#i'll make a more in-depth post on my portrayal eventually
frostise · 6 months
“(ෆ ͒•∘̬• ͒)◞” + There's so much to like about your Killer Frost but first and foremost is how unapologetically NASTY she is. It's a wonderful thing for writers to write their muses as they please but it's undeniably refreshing when somebody embraces their villainous muse, warts and all. You don't shy away from that or give her an excessive sob story, instead making her very clearly (and calculatingly) dark. Another thing I love is how in-depth her characterization is; there's a lot of bread and butter when it comes to your girl, right down to details many people overlook like their youth and how certain things affects them even to this very day (i.e: Louise being very careful about what she eats and how much) SO, all in all, a very beautiful portrayal whom I am very VERY excite to see whenever you post a thread, a response, a headcanon - everything about your girl is just so great and she's one of the few muses I've seen that genuinely intimidates me even as a finctional character! Keep being great, and I hope we can interact at some point because I am so curious about how these two would get along! ❄️🌨️
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𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐄 “(ෆ ͒•∘̬• ͒)◞” + 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐀𝐋!   ┇   accepting ♡
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I JUST WON LIFE IF I MADE LOUISE SCARY TO YOU IRL YESSSSS!! i absolutely love embracing her villainous side even though it's hard to play the bitch 80% of the time i write her. towards npc's, she's like a predator waiting for you to make the wrong move or say the wrong thing just as an excuse to lash out because it's more satisfying watching their fear takeover first before dragging out their demise. thankfully kf isn't a real person and if she was? this account wouldn't exist in the first place.
but yes!! you're on point with how i headcanon her backstory because holy shit does she NOT have a biography mentioning her family. i made her a bastard child on purpose because it's a breath of fresh air to have a villain that's just as bad in their youth?? honestly it made me think of michael myers in a way. there's evil lurking inside both of them, except she's manipulative and plays into the "dumb blonde" image most people would expect her to be. i also need more irredeemable villains in fiction that are absolutely vile to the core. so it's great to hear louise can fulfill the villain role without coming across as an anti-hero. her motives are so unbelievably selfish it's insane.
we can definitely create a plot or maybe a established dynamic between our muses! i'm like busy half the time i'm online but i'll get to you eventually. this message is so sweet btw i'm carrying it in my palms 💖💖💖
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pinkprimrose05 · 1 year
ARC-V Month Day 16: Actually, He Would Say That
Look, we all like our cast with their pros and their cons, but sometimes there's just something... missing, when you look at canon portrayal. Some more depth. Some trivial details and silly nitpicks, to add to their flair... which are exactly what today is all about. Show us your headcanons and most random thoughts!
Ah yes, headcanons: my favorite way to patch up the swiss cheese holes in any story ever, and the personal cherry on top I place whwn there are no holes to patch. For someone who claims to have a lot of them, I've shared a rather small amount of my headcanons so far... but that changes today!
1- In a world where the counterparts stay separate, when all is said and done, the Lancers decide to keep in contact at Sawatari's suggestion -shocker, I know- and so they make a groupchat to talk about mundane life and things that strike their fancy. Said groupchat is... actually decently normal considering its members, but you still see flashes of the weirdest shit sometimes- like Dennis' massive collection of kaomojis, Reiji's 10-page long essays on why black coffee is overrated, Shun's inability to stand back and watch this nerdy fuck slander the superior coffee blend, Serena's copious cat stickers and reaction pics, Tsukikage's concerning stash of blackmail screenshots (99% of which is enabled by Sawatari, much to banana's mortfication), and Yuuya's oddly random, unprompted threats of homicide that he never fails to end with an innocent :D
2- Shuuzou has adopted all kids in the messy Akaba/Kurosaki/Hiiragi family tree, some metaphorically, most literally. He even got Himika to sign off custody of Reira, but left Reiji to his own devices because he just- doesn't know how to go about it with the guy. He's still invited to family & friend gatherings, however, and ends up getting called "son" no less than seven times in front of the whole family and the Sakakis. Legend has it that Reiji is still looking for ways to disappear into the ground to this day. Don't get him wrong, he appreciates the sentiment, but everytime he hears the word he straight up bluescreens.
3- As little screentime as they get to actually appear and talk, the monster spirits are very much still willing to communicate with humans- with a few exceptions, of course. Some of the older spirits like the Magistus quartet and Agents have strong reservations toward making themselves known after the dimension split fiasco(s), but then there's little ones like the Wights and the Ghostricks, who just spontaneously spawn into the human world on Halloween (to the dismay of Maiami City's police department, which had to contend with 57 reports of vandalism and stolen candy and various small acts of mischief the first time it happened).
4- The reason behind the Performapals' synergy and eventual archetypal overlap with Odd-Eyes actually goes a few ways back to one of their shows as a wandering troupe. While preparing for departure, Hip Hippo stumbled upon a lone dragon roaming in the wild on their own, and told his companions about it. One hour in and lots of excitable discussion later, their troupe gained a special new member who would soon become their main attraction, and together they resolved to improve their talents, to put on the best show under their master's conduct.
Admittedly... this is quite a bit shorter than I wanted it to be. There are still many headcanons I've yet to put into words, buuuut I'm afraid this submission is a tad late already, so I'll have to ever-so-subtly shove some of those into written works and post the rest on their own later (someday. sometime. eventually. for sure.)
Thanks for sticking around, anyway- here's a cookie for your trouble! 'Till next time ;D
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cagedchoices · 10 months
Sandra and I followed each other at least a few years back and it was one of those “I would really LOVE to write with you but I'm not sure how we’re gonna get our muses in the same room to make that happen” situations. Eventually I bit the bullet and requested a starter when I saw she put out a call and then we wound up with the spontaneity of Jessica Jones and Caleb Nichols having met through online dating and dining out at an Italian restaurant together in a variant of a modern au. It was a cute moment!
The dedication she has to characterizing Kendall as the incredibly complex and nuanced man that he is and especially that she has in expanding on him in her post-canon portrayal is amazing and it's clear how much he means to her. Every single one of her headcanons is so careful and thoughtful with detail and the OCs she has added to enrich Kendall's world by way of his daughters Rose and Anna, his niece Yvonne Wambsgans and his first cousin twice removed Anya Hirsch, along with his first love Sonia are brilliant and all add so much more depth to the Succesion universe as well as give a better look into Kendall's potential for personal growth.
It's a shame that we don't rp together as often as I would like to (in reality I want a dozen threads with everyone at any given moment but that's chaos I’d be stricken by decision paralysis SO fast) but even though we don't physically write together frequently, to me pretty much every one of Sandra's blogs is essential reading and a MUST-follow. She's an absolute delight on my dash.
I greatly admire how up front and honest she always is about her various years of experiences in the rpc and I look forward to writing so much more and genuinely getting to know each other better in the future.
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sitched-a · 5 years
things  i’m  using  from  live  action  canon
kim  knowing  drakken  /  shego  /  the  seniors  /  duff  killigan  /  professor  dementor  before  she  starts  high  school
kim  knowing  nana  possible’s  extensive  background  in  martial  arts  and  adventuring  and  learning  everything  from  her
the  kimmunicator  pendant
updated  mission  outfit
things  that  stay  relatively  the  same  from  cartoon  canon
kim  not  knowing  monkey  fist  as  a  foe  until  her  sophomore  year
kim  not  encountering  dnamy  /  the  bebes  /  adrena  lynn  /  gill  until  sophomore  year
kim  not  encountering  motor  ed  until  her  junior  year
all  of  a  sitch  in  time
all  of  so  the  drama,  it’s  a  perfect  movie,  go  watch  it  and  cry
warhok  and  warmonga  being  the  main  antagonists  of  senior  year
kim  as  middleton  high’s  cheer  captain
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