#i'll need help with that tho cause i only know madrid
I love starter pack memes, and today I found a bunch of them about stuff in Spain I wanted to share here, enjoy!! (I'll try to translate everything dw)
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This is basically an Andalusian grandma starter pack, although there are a few of these things found in all Spanish grandmas!!
Translations for the word parts (keep in mind theye're all written in Andalusian / how it's spoken, so it's a bit funky)
Ca tu agüela starter pack: Your grandma's house starter pack
Te frío un huevoquetemasquedaoconhambre starter pack: I'll fry you an egg cause you're still hungry starter pack
¿Te ago una telera con sarchichón par camino?: May I cook you a telera with saucisson for the trip?
¿Te pelo una mondarina?: May I peel you a mandarin?
Anda ninia come que de tanto bregá estás escuchimisá: Come on, girl, eat something, you work so much you're getting really thin
Estai tol día ahí pegao a la pantalla jugando los marsianito y con la guasá: You're all day there next to the screen playing with the aliens thing and with the WhatsApp
Venacapacá Rafita toma sinco euro que nosentere tu mare: Come here Rafita here have five euros without your mother knowing
Ninio, ¿te frío un flamenquín o tres?: Boy, may I fry you one or three flamenquines?
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Translations (again, these are written in like street talk):
Komo me mire malamente er nota ese lo meto jurao: If that dude looks bad at me I'll hit him for sure
Hoy follo loko: I'm getting laid today dude
No invites a nadie k nos keamos sin hielo loko: Don't invite anyone cause then we won't have ice for us dude
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This one is specific to a Córdoba bar, but tbh most of these could be applied to any rural bar in the country, especially in the southern half
Jefe, póngame su jarrita servesa, dóh flamenquine, una de salmorejo, otra de berenjena a la miéh, trozo pastel cordobéh y el café, pero con sacarina que estoy a dieta: Boss, birng me a beer mug, two flamenquines, a salmorejo, an eggplant with honey, a piece of cordobese cake, and coffee, but with saccharine because I'm on a diet
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Cuñado literally means "brother-in-law", but this word is used to refer to those guys in family dinners that won't shut up, always think they're right and are annoying as fuck
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"This summer you're gonna go with the grandpas in the village" starter pack
Esta tarde van a hacer una gymkana: There's a gymkana this afternnon
¿Y tu de quien eres?: And who are you from?
No salgas aun que hace mucho calor: Don't get outside for now cause it's too hot
Fijate, lo de arriba es la nata de la leche: Look, what's above it's the milk's cream
Si que te esta pegando fuerte la alergia, otra vez con los ojos rojos: You're getting quite hit with the allergy, you already have red eyes
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"I wish I'd been born in Euskadi but I'm from Torrelavega (Cantabria)" starter park
Si Castilla quiere mar que se ponga a mear: If Castile wants a sea, may her start to pee
Me gusta salir a la montaña: I like to go to the mountains
Nación milenaria: Millenial nation
Mis abuelos son de Palencia: My grandparents are from Palencia
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It doesn't say on the pic but this is an English teacher starter pack
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