#i'll never forget dongcheol :((((
missingnine · 7 years
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the entire plot was fucking fantastic it was something i have never ever seen in a kdrama wow and the way they executed this show was phenomenal. props to all the actors and actresses because everyone was amazing
i started watching it solely because taecyeon was gonna enlist and said that this is “””goodbye””” present for hottests (2pm’s fandom name) and me being the crying bitch that i am, decided to watch it because i know i will miss taec once he enlists. goddamn this show was good. the first episode was scary as fuck ((in my opinion, bc im a scaredy cat and only used to watch teen romcoms)) the religious cult was not something was ever touched upon in kdramas and this show took it to a whole other level. the people in that cult, whatever it’s called guseowon???, spooked me so much. they were so dedicated to the spiritual father and can i saY I HATE HIM SO OOOOO MUCH HE’S FUCKING DISGUSTING AKSJDFLKASJ thank god he died in that fire. i was getting riled up when sanghwan prevented sangmi from just setting him on fire but luckily, the spiritual father did that himself heh 
sangmi is an angel. i love her. a lot of people were pissed that she didn’t really do much to get herself out of there??? but lowkey she was traumatized asf so her willpower wasn’t that great to begin with. i mean, her brother committed suicide, her mom is drugged to insanity and her father is brainwashed by the spiritual father. so ofc, she’s shaken up. she had no one to rely on. the cult fucking trapped her. okkk but moooooving on,,,, even tho this show had like -0.003% romance, i still shipped sangmi with dongcheol, THEY WERE CUTE TOGETHER THEY HAD THEIR MOMENTS but you know, there’s nothing. no kiss. nothing.ugh jdskfjsl;dkf maybe next time
sPEAKING OF DONGCHEOL, MY BEAUTIFUL SON AND RAY OF SUNSHINE he’s great. i felt so much pain for him when his grandmother died and when he found out his dad was basically a prisoner in that cult shnnnn but what hurt me the most was when he was released from prison and he saw his friends hanging out together from afar. so when he went to eat a bowl of noodles, he deadass starTED CRYING THAT WAS SO SAD dongcheol was fucked over so many times. and throughout the entire show, i was begging that he doesn’t die in the end bc that would suck ass. but im soooooo glad that he has a sorta happy ending :’))) and he’s back with his friends!!!! ((also btw woo dohwan is hot as fuck damn he looked good in glasses and i cant’ wait to see him in mad dog)) 
ok oK for the “”””real””””” male lead : sanghwan lol. i like him but he did fucking frustrate me to no end sometimes,, he kept going back to the police thinking that they will help but he hasn’t learned that you shouldn’t trust the system??? he needs to take matters into his own hands smh. he should know better that the muji gov is not something you should rely on,, damn. also i know so many hottests were pissed that taec didn’t get enough screentime which i understand because this is LAST DRAMA before he enlisted on the 4th (((another note, i crIED when i found out he enlisted on their fucking anniversary)))) so ofc, taec should have a role that is fit for a male lead!!! but in reality,,, dongcheol sorta was the male lead in this drama and sanghwan was portrayed as the second lead as the show went on,, rip. i really hope that taec gets to film another drama after his enlistment!! i’ll be waiting for him to come back safely :’)) 
lollloll the side characters. i was surprised when i found out that one of the main cast guys was actually from let’s fight ghost! lol so he and taec have worked previously in another horror drama,, 
and the guys who dongcheol was friends with in prison are hot,,, just sayin
alSO can i just say,, this drama had the worst antagonists ever. i actually DESPISED the spiritual father and sangmi’s dad ((i feel no mercy for him, i hope he chokes)) and apostle jo can get run over by a truck for all i care damn. there were so many scenes in which i wanted to punch sangmi’s dad because he’s so fucking dense and doesn’t see how much his own daughter is suffering???? and apostle kang,,, sweetie, uhhh she is a complicated character and i’m not really sure how i feel about her tbh,,, i mean, her daughter committed suicide and i feel like she was also brainwashed by the spiritual father too,, but she sorta figured out that the spiritual father is a #fake but still went along with all his antics.. and in the end, she decides to recreate a guseowon 2.0?? yikes 
N E ways,,, this was one of the best shows in 2017 okk this was a great horror action mystery drama and it was a nice break from all of the romcoms. i’m gonna miss this show and i hope to see the actors and actresses in future dramas!!!! also the FUKCING OSTS WERE SOOO GOOD thank u 
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