#i'll like some ads later too i need to go for a walk rn
recgistrator · 1 month
and a small uncapped rp ad to get things started here! leave a like if you'd like an non-event, probably short starter!
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mediawhorefics · 2 years
12, 17, 19
12. do you ever have trouble focusing on writing? how do you get around that? 
omg, all the time haha. the first thing i do is try to figure out if it's a writing/inspiration problem or an ~environmental problem. am i lost in the plot/uninspired or do i need to switch rooms or change the playlist yk?
if it's a plot thing, i go back to my outline and ask myself some questions. do i know enough about the scene/about where it's going to write what i want to write rn? if i don't, i work on that. if i do, but it's not working, sometimes i go back further in the document? have i written something in the previous scenes, or earlier in the scene that's just now working and i got lost somewhere along the way? also, i might text my beta if i feel stuck. talking around a plot point that's not working usually works. if it's neither of those things, it might just be i'm not vibing with the scene i've chosen to work on so i'll set it aside for another day and go back to the outline and pick something else. because editing is my favourite thing, sometimes i'll just pick a scene that's already written and just work on polishing that just to get mee in the mood. yk making it pretty and adding details, rewriting it so it can be the best possible version. that's the most fun stuff for me so sometimes i'll cheat and just treat myself to that just to get myself going and put myself in the right headspace yk?
if it's an environment thing.... i'll try different stuff depending on where/when i am lmao. if i'm at home in pjs, i'll put some clothes on, some shoes, do my hair/etc. so i can feel like i'm in Work Mode rather than lounging mode. if i'm just struggling to focus i might change the playlist to something instrumental so i don't get distracted. or if the music isn't working at all sometimes i'll put a podcast on or a tv show in the background to fake like i'm somewhere busy and i can get lost in that. sometimes i'll change what i'm using to write. get out a pen and pad and just scribble some ideas until i've started writing the scene without realising. or if i'm stressed about making it perfect on the first go, i might grab my phone and open a note and just write on that instead of the official document so i can feel less pressure/like it's less of a serious thing. i'll have a shower or go on a walk, or do 30 min on the treadmill, just to empty my mind which usually works in finding ideas/inspiration. i might write in the bath lmao. i'll make myself a nice drink or a nice snack. sometimes i'll do writing sprints! no pressure, no word count goals, just write whatever for 15 min. i usually get lost in it and emerge an hour later with 2k. ideally if i can, i like leaving the house to write. that's my biggest trick. just go to a coffee shop or the library or something like i'm going to work and focus all day. it also helps for me to set some goals for myself. either word count goals or # of scenes written goals. just so i can track my progress and keep myself in check.
etc etc etc.
honestly, i have to trick my brain into being motivated all the time lol.
unrelated, i might have undiagnosed adhd.
17. what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
i'm very fond of 'darling dearest, i'm fighting for your kind of quiet.'
i also really love this prayer i wrote for dean in my spn fix it: Dear Cas who art in my bathtub, give me the strength to be honest about how I feel. For your sake and for mine. Forgive me all the times I wasn’t in the past, all the words I should have said but didn’t. And please stay. Please stay with me when all is said and done. Amen. 
or: 'Fated, in some ways. Not by God’s will, but against it.' from the same fic.
and i quite like this bit from my upcoming fic:
'Eduardo nods back and a dozen emotions flicker on his face quickly, too quickly for Mark to hold on to them and he wishes he could, wishes he could dig his fingers deep into them and finally understand every single corner of Eduardo’s soul.'
19. what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most?
ooof that's SUCH a tough question??? i feel like it's really hard to spot the influence in our own writing? i know that my first language being french has definitely influenced the way i write in english. idk about specific writers though... but i can definitely name people who have inspired me and people i'd love to be as good as someday lmao.
leonard cohen & anne carson & ocean vuong & mary oliver for the poetry and depth of feeling of their writing. natasha pulley for the atmospheric feeling of her writing and her ability to write gut-wrenching romances with so little actually explicitly happening on the page. people like casey mcquiston & emily henry for how simple but evocative and genuinely funny their writing is. madeline miller for her powerful foreshadowing abilities and her gorgeous prose. freya marske whom i've only discovered recently but whose metaphors and imagery have been absolutely delightful to me. they're clever and fun yet relatively simple. i'm reading a restless truth right now and i find myself so frequently thinking: oh ! what a smart & beautiful way of saying that!!! donna tartt because she's a fucking genius and everything i want to be in life. tolkien for his incredible world-building abilities and the humanity in his writing. vincent van gogh for the poetry, the relatability, the feels.....
idk idk !!!! there are so many more !!! but for now .... haha.
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keijiism · 3 years
I'm in Sage brainrot so bad rn and was wondering how you think Sage would react post-rut seeing the mess he'd made of MC and if you'd write a short scenario for that, obviously you don't have to thought I'd ask anyway!
note from nia: help girl i don't know how to write scenarios girl i hope this is ok :[ i only had the scenario at first but i added some points to capture,, most of it
i think he's panicking for a second. maybe not full-blown "oh god what did i do fuck fuck shit" but a little bit of that "oh god," while he wonders if they're alright
if the place looks like a mess too then he's sitting in bed looking around like a statue. because. how hard,, did he go exactly
mc is now the top priority before anything else and he's checking where they're sore, if they want to clean up, what they need etc
depending on the circumstances, like if they weren't both planning for the rut,, he feels guilty while helping but tries to suppress it until they're better
eventually he'd explain the ? logistics ? of it all but never force mc to help him if they weren't comfortable after the first time. a little shocked and Very happy to hear if they still want to help
"Shit," is the first thing Sage says waking up. Despite his grogginess, he manages to look over and tense up when he remembers what, exactly, he was doing just last night. MC is beside him, thankfully covered by the blanket or else he might have groaned even louder.
They finally stir away and squints at the light before trying to speak, "Morning—ow."
"Are you okay?" Maybe if they weren't preoccupied with the overwhelming soreness that came with moving, MC would have noticed his tail flicking in panic at their groan. They wince but manage to laugh a little at the question, "I can't move, Sage."
"I'm sorry." They look up at his face, genuine guilt and concern washed over him, and offer a soft smile before he starts moving to get out of bed. They raise an eyebrow as he walks over to his clothes and hurries to put them on, "Already leaving me to suffer here alone?"
He turns to shoot them a playful glare before saying "I'll be back," as he shuffles to the door, tail getting stuck trying to get through his briefs for a second.
The room is quiet when he shuts the door behind him. MC takes the time to look around, memories resurfacing of the night prior (especially when they see furniture angled differently and their clothes from yesterday still on the floor), and feels their face heat up. They didn't regret anything, of course, but they definitely didn't think that was going to be the plan for their evening. They cover their face in their hands and take a deep breath, only peeking through their fingers when they hear the door creak open again.
Sage walks in, balancing a glass, towel, clothes, and a plate of fruits in his arms. "I didn't want to try making food but, I wanted to thank you. For, uh, helping me," he says while helping them sit up and bringing the glass to their lips. They work together to help MC put on a new shirt, albeit slowly, filling the silence with soft groans and apologies.
"I'd say anytime but I don't think that'd be good for my physical health," MC teases, finally managing to relax back into the pillows. They watch Sage grimace and snort, "Kidding. Don't worry too much about me. I'm glad I could help you."
He sighs before crawling back into bed (afraid of what flopping onto it would do), dropping his head into the crook of their neck. "Sage?"
"For someone who just dealt with me during my rut, you still manage to be the most stubbornly nice person I've ever met."
Once the words escape him, he wonders if they're just trying to be nice—if they were going to turn around and regret being so vulnerable later. His grip tightens, refusing to think about it too much when they're holding him like this. He's lucky, he thinks. Maybe the luckiest in the world to have his arms around someone so...good. In a world that was so much crueler to them both. He'd make sure to tell them that. Eventually, he swore.
"Did you expect me to fight you or something?"
"I mean, no. But I thought you would've tried to get me to do something, at least."
Sage lets out a breath against the column of their neck as they leave a kiss on his head, running their fingers through his hair. "Well then, do you think you could bring me breakfast later? And lunch and dinner?"
Finally, Sage lets out a laugh of his own before moving to plant a kiss on their jaw, "Anything for you."
little bonus because valentine's day tmrrw :0
"Pain aside, would you say you enjoyed yourself?"
MC hopes he can feel them glaring at the top of his head as his ears twitch a little and they flick the side of his forehead, "Are you serious right now?"
Sage huffs a laugh before feigning hurt, "It was a genuine question." They stay in silence for a while until he feels MC mutter something against his head.
"Sage, I swear"—MC lifts their head enough for him to hear—"yes. Okay?" They roll their eyes as he looks up at them, only to fall into fits of laughter as he attempts to leave kisses on their jaw again (a little difficult to do with the wide grin on his face).
"Wanna help me next time, too?"
"I think we'd need to clean up this place, first of all."
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: [I'm gonna say he's just full on sat next to her for food or whatever after also sitting next to her on the coach/minibus etc] Jimmy: let's not stop meeting like this Janis: Hope you don't think this harrassment is going to fly Janis: not a Catholic school Jimmy: You'd have to speak up, reckon that's about as likely as Jesus weighing in on the issue Jimmy: but alright I owe you a vape pen, glue stick or whatever else the paddy youth classes as a fun time Janis: Wouldn't wanna inflate your ego more than everyone else has Janis: or talk to you, obvs Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: congrats on your immunity Jimmy: 🏅🏆 Janis: To what? Janis: the clap or your lack of charm Jimmy: both Jimmy: you're a real winner, girl Janis: aw thanks Janis: if you want tossing off under the table though, you've got plenty other options Jimmy: a real heart breaker, you Jimmy: gives me a better idea Jimmy: tah Janis: that's me Janis: brains and beauty Janis: ? Jimmy: don't forget modesty and humility Jimmy: use your 💔 talents to publicly me and I can spend the rest of this trip in exile Jimmy: 🎻😭🎻 Janis: i'd rather, tah Janis: you want that rep? Janis: guess a pussy is pretty undesirable Jimmy: more than the one they're trying to give me, yeah Jimmy: not the only 🧠 on board Janis: no jerking off, remember Janis: fine Janis: leave your vape pen at home Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: don't touch me Jimmy: or my nonexistent vape pen Janis: not planning on it Janis: school trips are ample molestation time all 'round but me and Mr Lucas got other 🎯 Jimmy: what is the plan then? Jimmy: be 💔 to cockblock you and him and that's your thing more than mine Janis: you've come to me with no plan? Janis: 'course Janis: right, who's in your room? Jimmy: if you can't do it you ain't the girl for me Jimmy: and if you are, I ain't gonna tell you how to work Jimmy: Dunno, man bun, deepest of v neck t-shirts? Jimmy: probably does vape Janis: yeah, dead considerate, I buy it Janis: not bad description though, if you're a police informant, you're giving the game away Janis: later, message me when he's got his mates in your room, yeah Janis: step 1 Jimmy: 👌 💰 Jimmy: I'm 45 and faking being a real boy, the 😎 hide my crows feet Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [when you 😏 irl] Janis: explains the whole look, really Jimmy: [likewise cos she's funny too] Jimmy: save it for the break up, sweetheart Janis: rest assured, just 'cos you're new doesn't mean I've not got enough insults for you to spare Jimmy: that'll be why I asked you Jimmy: all in for that 👅 baby, sharper the better Janis: obviously Janis: not like I'm the only bitch who wouldn't take this as a 💍 Jimmy: 🤞 Mr Lucas has picked one out for you Jimmy: 👰🎊💕 Janis: 😩😩😩 Janis: don't get my hopes up Jimmy: my bad, mate Jimmy: You want me to give him a nudge? Only take the one screenshot, I'm sure Janis: idk if he swings both ways Janis: or that a 🍆📸 is gonna help my case Janis: but cheers, mate Jimmy: give him a bit to get to know me Jimmy: and appreciate my many talents Jimmy: be alright Janis: defs what they had in mind for the group bonding sesh Jimmy: bit rude to skip it then, like Janis: who are you to deny the world of your 'talents' Janis: I feel a migraine coming on though Jimmy: with a head that big it's gonna be a killer Janis: 🤞 Janis: I'll need all afternoon Jimmy: 🙏🏻 for you, my dear Janis: 💕 Jimmy: 😘 Janis: [a dramatic 😑 deadpan] Jimmy: [he's just like 😏 of course] Jimmy: the dickheads are about Janis: alright Janis: get ready to answer the door Janis: [idea is she shows up so whoever the f was in her room at the time knows she's gone somewhere (and they nosy af so they'll be ON IT) and then these lads will see them go off together and thus the rumour-mill can do it's thing without them having to do more than go and hide and smoke somewhere for a hot sec] Jimmy: if you're gonna be naked give me a heads up to be 😍 not 😑 Jimmy: whatever the rumour mill reckons I weren't on that teen soap Janis: alright, hollyoaks Janis: the accent and the IQ, not any of the emotional range Janis: subtly is your friend even if I ain't, nothing makes them lose their shit more Jimmy: maybe you do have something going on behind them 👀 Janis: save the 'compliments' for when you 'reckon they're just out of earshot, boy Jimmy: save the bossiness for when Mr Lucas wifes you Janis: you're the one that said you weren't gonna tell me how to work Janis: so fuck up if you want my face to be anything but not at your door Jimmy: you're working them not me Jimmy: so crack on Janis: pick up a hoodie or a jacket yeah Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: what's your colour? Janis: right, so you aren't a total amateur Janis: ⬛️ works 😎 boy Jimmy: It's how we woo girls in the freezing cold north Janis: try not to freeze yourself 'cos naturally you can't have it back 'til this shitshow is over Jimmy: are you dyslexic? I just said 💪 Janis: believe that when I see it Janis: [shows up] Jimmy: [off you go 'sneakily' haha] Janis: [she's 100% in a shortie PJs moment for the added scandal of it all 'cos unlike the rest she hasn't bought all the LEWKS to this trip honey, hence the need for the hoodie] Jimmy: [don't check her out too much boy cos we know that's actually a look and you wanna] Janis: [avoid the teachers on the way out but get caught on the way in, 'cos no one ever gets in proper trouble on school trips 'cos they cba but again, gets people shooketh] Jimmy: [such a mood, unrelated but I once mooned on a school trip] Janis: [just walking in casual silence right now] Jimmy: [literally not gonna say a word this whole time lbr] Janis: [suits both of you, just be somewhere they can't be peeping] Jimmy: [you know he's 🚬 because always, casually retrieved from behind his ear because #mood] Janis: [just stealing it 'cos what else are you gonna do frankly] Jimmy: [giving her a look like oi and stealing it back cos likewise] Janis: [when you're just snatching lmao, 'YOU owe ME, dickhead, so consider your debt repaid' 😏] Jimmy: [lights a new one for her and gives her it like aim higher because shady bitch and also that's a habit from day 1] Janis: [raises it like cheers] Jimmy: [tips a hat he doesn't have on] Janis: [the 🙄 but we know you sneaky amused] Jimmy: [gotta give them back because its what they always do] Janis: [gestures like gimme your phone] Jimmy: [does without a second thought which makes me die] Janis: [lucky she's not being a dick with it, takes a cute/vaguely sexy pic in his hoodie and saves her number handing it back with a shrug like now you can brag as much as you do or don't wanna 'cos how boys do] Jimmy: [sends her a text which is literally just '😍' so she has his] Janis: [sends back a '🖕'] Jimmy: [sends back '💔'] Janis: ['😂'] Jimmy: [when you gesture at her to come here so you can take a pic together because she needs something in her phone too in case of nosy bitches] Janis: [does, obvs, start as you mean to go on lads] Jimmy: [casual photo session] Janis: [you know grace is blowing her phone up like WHERE HAVE YOU GONE rn] Jimmy: [the truest thing, hold on honey, they're busy] Jimmy: [he'd give her a bemused look cos miss popular is not the mood he expected but like also he knows the plan is working so can't complain] Janis: [the face you'd make 'cos it looks like you're just bffs with her and not related like omg no] Jimmy: [it'd make him lol he wouldn't be able to help it] Janis: [just scowling in that last pic] Jimmy: [casually his fave out of all the pics] Janis: [the temptation to send one to her just to shut her up but that'd be too easy so you gotta make her work for it lol] Jimmy: [you'll have so much time to shut everyone up, hang in there kids] Janis: [for now enjoy the literal irl silence] Jimmy: [it would be so nice cos his roommate would be as annoying and loud] Janis: [I legit thought you were describing Ollie so #real when your fam is just too much] Jimmy: [#confirmed and whatever girlfriend he has currently should be on the trip too so it's even more annoying to share] Janis: [fun and games, defs kicking grace out so you can 'get it on' 'cos she'll be fuming, everyone coupled] Jimmy: [we simply must] Jimmy: [she'd have to throw herself at some random trip lad so as not to be entirely left out which is not a mood] Janis: [can only imagine the quality gurl no] Jimmy: [honestly, don't even bother but we know she will] Janis: [god bless, also you can probably start heading back lads] Jimmy: [take a second to imagine the kiss when he walks her back, like enjoy everyone but also you two shamelessly] Janis: could've warned me, prick Jimmy: so you're the amateur then? Jimmy: could've warned me of that Janis: fuck off Janis: was following the 'don't touch me' rule Jimmy: you never said I couldn't touch you Janis: 'cos it's a given Janis: whatever Janis: it worked Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: you don't think? Jimmy: you that confident? Janis: i get it, lads ain't AS hysterical as girls are Janis: usually Janis: these headphones aren't as noise-canceling as they promised Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: not for you, but as far as the plan Janis: you're welcome Jimmy: not for long Jimmy: exile, remember Janis: ain't got a spare room I can magic out my arse for you Jimmy: I get it, we ain't back at your mansion now Jimmy: it's alright, rich girl, no hard feelings Janis: 😢 some more, pussyole Janis: you wanna swap beds? Jimmy: you want that rep this soon? Jimmy: I've had a few less than 🥇 nights with northern lasses but nowt worth crying about Janis: you can spare me the details if you want an invite Janis: the idea is to be less annoying than this lot Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: hope you don't think i'm doing this work for free Janis: they reckon we're having such a scintillating conversation rn, again, welcome Jimmy: what you don't love an emoji standoff? Janis: 😍 Janis: of course Jimmy: if you need me to make you 😳 that's one of my talents Janis: sure Janis: that shit don't work on me Jimmy: sure Jimmy: you're well special, you Jimmy: a proper ❄ Janis: if you like Janis: or you ain't as special as you've been led to believe but either or Jimmy: the idea is to be less annoying than this lot, in your own words Janis: if you think i'm the type to take the higher ground whilst you continue to be a dickhead, you got the wrong bitch Jimmy: If you think this is me being a dickhead, you've got the wrong northern new boy Janis: scary Janis: is this the part where i cream myself? Jimmy: You can't kiss and you scare too easily Jimmy: is there owt else I gotta be warned about? Janis: you couldn't make a 🐷😳 Jimmy: you've got body issues an' all ✔ Jimmy: what diet are you on, I'll try and look interested Janis: wrong sister Janis: pass on your deets Jimmy: Tah Janis: have fun Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [skip to after am activities which they slayed as a #team] Janis: tah for not dragging me down too much Jimmy: I were about to say the same thing to you, girl Jimmy: 💕 Janis: wow, so in-synch Janis: what am I thinking rn Jimmy: it'd make a 🐷😳 Janis: [when you barely hold back that lol] Janis: oh well Janis: 💕 whilst it lasted babe Jimmy: fuck it, I'm still pretty Jimmy: 🧠 off for a bit Janis: sound like a delusional single ma Janis: you'll bounce back, karen, you still got it Jimmy: that'll be 'cause I am Jimmy: two kids and no man Janis: 💔 Janis: make the most of this you time Jimmy: on it Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: 🙌📣👏🏆 Jimmy: living laughing loving Jimmy: all in this one morning Janis: break out the pink gin and prosecco babes Jimmy: It's a #date Janis: the lack of booze on this trip is shocking Janis: someone's got to have something Jimmy: meant to be what you paddys are known for Jimmy: sort it out, the lot of yous Janis: if I find the goods, I won't share 💕 Jimmy: actually 💔 Jimmy: I'll sneak off and find my own then Jimmy: gotta be a pub somewhere Janis: you reckon you're getting free Jimmy: why not? Janis: 😎 not ninja Jimmy: I'll send you a selfie once I've had a few Jimmy: proof'll be in the pint Janis: fuck off are you going without Jimmy: you reckon you're coming with? piss off Janis: i won't need to chat to you when we get there Janis: if Jimmy: you don't need to chat to me now but on you go Janis: this ain't talking Janis: and you can't stop me Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: you'll get over it Janis: dry your eyes Jimmy: You'll get over staying here Janis: fuck off, you don't even know where we are Jimmy: I've got a 📱 knobhead Jimmy: [waves it at her IRL] Janis: call a hotline to 😢🍆👌 it out Jimmy: phone a friend to take you to the pub Jimmy: I'll see you there Janis: I can go myself, dickwad Janis: 🤞 we don't pick the same one Jimmy: I'll avoid anywhere called the Blushing Pig Jimmy: know it's your local Janis: you'll wanna avoid anywhere too local with that accent Jimmy: I ain't scared, leave that to you, like Janis: piss off Jimmy: the plan's that, yeah Janis: okay, try this one, shut up Jimmy: this ain't talking Jimmy: what happened to that? Janis: i make the rules Janis: it's talking when i want you to not Jimmy: 😍🤤😍 Janis: 🙄 Janis: laters then Jimmy: in a bit Janis: ✌ flip reverse that Jimmy: [nearly lols] Jimmy: 😘 Janis: 💕 Jimmy: went from hot to cute well quick Janis: yeah, not the only one with talents Jimmy: I might believe you when I see any Janis: I were about to say the same thing to you, boy Jimmy: I got in there first, girl Jimmy: what are you gonna do? Janis: fact remains, no blushes, just bullshit Janis: and to get to the pub? Janis: not helping you, amateur Jimmy: [sends her some real saucy shit use your imagination cos we know I don't have skills] Jimmy: To hide your blush or top that Janis: [when you have to make a face of disgust so it ain't straight up 😳] Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [at least her going out for a run would not be weird if the teachers asked] Jimmy: [run baby run] Janis: [jump that fence, you're defs getting into trouble after the hols, starting the new term off well before finishing this one] Jimmy: [start as you mean to go on, everyone will be scandalised] Janis: [just ignoring each other lmao] Jimmy: [good luck with that] Janis: did you get lost Jimmy: did you pull a muscle? Janis: I'm 💪 Jimmy: no proof, just chat Janis: proof is how far behind you're lagging Jimmy: Piss off Janis: aw baby Jimmy: save your sweet talk, Judith Jimmy: you might need the practice but I don't need to hear it Janis: gotta concentrate on your 🗺 Janis: only so much 🧠 power a Northern boys got Jimmy: congrats on being a native, mate Janis: ain't that hard Janis: one main road Jimmy: I'll drop you in my old home town and you can let me know how well you crack on Janis: alright Janis: piss easy Jimmy: 👌 Janis: can't be much worse than here Jimmy: can be your own judge Janis: generous Jimmy: I ain't buying you a pint Jimmy: stop flirting with me Janis: I'll get someone of age to do that Janis: tah Jimmy: 🧠 and 🍀 Janis: just tits Janis: don't feel too bad Jimmy: I feel bad for you if you're banking on that Janis: 10 feminist points for you, pop up a status #ally Jimmy: I meant 'cause your sister's are better but alright Janis: didn't see her hauling her arse over no fence but alright Jimmy: nobody asked her, that'll be why Jimmy: must be politer than you an' all Janis: find your way back and shag her then, like Jimmy: If I fancied that I wouldn't be here Jimmy: but tah for giving us your blessing Janis: got more chance that than getting a drink Jimmy: take that 🍻 chance still Janis: tits aren't that good then Jimmy: To cancel out the lass attached she'd need them🥇 Jimmy: I'm new, but that don't mean I ain't got a single clue about nowt Janis: so made up you've seen a boob, mate Jimmy: me too, like Janis: 👌 Janis: [sends picture of drink like mission accomplished] Jimmy: 👏 Jimmy: you should post that somewhere you can actually brag Janis: tah for the suggestion Janis: wait 'til I'm finished Janis: Lucas don't need my location Jimmy: How else is he meant to propose? Jimmy: 💔 for him Janis: you wanna 💔 him when I get caught cheating Jimmy: he's 💕 I'm just here to make you 😳 Janis: not talking about you, you ain't here Jimmy: not talking to me either, this don't count Janis: too right Jimmy: 👍 Janis: be thinking up #s for me if you've got the brain space Jimmy: How much you gonna pay me, rich girl? Janis: get you a pint if you ever make it Jimmy: [struts in] Jimmy: Go on then Janis: [gets the lad to get 'em all a drink in, sure he is thrilled lmao] Jimmy: [#cockblocked] Janis: 👏 on not dying Jimmy: might do on the way back Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: 🎻 Jimmy: wouldn't be a tragedy to miss more team building Janis: I don't wanna give you cpr Jimmy: don't bring it up then Jimmy: I never asked Janis: I don't care Janis: not catching a case 'cos you're suicidal Jimmy: I get it, you need the practice for that an' all Janis: I get it, you're a dick Jimmy: Is there owt you can do on the first try? Janis: none of your business Jimmy: no then Jimmy: alright Janis: you don't know me Janis: and you don't need to Jimmy: 👌❄ Jimmy: I don't want to Janis: sure Janis: so don't ask Jimmy: It weren't a real question, more of a dig Janis: like I said, I get it Janis: real edgy stuff Jimmy: whatever big head, you know things Jimmy: I got that myself ages ago Janis: yeah, you're dead convincing, hollyoaks Jimmy: I wouldn't bother auditioning if I were you Jimmy: they really care about tits Janis: you're fooled Janis: but thanks for the advice Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [when your phone's going off 'cos only so long before they'd be obligated to call the police lol but they'd try to get contact first, massive 🙄] Janis: drink up, newbie Jimmy: no chance, I just got here Janis: you wanna be dragged out by a teacher Janis: that'll look well 😎 Jimmy: If it's Mr Lucas Jimmy: 😍🤤😍 Janis: [short lol like ha] Janis: alright then, enjoy Janis: [going out with the dude] Jimmy: 💕 Janis: [after a period] Janis: I'll tell 'em where to find you then, shall I? Jimmy: such a romantic, you Janis: well it ain't gonna look very #goals but that's your choice Jimmy: Thought you were making the rules Janis: I ain't gonna drag you out, nice try perv Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: do whatever the fuck you are gonna do then, Jennifer Janis: 🙄 omg get out Janis: take the glass with you if you're aiming for impressive here Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: what are you trying to achieve Jimmy: We've done this bit, don't know each other, don't want to, ring any bells? Jimmy: and it should be obvious for a 🧠 like yours Janis: you want to get them to leave you alone, sure Janis: so you don't need to cause this scene Jimmy: Do you wanna be here? Janis: I didn't come for no reason Janis: but I don't need the garda called on me Jimmy: I came here for my dad's bollocks reasons Jimmy: so maybe I do Janis: alright Janis: I'll say I ain't seen you then Janis: if that's what you want Jimmy: that won't look right Jimmy: we're meant to be love's young dream Janis: right Janis: so we've really gotta bonnie and clyde it? Jimmy: I'll find another way to fuck him over Jimmy: without dragging you down into it Janis: cheers Janis: consider it an IOU, yeah Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: we should've taken more pictures Janis: I've text my sister, now they know we're not actually runaways/kidnapped/other, we can at least take our time before the bollocking Janis: get another drink if you want Jimmy: I don't have a 🔪 in my pocket everyone Jimmy: figure it out Janis: just pleased to see me, yeah Janis: good one Jimmy: 💀 pact's tomorrow Jimmy: and we're obviously using poison Janis: obviously, the ⛵ lake isn't deep enough to walk into the middle of Jimmy: and I don't have rocks in my pocket either Jimmy: they ain't that deep Janis: 💔💰 poor boy, right? Jimmy: Yep Jimmy: 🎻😭🎻 Janis: gutting Janis: I'll bring the poison then Jimmy: Tah Jimmy: I'll bring the 🥧 for you to poison Janis: it's for credit, by the way Jimmy: 👌 Janis: somehow shitter than I imagined still Jimmy: 💔 Janis: yeah yeah Janis: you got a 🚬? Jimmy: only thing actually in my pockets Janis: don't need an inventory can I have one Jimmy: If you come here Janis: so bloody awkward Jimmy: I don't get credit for exercising, mate Janis: 🙄 yeah cheers for the training Janis: [comes in though] Jimmy: [waves because cheeky little shit] Janis: [😑 just puts her hands out like tah] Jimmy: I said, come here Janis: [stomps closer like boy] Jimmy: [pulls her closer to him because 1. that bitch and 2. selfie opportunities shouldn't be ignored 3. shameless] Janis: [when you go hard for the selfies but then you push him back like oi] Jimmy: [when you likewise go hard for the selfies but then shrug and walk out knowing she'll follow you for that 🚬] Janis: you're so stupid Jimmy: *northern Janis: if you wanna do your people like that Janis: I'm just talking 'bout you Jimmy: We all understand what come here means Jimmy: my stupid dog just about does an' all Janis: fuck off Jimmy: Do you want a 🚬 or not? Janis: I did, you heard me Jimmy: Come on then Janis: [comes out but starts walking gesturing like let's go] Jimmy: [lights one for her and holds it out cos always] Janis: [takes it in silence] Jimmy: [walking and 🚬 in silence as is their standard] Janis: they better go easy on you 'cos you're a new kid and by proxy, me Jimmy: I'll play the 🎻🎻s loud Jimmy: it'll be alright Janis: yeah Janis: long as my parents don't find out and try to fuck with my holiday, give a fuck Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: like you wanna be grounded for 3 weeks Jimmy: like that'd be his choice of punishment Janis: lucky you Jimmy: Yeah Jimmy: poor you Janis: mhmm Jimmy: [is just 😒 but when is that not his face tbh] Janis: [so not gonna notice really] Jimmy: [deafening silence is also not a clue] Janis: don't snitch on me and I won't snitch on you Jimmy: 👍 Janis: later then Janis: [bolts 'cos awkward] Jimmy: [meanwhile he's taking his sweet time and we all know it] Janis: [the very next day, room cleaning duty 'cos you've been bad eggs] Jimmy: here's your chance to see if anyone has anything to drink Janis: true Janis: I'll do Dan and Jake's room then, that's where my money is Jimmy: 💕 and 🍀 girl Janis: godspeed Janis: 📸 anything good Jimmy: What kind of bollocks paddy punishment is this? Jimmy: barely started and I've got 🚬s and 💸 Janis: they ain't the sharpest Janis: plus they're terrified we'll turn around and say they went full on abuse of power away from school property Jimmy: You should let me in your room Janis: I ain't got nothing to steal, have at my sister's shit Janis: but seriously, they realise they've left us alone rn, dopes Jimmy: Later, dickhead Jimmy: when your sister is about Janis: twincest ain't the one Jimmy: 💔 Janis: Jack would disagree, clearly Janis: [retro pornmag moment] Janis: guess he knew the signal would be shit, clever boy Jimmy: can't be that clever if he ain't getting any off the page Janis: neither are you, like Jimmy: You're rocking my world, baby Jimmy: don't insult yourself Janis: 😏 Janis: right Jimmy: [a picture of some prescription pills] Jimmy: want these? Janis: won't even take offense to that implication Janis: go on Jimmy: 👌 Janis: You should come then Janis: later Jimmy: I don't wanna do drugs with you, Jodie Jimmy: it weren't the idea Janis: I get the idea, moron Janis: I'm saying yeah, probably should Jimmy: Alright Janis: these kids are idiots Janis: why have they bought half this shit Jimmy: not all of them, I just found your sister's friend's binge stash 🍫🍪🍬 Jimmy: won't be starving in a bit Janis: that's evil Janis: someone'll die if she don't get her cals Janis: 🤞 it's grace Jimmy: 😈 me Jimmy: come and get a 🍪 Janis: not your stupid dog Jimmy: she follows instructions 50% of the time Janis: 🖕 Janis: maybe if you were a better trainer Jimmy: more for me 💕 Janis: you enjoy, I'm busy Jimmy: I get it, it's decent porn Janis: that's it 🙄😂 Janis: but you've put me off now, twat Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: 🍀 I'm coming over later then Janis: obviously Janis: how morally dubious is it to put Kieran's missus' bra in say Janis: Leon's bed Janis: asking for a friend Jimmy: I'd reckon you were morally obligated Jimmy: answering for everyone Janis: 😇 me Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: Pouring water in Brian's bed is gonna be my good deed for the day Janis: 🙏 Jimmy: Could've got into Catholic school well easily, me Janis: missed a trick Janis: you'd have loved it 📏😩 Jimmy: @iantaylor8 Janis: that is a username and a half Jimmy: Wait til you have a scroll, mate Jimmy: you'll be 😍🤤 Janis: 🍀 I don't need the sugar Jimmy: he ain't got the 💰 to be that kinda daddy Jimmy: and you ain't got step mum in you Janis: fuck you Janis: just 'cos you don't want that for you Jimmy: 'Cause you just said you're 😇 Jimmy: gotta be evil, knobhead Janis: suspect Janis: why you being almost nice Janis: you wanna share the swag I found Jimmy: #duh Janis: depends Janis: you eat all the 🍪s Jimmy: I'm only one lad Jimmy: there's fucking 1000s Janis: part-timer Janis: yeti could do it in five minutes Jimmy: you're the 😳🐷 Jimmy: but challenge accepted Janis: why you trying to give me an eating disorder Janis: you've already tampered with one bitch's today, like Janis: is it your thing? Jimmy: Why ain't you already got one? Jimmy: looks like most of the lasses at school have Janis: No I don't Janis: I'm not an idiot Jimmy: Sounds like something a lass with an eating disorder would say but alright Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: I'm going for a 🚬 Jimmy: cover me Janis: sure Janis: diligent as Jimmy: or come with Jimmy: if you want Janis: depends Janis: you giving me a 🚬 to stay skinny Jimmy: No need Janis: make your mind up Jimmy: I've never said you're fat Janis: bullshit! 😂 Janis: at least try to keep up with what you're dishing out Jimmy: I can't keep up with what ain't there Janis: the pig emoji is straight-up still on my screen, boy Jimmy: 🧠 and 😳 Janis: 😏 sure Jimmy: don't come then, girl Janis: shut up Janis: I want one Jimmy: Who's the biggest dickhead? We'll go in their room for it Janis: 🤔 Janis: 11 Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: race you Janis: big mistake Jimmy: [obviously beats her but only because he was halfway there when he said they should race #sneaky] Jimmy: 💪🏆 Janis: [just fuming 😒] Jimmy: [😏 shamelessly and lounging on the bed of whoever the hell's room this is] Janis: ['cheater' and sitting on the floor] Jimmy: [throws a pillow at her like oi even though he is but also so she can sit on it if she want #softboy] Janis: [just looking at him like I don't want a pillow] Jimmy: ['reckoned you might need one after being such a sore loser' shrugs and throws some 🍬s from the stash he's pocketed her way instead] Janis: ['don't get sore that easy, boy' popping one in her mouth and throwing whatever spoils she found into the middle] Jimmy: [lighting up x2 first for her and then him and then lying on the bed and staring up at the ceiling, bit rude that you haven't looked at what she brought boy] Janis: [takes it but is just ashing it on the floor] Jimmy: [blowing smoke rings at this random kid's ceiling casually] Janis: [just on your phone like] Jimmy: [when you lowkey are trying not to fall asleep because blatantly on his phone all night to Bobby 'cause he was left with Ian] Janis: [allowing it 'cos no need to be that much of a dick, like] Jimmy: [accidentally doing that OTT dramatic jerking yourself awake thing after a bit, which there's no styling out] Janis: [lil 😏 'don't set the gaff alight, too far'] Jimmy: ['if that's where you draw the line, babe'] Janis: ['save the big stuff for the death pact end times'] Jimmy: [does a IRL 👍] Janis: ['he keep you up?'] Jimmy: [when you nod automatically but obviously who you mean isn't who she means but you can't then be like actually no] Janis: [shakes her head like dickhead but kinda fondly 'cos doesn't hate Ollie] Jimmy: [when he doesn't know they are related still so amused] Janis: [just looking like you have a crush lmao] Jimmy: [lighting another 🚬 you don't need immediately after you've put the 1st one out in this room cos you don't wanna leave] Janis: [hopping up onto the bed to look through the shit he found 'cos no rush to go back to cleaning or being with the rest either] Jimmy: [sneaky looking at her while she's looking at the things] Janis: [oh duh, she should have the holy grail in a backpack 'cos someone had to have some booze even if it's just cans or shitty alcohpops, get that out like now it's a #haul] Jimmy: [yasss get #day drunk kids, well not really because there wouldn't be enough but still, have at it] Janis: [just putting one on his chest like a bottle for a baby lmao] Jimmy: [a little lol] Janis: 💕🍺 Jimmy: 🍻 Janis: ['Slainte'] Jimmy: [downs the drink cos the only thing to do when its shit] Janis: [the same] Jimmy: [eating all those sweet treats and necking all that booze having a lovely time] Janis: [get some energy boo] Jimmy: [being #goals together on the low] Janis: [selfie moment] Jimmy: [as always going harder than you need to] Janis: [gotta make people think you used your time wisely] Jimmy: [voting for the first ever love bite to happen rn] Janis: fuckin' vampire Jimmy: subtlety ain't always the way to get top marks Janis: alright 🤓 Janis: but if I die in a freak hickey accident, like they write about to scare bitches, you have to pretend to be devastated at my funeral Jimmy: you'll live, dry your eyes and wipe your mouth, like Janis: you with the blood, dickwad Jimmy: you with the 🍫, baby Janis: 😑 Janis: [but has to check] Jimmy: told you Jimmy: it weren't a pisstake Janis: you are Jimmy: 💔 Janis: could've at least wiped it off for me Janis: make it work Jimmy: I know how much you ain't about being touched Jimmy: I am making it work Janis: don't be a pussy Janis: [points at the love bite like duh] Jimmy: [shamelessly touches it while giving her a look] Janis: [when you just have to be like not phased face 'cos competitive] Jimmy: [when you have to do another even better one as a result cos #same] Janis: [giving him an ear one 'cos gotta one up the situ otherwise why are you doing this boys, we know why] Jimmy: [when you're so into it you have to be like ow to hide how into it you are] Janis: [🙄 but checks it sneaky like] Jimmy: [🙄 back cos what else can he do] Janis: you'll live Jimmy: leave it out Janis: you said it first Jimmy: you were 😢 first Janis: you're louder Janis: how much more trouble are you gonna get me in? Jimmy: how much more trouble do you wanna be in? Janis: [a LOOK] Jimmy: [gotta return it of course] Janis: [need to hear people coming for the cockblock] Jimmy: [I was just about to say that] Janis: [better get outta this randos room sharpish] Jimmy: [when you can take her hand to run off cos you can play it off like in case someone sees us if she was like excuse you] Janis: [not gonna fight it though 'cos you can just say you were on the level] Jimmy: [we all know what's up] Janis: [are they going to her room or separate?] Jimmy: [good question, do you wanna do any afternoon awkwardness before that?] Janis: [we could do another lunch moment and see if we have any ideas] Jimmy: [I'm down to give them a fake coupley af lunch] Janis: [go cause a commotion honeys] Jimmy: [everyone would be so extra about their everything, I can't] Janis: [it'd be amusing af] Jimmy: [be a cliche and carry her food for her for a start boy] Janis: [sit at a table with like some people but only have eyes for each other, duh] Jimmy: [and they should whisper a lot cos it looks saucy but really they could be saying anything and are probably shading y'all] Janis: [deffo, as well as sharing food like you probably have the same shit on your plates there's 0 need] Jimmy: [#thosecouples at least they are being OTT on purpose like] Janis: [exactly, also everyone has peeped those love bites 'cos they were such a big deal when school like people would be wearing scarves like oh no don't look aha] Jimmy: [Grace about to stab herself with a fork, oh honey just wait til you get kicked out of your room later] Janis: [you gonna be heated and your friends are just gonna be at the door like 👂] Jimmy: [literally she is gonna angry cry and we all know it bitch] Janis: [you know there would've been convos this whole time, we should probably do that] Jimmy: [we totally can] Jimmy: [also he's totally slipping in some actual flirtiness with the whispers and we know it's not just to make her 😳 bye] Janis: [just angrily whispering back like imma fuck you up boy] Jimmy: [like she's not a white ginger where its gonna be that obvious nobody's checking you can calm down Jimothy, you're already also touching her way more than you need to for your own benefit] Janis: [gotta hit him with a footsie moment 'cos there's still nothing more obvious than when you're being faux subtle] Jimmy: [love that for them] Janis: [like you can't be too cray there are teachers in here lmao] Jimmy: [thank god, any actual PDA and Grace would die] Janis: [can have a moment on the way out to your activity try and stop 'em] Jimmy: [they want it as much as their audience does so sorry Mr Lucas you're outvoted, like] Janis: [when i went to camp mary and her mans were so extra at the end they got awarded camp's romeo and juliet so like as long as it keep pg 13 you're alright tbh and he loves it] Jimmy: [god bless] Janis: [okay trust falls and blindfold assault course moment for the afternoon] Jimmy: [lowkey having fun even though you're meant to be hating it] Janis: [when she'd be freaking out to him on the low like don't fucking drop me bitch 'cos trust issues but you gotta be #goals so he won't] Jimmy: [we know he'd piss about but it's actually fine, he can and will piggyback you in the future babe, he's got this] Jimmy: [#trustissuessquad because likewise would not enjoy that bit] Janis: [poor grace bouta die on the other hand, like courteney let ellie drop and she still doesn't trust her lmao] Janis: [good for tryna get attention like friends help me i'm hurt] Jimmy: [Grace would be living for that drama and also she gonna fuck that boy later so payback for you boy getting put in some vulnerable positions lol] ] Jimmy: [also she can cry off like oh I'm so injured so she don't have to watch the JJ show for a bit] Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: 🎻💔😭 Janis: sure there's a defrosting pack of peas going if you want the job Janis: not as popular as she'd like to believe Jimmy: You're alright Jimmy: and so's she Janis: never how I'd put it, but no shit on that point regardless Jimmy: hang on, just gonna @ my dad to prove that my little brother ain't the biggest cry baby going Jimmy: She's 🥇 and you're 🥈 Janis: funny Janis: when I have him over for dinner he can see for himself Jimmy: Funnier Janis: i know Janis: not your fault you're 🥉 Jimmy: Reckons the lass who can't do owt first go Janis: the boy who still reckons he knows anything about me when we've been over this Jimmy: You nearly took my 👂 off earlier but I've still got both 👀 mate Janis: if i knew we were aiming to maim, you wouldn't have Janis: still got a 👄 you chat 💩 out of too, unfortunately Jimmy: [when you're trying not to lol] Jimmy: lovely you Janis: [😏] Janis: it's been said Jimmy: I get it, you've got form with the maiming, loads of blind and deaf lads about now Jimmy: Tah for letting me off so light 💕 Janis: well it ain't real, so only fair Jimmy: now I know you're a lass who plays fair Janis: you'd have different bruises to prove otherwise Janis: join her on sick bay 🤕🥴 Jimmy: 😍🤤😍 Jimmy: You've gotta stop flirting with me, girl Janis: you'd know that too Janis: if I were Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: [throws a 🍬 at her in full view of the bitch he stole them off] Janis: [good thing you ain't concerned about making friends/can catch, just smiling at her like cheers babe] Janis: you feeling left out? Janis: you gotta make a girl 😢 now, yeah Jimmy: Gotta give myself a break from that 👄 of yours Janis: shh Janis: don't say that out loud Jimmy: don't screenshot me and the secret's safe Jimmy: or wait until I say something about exercising your jaw for later and then hit post Janis: 😂 Janis: grim Janis: and unlikely humblebrag Jimmy: There, made a lass cry laugh, that'll do Janis: Soph can consider herself safe Janis: and welcome I took the hit Jimmy: 😇 you Jimmy: I remember Janis: someone's gotta Janis: so unappreciated Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: Gimme a sec to find signal enough to tweet it Janis: gotta clue in all your fans that couldn't be here Jimmy: [does do some suitably cringey tweet of course] Janis: 😏 how you still expect to get laid after this holy show is beyond me Jimmy: I don't #duh Jimmy: transferring to that Catholic school as soon as, obviously Janis: they're the worst for it Janis: just say sorry afterward Jimmy: Everyone knows anal don't count, Judith Jimmy: do it for Jesus Janis: 'less it's with another lad, sodomite Jimmy: That'll be why Mr Lucas is my plan B Janis: yeah well, fight yer for him Jimmy: 💪🏆 Go on Janis: [just looking at him like really tho] Jimmy: [😏] Janis: [play fight moment] Jimmy: [so flirty, get a room you two, she should win though obvs because he cheated on that race earlier] Janis: time to get some 📿 Janis: 👋😘 Jimmy: You ain't getting shot of me that easy, babe Jimmy: Letting you win 'cause of how unappreciated you feel counts about as much as this counts as talking, like Janis: yeah right, whatever makes you feel better, loser Jimmy: Take your hollow victory 😘 Janis: I can beat you at anything Janis: any time, anywhere Jimmy: when it's #fakeforfake Janis: convenient for you, that Jimmy: nowt about this is Janis: 🎻 Janis: take your 👑 crybaby Jimmy: No tah, I'd have to touch your sister to get it Janis: she is a lot like that dragon in shrek Janis: fair Jimmy: 😂 Janis: she'll find the right donkey one day, I'm sure 💕 Jimmy: could save me a bit in 🚬 if she were blowing smoke about Janis: there's one pro Janis: you never talk so she could blather on as much as she likes Jimmy: I talk, just not to you Janis: and no one else here Janis: least of all her, so still counts, don't fight it Jimmy: I'd have to save all my strength to keep her off me Janis: you really saving yourself for marriage, yeah Jimmy: 👍 Janis: that's a con, damn Janis: really thought I could get rid of her once and for all Jimmy: don't pretend she ain't the 👰💍 type Janis: obvs, but a massive slag, no child of the lord there Janis: allegedly my fathers Jimmy: My ex was a massive slag an' all Jimmy: I'll make it work Janis: great Janis: get on it then Jimmy: 💕 Janis: if you could move again and take her with, that'd be perfect Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: No need to wait that long for your real happy ending then Jimmy: were a bit rude how you've been such a tease about the 💀💀 pact but alright Janis: you'll do yourself in after a few months, max Janis: hmu then Jimmy: as a 👻 Jimmy: least I won't have to touch you and you can't me Janis: weren't planning on it wanker but exactly Janis: everyone gets to win Janis: she's the 🕷⚰ type Janis: love an excuse to cry forever Jimmy: might get her with my dad instead Jimmy: move over mate Janis: and I'm the one who can't follow instructions? 😑 Janis: stick to the plan Jimmy: plans change Jimmy: leave the crying to her Janis: just don't understand why you won't die for me tbh Jimmy: Not as 🧠 as you made out, eh Juliet? 💔 proper tragedy that Janis: it's your fault, you don't stick to your word ever Janis: nothing to do with me Jimmy: Nowt to do with you is right Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: How long is this bollocks gonna go on? I don't need to know how to build a raft Jimmy: or give a fuck if the 🦊 has 🐔 for his tea Janis: how you planning to navigate that sea of 😭 then? Janis: more practical than a maths lesson at any rate Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: you're uninvited for a 🚬 Janis: fine, drama queen Jimmy: in a bit 🤓 Janis: just 'cos you can't keep up Jimmy: just 'cause you're working on commission Jimmy: hmu when you need art for your 'more practical than a maths lesson' poster Janis: that's your thing then Janis: makes sense Janis: had to be one of the two Jimmy: 👍 Janis: at least you won't be bringing out the acoustic around the firepit tonight Janis: small blessings Jimmy: only bring the 🎻🎻 me Janis: ha Janis: cute Jimmy: tweet it if you mean it, girl 💕 Janis: k, if you like Jimmy: I'll give it a like, yeah Janis: not even a retweet, cold Janis: do you want them to buy this or nah Jimmy: can't retweet my own praises Jimmy: wouldn't be #goals Janis: oh right, we're ignoring your giant head Janis: fair 'nuff Jimmy: Nobody likes a bighead, you should know, mate Janis: dunno what you mean Janis: everyone loves me Jimmy: 👌 Janis: you ain't being on my raft team, FYI Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: I know Janis: drown on your own time, I gotta win Jimmy: I'll already be in sick bay after how #savage that jab was Janis: almost as bad at faking it as her Jimmy: you being the only one that reckons so isn't gonna make me 😭 Janis: awh, but everything else does Jimmy: #whensheknowsyouproperwell 💕 Janis: it's true love 💕 Janis: as far as any of these idiots are aware Jimmy: 😍😍😍🤞😍😍 Janis: alright, this is boring now Janis: no one needs this health and safety bullshit Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: wouldn't have 💀💀💀d you to nod when I first said it Jimmy: 'Cause yeah, that'll be why I'm staying here 🚬 tah Janis: you wanna start agreeing on everything now Janis: not pretending we're married Jimmy: Tah again, this time for admitting I'm right about everything Jimmy: I was just talking about the once but alright Janis: you never said it was boring, technically Janis: and I never said that, get lost Jimmy: I might be lost 🤞 Janis: deep Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: geographically, dickhead Janis: how 😂 Jimmy: can't be lost if I know Janis: I mean, this place is not that big Janis: and signposted to fuck, where've you even gone, like Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: v helpful my dear Janis: soz I didn't put a chip in your neck whilst you were gnawing on mine Jimmy: It's alright, I know you can't do owt right, forget two things at once Janis: fuck off Janis: stay lost Jimmy: have done and will do Janis: 👍 Jimmy: haunt you later then Janis: not that long since lunch Janis: you'll survive until one of the teachers finds you Janis: 💔 Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: I'll pray for Mr Lucas obvs Jimmy: probably get Ms O'Brien Jimmy: actually 💔 Janis: you know he's already in the water Janis: if he could get away with speedos, he would, whereas her turtleneck could not be higher Janis: unlucky Jimmy: 👙 on him and 🥔 sack on her Jimmy: 🤤🤤🤤 Jimmy: be why you ain't coming to my rescue Janis: 😏 Janis: obviously Janis: fine, hang on Jimmy: it ain't actually in the contract Jimmy: don't bother about me Janis: whatever, won't be hard Janis: then I'll just go back to my room after, peace and quiet Janis: anyway, her still in the sick bay gives me a valid excuse, concerned sister I am Jimmy: text me when you want me to show up Janis: ha, alright Jimmy: least if she's concussed we won't have to put on as convincing a show Janis: one can hope 🤞 Janis: sadly there's fuck all to damage in her head so Jimmy: Sounding like she will be my dad's perfect match 💘 Janis: does that mean you'll start showing up for dinner and xmas Janis: not part of the deal Jimmy: 🙏 they'll rent a cottage together and leave me the fuck out of it Janis: can get behind that Jimmy: #forlifenotjustforchristmas Janis: make it happen @iantaylor8 Jimmy: 'cause that's such a dream come true, I'm going to sleep Jimmy: don't miss me too much Janis: ..outside? Jimmy: If I get eaten by some animal or owt you can have my 🚬s Janis: 💘 Janis: romance aside, at least you'll be easy to find if you're 😴 Jimmy: Keep my snoring off the socials tah Jimmy: not very #goals Janis: but you look so cute baby Jimmy: #duh Jimmy: look cute all the time Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: goodnight, Jenna Jimmy: 😘 Janis: sweet dreams, dickhead Jimmy: just said they were guaranteed Jimmy: can't stop being a 😇 you Janis: not yet 😈 Jimmy: @ everyone who missed my earlier tweet Janis: yeah don't make me sound boring Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Janis: can agree on that Jimmy: if I wanted boring I'd have asked Ms O'Brien to fake date me Janis: 😏 Janis: she could be a secret freak Jimmy: doubt she's bitten any ears off though Janis: missing out? Jimmy: the benchmark has been set Janis: oh please Janis: you loved it Janis: got the job done, didn't it Jimmy: tonight will Janis: yeah Jimmy: Owt off limits? Janis: you love 🍑 stuff, I get it Janis: but nah, I don't care Jimmy: 👴 love me Jimmy: #soznotsoz Janis: if I pretend to be Mr Lucas, it kinda defeats what we're doing here Janis: soz Jimmy: It's alright, I'm more 👵💕 live out your what would Ms O'Brien do fantasies Jimmy: you started strong, like Janis: admitting I do know what I'm doing? Janis: about time Jimmy: Baby please Jimmy: you wish I would Janis: you wish I'd do the other side 👂 Jimmy: Yeah well fed up of this earring #newschoolnewme Janis: 😂 Janis: bye 😎 boy bye Jimmy: Tah for not having braces, you'd be dangerous Janis: if that's your thing you should deffo go catholic and start your religious training asap Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: and your thing is what, going from 🐷 to 🦈 after a few drinks? Janis: pigs have eaten far more humans than sharks ever have, for one, idiot Janis: and two, you only need to fake like you know exactly what I need Jimmy: sounds like fake news that Janis: your favourite word, that Jimmy: you don't need to know my fave word Jimmy: won't be on the test Janis: just the safe word, sure Jimmy: What's it gonna be? Trust fund's two Jimmy: Pony'll work Janis: great, you're a furry Janis: give me strength Jimmy: You don't need to know my kinks either Janis: stop being so obvious then Jimmy: It's obvious you're turned on by 💰 only trying to be accommodating until you secure Mr Lucas' teacher salary 💍💕 Janis: Obviously Janis: hit up some overworked and underpaid nurses whilst I'm at it Jimmy: Get that blood, vampire girl Janis: more fun making you bleed Jimmy: 😍🤤😍 Janis: yeah yeah Jimmy: save the enthusiasm for the #fans that want it Jimmy: I know how much fun I am Janis: I tweeted about you last Janis: it's your turn to tweet about me Janis: if you can pry your hand off your dick for one sec Jimmy: you were last 'cause I always go first Jimmy: pull your weight Janis: not my fault you're premature Janis: well, obvs is but you know Jimmy: If that's the rep you want, Joanne Jimmy: [posts something extra about missing her that's like really hot and a mood] Janis: you care about my rep as much as I do Janis: though that post didn't entirely suck Jimmy: careful, that almost sounded like a real compliment Jimmy: what kind of fake girlfriend would you be Janis: never Janis: [can find him 'cos you know, has to at some point] Jimmy: I get it, you need the IRL inspo of seeing me now it's your turn again Janis: [😑 but sits down with and has to get close to match the mood of his post to take a #reunited pic] Janis: needs must Jimmy: Fake like you know what come here means and do it properly Jimmy: [When you shamelessly just wanna be more extra] Janis: [defs first lap sitting moment needed like don't test me boy] Janis: there Jimmy: [yassss having such a moment bye] Jimmy: and you reckon I need to be a better trainer Janis: stop comparing me to fucking farmyard animals and dogs Janis: [angry face right in his 'cos you ain't moved] Jimmy: Alright, Juliet next post I'll compare you to a summer's day Janis: hilarious Jimmy: necessary if you're gonna keep making that face Jimmy: can't have it sticking Janis: [makes a face like give a fuck] Jimmy: [😏 because she obvs does or why are they doing this ha] Janis: you're so smug Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt babe Janis: unduly Jimmy: How would you know? Janis: [gestures at him like it's obvious] Jimmy: [shrugs because again being a smug dickhead like you don't know me bye] Janis: [pushes on his chest to get up off him] Jimmy: [offers her a 🚬] Janis: [takes it and starts walking but looks back like] Janis: follow me to civilization Jimmy: Why? Janis: because you're lost Janis: and you could be inside right now, undisturbed, for at least another 45 minutes yet Jimmy: Do the maths on that, did you? Jimmy: not sure if I can trust a #hater Janis: oh my god Jimmy: What? Janis: would it 💀💀💀 you to just come Jimmy: Are you trying to? Janis: what are you talking about now Jimmy: Gonna lure me to my death or not? Janis: tempting as you make it Janis: we have 2 of those shit drinks left Janis: unless there's something better we can do out here Jimmy: Help me up then Janis: 👴 Janis: [but does] Jimmy: Oi, you were sitting on me so long I've got a 💀 leg Janis: if that's how shit your stamina is how we gonna fake fuck convincingly Janis: sort it out Jimmy: you ate half my lunch, sort that out Janis: you didn't need it, skiver Janis: only using your voice, I had to actually do the course Jimmy: I had to keep you alive Jimmy: not as hard as your sister makes it look but still a challenge when you Janis: piss off Janis: I could've done that shit alone Jimmy: bollocks Janis: so could Jimmy: go on then, we'll recreate it Janis: [closes her eyes and struts for a bit like see] Jimmy: fuck that we're going to the course Janis: alright Janis: come on then Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [we know the drill, when you're being slow af so he's like do it properly and then you go faster and fall, not actually doing any damage but] Jimmy: [shamelessly helping her up even though she don't need it and being actually worried until you can see she's not hurt] Janis: thanks a lot Jimmy: didn't push you over Janis: [when you start to hobble away for the drama of it all] Jimmy: stop, dickhead Janis: [looking like, what?] Jimmy: [goes and helps her obvs] Janis: I could've done it Janis: you were rushing me Jimmy: Yeah, I were Jimmy: on the ⏲ Jimmy: you said 45 mins uninterrupted Janis: you challenged me Janis: we could've just gone inside Jimmy: you challenged you Jimmy: admit you need me Janis: excuse me Jimmy: you heard Janis: I heard some dumb shit Jimmy: [walks away but not far just to make the point cos she was leaning on him then] Janis: [😑] Janis: stop being a twat Jimmy: you Janis: you Janis: immature Jimmy: I'm a lad, we do it slower Janis: no excuse for acting like a kid is it Janis: [is less 😑 though] Jimmy: What's yours, I'll borrow that Janis: I'm injured, bastard Jimmy: You've been a knobhead since before I got here Janis: and how the fuck would you know thay Jimmy: I've heard some dumb shit an' all Jimmy: I told you, I ain't that new Janis: Exactly Janis: how would you know Janis: [walks off faster now, with as little hobbling as poss.] Jimmy: [stops her so he can try and help her again because not that rude] Janis: I don't need your help Jimmy: I don't need to offer but I am Janis: I'm meant to be grateful, yeah? Janis: do one Jimmy: [shakes his head because no and no and is helping her whether she likes it or not] Janis: fine, white knight 'til we're back but then leave me alone Jimmy: [picks her up cos that's permission right there, if you say so boy #problematic and sure if anyone sees them it'll look #goals] Janis: [when you ain't speaking so you don't say no] Jimmy: [casual walk back in silence, obvs he gently puts her on her bed and leaves] Jimmy: [definitely takes a bottle out of the two that are left cos his share even though it's not gonna do fuck all] Janis: [when you're definitely like cheek but not gonna break your vow of silence to argue about that like] Jimmy: [okay so my idea is, he shows up later, knocking on the door which Grace answers so he knows she's there cos this is only gonna work if she was and sweeps in full of apologies like I'm so sorry you got hurt cos of me babe etc (which would kill Grace cos that boy ain't sorry and that's the tea) but critically there is some real sorry if there hidden for him being an actual dickhead, like. Even though we can pretend it's for Grace's benefit everything he's saying and why she has to accept and get back on this fake train] Janis: [good thinking my nugget] Jimmy: [he ain't that good of an actor and anyway he'd make sure she can see he's actually sorry too] Janis: [lbr she's too closed off to want to talk about it so she's gonna take it for what it is, even if this puts them back 10 paces, that's the vibe always] Jimmy: [gotta throw yourself fully into this pantomime so it don't get too real kids, really milking that injury and his nurse role] Janis: [truly, give them an oscar] Jimmy: [nobody give Grace one, cos we all see you] Janis: [when her friends are probably low-key over nursing her now like quit before they bitching to mia about you gurl] Jimmy: [literally that though, she'd have to have given it up which makes it ruder that Jimothy then shows up to do it for Janis] Janis: [oh this poor boy she's gonna be feeling murderous at now] Jimmy: [plus you know Jimmy would be being so hot about everything like 'oh does this hurt, what about this' as a shameless reason to touch up her entire leg] Janis: [just umming and ahhing like you're not sure so he has to keep doing it lmao okay] Jimmy: [Grace's friends just 👀🍿 while they're doing their make up or whatever] Janis: [welcome for tonight's entertainment ladies, be sure to tell the whole world, being that bitch by asking him to get you something like water and then being like 'don't go' 'cos they'd love that] Jimmy: [he should totally get his hoodie for her too which she still has #duh and put it on for her like she's an actual invalid] Janis: [get on the invaleed couch honey] Jimmy: [please say she's wearing the pjs rn for that throwback and mood] Janis: [of course, 'cos bitch actually does the activities so her clothes would be muddy, as if you weren't jello enough ladies like put that perf body away] Jimmy: [this is why as much as Grace wants to share a room she also doesn't because be more beautiful Janis goddamn] Janis: [cuts her hair off in her sleep or smothers her with a pillow] Jimmy: [also he should be ignoring his phone going off (we know its because fuck you Ian) because what would be more goals to Grace and her friends than full attention] Janis: [100%, though she should pick it up (when it ain't ringing like lol) and just go on it 'cos trust with the passcode too omg] Jimmy: [and bonus points that it adds to his new boy mystery like why is he so in demand] Janis: [god bless, when you'd be trying so hard not to lol at them at so many points] Jimmy: [literally do give them an oscar cos I could not] Janis: [kick it up a notch by being like 'you know what would make me feel better' 'cos it's a power move when the girl says it, nick from the act] Jimmy: [yaaaaaaaaas] Janis: [like we said though, actually have to make out 'cos no faking that part] Jimmy: [good thing they've got real chemistry] Jimmy: [just a really epic make out sesh for everyone to enjoy and Grace is like NOPE g2g] Janis: [facetimeing mia rn 'cos they think you too busy to notice and lbr, a bitch would screen record she creepy lmao] Jimmy: [Grace just stomping around fuming getting ready really quick by her standards meanwhile this is the hardest JJ have had to go, don't think about it] Janis: [oh babe you know they ain't gonna stop, meanwhile janis just freaking 'cos she ain't ever been arsed before and it feels good so whoops] Jimmy: [literally no acting going on from him here he's just fully into it cos no need to hold back unlike with the lovebite situ when you can pretend its all for that lot, any sounds you make or things you do] Jimmy: [taking that hoodie off her again like] Janis: [when an audience means you can do more, what is this time period, god bless] Jimmy: [it's my fave for a reason cos who else would even do this never mind take it this far] Janis: [just going for the other ear like she said she would] Jimmy: [at least he doesn't have to act like he's not into it/she's bad at it this time cos barely got away with that the first time] Janis: [there's no hiding it rn, deny it later lads] Jimmy: [that said he'd still have to whisper some kind of pisstake in her ear about it just so she can't be too smug later] Janis: [naturally, can't be too real with it] Jimmy: [loses some of the sass when you're breathless as hell trying to say it though so] Janis: [so you just 😏 now like heh] Jimmy: [just gotta pull her hair so you can pull her into you and a kiss to wipe that smugness off her face like nbd so casual rn] Janis: [when that kiss would be so aggressive bye] Jimmy: [it makes me die because Grace would NEVER let anyone touch her hair, not even the fam and especially not a boy it's like her number 1 THING so she can see that and it can be her cue to slam that door and go honey] Janis: [you should probably leave shameless friends like there's no reason for you to be in here now lmao] Jimmy: [them just hurrying off after her so gutted they gotta leave meanwhile JJ are gonna be gutted that they have to stop] Janis: [soz lads, purely for your audience, remember, at least he can't leave 'cos that'd look so rude like bye we done] Jimmy: [and you know her friends would be loitering lowkey cos Grace is in no mood to be followed and would sister snap so there's the excuse they don't need] Janis: [exactly, you gotta stick it out 'til a teacher finds you and kicks you out tbh] Jimmy: [Jimmy just aggressively drinking that water he got for her #thirstybitch so he don't have to look at her or say anything] Jimmy: [lowkey shady sir like lemme get the taste of you out of my mouth] Janis: [when you get up to look in the mirror like you're remotely arsed what you look like but really you're just assessing love bite damage] Jimmy: [pissing about with the bed once she's off it unscrewing something or whatever so they can pretend they broke it] Janis: [does the 'not bad' face] Jimmy: [shrugs and goes on his phone to check in with both Bobby and Cass] Janis: [wrapping her ankle with some tape she'd probably have brought 'cos sporty bitch not 'cos it's needed but for the look of] Jimmy: [does the face back at her cos good idea and gestures for her to go to the door and listen if Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are being that extra or if they've gone] Janis: [hops over, again not 'cos she needs too but #bants and has a serious listening face on] Jimmy: [tries not to lol for what must be the millionth time honestly] Janis: [gestures for him to come over and nods like they're there but I have a plan] Jimmy: [comes over of course] Janis: [pushes him into the door and starts faking noises like you do the same keep up 'cos that'll shake them to their core but also show 'em that they're still going at it, like] Jimmy: [does as he's told this once] Janis: [least they wouldn't have to do that long 'cos they'd bolt because could not not lol out loud at that] Jimmy: [goes through Grace's drawers, finds her condom stash, opens one and ditches it but leaves the wrapper when it can obvs be seen at the top of the bin] Janis: [when you make a face that's like ew but fair] Jimmy: [🙄 but playfully cos not like you're living for this bit either] Janis: ['could've just pulled out, amateur' but whispering 'cos don't wanna be too loud unless for the right reasons yet] Jimmy: that the fave 🍀 method then? Janis: pretty much Jimmy: bit soon for a fake pregnancy scare Jimmy: and I obvs couldn't 'cause I want you so much 💕 Janis: obvs Janis: c'est la vie, just wanted the trip to Liverpool, like Jimmy: how many of these shall I do? Jimmy: [gestures to the wrapper like] Jimmy: don't wanna have to throw your sister on a ferry or under a bus Janis: [goes over to look how many there are and chucks out two more, opening one] Janis: she'd be buzzin' Janis: know she's the type Jimmy: My ex has got one she's bound to be regretting by now if she's that desperate, like Janis: [looks at the condom then him then down like awks] Jimmy: Piss off, it ain't mine Janis: [when you literally breathe out like phew] Janis: Jesus, lead with that Jimmy: [throws whatever stuffed toy Grace still sleeps with at her] Janis: [clutches the bear to her chest like 😲 faux outrage] Janis: how dare you treat Tuffie like that Jimmy: ���🎻💔 Jimmy: be our secret, yeah? Janis: good thing you ain't a dad Janis: [throws the thing at him] Jimmy: raising two kids, only not with her Jimmy: [throws it back] Janis: [just playing catch at this point, obvs doesn't think he's got two kids like that so is like okay] Janis: explains why you're so knackered Janis: that and all the wild fake sex Jimmy: that'll do it Jimmy: [sits on Grace's bed and starts doodling on the back of his hand with her eyebrow pencil or whatever] Janis: those things are like 20 quid a pop Janis: [is clearly amused by this not mad, goes over to the window to open it and get some air] Jimmy: better start paying me then Jimmy: [does the good idea face again though cos letting that non existent sex smell out] Janis: you weren't fake that good and I'm not fake that desperate Jimmy: [😏 cos yeah he was] Janis: [kicks her bed so he wobbles] Jimmy: [is like OI cos of course his doodle smudges cos he's left handed anyway] Janis: [shrugs like you know what you did but goes over to the mirror where the makeup has been left, finds him the wipes and gets a lipstick and puts it on] Jimmy: [shrugs back cos not actually bothered also actually ambidextrous anyway so you choose to use that hand boy and we all see you shamelessly looking at her as well] Janis: ['hold still' and then covering his face/neck area with lipstick kisses quickly then smudging them with her fingers so they're faded] Janis: evidence Jimmy: you weren't wearing it before Jimmy: don't say much for me if you stopped mid go to put it on Janis: weren't my face they were looking at, new boy Janis: 😍 Janis: trust Jimmy: when it was attached to mine they were Janis: it's only a nude, not fuck off red Janis: wipe it off if you reckon though Jimmy: not my area of expertise tbh mate Janis: 🙄 Janis: then hush Jimmy: til you want me to get loud again sure Janis: they shouldn't come back now Janis: hopefully they have some life, like Janis: unlikely though it seems Jimmy: What about Grace? Meant to sleep here Janis: I'm hoping she's Ophelia'd herself in the lake Janis: probably go in with them now, idk Jimmy: If she's beat us to the 💀 pact, I'm 💔 Janis: gotta get the attention back somehow Jimmy: 🤞 Jimmy: [leans out of the open window to 🚬 cos can't leave yet] Janis: purely post-coital, obviously Jimmy: you should have one an' all then Janis: [puts fingers up like 'three' but smiles like jk] Janis: go on then Jimmy: [obviously lights her up cos a princess can never fuck opening your own doors @ nick in the act this is the real #goals] Janis: [cheers motion, also it's clearly a small window/small room in general so they'd have to be close rn] Jimmy: [my thoughts exactly, so much of your bodies touching casually] Janis: [when you'd be so aware of it after dry humping each other for however long there] Jimmy: [literally though and she did not have many clothes on at all so] Janis: [still don't rn like hi] Jimmy: [when you remember because you're brushing up against so much of her bare skin so you fetch the hoodie again like a dutiful bf even though nobody's watching] Jimmy: [making her hold your 🚬 while you get it] Janis: [puts it on 'cos lbr you both need another layer between you rn] Jimmy: [lifts her hair out of it for her unthinkingly, how intimate excuse you boy] Janis: [just freezes casually like] Jimmy: [when you just take a step back like] Janis: [just goes and sits on Grace's bed to finish it 'cos whaddya care tbh so unphased by all of this] Jimmy: [he'll be here unmoving like musical statues nbd] Janis: [on her phone seeing if any of the goss has ended up there yet 'cos invariably will, sends him a gossipy ass post with '😂 #missionaccomplished?' Jimmy: 👍 Janis: guess you can go now then Janis: do you reckon Jimmy: [his phone is going off again too but it's just the fam so ignoring for rn] Jimmy: Alright Janis: unless you wanna try to sleep Janis: clearly the teachers are too pissed to be clued in right now Jimmy: [fixes her bed and lies on it] Jimmy: remind me to break it again Janis: will do Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: [closes his eyes but nobody falls asleep that fast and we all know it] Janis: [quietly like 'night' and turning the big light off and putting on a lamp by the bottom bunk as if this is such a casual situation] Janis: don't freak if I have to hop up there if Grace comes back, yeah Jimmy: [when the pillow obvs smells like her cos its hers and you're just lying there like mistakes have been made before the thought of having to lie with her has even crossed your mind] Jimmy: even if I do, I'll fake I ain't Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: that's the spirit Jimmy: 👻 me Janis: [little lol] Janis: lucky for you casper, I don't sleep, so she won't reckon you've kicked me out my own bed or nothing Jimmy: I know you're a vampire already, don't need to convince me, girl Janis: no neck biting Janis: scout's honour Jimmy: Saving it for the bus back, I get it, why wouldn't you? Janis: my parting gift to you, babe Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: well romantic that is Janis: ain't it just Janis: beats whatever the shit giftshop has got on offer Jimmy: So cute you Janis: bullshit am I Jimmy: I'll steal you a pen or fridge magnet, make you believe me Janis: 🧸 obviously needs a friend Janis: cute enough for ya Jimmy: Depends Janis: on? Jimmy: 🐷 🦈 or 🐴? Janis: 😑 Janis: really Jimmy: alright 🧸 if you wanna twin with Grace that bad Janis: fuck off or I'm breaking the bed whilst you're still in it Jimmy: just don't kick it Jimmy: might get more than fake injured Janis: thanks for the fake concern Jimmy: hot as that bandage is, like Janis: vampire, not a mummy, got it Janis: fucking halloween up in here Jimmy: what you wanna be the easter bunny or? Janis: that's the cliche hot option, ain't it Jimmy: give us some 🍫 then Jimmy: she must have it hidden somewhere Janis: you just lay there whilst I look, your highness Janis: [but is] Jimmy: could've asked you to make me a sandwich Janis: you want me to smack you that badly, just ask Janis: [finds some 'cos obvs knows her and throws it up] Jimmy: 🤤😍 etc Janis: I felt that, so convincing Jimmy: I know you can feel every bruise, babe Jimmy: that job's done with Janis: thank god Janis: 😷 Jimmy: 💔 etc Janis: go to sleep, dickhead Jimmy: [as if on cue Bobby's blowing his phone up cos can't] Janis: can get that, like Janis: got 🎧 and not bothered what you're chatting about Janis: sounds important Jimmy: I'm tired Jimmy: [but obvs does because has to] Janis: 👍 Jimmy: [casually the longest convo ever, poor bab] Janis: [doesn't listen 'cos ain't that bitch but does take 'em off for a sec to see if he's done but is like oh when he ain't] Jimmy: [why you gotta be so shit Ian it was your idea he went] Janis: [when you can't get your own kid to sleep like] Jimmy: [when you don't try cos you're the shut the door on him type aka my mum lol] Janis: [goes out for a wee, get a drink etc so he doesn't feel rushed or like she would be listening] Jimmy: [when you're done but then can't sleep cos mad at your dad so 🚬 at the window again] Janis: [has brought him a drink too so when she sees he's up puts it on the window sill for him but doesn't speak 'cos can read the room well enough] Jimmy: [staring out the window furiously excuse him] Janis: [a look she knows personally so not going to be up in his face, just gets back on Grace's bed] Jimmy: let's go Janis: okay Janis: anywhere, yeah? Jimmy: [downs the drink she brought him to show it's appreciated thank you bae] Jimmy: Teacher's block first, that's the real holy show Janis: [raises her eyebrows like what you got planned but nods 'cos regardless, swapping her shorts for joggers before they go like] Jimmy: were gonna say put some clothes on Jimmy: don't tell anyone though Janis: [mimes zipping her lips] Jimmy: so many secrets, I know Jimmy: [touches the OG lovebite] Janis: [opens the door with a flourish like lead the way 'cos can't dwell on that/make it a moment] Jimmy: [walks through but then remembers what she said about halloween and runs back to take all the toilet paper he can find like a little nerd] Janis: [😏 wid it, helps] Jimmy: 🎃🧛👻 Janis: [a bit of lowkey mindless vandalism will help take your mind off it] Janis: 💀💀💀 Jimmy: 🤞 🐰 girl Jimmy: [that and spying on the teachers in general would be fun for that hot goss] Janis: I won't hop, if it's all the same to you Janis: [deffo, we know they're schwasted] Jimmy: what kind of fake injury Jimmy: you gotta commit, Jules Janis: the idea is, no one sees us Janis: if we get caught I'll fall dramatically into your arms, yeah Jimmy: No need Jimmy: [picks her up like he did earlier but with a very different vibe we know] Janis: ['this is committing, yeah'] Jimmy: [a look] Janis: [looking back like half challenge half like what's up before tapping his back like let's go] Jimmy: [boy we get that you wanna be distracted by her specifically in a specific way but please calm down] Janis: [can't let you do that yet lads] Jimmy: [on you go to annoy the teachers and spy] Janis: [at least that'd be amusing af] Jimmy: [before they go back they should see Grace leaving that lad's room but obvs she don't see them] Janis: [😒] Jimmy: [gives her a ? look cos maybe he was focused on teacher drama still] Janis: [shakes her head and starts walking not in the direction of the rooms] Janis: got any 🚬 left Jimmy: [obvs does and obvs lights one for her and then himself] Janis: [heading outside and to a bench to smoke in silence] Jimmy: [sits near but not close] Janis: ['just gutted we didn't learn O'Brien's a dark horse, like'] Jimmy: ['she ain't no lightweight, next time'll be the one, heard it's France'] Janis: ['next time then'] Jimmy: ['it's a date'] Janis: ['ain't gonna be dead by then?'] Jimmy: ['Depends'] Janis: [nods like I feel you] Jimmy: ['Taking that as your personal guarantee the poison you got is stronger than the shit they're drinking, don't let me down, rich girl'] Janis: ['it's lethal, trust me' and a look] Jimmy: [nods like good] Janis: ['you should go in, get some sleep at last'] Jimmy: [nods again but doesn't move] Janis: ['want me to return the favour and carry you?'] Jimmy: [😏 'on that proper dodgy ankle, no way baby' and playfully nudges it with his own foot 'sleep on the bus with you as my pillow, tah'] Janis: [shakes her head but is 😏 back 'well soz my tits aren't bigger then'] Jimmy: ['me an' all, would make this shit easier to fake'] Janis: ['you're such a cunt'] Jimmy: [gives her a well I'm soz about that then sarcastic look] Janis: [kicks him but not hard as she gets up 'later then'] Jimmy: [is all oi as per but not really ever mad] Janis: [shrugs like what you gonna do about it and goes off in the direction of a trail to do a casual run at whatever late o'clock this is] Jimmy: proper miss you already 💕 Janis: beam it into the night sky, batman Janis: I already know Jimmy: hang on, trying to do a 😳🐷 Jimmy: you see it yet? Janis: you're meant to be an artist Janis: sort it out Jimmy: never said I were Janis: you did Jimmy: that were you Jimmy: I reckoned I could sort you a poster Jimmy: so could my little brother Janis: good enough Janis: get to work Jimmy: very inspiring you Janis: soz I don't look more like a pig Janis: you who keeps on saying it Jimmy: it's you who keeps going pink Jimmy: soz I didn't have a hoodie in that colour Janis: erm not even once Jimmy: 👌 Janis: 😑 Jimmy: You coming to bed or what? Janis: I can't be in the same room as her right now Jimmy: be in mine then Janis: alright Janis: cheers Jimmy: Alright, come on Janis: just gotta circle back Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: such an athlete, I know Janis: I never said that either Janis: but yeah, I won't deny it Jimmy: Don't have to, still got my 👀 Jimmy: not fully closed or owt yet Janis: Impressive Jimmy: can't deny it Janis: 🙄 Janis: [showing up 'cos wouldn't have got too far] Jimmy: [just quietly like 'hey'] Janis: [lil awkward laugh like 'alright'] Jimmy: [and it's back to walking in silence] Janis: [when you don't know if he's giving you his bed or you're about to get in together so you're mentally preparing yourself for either] Jimmy: [when you know you're gonna share (can blame Ollie's presence but we know the truth and that he's sleeping) so preparing yourself for that since you didn't think it through before you said it] Janis: [styling it out like you're way more confident than you are 'cos can be part of the act, hence she'd take her joggers and the hoodie off casually 'cos wouldn't sleep that clothed but waits for him to get in first like your bed] Jimmy: [we all see you taking your top off boy even though there's no need] Janis: [👀 when you looking but try to be subtle please] Jimmy: [she's earned that right tbh he's seen and touched so much of her by now] Janis: [fair] Jimmy: [in you get kids for your single bed forced closeness] Janis: [get used to it tbh, at least he's clearly tired af so can at least pretend he's sleeping even if he ain't] Jimmy: [they are both too tall for this to be comfy you'd literally have to be all over each other] Janis: [again, no denying you're into it, just have to stay quiet if you wanna pretend lads] Jimmy: [the realest] Jimmy: [and don't move too much, don't need to get betrayed by your boy parts there Jimothy] Janis: [as amusing as that would be for us, don't need you to die of shame] Jimmy: [🐘 in the room now and definitely earlier because there is no way you could do all that shit and not] Janis: [she'd be like, don't take it personally, that shit just happens but it doesn't just happen if you're not into it at all, like] Jimmy: [mhmm as much as his internal monologue be like well I can't help that we all know if it was Grace or whoever you wouldn't be feeling it so bye] Janis: [#tea] Jimmy: [if it was Mia it'd go back inside his body] Janis: [lmao you wouldn't know she was in the bed with you tbh] Jimmy: [don't ever wanna think about her hooking up with anyone my god] Janis: [amazing it happens so much] Jimmy: [just gonna think about JJ having a spoon instead thank you] Janis: [indeed, much nicer] Jimmy: [at least he is tired enough to fall asleep eventually because that'd feel like the longest night ever if not] Janis: [let her have some too or rude for likewise] Jimmy: [pray you don't dream about earlier either of you] Janis: [hope neither of you sleep talk] Jimmy: [can't be that cruel omg] Janis: [awks when ollie wakes up like hi] Jimmy: [you gotta run girl, really hit him in those abandonment issues when wakes up] Janis: [see you on the bus] Jimmy: [#awks] Janis: [gotta sit next to each other though, at least faking it for the fans will break the ice] Jimmy: [least there's only so much coupleyness you can do there if you're not making out, no need to go as hard] Janis: [mainly the aforementioned snuggling] Jimmy: [first time he ever plays with her hair in a soft way which will forever be his future fave] Janis: [just imagined grace from her seat like 😒] Jimmy: [honestly, probably crying on the low because contrary to popular belief she is capable of subtlety when needed to protect herself like that] Janis: [but we must know, did he go to the giftshop] Jimmy: [he had to steal her a teddy of some sort or I swear to god] Janis: [she can take a selfie with that then] Jimmy: [probably the kind of crap sort that have a t-shirt on of the place but he didn't spend money on it so] Janis: [it's the #brag that counts, they'd be jel] Jimmy: [exactly and it's points for him with her cos he stole it like he said he would and didn't get caught or anything cringe] Janis: [exactly dr phil dem sneaky feels] Jimmy: [and the reminder of this trip when she thinks its all she's gonna get] Janis: [lmao what a headfuck like you're just gonna pretend you don't know each other now okay lads] Jimmy: [in what world also everyone would be like UM what] Jimmy: [I love how they haven't discussed it once] Janis: [ridiculous] Jimmy: [it's the best thing likewise how nobody's gonna think she's gay after those bedroom antics so there's no reason for her to agree to anymore but she do] Janis: [be more blatant with your flimsy reasoning guys] Jimmy: [you silly eggs] Janis: thank fuck it's the holidays Jimmy: 🙌 Janis: 💃 Jimmy: 🍾 Janis: 👙🕶 Jimmy: 😎 forever obvs but 🎊 that you can't take the piss about it Janis: every ☁ Jimmy: ⛅ Janis: just remember to sign off with a post about how you'll miss me though Jimmy: it's drafted Janis: 🤓 Jimmy: 🥇 Jimmy: I get it, your 👅 is tied around me, babe Jimmy: lemme write it for you Janis: trust falls were yesterday Janis: what are you actually gonna write Jimmy: refresh my feed in a bit Jimmy: it'll be there Janis: shifty Jimmy: I ain't forgot how easily you scare Jimmy: it'll be alright Janis: piss off Jimmy: yeah, in a bit Jimmy: hang on in there Janis: do my best Janis: feel 💀 approaching though Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: bit rude Jimmy: bit rude to outlive me when we made a pact Janis: I'm more of a shootout with the law kinda girl Janis: what can I say Jimmy: nowt 'cause you should've said before Janis: don't remember signing nothing Janis: in blood or otherwise Jimmy: 💀💌 got a massive J scrawled on it, my dear Janis: [😏] Janis: fine Janis: see you at the funeral, beloved Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: Your sister keeps staring at me Jimmy: hang on Jimmy: [such a GOOD long kiss that's no less intense than any of their others but softer and therefore easier for him to say is 1000% fake cos she don't know what a #softboy he is yet] Janis: [you know the bus would wheyyy 'cos nowhere to hide so even if you're caught off guard you've gotta play into it yeah] Janis: surprised she can see fuck all Janis: 😭 Jimmy: thought you were gonna say you blinded her Jimmy: save all your maiming for me, eh 💕 Janis: 'course Janis: doesn't get that biblical Janis: my brother's deaf but that's fuck all to do with me alright Jimmy: sounds fake but alright Jimmy: [😏] Janis: ['wipes it off his face with her hands then cups his chin you know what I mean ott cutesy] Janis: rude Jimmy: [giving her those OTT 😍 so fake mhmm] Jimmy: Teach me some sign language then Janis: [says something along the lines of 'I'm gonna maim you' I hope Grace isn't looking that hard, just like excuse me, teaching him swear obvs 'cos first thing anyone does lol] Jimmy: [just having a lovely time learning and loling its fine Grace will be blinded by her tears after that cute kiss] Janis: [when you forget you're putting on a show but this is a mood anyway so it's fine] Jimmy: [literally though, love that for them] Janis: [even the teachers can't be mad 'cos you know they'd be like ooh they know sign language teach everyone 'cos it looks good on them] Jimmy: [Grace is the only one fuming honey, texting Mia like] Janis: [that snek, just gonna keep that 'i fucked your brother' 'til it really hurts] Jimmy: [she's the literal worst and Pablo is too hot for you, girl] Janis: [what a time] Jimmy: [is there anything else we want to happen, besides a dramatic hug goodbye at the end obvs] Janis: [and taking off his hoodie to give back] Jimmy: [but he's like no, boy don't be giving your clothes away she's richer than you] Janis: cute bit Janis: I'll drop it off somewhere covert, like Jimmy: You'll have stretched it Janis: please Janis: you stupid Jimmy: Take the closest thing to a tit compliment you're getting off me and leave it out Janis: 🙄 Janis: you're alright, thanks Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: make sure you tweet that out 💕 so sweet to me, you Janis: you said you drafted it Janis: ugh Jimmy: My bit, yeah Jimmy: [but also sends out that pic she took of herself in the hoodie way back when remember with a post about how he's letting her keep it cos it looks better on her etc] Jimmy: that ain't it though Janis: guess I'll have to put my thinking cap on Jimmy: if you can find one to fit your big head once all the comments, likes and DMs flood in] Janis: nope, I'll take this fame and run with it Janis: all I ever wanted, obvs Jimmy: #duh Jimmy: 🥇🏆💪 you Jimmy: 🤩 me Janis: you'll always be my no.1 fan, babe Janis: 😘 Jimmy: Babe OMG 😭💕😘 Janis: I know, so sweet Janis: 😇 you might say Jimmy: You would Jimmy: I'd go 😈 Jimmy: [a LOOK] Janis: You really want one last 😳 for the road, yeah? Jimmy: You'll always be my 😳🐷, girl Janis: Wow 😭💕😘 Jimmy: I know, Shakespeare's #quaking Janis: yeah, well known pussy destroyer, old bill Jimmy: [laughs] Janis: [😏] Jimmy: [showing her how extra everyone is being on that post obvs] Janis: [between an eyeroll and vaguely smug 'cos it's worked but people are cray] Jimmy: [gives her his phone so she can do replies if she wants, enjoy seeing that trust again peeps] Janis: [when you get to be a funny bitch, hands him hers like there's Mia say hi] Jimmy: [obvs does and it would obvs also be hilarious, he'd probably literally facetime her rn like oh hey cos doesn't give a fuck] Janis: [don't get feeling special, babe] Jimmy: [when he's a better mean girl than Mia bye] Janis: [cackling] Jimmy: [If you weren't into him before Janis, you will be now] Janis: she's such a cunt Janis: wish I coulda seen her tryna haul ass up a rock wall though Jimmy: we can 💀💀 her when we get back Jimmy: I'll put my thinking cap on Janis: could blow on her and she'd go tbh Janis: that was ON, btw, don't get ideas Jimmy: I did read it as let her blow me Jimmy: not that ride or die for you, mate Janis: her teeth are probs false so it'd be a good time Janis: 👵 Jimmy: Alright, I'm in Jimmy: [sends a pic of Norman Bates' dead mum in the OG psycho you know the one] Jimmy: Just my type that Janis: why stop at a beej Janis: dress her up and take her for a spin 'round your room, like Jimmy: It's a date Janis: that's why you 😎 huh Janis: psycho eyes Janis: no faking emotion Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: don't forget my crows feet Jimmy: It's alright though I reckon I look decent for 45 Janis: too cocky for a predator, honestly Janis: 🙄 Janis: got the receipts and everything, boy Janis: man, whatever Jimmy: If you hear sirens, they're for me Jimmy: Calm Mr Lucas down however you like Janis: awh, you wanted to start a ⚪ Janis: that's cute Jimmy: still time or? Janis: he's only got 👀 for me and it's very fucking rude to suggest otherwise Jimmy: Is that what he told you? #awks Janis: shut up Janis: shit stirrer Jimmy: I'm not talking Janis: tryna break me and my mans up Janis: got a taste for it, like Janis: fuck 👻 boy, you're a monster Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: holiday flings been fun and all but he's dependable Janis: penciled in every Wednesday, last period, like Janis: 😍😍😍 #getyouamans Jimmy: the point were I don't want one Jimmy: 🙏 only Janis: the ultimate Man Janis: I get it Janis: 😇 repent, bitch Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: soon be time to be a 😈 and 💔 me Janis: that's the storyline, yeah? Jimmy: Got a better one? Janis: Nah, just wondering Janis: cool, I'll find a willing participant then Jimmy: 👌 Janis: [scrolling through the post 'cos lads be horny on main] Jimmy: [when you're so 😒 but you can't let it show] Janis: [dw this plan lasts like 10 secs you thirsty hoes] Jimmy: [don't even go into how triggered he'd be cos how much his ex cheated bye] Janis: [exactly dr phil it doesn't happen for all the reasons and we know it] Jimmy: [boy just shut down over here nbd nothing to see people] Janis: [when you notice but you're not gonna bring that up but you put the phone down like k and go back to chillin'] Jimmy: [meanwhile he's just texting Cass on the way back from her trip, distracting himself with big brother duties, like] Janis: [when usually you get picked up from school after a trip but you know ian ain't coming honey] Jimmy: [literally, he will have to go himself so fingers crossed they get back earlier than her trip does] Janis: [least they at the same school and live near it but still, also janis and grace in charming moods so welcome home! lmao] Jimmy: [Caleb chatting away in the car in portugese god bless] Janis: [when ain't no one talking to you, janis probably didn't wanna get in like oh lads] Jimmy: [break my heart all of y'all, Grace only speaks to be like drop me at Mia's] Janis: [aren't you so glad you had 10 kids looool] Jimmy: [truly]
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: hmu when you're out Jimmy: 👌 I'm done Janis: 🤞 how'd it go Jimmy: alright Jimmy: they told me I got it so Janis: really Janis: 👍 well done Janis: that's sorted then Jimmy: tah Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: where are you? Janis: gym Janis: but I'm nearly done Jimmy: I'll meet you there Jimmy: don't matter Janis: sure? Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: gimme a sec Janis: 👍 Janis: what place was this again, what's it like Jimmy: [sends her the deets so she can stalk] Jimmy: Pete'll fit right in when I poach him 💕 Janis: 👌 Janis: dream team back together Jimmy: IKR 😍😍😍 Jimmy: can't wait to tweet him the good news OMG Janis: gonna be so buzzin' babe Janis: not just 'cos he thinks you've forgotten him 💔 Jimmy: poor lad 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: you alright then? Janis: 'course Janis: I didn't have no interview Jimmy: but you didn't have me for a bit Jimmy: sound at least fake gutted Janis: 😭😭😭 Janis: me Janis: how's that? Jimmy: more #goals Jimmy: but not 🥇 Janis: What Janis: how do I win then Jimmy: just show me how much you missed me when I get there Janis: duh Janis: not even a challenge, babe Jimmy: I weren't making one Jimmy: yours is to find somewhere decent to celebrate later Janis: 'course Jimmy: we'll see Jimmy: how you do Janis: oi Janis: when have I ever let you down dickhead Jimmy: I know, it's only the fans Jimmy: a girl from my art class asked when you were like she was hoping I'd dumped you Jimmy: 😭 she was Janis: 😒 Janis: who Jimmy: how would I know? Jimmy: lasses who take art all look the same Janis: true Janis: bit rude she expected me to be there tbh Jimmy: you ain't gonna drop in for your smoothie fix then? Jimmy: I get it, it's no CG 💔 Janis: you know that was fake Janis: but get Pete and we can talk Jimmy: not even a challenge, babe Jimmy: I know he misses me Janis: yeah, no one saying you weren't 🔥 at your job, babe Janis: take that slack Jimmy: the manager was & is Jimmy: but tah Janis: yeah but he's just a prick Janis: and jealous Jimmy: his loss he could've walked in on us more if he'd let me stay Janis: kicking himself if Doris ain't Jimmy: she'll have fucked him up with her 👜 for it Janis: 😂 'least she's ride or die for you babe Jimmy: I'll hit her up on my way to you Jimmy: get the encouragement I need so enthusiasm for you won't be a challenge 💕👵 Janis: thanks 💕 Janis: save on the foreplay when I've got planning to do Jimmy: yeah Janis: actually good job though Janis: give your da something to not be totally 😠 about Jimmy: I'll let you know Jimmy: he's ringing me now Janis: 👌 Janis: real highkey, ian Jimmy: he rang me loads when I was in there too 🙄 Jimmy: hang on Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: [later] Jimmy: you still in the gym? Janis: yeah Janis: you alright Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: I'm outside 🚬 Jimmy: no rush like Janis: 👍 Janis: gimme 5 Janis: [is about that 'cos obvs knows, hugs and looking like hey but also you okay] Jimmy: [gives her a nod and a shrug and says 'afternoon' but then hugs for longer than necessary cos that's the real bit] Janis: [keeps hugging and says 'fuck him'] Jimmy: [gives her soft little neck kisses cos love] Janis: [whispers 'proud of you' 'cos is, pulls back eventually but holding his hand] Jimmy: [is a mixture of 😳 & 😢 & 😍] Janis: where d'ya wanna go for now then Jimmy: where do you wanna? Janis: wanna 🚬 and walk for a while longer Jimmy: [lights up for her cos gentlemanly] Janis: start the regime tomorrow 🚭 Janis: [gives him a kiss on the cheek when she takes it] Jimmy: [he wipes the kiss off like she does sometimes but is looking at her like 😍 cos she looks good after the gym] Janis: [proper kiss 'cos why not] Jimmy: you look Jimmy: just so you know Jimmy: [another kiss cos 1. she do and 2. distraction] Janis: if you say sweaty I will hit you 'cos I had a shower and everything Jimmy: not what I'm saying Janis: it's what you're saying with your eyes that's Janis: indecent Jimmy: ? Jimmy: [but looks at her again cos he knows] Janis: such a pisstake, you Jimmy: such a 💔 you Janis: trust, I was 💔 you weren't in time to join me too Jimmy: [is genuinely gutted you can see] Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Janis: adding it to the list of grievances, yeah Ian Jimmy: give it to your true love & maybe she'll bury another ugly tie in the garden Janis: when she's just trying to save you from a fashion faux pas Jimmy: trained her to do that one, yeah Janis: yeah, you got me Janis: passion for fashion Jimmy: [is too forlorn for a lol but she gets a genuine smile] Janis: [frowns a little but then is looking 'round, determined] Janis: no doubt it's all the after-work-sesh dickheads rn but since you'll be back to being one soon, start with an early one, yeah? Jimmy: if you want, pisshead Janis: it's what you want Janis: take full advantage Jimmy: [shrugs but this is obviously gonna happen don't fight it boy] Janis: [raises a brow like 'really?' but doesn't push it, heading off in direction of nearest pub] Jimmy: [handholding 'cause winnie said so] Janis: scale of 1-10 Janis: how hard do you need to be distracted Jimmy: when don't I want you to be at 10 Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Janis: obviously but I said need not want Janis: two very different things Jimmy: how hard do you need to distract me? Jimmy: it's your job you should wanna do it Janis: they indoctrinated you already in the interview alone? Janis: sad Janis: tragic Janis: I'll miss you Jimmy: shut up & piss off Jimmy: not an answer nowt of that Janis: neither was yours, like Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [walking in silence for bit 'cos not tryna push it when it's obvs what's up so] Jimmy: [pulls her to a stop by the hand & then in closer and gives her a really intense kiss as if to say there's your answer, alright] Janis: [nods like okay] Jimmy: [and they walking again ayyy like nothing happened straight into the pub] Janis: [gets the drinks in 'cos it will help #pissheadconfirmed] Jimmy: [is on his phone texting Cass checking in cos he's not gonna go home soz babes] Janis: [back at the table like drink up] Jimmy: [drinks way too much of his drink in a oner considering they ain't doing a challenge rn] Janis: [look that says 'that bad, yeah' and drinks more than she normally would but not as much 'cos sensible without being a downer, like] Jimmy: what do you reckon to my new workplace then Janis: less basic than CG Janis: have hopes that the clientele will be less too Jimmy: I'll let you know Jimmy: & keep it off the 'gram for now Jimmy: sure Mia will stalk hard enough to figure it out but Jimmy: I'm not giving her a headstart Janis: 👍 Janis: bitch needs it Janis: and a defibrilator at the end Janis: but you know, not giving you those kinda kicks, soz babes 😘 Jimmy: maybe the loud tunes will 💀 her Jimmy: you did say she was one hairflip away from a heart attack Janis: can but dream Janis: think it'll be alright though Janis: as jobs go Jimmy: I'll let you have a lie in for the morning so you can crack on with that Janis: 💕 so considerate Janis: I wanna see you though Jimmy: [finishes his drink & goes to get more even though she hasn't yet] Jimmy: I need to see you Jimmy: I ain't going if not Janis: you will Janis: you staying over again yeah Jimmy: you want me to? Janis: 'course Janis: always Jimmy: [brings the drinks over but puts them both on his side cos he wants her to sit on his lap as standard so he's giving her a come here type look] Janis: [know the drill by now even if she gonna play like really okay gurl] Jimmy: [tells her that he missed her in her ear cos he did like idk how long that interview would be cos could be a group one or any kind of shit] Janis: [is playing with the collar of his fancy interview clothes and is all smiley 'cos kinda tickled] Janis: I missed you too Jimmy: [earlobe sauciness & then jaw kisses & finally neck like earlier but not soft this time, just taking his time being hot] Janis: ['Jesus' and drinking more of her drink] Jimmy: [he's just randomly tracing on her leg with his finger like doodling while she drinks] Janis: [looking at what he's doing like she'll be able to see an actual doodle] Janis: always on, babe Jimmy: you know it Jimmy: gimme a request, what do you want me to draw for you Jimmy: on you Janis: you're the creative one Janis: I just sit here and look pretty Janis: hmm [is think] Jimmy: [kissing her same as he did before but going from neck up to her ear instead while she thinks] Janis: well that's very distracting Janis: you should clearly write me one of your world famous sexts Jimmy: [but does though, on her thigh to make it a mood] Janis: [is concentrating hard like a nerd 'cos wants to know, even if it's making it hard to sit still] Jimmy: [goes over some words again if he wants her to figure that particular one out] Janis: [casually can't breathe] Jimmy: [casually just writing a long one cos he can] Janis: you Janis: you're trying to kill me Jimmy: I just wanna make you feel good, baby Jimmy: stay with me here Janis: we're meant to be celebrating you Jimmy: if it's about me I can do what I want Jimmy: & I want to Janis: [shrugs like can't argue with that logic like you wanna] Jimmy: [carries on, like we know he's just shamelessly touching her up at this point soz everyone] Janis: [know she's just up in his neck with all the kissing and biting 'cos trying not to be obvious] Jimmy: [could be forgiven for thinking he's trying to kill her cos just going at this like they aren't in public okay boy] Janis: you really meant everything you wrote Janis: fuck Jimmy: when don't I? Janis: not saying you disappoint Janis: have a job right now Jimmy: 'cause you can't say that right now Jimmy: I'd know you don't mean it Janis: how could you not Janis: you've got your hands right Janis: you can feel Jimmy: [makes a happy noise like yep I can & I'm living for it] Jimmy: you should wear this all the time Janis: you like it? Jimmy: I like how easy it is to do this Jimmy: & you look Jimmy: [kisses any and all exposed skin there is within reach] Janis: You're really not playing today are you Janis: [gripping onto him tighter] Jimmy: Nah, 'cause I'm just really Jimmy: & you're Janis: I know Janis: I Janis: you know I more than like it Jimmy: you love it Jimmy: me Janis: [says it out loud 'cos needs to hear 'scuse how her voice clearly sounds rn everyone] Jimmy: [stops breathing himself for a sec there cos we can all imagine the voice thank you] Jimmy: fuck Jimmy: keep talking Janis: ['what do you want me to say?'] Jimmy: I don't know Jimmy: just Jimmy: whatever you can Janis: [trying to have a convo when you're being fucked like you don't need to stop every other second] Jimmy: how are you even Jimmy: I swear you're not real Janis: 'cos you want me to and I wanna make you happy Janis: and you Janis: clearly dreamed you up Jimmy: we've all dreamed this Jimmy: you're so fucking Janis: I dunno if these punters have but they are looking like are we serious right now Jimmy: they'll be thinking about it Jimmy: asleep or awake don't really matter Janis: [says his name in what shoulda been like omg but does not come out like that for obvious reasons] Jimmy: [a kissing moment cos he can't handle how hot she sounds] Janis: [thank god, muffle how much she wants to keep saying your name] Jimmy: Baby Jimmy: you have to type it 'cause I'm not gonna stop Jimmy: but someone will make us if we aren't careful Janis: yeah Janis: shit Janis: okay Janis: being good Jimmy: fuck it Jimmy: what's another pub we can't come back to Jimmy: cross it off the list Janis: you sure Jimmy: do what you want Jimmy: that's what I want Janis: You're just Janis: the way you look at me and touch me makes me feel Jimmy: I know Jimmy: It's alright Jimmy: feel it Jimmy: I do too Janis: you know how close I am to cumming for you then Jimmy: I'm gonna make you right here I know that Jimmy: I don't care about anything else, okay Janis: [nods, biting her lip from the effort of not actually being the loudest bitch ever] Janis: I like you like this Jimmy: [kissing her and taking that lip into his mouth so extra like why you gotta suck on it like that boy stop] Janis: [moaning into his mouth like it's her job] Jimmy: [we'll let her & everyone else have that cos enough of a show happening without ALL the sound effects] Jimmy: I love you Janis: I love you so much baby Jimmy: show me, girl Jimmy: You're so close Jimmy: just Janis: fuck me Janis: I wanna show you everything, Jim Jimmy: start by cumming for me Jimmy: I want that so bad you know Janis: [holding onto his neck for stability but also so she can push his head down slightly so he sees everything when she does] Jimmy: shit Jimmy: alright then Janis: you wanna see, you're gonna get the best view Janis: it's all because of you anyway Jimmy: one day you're gonna take all my compliments, I swear Jimmy: but right now Jimmy: just this Janis: oh Janis: oh my fucking God Jimmy: we can do this all day Jimmy: I'm so comfortable Jimmy: & you're so Janis: Jimmy please Jimmy: you asked so nicely then Jimmy: okay Janis: I can be nice for you Jimmy: let's be nice to each other Jimmy: I want that Janis: [nods 'cos past the point of being cohesive] Janis: so bad Jimmy: kiss me Jimmy: & I'll Janis: [without hesitation] Jimmy: Janis Jimmy: you're really Jimmy: the best girlfriend Janis: for you Janis: you deserve so much Jimmy: you do Janis: you Jimmy: you Janis: [more kissing 'cos] Jimmy: [thank god cos it isn't just her being loud we ever have to worry about] Janis: fuck you're so hard baby Jimmy: I Janis: I need you Janis: real question is what would they rather, that you fuck me right here or if we go to the bathroom to blatantly do it there Jimmy: & my obvious answer is I don't know if I can move Janis: okay you stay really still then Janis: I'll make it happen Jimmy: fuck Janis: [does the thing] Jimmy: [straight up just quietly moans sorry everyone but like] Janis: now you can really feel Janis: this is exactly what you needed, isn't it Jimmy: [says yeah with his own voice moment again sorry everyone about] Janis: shit Janis: [holding his head for eye cotact again 'cos the 😍 are so real] Janis: me too Jimmy: I really love you Janis: show me, boy Jimmy: [obviously does cos does not need any encouragement at this point we're well past it] Janis: ['scuse them everyone] Janis: I actually can't breathe Jimmy: 🚭 tomorrow, yeah? Jimmy: [but is a smug face cos we know] Janis: [tells him to shut up but how much conviction are we managing tbh] Jimmy: [gives her look like I'm doing my best cos both trying not to be loud af rn] Janis: [kissing and then in his ear 'what have you done to me?'] Jimmy: everything I said I would Jimmy: wrote you a warning like Janis: I used to be so Jimmy: tell me Janis: so controlled Janis: but so Janis: bored Jimmy: [whispers 'you're welcome' in her ear and does more of his earlier kissing tricks all about there again] Janis: Baby Jimmy: [more kisses everywhere basically] Jimmy: Janis Janis: Jimmy you're so good Jimmy: you are Jimmy: you're Janis: if you say or do any more Jimmy: [whispers all the compliments and does all the things cos that bitch] Janis: [sorry everyone] Jimmy: [how do they keeping doing & getting away with this lol] Janis: I love you Jimmy: I love you too Jimmy: so much Janis: [is so dead, all snuggly and loved up] Jimmy: [likewise but after a bit hands her her drink cos they blatantly gotta drink up & go after all that] Janis: [down in fresher] Janis: oops Jimmy: [downs his own drink too] Jimmy: let's go Janis: [run lads run but hold hands 'cos soft] Jimmy: [flee the scene but make it cute] Janis: [is loling 'cos young and wild and free] Jimmy: [likewise & also 😍 cos could she look more fucking beautiful rn so cue 📷 artsy boy] Janis: [casually twirling down the street oh lads] Janis: where next? Jimmy: Are you hungry? Janis: [nods] Jimmy: there's your answer then Jimmy: [takes her to a place he likes cos more fussy than her we know] Janis: 🍽 Janis: right emoji Janis: aren't you proud Jimmy: [kisses her on the head like when you do a pat for a pisstake but also love] Janis: 😋 Jimmy: [orders a burger & a pint cos that's always a thing in so many places] Janis: [takes time 'cos when you're hungry but don't know what you want and also still lowkey distracted] Jimmy: [not helping at all by looking at her like] Janis: stop being hot for a second Janis: I'm starving here Jimmy: 🥇 always me Jimmy: soz Jimmy: like you said, never off Janis: well it's very inconsiderate of you Janis: [is grinning tho] Jimmy: [playful footsie] Jimmy: I'd order for you but not very #goals Janis: at least you won't have really pretentious taste like whatshisface Janis: doubledate dickhead Jimmy: let's call him Richard Jimmy: obvious reasons Janis: [lols] Janis: what a time Jimmy: it weren't all bad Janis: nah Janis: you were there how bad could it be Janis: even if my sister also was, not ideal Jimmy: [nudges her like shh don't make me 😳 but is smiley cos ah yeah] Jimmy: pink shirt weren't ideal either Jimmy: but you looked so fucking good Janis: n'awh Janis: you looked adorable 😉 Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: why you couldn't keep your hands off me that, yeah Jimmy: adorable's your REAL type Jimmy: you're only pretending it's dickheads Janis: mhmm Janis: looked so 🤑 Jimmy: [lols] Janis: so gutted you took it back Janis: dress up for me again some time, yeah Janis: [orders] Jimmy: [gestures down at his clothes like excuse you I'm fancy rn] Janis: true Janis: but that ain't for me Janis: 🎻 Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Jimmy: tomorrow night then Jimmy: I'll think of summat Janis: bold of you to assume you're seeing me again Jimmy: that's how you're dumping me? Jimmy: bit rude Janis: don't worry, know you like more of a show Janis: give you that 'fore I go Jimmy: 👍 Janis: so good to you like that Jimmy: #ultimategoals you Janis: I know babe Janis: miss me when I'm gone Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: [but is looking at her like] Janis: [gives him a kiss] Jimmy: [makes it into more cos feelings & also flashbacks to what they just did] Janis: not getting kicked out of here before food, tah Jimmy: calm down Jimmy: 😇 me Janis: mhmm Janis: all know I'm the bad influence Janis: I'll take the title happily 😈💪 Jimmy: @iantaylor8 with that confession babe Jimmy: #confirmed Janis: 😂 Janis: be all up in those DMs Jimmy: take over his twitter for him too Jimmy: ❌ them potential step mums before they get a foot in the door Jimmy: ✔ any 👵 for me though Janis: so what you're saying is Janis: you want me to be your momager Jimmy: 👌 Janis: I'll do it but I'm scooping up Ian's leftovers and 20% Jimmy: It'll tank your rep but I'm alright with it Janis: I'll keep your secret you keep mine Jimmy: What secrets have I got? Jimmy: open book me Janis: 👵👴 Janis: don't think the fan club would consider that very #goals Jimmy: 'course they would Jimmy: you're young & hot Jimmy: I love you anyway Jimmy: that's well #goals Janis: [is 😳 'cos always but smiling with it 'cos happy rn] Janis: 💕 Jimmy: [kisses her again but soft] Janis: [food arrival saving us all] Jimmy: [attacks it cos hungry af boy] Janis: okay caveman Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: it's your fault I'm starving, girl Janis: 🤤 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: #ohtobeaburgeramirite Jimmy: [lols] Janis: [genuine 😍 'cos her fave sound] Jimmy: [gives her a chip cos that's love bitch] Janis: 💕 Janis: save it for the audience, mate Jimmy: [throws his unused napkin at her] Jimmy: better? Janis: charming Janis: [turns footsie into a kick] Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: 💔 Janis: [rubs her feet up and down his leg] Janis: all better? Jimmy: 👍 Janis: play nice from now on and we won't have a problem yeah Jimmy: you Janis: I'm so nice Janis: ask anyone Jimmy: [lols again] Jimmy: hang on, I'll text my dad to #confirm Janis: he wishes Janis: we ain't there yet Jimmy: gutted for you both Janis: know right Janis: such a delight Janis: why he gotta play hard to get Jimmy: I'd say don't take it personal but it is Jimmy: soz Janis: 💔 Janis: c'est la vie Jimmy: trying to win the french teacher round too? Jimmy: I'll let her know Janis: 😂 Janis: she doesn't entirely hate me Janis: can do it Jimmy: challenge accepted, yeah Janis: write her an apology Janis: large print, obvs Jimmy: better yet come in and deliver it orally like she makes us when we're late Janis: ha Janis: un🍀 Jimmy: what your spanish teacher don't? Jimmy: or are you just 😇 Jimmy: & never late Janis: nah she's 'cool' and 'fit for a teacher' so Janis: clearly you weren't clued in when you were picking Janis: most our class is lads and somehow this hasn't been clocked Jimmy: 💔🎻🎻💔 Jimmy: I'll go see her monday Jimmy: get myself in Janis: err don't need you cramping my style Jimmy: don't worry you can keep all the lads Janis: 🥇 Janis: not worried Jimmy: alright dickhead Jimmy: I'm not fucking seducing every lad in your class to prove I can, like Janis: 😏 Jimmy: [throws some chips at her v mature] Janis: [lobs 'em back, children] Janis: I'm soz boys like me and not you Jimmy: you wish Jimmy: girls like you that's why we started this Janis: nah, they hate me, that's why Janis: get it right Jimmy: Mia's both Jimmy: they can be both Janis: 🙄 Janis: wow she's so complex Jimmy: must have been rigged that posh school not letting her in Janis: her mind Janis: such a genius Jimmy: bet her parents are well proud Janis: probably Janis: her dad is Janis: well ian'd probably like him, from what i've heard Jimmy: I'll invite 'em both round for tea then Janis: 😑 Janis: long as you leave with me Jimmy: not gonna leave with her, am I? Jimmy: be waiting outside the bathroom for half my life Jimmy: #glamorous Janis: sounds like she has bowel problems and you're just really rude Jimmy: 😂 Janis: seriously though Janis: even if you hate me, don't go there, that's the rules Jimmy: what about your sisters? They off limits too? Janis: I already told you that Janis: dickhead Jimmy: all of them? 💔💔💔 Jimmy: alright what about your brothers then? Janis: 😒 Jimmy: [says 'I don't want anyone else, dickhead' but there are kisses between each word like] Janis: yeah Janis: everyone rates us against each other it's just what happens Janis: used to it Jimmy: I ain't Jimmy: & I'm serious Janis: alright Janis: [shrugs] Jimmy: [kisses her harder like BELIEVE ME BITCH] Jimmy: I love you, alright Janis: okay okay Janis: you had some chip still in your mouth then Janis: you gross Jimmy: I did it for you 'cause you LOVE sharing Janis: 😑 so funny you Janis: [does smile a bit though] Jimmy: [draws a smiley face with a bigger smile on the back of her hand] Janis: ['such a dork'] Jimmy: 😎 Jimmy: tah Janis: 'course, baby Jimmy: where next, girl Janis: come home with me for a bit Janis: can get changed Janis: come back out later Jimmy: yeah okay Janis: 'cos I ain't getting in anywhere like this Jimmy: if I ruled the world, babe Jimmy: but too northern Jimmy: just a poor boy Janis: 💔💔 Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: bus? Janis: 👍 Janis: I'll get it Janis: treat me when you get paid Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: let's 🚬 we're gonna be stuck on there ages Janis: just the 1 Janis: gonna get serious on you soon 💪 Jimmy: easy to say Jimmy: we'll see Jimmy: [winks] Janis: you know I can, boy Jimmy: ain't backed down from a challenge yet, I get it Janis: the only challenge is how annoying you are, babe Jimmy: 🥈 me Jimmy: you take #1 Janis: [nudges him] Janis: rude Janis: that's where you really shine Jimmy: 🥇 every time, baby Jimmy: [but kisses] Janis: don't sit next to me on this bus Jimmy: now who's rude Janis: 🥇 you said Janis: not gonna disappoint ya Jimmy: just a bit Jimmy: just this once Janis: 💯 or nothing, babe Janis: soz Jimmy: [gets down on his knees really dramatically all 'please disappoint me' cos he's a nerd] Janis: omg Janis: get up right now you massive idiot Jimmy: say yes first Janis: fine whatever Janis: just get up before a crowd gathers Jimmy: I didn't say, 'say fiine whatever first' Janis: you're taking the piss Janis: will leave you here and say it was the real thing Jimmy: you think I won't tell everyone I'm 💍 & you said no Jimmy: be nice to me Janis: I'm saying yes so get up Janis: [puts hand out like boy you better] Jimmy: [gets up, picks her up & carries her away] Janis: you know how bad for my rep you are Jimmy: the rep I gave you Janis: excuse you? Jimmy: it's a question, the one I gave you or the one you had Jimmy: 'cause I ain't soz for fucking up the controlled but bored one any time Janis: Hmm Jimmy: not an answer that Jimmy: if I'm fucking up the one I gave you, that's also bollocks Jimmy: so which one is it Janis: so what you're saying is, you can do no wrong? Janis: interesting 😏 Jimmy: if that's what you heard, I'll have that Janis: idk as long as you're off the ground I ain't arsed really Jimmy: [picks her up again and spins her round] Jimmy: & you Janis: you're having me or your gonna try and make it so I never have to touch the ground again Jimmy: maybe both Jimmy: let's see Janis: [is 😏] Jimmy: [kisses] Janis: what am I gonna do with you, honestly Jimmy: stay with me Janis: 'course Janis: not walking home Jimmy: [🚬 but sharing cos it's a mood] Janis: did you meet any of the people you're gonna be working with then Jimmy: nah Jimmy: throwing me in blind tomorrow Janis: just forward me the deets of the hot ones Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: just the girls, yeah Janis: piss off Jimmy: [is 😏] Janis: [is😒] Jimmy: I'm in to open up, you want me to wake you up Jimmy: I know your god's all about the rest then Janis: nah wake me Janis: can go for a run Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: take the 🐶 for me Jimmy: if not on that one, in a bit Janis: yeah sure Janis: she can keep up 👍 Jimmy: I was gonna say tah but Jimmy: piss off instead Janis: 😘 Janis: wanna do lunch? Jimmy: depends is it gonna be 🍱 Janis: 🙄 Janis: LET.IT.GO Janis: are you really gonna turn down a chance to make me something? Jimmy: can't if you're a paying customer Janis: 😂 Janis: that's the spirit Jimmy: not just a pretty face Jimmy: did help me get the job though Janis: [squishes his cheeks] Janis: how exactly do you drop hints you're fit on your CV Jimmy: it's in the hobbies Jimmy: like how you're such an athlete Janis: ahh Janis: and Pete's band Janis: 😎 Janis: I get it 👍 for the tip Jimmy: not that you need it, rich girl Jimmy: but Jimmy: that helpful me Janis: shut up Janis: not like my parents just give me everything Janis: can get a job if I wanna Jimmy: never said you couldn't Jimmy: you just don't have to Jimmy: so why would you Janis: so I can buy things Janis: or save Janis: same reasons as everyone else Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: well you'll be able to write a decent CV now so Janis: tah Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [on ze bus] Jimmy: what we doing tonight then? Jimmy: decided Janis: still thinking Janis: but it's a surprise anyway Jimmy: alright Janis: gotta be something worthy this fair city can offer Jimmy: if you say so Janis: don't put a downer on it 'fore I've even decided, thank you Jimmy: life & soul me Jimmy: [isn't] Janis: what's wrong Jimmy: nowt Jimmy: like I said Janis: okay then Jimmy: just Janis: you can tell me Jimmy: it's bollocks but Jimmy: I don't know Jimmy: tomorrow Janis: you nervous? Janis: that's normal ain't it, anyone would be Jimmy: but it ain't normal for your dad to be a massive dickhead about something that's Jimmy: like I said, I don't know Janis: a good thing, yeah Janis: it's his normal Janis: still don't make it right though Janis: what did he say then Jimmy: he just Jimmy: gets in my head Jimmy: [shrugs but we know] Janis: yeah Janis: least he's good at something Janis: [squeezes his shoulder] Jimmy: [puts his head on hers forlornly] Janis: [strokes his hair] Janis: it will be alright Janis: any time away from him Janis: yeah Janis: and I'll be keeping an eye on the dog and kids Janis: no worries Janis: it is a good thing, like you said, any excuse with him init so fuck it Jimmy: & you're coming to see me, yeah Janis: yeah Janis: you want me to, right? Jimmy: I need you to Jimmy: for tomorrow Janis: then I'll be there Jimmy: [kisses her cos she's the best ever good day] Janis: [ily] Jimmy: [snuggles cos why not] Janis: alright now? Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: sorry Janis: nah, don't be Janis: not like I didn't know but Janis: distractions more fun than chatting about it ain't it Jimmy: & I don't wanna put a downer on everything actually Jimmy: that's not Janis: I know Janis: don't worry, honestly Jimmy: I'll be more fun in a bit Jimmy: maybe Jimmy: probably Janis: you've been plenty fun Janis: we really can do whatever you want Janis: that's the whole point Jimmy: I just wanna forget about it Jimmy: him Jimmy: that bollocks Janis: 👍 Janis: let's do that then Janis: easy Jimmy: [cue bus make out session] Janis: you know I'd do a lot worse things than walk your dog and come to lunch with you yeah Jimmy: you offering to kill Ian? Janis: [lols] Janis: exactly Janis: say the word Jimmy: I can't let you, I can't fuck you in prison unless we're married & we already said that's a no go Janis: that's so unfair Janis: who's made up that rule Jimmy: a hopeless romantic maybe Jimmy: fuck knows Jimmy: [is smiling a little bit] Jimmy: so what else would you do? Janis: clearly nothing illegal Janis: although I wouldn't get caught, have some faith Janis: but idk Janis: easy to say anything you needed Janis: but you don't know 'til you have to do you Jimmy: I know, baby Jimmy: you're SUCH an athlete Jimmy: 💕😍 Jimmy: [more genuine smile] Jimmy: I need nowt but you right now Jimmy: & tomorrow Janis: yeah, so don't get on my bad side Janis: w your 📷 neither Janis: done then Jimmy: you don't have a bad side with my 📷 Janis: shh Jimmy: [takes a pic & shows her it like see here's the proof] Jimmy: you don't Janis: you're biased Jimmy: the camera can't be Jimmy: you're so beautiful, alright Janis: [very 😳] Jimmy: [soft kisses on her blushes and just everywhere tbh] Janis: ['Jimmy'] Jimmy: [more kisses cos who doesn't love a name drop] Janis: you really are Janis: nice Janis: you know Jimmy: you're nice to me so I'm nice to you Janis: yeah Janis: it's a deal Jimmy: exactly Jimmy: [more snuggles] Janis: [the look of love] Jimmy: [backacha] Janis: you told Cass you got it Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: she wants to come scope the place Jimmy: see if it's 😎 Janis: 'course Janis: only seal of approval that counts these days Jimmy: I already know she's gonna tell me it's shit Jimmy: whatever she really thinks Janis: 😂 Janis: kids Jimmy: don't let her come with you though Jimmy: not day 1 Janis: 'course not Janis: probably doing loads way cooler things anyway, God Jimmy: course Jimmy: out being #goals with that boy like she invented it instead of us Janis: cheek Janis: you're all about #respectingyourelders tho Janis: 💕 Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: that what we're calling it Jimmy: I'll let Doris know Janis: 🤢 Janis: [does the fake vom thing] Jimmy: like I said, so beautiful you Janis: 😂 Janis: even without wrinkles Jimmy: impressive, isn't it? Jimmy: well done, babe Janis: you alright Janis: even though you don't play bass Jimmy: that you know of Jimmy: could've been the best bassist in the north Janis: if you've got hidden talents Janis: why you hiding them from me? 🤔 Jimmy: what are you always going on about, keeping things #fresh Janis: oh I get it Janis: gonna reveal 'em one by one instead Janis: so like you, show-off Jimmy: might do Jimmy: stick around & find out Janis: edge of my seat, babe Janis: [does, 'cos dork] Jimmy: [pulls her off her seat and onto his lap cos it's been what like a whole minute since she was last there lol] Jimmy: got you where I want you then Janis: oh Janis: [cue makeout sesh] Jimmy: kissing you is Jimmy: it's like Janis: please only finish that sentence if you're gonna say something nice or I'll have to go die Jimmy: it's like I'm not breathing when we're not & then you kiss me back & I can Jimmy: I don't know Jimmy: just don't die is what I'm saying really Janis: [gives him loads of extra kisses] Janis: don't you either Jimmy: I can't promise that going back to slinging overpriced ☕ won't 💀 me Janis: 🎻 Janis: I'll keep you going Jimmy: promise Janis: promise Janis: [puts hand out[ Jimmy: [same] Janis: don't go dying Janis: make me look bad now Jimmy: easier to just ghost you the standard way Janis: please Janis: like fuck it is Jimmy: don't challenge me Jimmy: I don't actually wanna Janis: shut up then Jimmy: make me then Janis: you ain't getting kisses for that motherfucker Jimmy: you've fucked up on this whole real girlfriend thing Jimmy: I can get kisses whenever I want Jimmy: that's the deal Janis: steady on Janis: not that much of a virgin thanks creep Jimmy: [lols] Janis: been warned about boys like you Jimmy: probably should've listened, girl Janis: nah Janis: [the eye contact] Jimmy: [holds it but then is just shamelessly looking at her lips like is he aware we'll never know] Janis: do it Jimmy: what Janis: you know what Jimmy: say it Janis: why are you so Janis: [still staring] Jimmy: go on Janis: bloody difficult Janis: [but out loud 'kiss me'] Jimmy: [does & it's everything] Janis: why do you have to make me work for it 😏 Jimmy: 'cause you were so bored before Jimmy: no going back Janis: ugh Jimmy: that ain't the reaction a kiss from me deserves Jimmy: [kisses her again & it's even more] Jimmy: try again Janis: Jimmy Jimmy: Janis Janis: [makes noise of frustration] Jimmy: [is 😏] Janis: I hate you so much Jimmy: then show me Janis: [biting on love bites and not being soft with her kisses] Jimmy: only that much? Jimmy: come on Janis: [angry noises and grinding her hips into his roughly] Janis: I can't begin to show you how much I hate you here Jimmy: sounds like an excuse to me Jimmy: maybe you just love me so much Jimmy: cute 💕 Janis: don't challenge me Jimmy: it's alright, I know you can't do it Jimmy: [gives her a soft kiss for the pisstake cos that dickhead] Janis: I swear to God Jimmy: do something Jimmy: even if it's drag me off this bus Janis: [presses stop button] Janis: alright then Jimmy: [eye contact until the bus stops] Janis: remember I warned you Jimmy: remember I ignored it Janis: remind yourself Jimmy: I won't need to Jimmy: I'll have all the reminders I need Janis: [getting off the bus like bye bus driver #gutted] Jimmy: [make it more obvious though you two] Janis: come on, can go in here Janis: [at least middle of nowhere means this is almost acceptable] Jimmy: [follows her giving her such a look] Janis: ['stop looking at me like that'] Jimmy: [doesn't] Janis: [comes up and puts her hands over his eyes which would blatantly devolve into sexy playfight] Jimmy: I let you win Janis: Well, I might let you cum as well, if you do what I want Jimmy: [asks her what she wants out loud] Janis: [pushes him on his knees like he was earlier] Janis: don't disappoint me Jimmy: no challenge in that but I accept Janis: stop talking Jimmy: [does the lock & key thing over his mouth cos still a nerd but then it's all business] Janis: [keeping his head in place and moving him as necessary, 'good boy'] Jimmy: [has one job rn & you know he's doing it 👍] Janis: ['stop'] Jimmy: [obviously does & has a bemused look on his face like okay what now] Janis: ['okay get up' and then starts walking] Jimmy: [just following all these instructions bless him] Janis: [when she realizes he ain't said nothing 'you can talk again, if you want to, by the way'] Jimmy: tah Jimmy: see how I feel Jimmy: might do, might not do Janis: your prerogative either way Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [is 🚬] Jimmy: [lights up too cos yolo] Janis: reall should hit up the ginger Janis: y* Jimmy: remind me on monday Jimmy: busy day tomorrow Janis: 👍 Jimmy: forgot her name again Jimmy: hope she likes the one I give her Janis: no doubt Janis: it's your forte Jimmy: 💕 Janis: wonder who she's with Janis: what cult, like Jimmy: I'll let you know Jimmy: hope the colour suits me Janis: 🤞 Jimmy: what am I on about, 'course it will Jimmy: what colour don't Janis: thank christ, 'cos you still ain't allowed to kill yourself so Janis: have fun getting outta the mass suicide Jimmy: I'll get creative Jimmy: artist like so Janis: going above and beyond for that A Jimmy: nerd, me Jimmy: you're always chatting that Janis: you usually disagree Jimmy: maybe in that one class you've got a point Jimmy: [shrugs] Janis: [shrugs back] Jimmy: [casually blowing smoke rings & generally pissing about] Janis: how'd'ya do that then Jimmy: [shows her] Janis: I'll practice Jimmy: it won't take much Jimmy: nowt hard about it Janis: how long you smoked Jimmy: since my mum left Jimmy: found a pack in her stuff Janis: [nods] Jimmy: you? Janis: I mean I don't Janis: but I guess the first time I tried it would've been Janis: idek, young, tryna hang with the older kids, you know how it is Jimmy: hate to be that dickhead but you are right now Jimmy: you do Janis: yeah but only when you're about Janis: it ain't the same Jimmy: it ain't no different Jimmy: you're still doing it Janis: not a habit though Janis: what does it matter anyway Jimmy: [shrugs again] Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: what's your issue Janis: what's yours Jimmy: not an answer Janis: [shrugs] Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: let's leave it yeah Janis: we don't need this today Jimmy: leave what Jimmy: what's wrong? Janis: I don't know Jimmy: what did I do? Janis: nothing Janis: it's not you Jimmy: that's the shit that gets said when it is you though Janis: it's the shit that gets said when I don't wanna talk about it Janis: dunno how Janis: I'm sorry Janis: forget it happened Jimmy: how? Jimmy: proper question Janis: easy Janis: just rewind, what were we talking about before it went shit and weird Jimmy: scroll up Jimmy: I don't know Janis: we could just start over now Jimmy: go on then Janis: why me Jimmy: you wanna Jimmy: your idea Janis: no point if you don't let's just Janis: walk Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [awkward silence] Jimmy: [smoking like it's his job] Janis: this is stupid isn't it Jimmy: I ain't gonna make you chat to me if you don't want to Janis: it was you who said you didn't want to Jimmy: I never Janis: yes you did Janis: literally gave it 👍 Jimmy: spouting bollocks like nowt's wrong ain't chatting Janis: that's all chatting is Janis: ask anyone Jimmy: I don't wanna chat to anyone else I wanna chat to you Jimmy: & you know how I feel about that shit, I've said it Janis: I can't be real right now Jimmy: then don't Jimmy: I ain't asked you to fill no silences Jimmy: just leave it out Janis: fine Jimmy: 👌 Janis: you should still stay at ours Janis: get a decent night's sleep Jimmy: I weren't thinking of staying nowhere else Jimmy: now I am Janis: well don't Janis: just said you should stay Jimmy: nah you said I should 'still' Jimmy: that means you don't want me to but Janis: It means even though I can't Janis: I don't know Janis: function Janis: right now Janis: I still want you to stay Jimmy: you really think I would leave you Jimmy: like this Janis: don't be dramatic about it though Janis: I'm fine I just needto Jimmy: what Janis: go Janis: just mentally just for like an hour or something Janis: I need to not be here Jimmy: do it then Janis: but Janis: it's mental Janis: and you need me right now and there's no time for this to get in the way and Jimmy: I need you all the time, it makes no difference Janis: that's the problem Jimmy: not the first time I've been or been called that Jimmy: so like I said Janis: not you, not what I meant Jimmy: it's what you said Jimmy: so listen to what I'm saying Janis: you don't get it Jimmy: I get checking out Jimmy: been there, done it Jimmy: so go Janis: I fucking can't Jimmy: bollocks can't you Janis: I can't it don't work no more Jimmy: what will? Jimmy: do that instead Janis: I don't know Janis: if I knew we wouldn't be here Jimmy: where the fuck are we? Janis: I'm scared Janis: all the time Jimmy: why? Jimmy: what is it? Janis: you've broken it and I can't do it anymore and that's okay like nearly all of time because you're here but sometimes you aren't and then one day you won't be and what do I do if I still can't do it then 'cos it's just going to be even worse and I can't Jimmy: [holds onto her] Jimmy: I'm here Jimmy: & I'm not going anywhere Janis: but you will Janis: it's a stupid promise to even have to make Janis: people leave, end of Jimmy: I won't Jimmy: I love you so it's an easy promise, alright Janis: you were joking but you really did fuck up all the control I had Janis: now I don't know what I have, that was it Jimmy: you've got me Jimmy: this Janis: it's Janis: terrifying, I told you Jimmy: 'cause it's real Jimmy: you think that control wasn't just all bollocks Jimmy: you have something to lose now Jimmy: so do I Jimmy: but we're not gonna, okay Jimmy: just win Jimmy: that's it Janis: 'course it was but it was Janis: easy Janis: and no one could get hurt but me Janis: I don't care about me but I do about you Janis: so much Janis: too much Jimmy: it was safe but you are with me Jimmy: & I am with you Jimmy: I trust you, you know that Janis: I trust you Janis: but I don't know why you trust me when I'm this Janis: and have been this so many times already Jimmy: what am I if not that too? Janis: no Janis: you're better Jimmy: I ain't Jimmy: I'm scared, I'm fucked up, I'm everything you reckon you are Jimmy: it's doing shit anyway that's what's better Jimmy: keeping this anyway Jimmy: we can be the ones who don't leave Janis: yeah? Jimmy: remember, we're not gonna ruin it Jimmy: you said Janis: I know Janis: it's easy to say things though Jimmy: let me show you how easy it is to do then Jimmy: just come with me Jimmy: keep going Jimmy: & I'll prove it Janis: [nods] Janis: okay Jimmy: [takes her hand so they can keep walking how symbolic boy] Janis: you know I love you Jimmy: [nods] Janis: good Jimmy: you know you can tell me anything, yeah? Jimmy: or nowt Jimmy: if that's what you want Janis: I know I wish I could Janis: sometimes Janis: then other times I wish I never had to speak about any of it again Jimmy: have it either way, I mean it Jimmy: I'm still here Janis: I know Janis: same for you Jimmy: I'm sorry for being a dickhead Janis: when Janis: actual question, not a diss Jimmy: at any point Janis: I like it Janis: you Janis: I like you Jimmy: yeah but if you didn't like me any time from when we got off the bus til now 'cause I was being a dickhead then, that's alright Jimmy: & I'm sorry Janis: you weren't though Janis: seriously Jimmy: I could've been Jimmy: we don't know when it got weird Janis: I do but I don't wanna Janis: it's okay Janis: actually was not you Jimmy: okay Janis: I promise, yeah Jimmy: [picks her up so he can hold her & walk at the same time] Jimmy: I love you Janis: I love you Janis: but if you make me cry I am gonna have to die sorry Janis: don't make the rules Jimmy: don't count if I'm not looking Jimmy: very focused right now me Janis: nah, I don't, I can't Janis: but I'm pleased you're taking your job here seriously Jimmy: when we get to yours I'll throw an onion at you or whatever Jimmy: we can make it work Janis: [actual little lol] Janis: you're silly Jimmy: you're heavy Janis: bit rude but Janis: [hops down] Jimmy: Oi, I'm trying to take my job here seriously Jimmy: come back Janis: I don't want to permanently injure you Janis: not paying off that claim, soz Jimmy: 1. have some faith please Jimmy: 2. gimme that get out of work excuse tah Janis: 1. I do but apparently am size of whale so Janis: 2. you already owe me dinner so Janis: 3. soz x2 Jimmy: 1. piss off/shut up Jimmy: 2. I ain't that close to the breadline calm down Janis: 1. but I ain't even filling silences rn rude Janis: 2. have you seen me? clearly can put it away Jimmy: eat as much coal as you want, babe Jimmy: delicious & nutritious Janis: don't people like Mia actually do that Jimmy: do they? Jimmy: what the fuck Janis: maybe I've got the wrong thing Janis: like pumping your stomach at home though, when you think about it Jimmy: serious question, do you think she knows the calories of cum in case of emergencies Jimmy: tweet her Janis: [snorts] Janis: I have no doubt Janis: sure Gracie has tried to tell me before Jimmy: I doubt she's putting anything in her mouth but their skulls at the end but Jimmy: gotta be prepared Janis: bet she was actually in the guides Janis: any chance to feel like head bitch Jimmy: you ain't talking to her but I'm gonna need to quiz Grace as #1 bestie for life Janis: she ain't talking to me Jimmy: ain't that same difference Jimmy: or is it like that girl code bollocks again Janis: it's completely different Janis: I ain't never talked to her that's the same as ever Janis: she was always chatting shit to me though Jimmy: back chatting it to Mia again instead Jimmy: what a step down Jimmy: bet she's a riveting girl to have a convo with Janis: clearly they've got enough in common Jimmy: how long do you seriously reckon before I'm serving them all iced coffees again? Janis: if it's tomorrow I will have to leave Jimmy: if it's tomorrow I'll have to 💀 Jimmy: I know it's breaking my promise but Janis: understandable Jimmy: I'll keep the one where I'm a ghost fucking you though Janis: 💕 Janis: you say the sweetest things Jimmy: #maybeIwasthelastofthegreatromanticsallalong Jimmy: #plottwist Jimmy: #Ionlythoughtitwasyou Janis: not gonna say I #calledit but Janis: so soft, you Jimmy: you fucked up there Jimmy: you meant hard Jimmy: 💪 Janis: only when you're fucking me from beyond the grave Jimmy: [lols] Jimmy: who says the sweetest things really though 💕😍 Janis: when I stopped you Janis: earlier, you know Janis: it wasn't 'cos of you Janis: or 'cos I even wanted to Janis: I just wanted to prove to myself I still had control Janis: how stupid is that Janis: but you should know that, I don't want you reckoning you did anything Janis: and the more I'm thinking on it the more I realize that was kinda a fucked thing to do to you too so Janis: sorry as well Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: & it's not stupid Jimmy: things have changed for me too 'cause of you Jimmy: neither of us were expecting nowt like this to happen Janis: yeah Janis: seriously Jimmy: It's alright you know Jimmy: to be scared Jimmy: to wanna go back Janis: I don't Janis: this is better in every way Janis: it's the idea of having to go back after Jimmy: Baby Jimmy: you don't have to Jimmy: I told you, I'm not leaving Janis: [nods] Jimmy: [kisses her the way he did earlier like believe me bitch & repeats it out loud with eye contact like am I lying, no] Janis: [the most intense kissing ever] Jimmy: [breathlessly says 'there's nowt I wouldn't do for you, tell me how to prove it & I will' with more intense eye contact] Janis: ['you don't have to..you have, you are'] Jimmy: [more of the most intense kissing ever] Janis: [keeps saying 'I'm sorry' over and over 'cos so shamed] Jimmy: [keeps saying ILY to try and cancel it out cos don't be] Janis: [let her gain some composure so they can go back to Cali's] Janis: okay, I'm ready Jimmy: [handholding & walking] Janis: you ain't gonna worry about me are you Janis: tomorrow Janis: you gotta focus Jimmy: I'm gonna think about you Jimmy: but that's just part of the deal Janis: no more than usual and that's alright Jimmy: easy to say when you don't know how much I think about you usually Janis: Babe Jimmy: It's alright, I want you in my head all the time Jimmy: better than him being Janis: [squeezes his hand] Janis: not much of a compliment but I'll take it Jimmy: that's a first Janis: ['shh' and pushing into him, gently tho] Jimmy: tomorrow Jimmy: you can stay as long as you want Jimmy: you know Janis: Yeah Janis: not trying to distract you though Jimmy: I don't have to focus to make a cappuccino Jimmy: or nowt else on the menu Jimmy: stay Jimmy: not 'cause I'm worried just 'cause Jimmy: I want you to Janis: okay Janis: after I've walked the loml, of course Jimmy: course Jimmy: #priorities Janis: bring her in for a babyccino Jimmy: [rolls his eyes but not in a shady way] Jimmy: this is the girlfriend I've got Janis: Twix? Janis: Knew you loved her really Janis: it's mutual Jimmy: you wish, dickhead Jimmy: she ain't sleeping in our bed Janis: we barely fit so I don't reckon she'd wanna Jimmy: you'd really let that stop either of you, would you? Jimmy: I don't reckon Janis: nah Janis: it's the only time I get you properly alone Janis: not gonna share, soz Jimmy: you can have me anywhere Jimmy: don't worry about that Janis: yeah but everyone else is always around too Janis: know how I feel about other people Jimmy: you want alone time, I'll find it for us Jimmy: we can bin school off for a start Janis: yeah Janis: just not tuesday Janis: cheerleading duties, remember Jimmy: I ain't forgotten Jimmy: big plans Jimmy: 💙 Janis: love you dork Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: I'm too 😎 for school Jimmy: & you Janis: 😏 Janis: k babes Jimmy: never type that to me again Jimmy: I thought your sister had entered the chat Jimmy: shit myself Janis: 😂 Janis: not the sister you were planning on next I take it Jimmy: she's bottom of my list Jimmy: rather fuck your dickhead brother over her Janis: lucky/shame I ain't talking to her to say 💔 Janis: can let Pablo know he's well in though 👍 Jimmy: if you wanna use that as a ice breaker with her, go on Jimmy: & yeah pass my number on once I've done the top of the list, tah Janis: meant to work your way up, you know Jimmy: if I start at the top & have enough fun I don't need to bother with the bottom though Janis: not just a pretty face, you, I remember Jimmy: exactly Jimmy: always on too, remember Janis: yeah Janis: memories not that bad Janis: soz babe Jimmy: plenty of time for you to go downhill Jimmy: not worried Janis: I'm gonna age like fine wine just to piss you off Jimmy: [lols] Janis: [smiling 'cos forever fave] Jimmy: let's stay in Janis: yeah? Janis: you sure Jimmy: don't you want to? Janis: no, I was just thinking, whatever you want Janis: don't feel like we can't go somewhere 'cos I've had a wobble like Jimmy: I don't feel like that Janis: well you know I want alone time so Jimmy: you can have it then Janis: [kisses his cheek] Janis: you gotta be well-rested anyway Jimmy: [wipes it off but is smiling too] Jimmy: you saying I can't handle my drink? Jimmy: bit rude coming from you Janis: I'm saying straight to bed for you Jimmy: keeping it 👵💕 for me, yeah Jimmy: appreciate that Janis: duh Janis: know you so well Jimmy: 👍 Janis: my Dad'll probably wanna cook you something Janis: he's extra like that Jimmy: alright by me Jimmy: long as you tell me what it is Jimmy: before I put it in my mouth Janis: 😂 Janis: okay deal Jimmy: [puts his hand out] Janis: [shakes but plls him in for snugs too] Jimmy: [a soft moment] Janis: [ily] Jimmy: I know Janis: sound more enthused 😏 Jimmy: [kisses her and repeats the I know out loud] Janis: Better Jimmy: [kisses her again to do even better] Janis: 😍 Janis: okay, you're the best Jimmy: you Janis: ['you'] Jimmy: [more soft snuggles for another moment] Janis: [stroking his cheek and look of love always] Janis: okay, let's move or we'll die here Jimmy: [more walking & handholding cos gotta get somewhere] Janis: thanks for not freaking out back there Jimmy: you've never at me Jimmy: my bollocks Jimmy: so I weren't gonna do that to you Janis: guess you're just pretty normie, yeah Janis: [shoulder nudge] Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: [nudges her back] Janis: it's okay, you'll always be a weirdo to me 💕 Jimmy: tah nerd 💕 Janis: soz can't hear you 😎 Jimmy: [says 'I said, tah you massive nerd' in her ear] Janis: [lols 'cos tickles and be more of a nerd yourself babe] Jimmy: [is 😍 cos she's so cute] Janis: how do you exist Janis: still think you're not real tbh Jimmy: I've actually been a ghost this whole time Jimmy: surprise Janis: [snorts] Janis: okay, actual decent plottwist babe Jimmy: nobody else can see me & you've looked fucking mental this whole time Janis: ugh Janis: well fuck you very much, casper Jimmy: it's why they're all chatting shit about you, didn't wanna do a dramatic reveal like this but Janis: well yeah, I would be too if someone was having that enthusiastic a wank in the toilets, like Janis: no coming back from this, honestly Jimmy: [lols again] Janis: not even like you're a cool vampire boyfriend so you can turn me too now you've fucked my life Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: who's your money on for sparkly vampire of our school then Janis: I need to know asap Jimmy: Mia obviously Jimmy: never eats Jimmy: looks 1000 years old Janis: shit Janis: you have a point and I'm so Jimmy: you've really fucked yourself for immortal life, girl Jimmy: stuck with the 👻 Janis: 's alright Janis: gone off the idea Janis: already sick of her, I can't do forever Janis: breaking her cold dead 💔 Jimmy: gutted Jimmy: you'd make a good vampire Jimmy: always biting already you Janis: [😳] Janis: shut up Janis: you like it Jimmy: do you want me to shut up or tell you how much I like it? Jimmy: can't do both Janis: just don't lie Jimmy: I don't Janis: good Jimmy: 👍 Janis: you do though, don't you Jimmy: I just said Jimmy: what are you on about? Janis: like it, I mean Janis: you'd say if you didn't Jimmy: course Jimmy: but you'd be able to tell anyway Janis: yeah Janis: 'course Jimmy: I'd be there like Jimmy: [does a grumpy face] Janis: I mean Janis: that is adorable but I can piss you off in so many different ways outside the bedroom so Jimmy: just Jimmy: don't second guess yourself, alright Jimmy: there's no need Janis: okay Janis: good Janis: 'cos you gotta tell me, I can't be going out into the world with no skills Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: you know you've got skills Jimmy: you're so fucking good Janis: you can shh now Jimmy: you can't fish for compliments if you won't take 'em Jimmy: bit rude Janis: I wasn't fishing for fucking compliments 😑 Janis: shut up Jimmy: calm down Jimmy: & just take 'em Janis: [let's say they there and she walking inside like boy bye] Jimmy: really Jimmy: 👌 Janis: yeah Janis: come find me when you're gonna be nice again Jimmy: you come find me when you work out I were being Janis: sure Janis: calling me an attention seeker is dead nice Jimmy: I didn't Janis: 👌 Janis: did though so Jimmy: you know that ain't what I meant or what I think Janis: whatever Jimmy: do you know that or not? Janis: it don't matter then Jimmy: that's not an answer to a yes or no question Janis: just come find me Jimmy: just gimme your answer Janis: well I don't know Janis: I hadn't thought about it 'til you said it so Jimmy: either I'm that dickhead or I'm not so Janis: you said you ain't so you ain't Jimmy: bollocks Jimmy: I can say owt I want Jimmy: what are you saying Janis: why'd you have to say it like that Janis: dickhead Janis: but I guess I know you didn't mean it Janis: I mean, I believe you Jimmy: why do you have to take it like that Jimmy: you're a dickhead Jimmy: can't take a compliment but you'll grab all the insults that ain't there Janis: erm how do you want me to take 'fishing for compliments' exactly Jimmy: how I meant it Jimmy: only pissing about Janis: fine Janis: whatever just forget about it Jimmy: stop telling me to forget about everything Janis: well I don't wanna talk about it now it's pointless Jimmy: then just say that Janis: well you know that's what I meant so now you're just being pedantic for the sake of Jimmy: & you're using fancy words for the sake of, rich girl Janis: please Jimmy: what are you trying to start a fight with me for? Janis: I ain't Janis: sorry I didn't find it funny alright Janis: come on Jimmy: you come on Jimmy: I don't live here Jimmy: I ain't just chasing around like I do Janis: really Jimmy: taking issue with that too now? Janis: yeah because you want me to Jimmy: bollocks Jimmy: I want you to come back Janis: youcan't just drop it you have to keep going Jimmy: what Janis: I don't make you chase me 'round Janis: that's bullshit Jimmy: you're literally telling me to right now Janis: I'm telling you to come to my room Janis: you know where it is Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: [arrives] Janis: ['hey'] Jimmy: [just sits on the end of her bed like] Janis: you not talking to me Jimmy: are you gonna keep talking owt I say the wrong way Janis: [sighs but real not in a passive-aggressive way] Janis: I can't help how I take shit any more than you can help how you say it Janis: I can't say any more than I believe that you didn't mean it, alright Janis: it's too late to not misunderstand, yeah Jimmy: alright Janis: actual alright or shut the fuck up alright Jimmy: alright like I want it to be Jimmy: so just come sit with me Janis: [does, puts her head on his shoulder] Janis: why's it so hard sometimes Jimmy: [plays with her hair cos fave] Jimmy: I told you, I'm fucked up like you reckon you are Janis: reckon Janis: how are you reckoning any different, boy Jimmy: 'Cause Jimmy: I just do Janis: [lols but obvs not a happy one] Janis: sweet Jimmy: you're loads of things to me Jimmy: fucked up ain't one Jimmy: my ex was, I am Jimmy: you're Jimmy: that ain't how I see you Janis: not gonna argue about this as well Janis: I don't want to Janis: I am but if you wanna think otherwise then that's alright with me Jimmy: what do you want then Janis: just Janis: be with each other Janis: normal Jimmy: [snuggles] Janis: ['I'm sorry, again'] Jimmy: ['me too'] Janis: [saying things like 'it's okay, we're okay' over and over but also asking as well as telling, like] Jimmy: [all the reassuring touches & nods and 'yeahs'] Janis: [they both need so much reassuring bye] Janis: I love you so much Jimmy: [says it out loud for her] Janis: [casual desperate kissing 'cos you overwhelmed[ Jimmy: [we know that'd go on for a while] Janis: [also says it out loud] Jimmy: [just doing the whole trying to pull her closer thing the whole time cos clingy af] Janis: ['stay'] Jimmy: ['I promise']
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