual prompt and a more abstract prompt. once we're all solid on them, i go ahead and start fiddling with the blog making pages for the prompts and faq and typing things in. after that is spiffying the place up (making header / icon / intro post graphics).
re: prompts, i try to go the extra mile and include suggestions on how broadly they can be interpreted either in the prompts page on the blog or in some of the promo posts made pre event. when i did feedback a non negligible amount of people said they just didn't know what to do with prompts that i felt were really broad, so i just make sure to somewhere have stuff thats like. its ok to get wild with it. with hypothetical examples.
once everything's set up, ideally me + other mods will type up and queue 3 posts a week for #promo (i usually tried to space them m/w/then a weekend day, and to vary the time they posted as well for timezone reasons), but usually this ended up being more like one a week because i really hated typing them up ansdfjdjfsdf. i was very very grateful for jo (unsure what their new url is, previously casjpg) when womenweek rolled around bc they went above and beyond by creating gifs once a week for our promo posts!
at that point its just like. rolling the dice and hoping someone picks up one of the promo posts and gets it rolling. i've seen other events do taglists in the post to #boost it but i never did that bc. idk. i just didn't.
when questions about the event came in, i was comfortable answering technical aspects off the top of my head (do we have to participate every day? do we have to use both prompts in our work? is there a minimum wc? etc etc) but thornier stuff i would drop in the mod server and ask what our take on it was. like for womenweek someone asked if trans woman sam was fair game and we talked about it and decided since the point of the event was to kind of get the content mill grinding for characters who usually fall by the wayside, transfem headcanons for men on the show weren't what we were going for, but of course transfem claire / jody / eileen / rowena / billie / etc was more than fair game. if you're doing an event for a known freak zone you HAVE to get very explicit about this not being an event for freaks. i felt like the faqs for pocweek and womenweek were very clear about no incest but still got... 4? 5? asks doing whataboutism for how wincest should be allowed. so.
about 2 days before the event itself i made a google excel sheet and made it editable for mods with asheet for every day of the event.this is how we kept track of submissions and what had already been reblogged.
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this was also our tagging system. im not going to do it now but if i was to redo an event i would change how i entered urls on the spreadsheet and pop in the url for the post that the event reblogged (spnwomenweek/whateverpost) instead of from op because so many people deactivate or url hop.
if you have any specific questions feel free to message me!
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