#i'll share you guys my new blog in a bit and archive this one :') i'll miss this baby .. but i'll still recreate its essence in my new blog
hamadacare-xoxo · 1 year
happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈💕
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determunition · 1 year
~august update~
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hey everyone! i'm finally home from all my july travels. as you might expect, i'm quite tired! here's the skinny for this month:
artfight's concluded!! thanks so much to everyone that attacked me, i'll be reblogging any attacks that have been shared here on tumblr dot com so everyone can behold their beauty; otherwise, i'll be sharing a bunch of my attacks from this month too! i ended up drawing 16 this year, which is a new record! however, it has taken its toll on my wrist lmao, i don't think i'll be drawing anything serious for a few days
i'm still going strong on OLD_FOLKS HOME! i might get a bit more specific about where precisely i'm at later, but it's going steady, if not just a bit slow; my quality threshold is way too high for this fic at this point lmao
and maybe the biggest update for the month, i'm going to start putting my boards up on youtube! some of these are boards i've posted, others will be older ones i haven't shown here yet; i'd just like to have my stuff all in one place for easy viewing! at least, as long as i can before the ones with copyrighted music get axed lol; i'll let you guys know when that stuff goes public!
so between me coming down off of artfight and planning on doing a lot of writing/archiving stuff, i expect this month should be a bit more laid-back, which tbh i need haha; thanks so much to everyone who's stopped by my blog and followed this past month, and i hope to put out some great stuff for you all soon!
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starrysky28 · 9 months
The Times We Were Together: Chapter 1
Series Title: "The Times We Were Together"
Series Summary: After the Raccoon City incident, Claire, Sherry and Leon start living together, where they share many memories and moments with each other.
Chapter Title: "Aftermath"
Rating: T
Words: 2,339
Warnings: Blood, Graphic Descriptions
*A/N: Was a little hesitant to post this over here since I don't have a lot of RE content on my blog currently since I'm a new fan, but here ya go. First fic in 6+ months, woo!*
The sound of jingling keys could be heard from inside the narrow hallway of the apartment complex. After a few seconds, a door labeled "A13" opens up with a click.
"Well, this is the place...", A man by the name of Leon Kennedy sighed exhaustively.
Behind him were two other people, a brunette with tattered clothes and dried blood on her skin, and a smaller, much younger girl, probably no older than ten. She too had a fair share of grime covering her as well. 
"Sorry, I know it's a little small, but by all means, make yourselves at home", Leon, who actually had a rather large wound on his right shoulder, continued on.
Many would probably wonder: 'What the heck happened to these guys?'. Many also wouldn't expect the answer to be 'zombie apocalypse' either, however. Which is exactly what went down just a few towns away in Raccoon City.
The three of them stumbled into his dimly-lit apartment, which was not only small, but also a bit unkept. Almost as if he hadn't expected to have people over.
"One of you should probably shower first, I need to try tending to this wound before it gets worse", Leon offered, carefully planting himself onto the sofa.
"Sherry, why don't you go first. I'll help you out at first if you need it", The older of the two girls bent over, matching the height of the younger one.
"A-Are you sure, Claire?", She stammered.
"Of course, you've been through quite a bit today", Claire insisted.
Sherry was silent for a few moments before she piped up quietly, "Okay..."
A few minutes passed after the girls left the living room. Leon, after attempting to disinfect his wound, laid his head back and listened to the soothing sound of the water jets from the shower. It wasn't long before he began to feel sleepy...
That was until Leon heard the door to the bathroom open and close, making him practically shoot up from where he was sitting.
"Okay, I've got her settled in I think...you holding up in here okay?", Claire asked him.
"U-Uh, yeah...I'm doing alright", he lied, as if he wasn't falling asleep about a minute ago.
Claire smiles softly as she goes over and sits down beside him, the first time he'd seen her smile since they'd met less than a day ago.
"That's good", she says.
Leon smiles back at her and stares for a few seconds before catching himself.
"Oh, uh, I should probably get started on this", he replies, swiftly reaching for the first aid kit that was leaned up against the sofa.
"Ack!", he winced, suddenly grabbing at his wounded shoulder.
Claire grabbed the first aid kit out of his hands, "Here, let me help with that"
By this point, Leon had already stripped off all of his police gear and was only wearing pants and an undershirt. As Claire began unwrapping the gauze and bandages to protect the wound, she began to get slightly distracted by his features.
Like how his dirty-blond locks fell into his face, his ocean-blue eyes, and not to mention his muscular build. Despite only being on the force for a day, he probably had to go through a ton of hard training.
"...I think that's enough bandages", Leon chuckled lightly, referring to the long mess that had been rolled onto the floor.
Claire nodded in response, "Oh! Heh, right!"
She rolled the extra bandages up into the roll in a circular motion until there was just enough there for her to slowly and gently wrap them around his shoulder. 
"Can I ask you something, Leon?"
"What made you want to become a cop anyway?", Claire questioned.
"Well...", he sighed heavily.
"I didn't know what I wanted to do for a while, but...If I had to be honest, after my parents were killed I became rather fascinated with solving crime I guess"
"...Oh", Claire sat in shock, as it was quite a lot to take in.
"Sorry. I probably shouldn't have brought that up"
Claire tried to reassure him, "It's alright...My brother and I lost our parents about five years ago now. Crazy how it happens, right?"
"Yeah...", Leon replied in almost a whisper.
There was nothing but silence between the two for a minute or two, the only sound being the shower running in the next room over.
"Sherry should almost be done with her shower now, would you mind if I went next?", she asks him.
"I don't mind at all"
By the time the three of them finished taking turns in the only shower in Leon's apartment, it was starting to get pretty late.
"So I'm afraid the only actual bed here is my own. Though, the couch in the living room pulls out into a bed", He says.
Claire looks around, "Sherry and I can take the pullout couch If its big enough for two people"
"Hmm, let me check"
A section of the medium-sized couch unhooks and extends out with a groan, revealing a mattress that was much too small to fit the weight of two people. The trio stands there above it, probably thinking that they should have just stayed at a motel for the night instead. That probably would have been the case if they had any sort of money on them to begin with.
"Y'know what? Why don't I take the couch. I know for a fact my bed is big enough for the two of you", Leon offered.
"Are you sure? It is your bed, Leon", Sherry speaks up in a soft, yet insistent voice.
"Don't worry about me. Personally, I think we all just deserve to get some rest tonight", he replies.
Sherry and Claire shoot each other a glance.
Leon yawns softly and sits himself down on the pullout mattress, "If you guys need anything at all, don't hesitate to come get me, okay?"
"Of course", Claire nods.
"Same goes for you, Leon"
About an hour had passed since the group had retired for the night, and despite being tired beforehand, Leon found himself unable to sleep. Perhaps it was due to the fact that he wasn't used to not sleeping in his own bed, or the tight firmness of the mattress itself. 
It wasn't like he was that picky about where he slept, obviously. Maybe, the most likely reason was because of the horrific events of the day. Things the man of twenty one had never witnessed before, even after what had happened to his parents.
The tossing and turning soon stopped on its own, and Leon found himself falling into a rather uncomfortable sleep...
Leon awoke to the rustling of early fall leaves outside.
Strange. He  could have sworn he kept the windows closed that night. He opened his eyes and sat up from where he went to sleep the night before, and that's when he realized.
The windows of his low-lit apartment had been cracked and broken, glass strewn across the floor. Not only that, but the place looked like a hurricane had blown through it.
Someone must have broken in, of course. Right?
But what about Claire and Sherry? Were they hurt? What if they were hurt?!
Leon shot up from the pullout couch and ran into the bedroom.
If the living room was destroyed, then the bedroom was worse. Curtains and sheets had been ripped, mangled and bloody,  just like the deceased bodies of the two girls in question. 
There was no doubt about it by just looking at them, the zombies had gotten to them, and they soon would become one of them too.
Leon dropped to his knees. This couldn't be. It just didn't make sense. How could it have been them and not him too? More importantly, why wasn't he there to stop it?
He had failed to protect them.
He felt himself spiraling into madness at that very moment. He wanted to scream so badly, but he couldn't, and the more he tried to, the more he felt like he was suffocating himself.
In the midst of it all, the room then quite literally began to spin.
And faster.
Leon suddenly gasped awake, eyes widened and soaked in sweat. He frantically looked around the room, all the while trying to catch his breath. However, after about a minute his mind was able to stop and slow down just a little bit.
There was no broken glass from the windows, and the area had been left the way it was when he had gone to sleep. He stared at the analog clock above him, whose hands read out "3:40am". 
He quietly got up from the couch, his heart still pounding in his chest, and peered into the bedroom, where the door was left slightly ajar. It was hard to see in the dark room, but it appeared that Claire and Sherry were still asleep, holding each other close. It was more or less amusing how Sherry was able to latch on to Claire as a mother figure so quickly. In fact, it was actually quite adorable.
Leon sighed in relief. So it was just a dream after all.
He then sped silently into the bathroom and flicked on the light. The only sounds that could be heard were the loud whirring fan and splashes of water from the sink, feeling cold and refreshing on Leon's hot-flushed face.
He slicked back his bangs and closed his eyes, taking a deep, heavy breath.
Then, a quiet voice was heard, "Leon?"
The man in question swiveled around with a jolt, "Geez, Claire. Don't scare me like that!"
"Sorry...", she half-whispered, staring down at the floor.
Claire then locked eyes with the disheveled man, whose old, baggy sweatshirt she had worn to bed that night, "...I thought I heard you get up and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay"
Leon sighed once more, "Yeah, I guess you could say I'm alright..."
"Just a bad dream I guess", he began to laugh at himself.
He felt so pathetic in that moment. There was nothing more uncomfortable to him than showing vulnerability, especially towards those he was initially trying to help. So he was nothing more than surprised when Claire pulled him into a gentle, reassuring hug.
It was actually one of the first times he'd received a genuine hug in many years. Due to this, he had begun to feel almost a little emotional.
"It's okay. We're okay now", she comforts him.
Claire pulls away for a second and notices the tears in the rookie officer's eyes, "You've been so strong. We all have"
The tears were now streaming down his soft cheeks. Leon lays his head on her shoulder.
After a few minutes pass, which feels like hours, the two finally let go.
"Why don't you stay with us, you'll feel more safe that way", Claire says.
"Okay", he replies with a nod.
Leon laid in his bed, nervous from laying next to his female companion (could he even consider her that?), and he could still hear the sound of the fall crickets from outside, even with all the windows closed.
"Hey", Claire whispered to him.
He sat slightly upward, "Hm?"
"Come here", she signaled to him.
He slid over towards her, where he had a set of arms swiftly wrap around his torso. Leon's body stiffened for a while, before finally relaxing, the soft sounds of breathing from Claire and Sherry eventually lulling him back to sleep.
Leon awoke that next morning to the streams of sunlight beaming through the closed curtains of his bedroom and the ringing of the telephone.
He could only hear bits and pieces of the conversation, but he was awake enough to hear that Claire was the one talking.
"Are you sure, Chris?"
"Thank you so much, that'd be great!"
"Okay...Bye now!"
For the next few minutes, the sound of talking could be heard between Claire and assumably Sherry, most likely making breakfast. They sounded quite excited. Finally, Leon got up to see what all the excitement was even about.
The two were laughing as he walked out of the bedroom, "What's so funny?"
"Oh! Good Morning, Leon. We made breakfast!", Sherry smiled.
"Looks great! Did you make it all yourself?", he teased.
She laughs, pouring heapings of eggs, toast, and bacon onto three separate plates, "Ah, no. I had a little help from Claire" 
"I hope we didn't wake you up, we tried to be quiet about our excitement", Claire said apologetically.
"Not at all. What was all the excitement about, anyway?"
"Well...You remember how I told you about my brother, right?", she began.
"He offered us a place to stay about an hour or two from here. That way, we'll be completely safe"
"That's wonderful news, Claire!", Leon smiles.
"Though, one other thing...", she interrupts.
Claire suddenly grabs his hands, "We want you to come too!"
Leon was hesitant, "Oh, but I-...Um.."
"Don't worry about your apartment, Leon. Claire told me that Chris's house is muuuch bigger!", Sherry butted in.
Claire stuttered slightly, "Feel free to think about it if you wa-"
"Sure", he said, barely even thinking for a second about how nicer a house would be than a crummy apartment.
"Yay!!", Sherry cheered.
"We're gonna be like one big family!"
Leon and Claire looked over at her at the same time, "Wait...'family'?"
"Yeah, is...that not what we are now?", Sherry asked. 
The two of them looked back at each other and then at Sherry again, "I...guess so?"
After breakfast, Claire and Leon immediately began packing up and prepping for the trip.
Leon was deep in thought, especially over the whole 'family' thing. Admittedly, the idea of them all being a family was pretty cute, but could that really ideally be a thing even after what happened yesterday?
Guess there was only one way to find out.
To Be Continued...
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petalsbloomed-a · 2 years
( hey y'all. soooo it's been quiiiite a minute since i've been on this blog. i gotta be honest, i've been thinking about coming back here for a bit, but the only muses i think might continue to be successful are my obey me ones, including ryan. so i'm not sure if i want to do a total revamp of this blog as an om multi or archive this one completely and just make a new one. the former is probably less tedious than the latter since i don't have to make a new email and i won't have to worry about what happens with my mlp multi sideblog, which tbf has been fairly inactive for a while now too, but if i revamp i'll have to redo all the tags and figure out what i want to do with all my old posts here. either way i'll have to come up with totally new graphics and decide if i want to go fully dash with an accessible tags post for navigation, and i'll also have to make an all new google sites page as well. if you're wondering why i mentioned sites instead of carrd is because i've used both before but i like the unlimited features of sites and the fact that i can have multiple sites per account, all for free without having to keep making new carrd accounts and worry about what i'll have to use or ditch in order to both meet the elements limit and keep it looking good. also i've already made a bunch of my own sites templates that look fairly nice and clean and minimalist so i don't have to worry about credits either. so here's where i make a poll asking the following question: )
and please, PLEASE do feel free to give me some feedback in the comments below if you have any thoughts or ideas you'd like to share with me. seriously, i'm all ears. i like hearing your guys' thoughts. but do keep in mind that i am not 100% certain i'll be bringing these om muses back at the moment, but it feels likely because my muse as of late has been high. i set the poll limit for a week to accommodate flexibility and mun schedules. thank you for being so patient with me and for sticking around if you have, and i look forward to hearing your thoughts! much love to you all <3
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