#i'll stop rambling and listing names now LMAO im just having fun
astrolotte · 2 years
screaming crying sobbing. forced to cope with the fact that no one cares about my fnaf ocs But Me
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zeawesomebirdie · 3 years
I'm back! With the time it took me to get around to writing an answer I feel like this is a letter correspondence :')) (I certainly hope this asks finds you well). All of this to say, I may not have read your recs yet, my brains makes decisions on its own and reading them hasn't been one of them, sadly, but the tabs are open in my browser and the names have been written down on my ever-growing list of books that sound super cool, so thank you! I get the fic length thing, and I would say a lot of the fandom actually seems to lean that way? I've read quite a lot of Kylux and Obikin now and there honestly seems to be a bigger proportion of fics on the shorter side compared to like, Harry Potter (which could be me not actually making the maths and just vaguely estimating and being biased, or also due to the fact that HP happens on a way shorter scale with way less elements that "have" to happen (like Starkiller, if it's mentioned it has to explode I feel like, I've never seen a fic where it stays, whereas I couldn't tell you of a similar HP element)) (fandoms are so interesting honestly! I'll stop rambling but it's so fun just thinking about them aaah)
All the deep-dives on wookieepedia got me thinking about trying to create an OC, and now I'm trying to figure out planets where she could have been. There are so many of them, and a lot are either uninhabitable (how many gas giants can they create honestly) or not really places a normal person would go. There's a lot of cool names though (like Empress Teta) and I've found at least two planets that specialise in maths or engineering, plus all the casinos and places we only know because "there was a battle there, during one of the numerous wars but most likely the clone wars". If there are planets you think are fun, I would love to hear about them! I'm just looking at the list of planets on wookieepedia and opening the ones that have cool names, but I know I have to be missing interesting ones haha.
Also since the last ask I've also spent a certain amount of time just... Thinking about more or less anything in the prequels but especially stuff around Obikin and I didn't think that would happen but whoa it happened and my brain won't stop. Since you were my "point of entry" in a way into all this, at least in part, I figured I'd tell you! (That and my friend who's also kinda into SW has made it very clear he was drawing the line at Obkin, which honestly I've done worse but hey) I have a few recordings of my thoughts where I just trail off into like, vague simping over Obi-Wan or essays over why everything is sad in the prequels, or ~ Obikin ~ and I'm having a lot of fun :') I'm hoping this doesn't just disappear in a month or two, that would be disappointing. (I'm telling you all this, I hope you don't mind? You're honestly the closest thing to a fandom friend I have (which sounds sad but it's not I swear) so I'm just rambling here but if you don't like it I'll stop :')) )
- ☂️
Hey there Anon ☂️!! Its great to see you again, how are you? I'm alright i suppose, irl health issues are kicking my ass but we vibing lmao. And I definitely don't mind that this has turned into a letter correspondence! I always look forward to hearing from you!!
My pleasure for the recs, and I totally get that about your brain deciding to not do something :')
Theres definitely a lot more short fics in the obikin and kylux parts than there are in, say, the Harry Potter fandom but I think that's more because theres less fics all around, so proportionately it works out to be a larger part of all fic. Obikin only just hit 3k total works on Ao3 a few weeks (maybe two months?) ago, and im not sure how many there are for kylux but id imagine its a fairly similar number. Compared to Harry Potter, one of the biggest fandoms out there, its really not surprising. And you're definitely right about how it feels like theres certain canon events that "have to" happen, I've seen severely obikin fics that have Anakin fall regardless, and several where he was with Padmé at one point but they broke up for whatever reason. Im not really sure why that is, it'd be really really neat to look into! And you definitely have a point with HP being so much shorter timeline-wise compared to SW, theres not nearly as much that can happen in only 7 years!
OCs in the GFFA are so much fun to build!! Id love to hear all about her if you want to share (and if you'd rather share in DMs thats cool too, whatever makes you most comfortable!) I have some OCs that I've been building for my canon rewrite series, and its such a process! Between picking their species and their home planet and what they do, nevermind whether or not they'd know this canon character or that one, and theres just so so much to think about!!
As far as planets actually go, I havent really looked into that many tbh. I think Bespin is really fascinating, thats the one in ESB where Lando lives, and of course Aborah is so so cool, thats the one where Darth Plagueis housed his experiments. I think the best way to go about learning about the various planets is to just pick one and learn about it, yknow? Im sorry I dont have any recommendations!!
And hey, I gotta admit what catapulted me back into SW as a fandom was obikin. These two idiots (/affectionate) have been in my head every single day since New Year’s, and I honestly wouldn't have it any other way! As disappointing as it would be to no longer be fixating on this in another month or two, this time is very very well spent and you're in very very good company, I promise <3 and im happy to be your fandom friend!! I love chatting about this stuff, SW is very much my special interest and I'm more than happy to answer questions (if I know the answer) and reason out anything you want to!! Im sorry your friend isn't up for obikin btw, its definitely not a ship for everyone 😅 luckily there's plenty of us on tumblr who are more than happy to ramble at length about them!
Man that answer was allll over the place, I hope you don't mind!! These letter style asks are so much fun, you're a pleasure to have in the inbox, Anon ☂️! I hope this answer finds you well!!
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vixenofthemist · 5 years
Im gonna mostly talk about the Golden Deer bc I've been waiting for forever for SOMETHING about them and now I have it I'm gonna run.
But some of my thoughts on the other houses:
Black Eagles: Nothing really caught my attention other then they have the most people without crests, and Dorothea hates herself :<
Blue Lions: Well... that certainly confirms the theory that the Childhood Friends don't accept Dedue very well aosjsj Sylvain is the only one who doesn't seem to have a problem with Dimitri no wonder he's so willing to work on his womanizing he's the only friend who isn't judging him (bc Ingrid HAS to not like that Dimitri has Dedue as a retainer and even if it didn't sour their relationship completely it had to have put some strain on it. No wonder she and Felix are seen together so often aksjsj). ALSO ANNETTES A SWEET ANGEL.
OK Now Onto the Golden Deer akjsjs (I'm on mobile or else I'd put a read more sorry akdjsj)
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DOESN'T SHE MENTION AN OLDER BROTHER IN THE ADVICE BOX??? I could be remembering it wrong but I SWEAR she was like "i have to write my brother but I dont know what to write him about so tell me". Someone please explain is my memory bad or is Hilda submitting false facts to the ask box for fun?
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Hilda is definitely that girl who said "um excuse me we're having a conversation. Rude." To a teacher when they tried to stop her talking in class aksjaj
I love how persuasion is right in the middle of her otherwise totally normal likes lol i can just hear her listing off her likes and just saying that aloud so casually and the person she's talking to is just like "excuse me- wait what was that one in the middle??" "Fashion :>"
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ASSJSHAJS Lorenz likes Monitering Claude LMAO, its his #1 hobby. Also we finally have a reason to have a rivalry with Black Eagles- Lorenz hates coffee but Hubert loves it. (Also he hates vulgarity lmao bet there was at least 1 time where Leonie and Claude just swore constantly around him for an entire day alsjsj)
Also what is a worthy women and how much do you wanna bet he's been slapped in the face for phrasing it like that bc he absolutely has to have been socked at least once.
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Ignatz hates lightning and there better be some good found family fics of the Golden Deer helping him distract himself during storms!!
(Also he seems to really like the church so wonder how that goes with Claude aksjs)
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Lysithea still adorable, loves sweets and cute things and hates bitter food aksjjss also hates anything physcially laborious what a gigantic mood
Ashe also hates ghost and as someone who thinks they'd be adorable together I love the idea that they're the couple that go see a disney movie while the others go watch horror (but they still get scared by the wind that night and call Mercedes to come take care of the ghost aksjjs).
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Leonie's is exactly how I thought it'd be aksjsj don't have a lot to say except she's the big sister of the group and has for sure punched Lorenz in the face
Marianne and Claude are at the bottom bc they're my favorites and I have a lot to say about them akshshs
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Ladakdjsj why does "long rides" make me think of a dating profile?? "Hi my name is Claude Von Riegan, I love long rides on the beach and tactically scheming as the sunsets. Pick me and I'll let you grasp any part of me you want."
Anyway SO pumped to finally have stuff coming out about Claude aksjsjs after what feels like years of just getting scraps we're finally getting some gosh dang FOOD and we DESERVE IT
His dislikes are interesting, like its so clear he doesn't trust the gods at ALL kasjjs and he clearly has a reason for that which I'm sure will come out in the main plot since its all about the church who are just a bunch of people blindly following Seiros akdjs
(Also who's gonna tell him he's in a fire emblem game and is just as subject to the rng gods as the rest of us? Leaving things to chance is the underlying tagline of the combat system cause sure you have a 95% to hit but there's still a chance you won't 🙃)
Love that he likes poetry, he is the guy who can rehearse shakespear by heart but mostly just spouts the existential stuff but will whip out a real romantic verse when the moments right (unlike Lorenz who only remembers the romantic stuff). Definitely is the guy who writes haiku jokes using haiku's and it drives everyone else crazy. Also I hc that he means long rides on his wyvern and not a horse bc ever since I saw that he can become a wyvern rider I can't not think of him as one akssj (I'm calling the wyvern Goldy the Golden Good Boy of the Von Riegans, Goldy for short, becauze it makes me laugh akdjsj.)
Also wtf does planning feasts mean??? What does planning a feast entail?? Is this just a medieval way to say he likes to party??
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Ok calming down I am SO fascinated by Marianne, cause she clearly has so much story to her and I for one can't wait to find it all out. Cause she's so different from the other nobles, all of them are quite confident and loud (in personality and color) but shes the exact opposite, and we don't even know what her crest is so we can't figure out who her birth family are and what happened to them that made her get fostered by the Edmunds. And the Edmunds themselves are just another hole because how do they treat her? I cant imagine its good? But perhaps it is and whatever happened to her birth family is why she's so depressed and lacks self confidence? Akjdkss Ok I'm just rambling now I'll stop but long story short I'm hyped to play Golden Deer and see what her relationship is with the rest of the house xD (especially Claude bc they have such different viewpoints on the gods and the church so their supports are gonna be interesting aksjjs)
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