#i'll just uhhhhhhhhhh
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Frances: You guys need any extra boxes?
Winona: Probably. Nona has all of these mugs like do we seriously need all fifty million of them?
Aponi: I heard that!
Winona: [ grumbles ] You were supposed to. Lady needs an intervention.
Frances: I think it’s nice to collect little things.
Winona: Are you admitting to me that you’re a hoarder?
Frances: I’m not! So are you excited?
Winona: Sort of. I mean it’ll be cool to have my own bathroom but I dunno. All my friends are here.
Frances: Felt that.
Winona: Frances, are you sure you gotta leave? I could pack you in one of these boxes.
Frances: [ giggles ] Sounds uncomfy.
Winona: I’ll add pillows and blankets.
Aponi: Winona, we’re not putting them in a box.
Winona: Awh. Fine.
Aponi: Well, it’s that time. Thank you for everything.
Frances: Do either of you need anything from me before I go?
Aponi: No, you’ve been quite the help. Make sure you eat good food, no more ramen packets.
Frances: I promise.
Frances: Take care.
Winona: I’m gonna miss you.
Frances: Me too. Bye now.
[ low rumbling ]
Frances: Icarus? I thought you were working late tonight.
Icarus: I’ll be back. I told them I needed to take care of something first.
Frances: Everything’s fine. Winona-
Icarus: I’m not sure if I’ll ever see you again and I wanted to… I needed to say bye.
Frances: I-I don’t want to go.
Icarus: It’s okay.
Frances: I can’t do it.
Icarus: You’ve got big dreams waiting for you, Frances. I’m not gonna hold you back.
Frances: Icarus, please.
Icarus: [ whispers ] Don’t be a stranger.
Frances: I won’t.
Dan: [ emotionless ] Rough day?
Frances: [ sniffles ] Mhm. You?
Dan: Incredibly rough.
Frances: Wanna talk about it?
Dan: Not really, you?
Frances: No.
#I AM SO FREAKING SORRY THIS IS HAPPENING ON UR BIRTHDAY FRANCES HAHAHAH WTF-#what a cosmic coincidence#i'll just uhhhhhhhhhh#ok but as this chapter has closed for now i was getting so nostalgic putting this together like frances#just yesterday u were stressing out over how ur gonna pay for ur schooling#and here u are getting ready to graduate leaving the loyl behind#(love of ur life)#ahhhh#tessellate#ts4#simblr#sims 4 story#tessellate: frances#tessellate: aponi#tessellate: winona#tessellate: icarus
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ROT13 thoughts about m.outhwashing. i was only going to talk about one thing but. The Rambler's Curse............... anyway. major spoilers, not censoring anything, decode at your own risk, blah blah blah.
[ROT13 below]
[pj frkhny nffnhyg, ivbyrapr, noyrvfz, nohfr, zvfbtlal, fznyy inthr zragvba bs enpvfz, znff zheqre / fhvpvqr]
gurer'f fbzrguvat gung vexf zr fb zhpu nobhg gur zbhgujnfuvat snaqbz FCRPVSVPNYYL znxvat "tbbq raqvat" NHf gung nyy eribyir nebhaq pheyl nf gur Znva Punenpgre (gz), jvgu ab qnzntr gb nal eryngvbafuvcf orgjrra nalbar va gur perj rkprcg Gur Fbyr Onq Crefba, Wvzzl.
ohg nyfb. orpnhfr v ernyvmrq. v qba'g guvax gurl jrer nyy trggvat onpx nyvir, penfu be ab. gurer'f n ovg jurer vg'f zragvbarq gung cbal rkcerff qvqa'g nqq n 5gu pelb cbq sbe qnvfhxr, naq jr xabj gung CR vf n irel "rknpg nzbhag bs [guvat] jvgu ab ebbz sbe reebe, op jr qba'g jnag gb fcraq gur rkgen zbarl sbe fnsrgl" xvaq bs pbzcnal. naq gura v tbg gur pnyphyngbe bhg.
gurve sbbq bayl ynfgrq sbe 4-5 zbaguf nsgre gur penfu, jvgu nabgure rfgvzngrq 3-4 zbaguf genafvg erznvavat vs gurl unq orra tbvat va gur evtug qverpgvba. juvpu zrnaf rvgure gurl ybfg n FVTAVSVPNAG nzbhag bs sbbq va gur penfu (cynhfvoyr)… be. jung vs CR bayl ybnqrq gur fuvc jvgu sbbq sbe 4 crbcyr, yvxr gurl qvq jvgu gur cbqf? vg jnf n ebhtu pnyphyngvba, ohg nffhzvat rnpu crefba rngf na rdhny funer bs gur sbbq rirel qnl, naq nffhzvat rnpu crefba ngr n shyy, abezny cbegvba qvfcrafrq ol gur sbbq qvfcrafre vafgrnq bs cbegvbavat, op gurl gubhtug guvf jnf whfg n abezny eha jvgu gur evtug nzg bs sbbq… vs lbh qvfgevohgrq sbbq sbe 4 crbcyr nzbat 5, lbh'q or nobhg 3-4 zbaguf fubeg sbe gur gevc. 🥴
gurer'f n qrprag punapr v zvffrq qrgnvyf gung qrohax guvf NWFAQXW ohg huuuuu gung gubhtug znxrf zr fb hajryy. op vg ernyyl vf fbzrguvat CR jbhyq qb. pyrneyl, jvgu guvatf yvxr gur pelb cbq vffhr. naq gur znatyrq iragf. naq gur ab orqebbz ybpxf. naq gur gbkvp sbbq cnpxrgf.
nyfb, tvira gung gurl gbyq pheyl gb qrynl gryyvat gur erfg bs gur fgnss hagvy gur raq bs gur gevc, znal zbaguf sebz gur zrffntr erprviny, ubj yvxryl vf vg gung CR jnf nyernql va gur cebprff bs pybfvat fubc jura gurl frag gur ghycne bhg naq whfg qrynlrq gryyvat pheyl fb ur pbhyqa'g vzzrqvngryl pnapry gur fuvczrag? jvgu ubj oyngnag guvf tnzr vf nobhg vgf fgnapr ba pncvgnyvfz, v pbhyq frr vg.
nyfb. v'ir sbhaq FBZR tbbq cynlguebhtuf bs gur tnzr (gl gb gur sevraq jub frag zr n erp, gung bar jnf SNAGNFGVP, v ybirq gur qvfphffvba ng gur raq fb zhpu bhetuuuu, n ybg bs guvatf gb zhyy bire)……
ohg bu zl TBQ 🔪🔪🔪 gur vasnagvyvmngvba bs pheyl sebz zhygvcyr natyrf ol fgernzref naq gur snaqbz ng ynetr. gur jnl crbcyr chccrg uvf wnj, whfg yvxr gur qrif gubhtug ccy jbhyq. gur jnl fgernzref yvgrenyyl ONOL GNYX GB UVZ jura tvivat uvz uvf cvyyf. gur jnl gurl gnyx nobhg uvf obql, nobhg pneelvat uvz, nobhg uvf qvfnovyvgl qverpgyl. naq gura, bs pbhefr, ur'f gur snaqbz'f qneyvat onol. Gur Oybeob (nybatfvqr qnvfhxr jub vf. n jubyr bgure qvfphffvba wsp gur srgvfuvmngvba-vasnagvyvmngvba pbzob gurl'ir sbeprq bagb guvf terng punenpgre. gb gur fnzr sevraq jub tnir gur erp -- v 1000000% nterr jvgu lbhe ernqvat FB uneq, v tbg gur fnzr ivorf sebz uvz).
"v whfg jnag pheyl gb or fb unccl naq sbe naln gb purre uvz ba naq or uvf orfgvr naq purreyrnqre, naq v jnag qnvfhxr gb whfg or n yvggyr shaal pybja sbe uvz, naq v jnag fjnafrn gb or Gur Qnq Svther (gz), naq v jnag uvz gb unir na nyzbfg shyy erpbirel -- zvenphybhf, rira! fb zhpu fb gung lbh jbhyqa'g guvax ur'q fcrag zbaguf jvgubhg fxva, va gbeghebhf pbaqvgvbaf. vs ur qvqa'g arrq Zntvpny Shgher Cebfgurgvpf Gung Jbex Whfg Yvxr Erny Yvzof Naq Nera'g Haoryvrinoyl Urnil Be Hajvryql (naq gung n ybat unhy pncgnva pbhyq qrrrrsvavgryl nssbeq va n jbeyq gung gerngf vgf jbexref fb oehgnyyl), lbh'q guvax ur ybbxrq gur fnzr nf ur qvq cer-penfu…… rkprcg ur fgvyy pna'g gnyx be unf fbzr bgure fznyy, aba-ivfhny qvfnovyvgl fb ur'f fgvyy phgryl ihyarenoyr ohg nyfb onpx gb uvf """"""""""""pbairagvbanyyl nggenpgvir""""""""""""""" [UHTR fpner dhbgrf] frys grrurr~~"
zrnajuvyr, pheyl jnf n qverpg ernfba jul gur penfu bppheerq. abg va gur jnl bs wvzzl fubivat nyy bs uvf nohfrf bagb pheyl'f fubhyqref, ohg ur vf n qverpg ernfba jul naln sryg hafnsr baobneq. fur fnvq "v gbyq lbh"… ubj genafcnerag naq oyngnag jnf fur va fprarf jr qvqa'g frr? ur haqrefgbbq vg jnf wvzzl vzzrqvngryl, ab jnssyvat ba vg, ab "ur'q arire…", ur XARJ wvzzl pbhyq naq jbhyq nffnhyg fbzrbar. naq lrg jura vg pnzr gvzr gb pbasebag uvz, ur chg uvf ohqql nobir gur erfg bs gur perj'f fnsrgl. naq ur qvqa'g rira gel gb PNYZ wvzzl qbja, arirezvaq gnxr qenfgvp npgvba, jura ur fhttrfgrq gur jubyr perj fubhyq qvr naq qvfnccrne va na "nppvqrag".
Ur Vf Pbzcyvpvg. Ur Vf Abg N Puvyq. Ur Xarj Naq Qvq Abguvat. "v xabj lbh'q arire tvir zr gur tha gb cebgrpg zlfrys" fnvq va fhpu n jnl gung ernqf "v xabj lbh'q arire tvir zr gur cbjre gb uheg wvzzl jura ur gevrf fbzrguvat ntnva".
v ERNYYL srry sbe cbfg-penfu pheyl sbe crefbany ernfbaf, va gung fhqqrayl orvat qrovyvgngvatyl qvfnoyrq naq univat gb prqr pbageby gb crbcyr jub qba'g unir lbhe orfg vagrerfgf va zvaq vf sevtugravat nf nyy shpx. v srry sbe uvz va gung ur'f pbafgnagyl gerngrq nf gubhtu ur vfa'g gurer. ur'f whfg n Guvat, n Jbhaqrq Navzny, va gur zrqvpny ebbz. ur unf ab fnl va jurgure ur jnagf gerngzrag be vs ur jnagf gb qvr, vs ur jnagf gb xrrc ubcvat sbe fbzrbar gb svaq gurz be vs ur qbrfag jnag gb fhssre hagvy ubcryrff, varivgnoyr qrngu. ur pevrf naq abobql yvfgraf, abobql gevrf gb pbzzhavpngr va gur jnlf gung ur fgvyy pna.
ohg gur fnzr pbhyq or fnvq bs gur jnl ur gerngf naln cbfg-pbasrffvba, cer-penfu. vg'f arire "jung qb lbh jnag gb qb nobhg guvf?", vg'f "lbh fubhyq unir pbzr gb zr! v'yy gnyx gb uvz, v'ir xabja uvz sbe n ybat gvzr. guvf vf ab ernfba gb jnag gb uheg lbhefrys. jul qvqa'g lbh jnvg sbe zr gb gnyx gb uvz jvgu lbh??? jurer qvq ur tb??? v'yy svaq uvz!!!" orsber qbvat Abguvat naq gnxvat AB erfcbafvovyvgl. rira va gubfr svany zbzragf orsber ur gnxrf gur shyy oehag bs gur penfu, vg'f fgvyy "v qvqa'g zrna sbe lbh gb qb GUVF!!" nsgre ur unq whfg. yrg wvzzl tb jvgu mreb ercebnpu nsgre qnevat gb fhttrfg n znff fhvpvqr gb nibvq gnxvat erfcbafvovyvgl.
ur'f gur bccbfvgr fvqr bs gur fnzr pbva nf wvzzl. ur vfa'g nffnhygvat nalbar, ohg ur qbrfa'g gnxr erfcbafvovyvgl sbe nffnhyg gung unccraf haqre uvf jngpu naq ng zvavzhz cebgrpg gur ivpgvzf. ur'f avpr, ohg ur gharf ivpgvzf bhg va beqre gb xrrc gur crnpr jvgu uvf ohqql cny sevraq. ur xabjf orggre guna nalbar ryfr, ur qbrfa'g arrq vachg, ur'f gur bar va punetr, gurl fubhyq unir pbzr gb uvz, ur fhhheryl jbhyq unir qbar nalguvat arprffnel, ab lbh pna'g qrsraq lbhefrys op jr pna'g chg zl ohqql cny sevraq va n ihyarenoyr fvghngvba yvxr gur bar ur chg lbh va. v xabj v'z pncnoyr bs svaqvat n cbfvgvba jvgu orggre ynqqref (naq zber cbjre), ohg gur snyy jbhyq or qrinfgngvat vs v shpxrq hc va gur fznyyrfg jnl. v'z abg gnxvat cflpu rinyf frevbhfyl, abg orvat ubarfg, gb nibvq uneq qvfphffvbaf naq ihyarenovyvgl naq evfx bs zl pheerag cbfvgvba bs cbjre fyvccvat njnl. rgp rgp rgp.
v fnj bar crefba qvfphffvat pheyl'f naq wvzzl'f zhghny pbqrcraqrapr naq gung ernyyl fhzf vg hc. vg vfa'g arprffnevyl na rdhny eryngvbafuvc, ohg gung'f gehr sebz zhygvcyr natyrf. wvzzl vf ivbyrag naq znavchyngvir, pheyl hfrf uvf fbpvny cbjre gb renfr wvzzl'f ivbyrapr naq znavchyngvba, nyy gb fgnl gbtrgure. "v'ir xabja uvz sbe n ybat gvzr, ur jba'g gel nalguvat jvgu zr." gurl obgu frr n irefvba bs rnpu bgure gung qbrfa'g npghnyyl rkvfg, naq gurl fgevir gb zngpu gubfr vzntvanel svtherf va fbzr jnl.
NALJNL, CBVAG VF, pheyl unf whfg nf zhpu tbvat ba nf wvzzl, whfg n qvssrerag synibe. cbfg-nppvqrag gur cbjre qlanzvpf punatr qenfgvpnyyl, juvpu znxrf guvatf zber pbzcyvpngrq. Ohg. Va Gur Raq. ur'f abg n jvqqyr onol obl cer- be cbfg-nppvqrag; ur'f n tebja shpxvat zna jub'f rkphfrq gur varkphfnoyr sebz uvf sevraq, nyy juvyr vtabevat gur cnva uvf bgure perjzngr vf raqhevat, naq gura jura ur'f fhqqrayl va gung ihyarenoyr cbfvgvba uvzfrys, ur vf FGVYY n tebja shpxvat zna raqhevat havzntvanoyr cnva nf jryy nf culfvpny nohfr sebz gur fnzr crefba ur fuvryqrq orsber. gur oybeob onolsvpngvba bs thl-j-pevzvany-seng-zragnyvgl-ghearq-ivpgvz-bs-ivbyrag-noyrvfg-nohfr znxrf zl oybbq ohea erq ubg. vg'f vashevngvat.
v jba'g rira gbhpu gur "gbkvp lnbv" fuvg. QVF-THF-GNAT. gryy zr lbh unira'g raqherq be orra pybfr gb nalbar jub'f unq gb raqher noyrvfg nohfr sebz fbzrbar lbh be gurl pner nobhg. gryy zr lbh frr qvfnoyrq ccy nf nqbenoyl qrsrafryrffyl frkhnyvmrq bowrpgf ntnvafg crbcyr jub ubyq cbjre bire hf. gryy zr jbzraf' nffnhyg naq fhssrevat vf whfg n onpxqebc sbe n "zber vagrerfgvat qlanzvp" orgjrra gjb fuvggl zra jub ranoyrq / ranpgrq ure nffnhyg. vg'f gur cbjre qlanzvp bs vg nyy. vg'f gur yvgreny bowrpgvsvpngvba. fuhg gur shhhhpx hc.
…………… uryyb vg vf v, gur enzoyre, ernyvmvat v unir, vaqrrq, enzoyrq. cneqba zr! v fvzcyl pna'g fgbc guvaxvat nobhg guvf tnzr, naq vg'f zvkvat hc va zl urnq j vfggit naq fntna unjxr'f ivqrb nobhg rfpncr: gevnffvp unyy va n yvggyr gevnq bs "2024 neg gung unf zrygrq naq er-sbezrq zl oenva zhygvcyr gvzrf". (uvag uvag vs lbh unirag frra gur bgure gjb lbh fubhyq naq gura jr pna enag naq enzoyr gbtrgure cfcfcfcfcf) naljnl! gbbqyr-ybb! [qbrf n yvggyr wvt nf v fybjyl qnapr zl jnl oruvaq gur fgntr phegnvaf naq bhg bs fvtug]
#046 texts#i included a list of cw at the top of the rot13 section#so you only have to worry abt seeing the content spoilers if you actively run this through a decoder if that's a concern.#but uhhhhhhhhhh yeah. can't stop thinking abt this damn game.#still need to play their prev game. it's on my desktop. irl stuff is just too fucking much rn :///#anyway. i can't stop watching more playthroughs (when they don't immediately jump to stuff in the rot13 section)#so it's possible? i'll have more to say in the future. i'm trying to stretch my analysis muscles ig.#it's fun. but also. it's been a long while since i've said things about a fandom Proper. seeing nasty fandom bullshit knocked me out. ugh.
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what if i just un self diagnose with everything except like autism because that's one i probably would be getting tested for if it wasn't a billion moneys . cluster abc more like i don't know i was gonna put something funny but idk what to write . anyways
#➳ the fool speaks#ummmmmmmmmmm#i don't have traits of like#six entire pds#i'm just#silly#and i'm going to therapy anyways so we are resolving the symptoms anyways !!!!!!!!!!#if there's any concern for any pds uhhhhhhhhhh#i'll . get tested . but for now i am just a silly guy i think . a normal little silly guy
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hiiii😊 pretend I didn't randomly dip without warning lmao
#overhearing in the tags bc that's just who I am. Depression mention lollollol#It's very telling that when the going got tough mentally I skedaddled away from tumblr and back into the welcoming arms of Insta lol#We see where my loyalty is😔#Also nsft bc of this next tag lmao#first time (that I'm aware of) where the low mental mood just fcking zapped my libido 😭#Tf do u mean my fav fictional old man isn't greasing my gears rn!!!!????????#An excerpt from my journal ☞#“depression can take my will to live. It can have my energy. But my horny? Fuck off.” So true bestie#I'll uhhhhhhhhhh catch up with everyone later lol Still kinda low energy
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🤍 I have a crush on you
#the inquisitor speaks#I hope this is my wife#hey there nonny#if it's my wife then I'll waggle my eyebrows lovingly in your direction and say I sure hope so#if it's not uhhhhhhhhhh well then it's just awkward
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Wait what
Hi I was today years old when I realized some people truly don’t have to think about every single thing they do. They don’t have to have an imaginary set of rules (I’m not allowed to put on my bra until I’ve brushed my teeth) to function.
#Why is this.... Slightly relatable#“Oh I forgot to brush my teeth..... Eh it's fine I'll do it tomorrow.”#“Oh right I have to drink water.”#*sneeze* “Oh yeah I gotta say the thing (wait is this home/with our Muslim community or am I in public?) Alhumdulila/Bless you!”#“I gotta work...... Fuck stop playing solitaire!!! Work!!!”#“Oh yeah I gotta message my friends.” *Doesn't but is thinking about it*#Hehehe uhhhhhhhhhh#just rebloging
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baizhu save me. save me. save me baizhu
#[🪼] talking#school has been so stressful oh my god#i just uhhhhhhhhhh may or may not have cried#but it's okay#i'll go home and Not be able to rest#for an hour and then work and work#but tonight we'll get to cuddle and everything will be okay . sigh
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So much has changed in just some months... Now Heavy n Medic have INFESTED my LIFE😭 SQJHDJAHD
I WANNA MAIN HEAVYYYY BUT I'M NOT GOOD WITH HEAVYYYY I'M GOOD AT POCKETING HEAVY'S, NOT BEING ONE😭😭😭 Each time I see a Heavy playing sosososo good I go "please... Teach me how to be like u😭", My pronouns are he but not him BC I'LL NEVER BE HIMMM
Anyway I love heavy and heavymedic and medic and emesis blue heavymedic and emesis blue heavy and emesis blue medic
[The uhhhhhhhhhh clean template?? How do u say that idc]
#meet the artist#meet the tf2 artist#deltas yappin#deltas men obssesion#deltas random pencil grabbin#tf2#tf2 medic#tf2 heavy#heavymedic#emesis blue#emesis blue heavy#emesis blue medic#emesis blue heavymedic
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saw your post about the tropical milkweed, and wanted to add that butterfly bush is invasive and bad for our butterflies, despite it's name! it is not a host plant for any of our native species, and attracting them to it does not allow for reproduction. also, it can redirect pollinators from our native plant species, causing ecosystem problems as a whole. i thought this might be useful information for people to know, since the name trips people up and it's still being commonly planted!
Ah yes, this as well!
I do find Butterfly Bush itself a bit frustrating--I know its invasive, but half the time when I'm trying to find an easy-to-reference list of suggested pollinator garden plants, Butterfly Bush is on the list. There's infertile varieties that can't reproduce--but they aren't always labeled as such, and even if you do have a variety that reproduces it's not always in your yard so you're not the one being affected by its spread per-say but it's still affecting the larger local ecosystem.
Though honestly half that problem is with big box stores/nurseries in general. Because sometimes people who want to start a pollinator garden aren't gonna google 'hey what should I put in a pollinator garden?' they just go to their nearest nursery and pick what looks pretty. Or they'll go to said nursery and ask someone working at that nursery what they should plant. And if the person working at that nursery knows a lot about pollinator gardening, that's grand! That's great! But also in either of these situations, if someone goes to a nursery like 'ooh I wanna plant things for butterflies! Oh! Butterfly bush! That's gotta be good for butterflies, right? Let's buy two!' what's gonna stop them? It's not like the nursery employees are gonna go 'uhm madam don't buy this plant that we sell and give us money actually'
And like people'll make the argument that 'oh people should do more research into native plants before they do things!!' or 'oh people should only shop at native plant nurseries how dare they buy from Lowes or Home Depot or Walmart or someplace!' but I cannot emphasize enough how much a lot of people A: don't even know or have heard of the concept of native vs invasive plants let alone would think to google that or B: are just busy and impulsive, and then also C: are not lucky enough to have the greatest native nurseries in the state down the street
Like invisible hand of the market convincing stores to stop selling invasive plants is not how things work that's never how things have worked that's like expecting the invisible hand of the market to convince manufacturers to use less plastic or treat chickens better.
I have gotten off topic. Butterfly bush also bad yes. Maybe I'll make a post that's like 'ooooh here are a big list of plants to avoid putting in your pollinator garden' or something but the funky thing about that is it'd also vary depending on where you are? Like I only know about the states and even then you've got some plants that are native in some parts of the states that you really shouldn't fucking plant like 2 or 3 states over, yknow?
Uhhhhhhhhhh im shutting up now
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cracks back
Commissions are closed!
(extra characters +25% $)
I also do sketch pages!!
I only take Cashapp rn!! sorry ($NTLS24722)
EDIT: If you can dm me a screenshot of your donation to a Palestinian gofundme verified by 90-ghost, nabulsi, ibitisams, fairuzfan or el-shab-hussein, I will give you an art piece according to your donation, outlined above.
I can do:
Landscape bgs
Mecha/Androids (as long as the ref provides it)
Furries (Feral or Anthro)
Gore (as long as it isn't... fetish art)
Body horror
Semi-cartoony portraits
Selfship/any shipart really (as long as it's legal or isn't incest don't play with me proshippers)
I cannot do:
NSFW/sexual art
uhhhhhhhhhh fetish art ig
Racist/Ableist/LGBTQ+phobic imagery
Realism/realistic portraits
Examples of sketches (p much just lineart with a diff, softer brush)
Examples of lineart + flats:
Examples of paintings:
Please DM me for more details on here!
I'd uhh like to be paid upfront but I'll give full refunds if I don't finish your commission in time! (10 days) I'll send you every step (sketch, coloring, rendering) and you can ask for as many changes to things as you want!
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Out of curiosity, what are your sexuality headcanons for everyone? I don’t know if you’ve addressed this before but I was in the same boat as Kendra assuming Casey was gay
idk everyones a lil fruity so i'll just say bisexual all of them
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So I've had a LOT of thoughts lately about the es/ls verse and just samdean as a whole, and I want to send SO MANY ideas to yall about them, but I don't want to spam your ask box so I'll just send this one FOR NOW.(I'm sorry in advance for the asks you'll eventually get coming from me lol, I've just got the brain rot(tm))
So, Nsfw Foursome idea, ls!Sam fucking es!Dean from behind IN FRONT OF es!Sam(after they've confessed to each other ofc). At this point es!Sam ahs only ever been fucked by es!Dean, so he's never seen this side of him. And so es!Sam is super turned on but also like, very jealous(and surprised cause Dean loooves taking it and is super pretty like this. Who knew his brother could make those sounds?)
And es!Dean is lowkey ashamed/embarrassed to show this part of himself to es!Sam because he's still supposed to be the big man and sam is his baby! Hes supposed to be the one begging and crying! Hes not supposed to see Deanlike this! So he's all red faced and panting, and hey, maybe even crying a bit. But he's also like, SO turned on.
Idk where ls!Dean would be during this, probably either holding es!Sam back and teasing him while he forces him to watch the other two without doing anything, or also fucking him in the same position so the two younger versions of themselves are facing each other.
Bonus idea: Ls!Dean being the one to fuck his younger self, which somehow makes es!Dean even MORE ashamed and embarrassed, and ls!Sam holding es!Sam back instead, teasing him while not letting him do anything about it, which makes es!Sam even MORE desperate and angry, but also...it kind of turns him on. Plus es!Sam wouldn't know if he should be jealous or not because they're *both* Dean, and its hot seeing him in both the dominant and submissive position at the same time, but also *thats his dean! Get away! He should be fucking him!*
Either way, throw in a few angrily horny comments from es!Sam and a few teary/moaning "I'm sorry sammy" from es!Dean as he literally loses his mind to pleasure, feeling ashamed/embarrassed that Sam is seeing him like this, and you've got a recipe for a scene I'd be giggling and kicking my feet to.
In the end their old selves would probably feel too bad to keep up the teasing, so they'd eventually let their younger selves lunge at each other at some point to make out or something lol.
(Also es!Sam seeing es!Dean being submissive for the very first time and being obsessed?👀)
There's just SO MUCH potential here.
Sorry for the sudden smut, I just thought you might enjoy lol.
hi, friend!!!!!
thank you for being so patient with me!! PLEASE spam our inbox omg--i ADORE to hear what you're thinking/what you've got cooking! and EEEE let's talk about it!!!!!!!! nsfw below the cut (and above it, lol)!
LS!Sam topping ES!Dean
LS!Dean biting marks into ES!Sam while he watches ES!Dean get his shoulders shoved forward so he's bent forward, perfect so ES!Sam can see every single thing happening on his face as LS!Sam's huge fingers open him for the first time. ES!Dean turning bright red but bucking back on LS!Sam's fingers because FUCK and his eyes roll back into his head a little and he's gasping and panting when LS!Sam finally puts the fat head of his dick right at his ass, about to push in.
ES!Sam watches ES!Dean take every inch, how much he shoves himself back against LS!Sam, how much he's begging for it. ES!Dean can't look him in the eyes. maybe he even begs "sammy look away" but ES!Sam is riveted watching him being taken apart.
ES!Sam knew ES!Dean was pretty but he didn't realize how quite fucking pretty ES!Dean is when he's begging. and ES!Dean--even though the humiliation of it is almost too much--cannot HANDLE how big LS!Sam is and how fucking hot it is to watch ES!Sam want to reach out but not being able to. to watch him fall apart from just watching ES!Dean.
ES!SAM&DEAN MAKING OUT WHILE THEIR OLDER SELVES FUCK THEM!!!!!!!! UHHHHHHHHHH. ES!Sam holding on for dear life while LS!Dean slams their hips together, punching noises out of ES!Sam who's scrabbling for purchase on the bedsheets, nails finally sinking into ES!Dean's arm who is being systematically taken apart with slow, dragging, precise thrusts that have him completely loose and begging at the same time. ES!Sam grabbing ES!Dean's tear-streaked face and slamming their mouths together, spit sliding out of mouths as their disparate paces keep trying to drag their mouths apart. ES!Dean begging sam for release and ES!Sam can barely hear him but his brain is screaming because surely dean is talking to him, and he begs dean behind him to go deeper, and now they're just begging into each other's open mouths.
2. LS!Dean topping ES!Dean
YES!!!!!!! the first foursome thing i wrote for them plays into this because it's SUCH a fun concept to me. radical self-love, lol. LS!Dean sees it as a form of domination/emasculation, but you cannot tell me any dean would not find fucking his clone a little hot. it starts as a power play but it ends in a weird emotional space when ES!Dean is trying to prove himself and LS!Dean immediately recognizes it for the nerves it belies. LS!Dean knowing exactly how to fuck ES!Dean up, exactly how close he is to coming and just keeps pushing him right up to that edge and back, and back, and back.
LS!Sam has ES!Sam's back pressed against his chest, so ES!Sam can see exactly how ES!Dean likes to get fucked. slow hand on his dick, just a hand cupping him and not doing a lot else, maybe a stroke every dozen seconds that is just-this-side-of-too-hard that has ES!Sam's vision going white. LS!Sam spilling filth right in ES!Sam's ear, hot and heavy and ES!Sam can feel his wet breath, close enough to kiss.
also you're so right, ES!Sam seeing ES!Dean's veneer and shiny-big-brother-routine get rubbed off with LS!Sam's huge fucking hands or LS!Dean's teeth leaving dark splotches already blooming on ES!Dean's freckled skin?? he's obsessed. seeing ES!Dean get dissolved into a cock-hungry, empty little vessel with big teary eyes and plump, pink mouth hanging open??? YUP. ES!Sam is watching it like he's watching the creation of the universe.
BTW: "i'm sorry sammy" launched me out of a fucking rocket. i can't even add anything because YES!!!! YUP!!!! MHMM!!!!!! /!!*(!UHEWIGF
FUCK can i tag your ask in our "fave" folder, lol?? this concept, and your writing (!!!!!!!!) is SO GOOD!!!!! GAH!!!! buying you a dozen roses.
THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK! and seriously, drop in any time!! it always makes me happy to see your name in our notifs! :)
-lizzy <333
(ES/LS verse masterlist/explanation here)
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Alright Intro 2 Electric Boogaloo
Alright gang my name's Kai (or Kaiden, if you wanna be official or something) and I post really random shit that y'all apparently like.
I use exclusively he/him pronouns and I'm a minor
My asks are always open, I love answering them so feel free to ask some silly questions or send me art requests and stuff. I love doing them and it gives me an excuse to improve my drawing and stuff
Interests! (purple highlights are my mains atm)
Starcanwrecked (Spies Are Forever specifically)
Kingdom Hearts
The World Ends With You
Epic Mickey
The Art Of Murder
Other musicals (ask. PLEASEEEEE)
@ask-agentscurtandowen <- Curtwen ask blog
@hetookthewoodblockinthedivorce <- Storyblock ask blog with @orangeslikesbread (he's amazing btw follow him or else)
@yourfavschappellroansong <- A blog dedicated to deciding what a characters favorite Chappell Roan song would be
@lawrencewilderanswers <- Saf oc blog! Ask me about him! <3
@confession-of-the-heart <- Kingdom Hearts confession blog
sw-5273-9425-2615 <- switch friend code! I mostly play smash bros and splatoon but I have other games too
#Kaiedits <- my edits!
#queue still don’t see do you curt <- my queue tag :D
#kai writes shit <- writing tag
#kairying in here <- vent tag (if you’re going to unfollow me because I’m venting, just block this)
#maze likes corn <- cat posts
#kai is gay <- horny posting/replying to horny asks
Taken anon markers <- <3, 🦕, 🧊, 🦈, 🐧, 🍆, 🐑
I'm normally not someone who will follow you first, but I'll likely follow you back if I like your posts
I have semi-frequent outbursts where I just vent for hours and in that time I will probably be an asshole, I apologize in advance and will send you an apology the next day if I say something rude and out of pocket
Tag me in Wilbur Cross posts, Curtwen posts, Storyblock posts or just any posts that you think I'd like
Uhhhhhhhhhh something something once a spy always a spy Mickey it's Riku they put bugs in him can I shit or will I drown?
My pronouns page :)
My ao3 <3
Accidental creator/cocreator of:
Saf the world ends with you au
Spying in Wonderland (saf Alice in Wonderland au)
Transgender ACM Modern AU
Spydom Hearts (All my saf kh aus)
The kh worst live action cast (post)
Bracelet, edit, drabble, moodboard, and art requests are open!
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sorry to bother - im trying to figure out how to work with plot flags in frosty editor for dav, and i know you 1. made the bi cassandra mod (my beloved) 2. make modding tutorials. any chance of seeing a tutorial for how you did it? only if it wouldnt be too much trouble!
Well believe it or not, I didn't make Bi Cass in Frosty. I made it with DAI Modding Tool and a hex editor. I don't recommend it. ;)
While the details change between games, the general structure of a conversation (child or linked lines, conditions, actions) really doesn't, so I am going to recommend you check out the first two parts of my Dialogue Modding Tutorial. It was written specifically for Origins and DA2 but the basic overview is largely applicable.
The exact structure of plot flags IS something that differs slightly between the Eclipse engine games and Frostbite games, although their purpose is still the same. Iirc plot flags in Inq and Andromeda each have their own GUID (unique identifier) rather than being a GUID+int pair. They also have counters, sometimes, rather than always being boolean (true/false). And a lot of the time rather than referencing individual plot flags, conversations will reference plot schematics, which are a separate file that can compare the results of multiple flags and other variables. They're a lot like defined flags in the Eclipse games.
Uhhhh in my limited experience making romance mods for Inq and Andromeda, the exact plot flags and plot schematics involved were all very easy to work with, mostly with human readable names and everything, which is always a plus. Other plot flags were uhhhhhhhhhh not always nearly so nice, so it's kind of luck of the draw there.
I don't know if there is anything of use to you in these two other asks I've answered about Frostbite modding but I'll link them anyway just in case: On dialogue modding, and on war table missions. (I never did end up writing that tutorial I mentioned in that one post because I quit Frostbite modding shortly after. Nothing against Frosty editor, however, it's a very good tool and easy to work with.)
If you need any other specific help with Frosty or Veilguard, your best bet is going to be found on Discord. I have links to some servers in my pinned faq.
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*The Button House Gang (minus Fanny and Mary as they're not watching the show due to what the programme's about), with Alison and Mike present of course, are currently watching Monty Python's Flying Circus together.*
Captain: Honestly, Patrick, I really don't get the appeal of this "Montgomery Python". Honestly, it's clearly too crude for my tast-
*sees Graham Chapman being casually dashing*
Captain: *starts internally drooling and has lovesick puppy eyes starting to enlarge on his face due to the shear BEAUTY of the man that is Graham Chapman*
uhhh...oh my....uhhhhhhhhhh.......
*still with his eyes fixed on the programme and chuckling at the jokes, as he passively asks the Captain about his question*
Hohohohehe...yeah, now THAT'S a classic! Anyway, uh-what were you gonna say, Cap?
Captain: oh..um, nothing, nothing! Just err-i -um-i-iii-i- I think I'll continue watching "Montgomery Python's Flying...Circus"!
*Cap says quietly under his breath but drools off as he's still fixed on the handsome Graham Chapman on the TV screen*
.....even if...it's..too...crude and..silly..for me...
#bbc ghosts#bbc ghosts incorrect quotes#pat butcher#the captain#monty python#monty python's flying circus#graham chapman#jim howick#ben willbond#BBC Ghosts x Monty Python crossover#the six idiots#themthere
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @esmealux ❤️❤️
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 29 works on AO3. I've been working on a new Lucifer fic for the past 2 years on and off (mostly off) and that'll be my 30th on the site. However, I do have 63 works on ff.net (29 of them are the same) from various fandoms.
What's your total AO3 word count? As of right now, I have a word count of 179,925 words on AO3. I know that total is sometimes some writers' word count for a single fic. ;)
What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, it's mainly Lucifer (and Supernatural). I've been writing fanfics since I was a sophomore in high school. On ff.net I have written for (in no particular order): Bewitched, The Big Bang Theory, Castle, Doctor Who, Forever, Heroes, Jimmy Neutron, Lucifer, Smallville, Supernatural, Timeless, and Will & Grace.
Top five fics by kudos:
The More Things Change... (Lucifer): 1,090 kudos
Been Down This Road Before (Supernatural): 621 kudos
A Unique Guilt Trip (Lucifer): 548 kudos
Trick-Or-Treating Revelations (Lucifer): 543 kudos
Thanks For Listening (Lucifer): 449 kudos
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to respond to every comment if I can... at least on AO3.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't actually write angsty endings. All my fics have happy endings actually. ❤️
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, wow. Since all my fics have happy endings, it's hard to choose just one... for the ones I wrote over a decade ago, honestly, I can't remember... LOL. Read them if you so choose and pick your own. ;)
Do you get hate on fics?
I would get hate on fics on ff.net but thankfully (not so far) on AO3. When I first started writing fanfics, I interpreted some helpful advice AS hate, but it really wasn't. Thankfully the response is mostly positive on my writing. Sometimes I'll still get some "hate" on ff.net, but I still feel an obligation to post there for consistency since I cross-posted since getting an AO3 account.
Do you write smut?
No. (But I read it).
Craziest crossover:
The only crossover I have written was a Castle & Forever crossover that can be found on ff.net and AO3 called Ties That Bind.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think somebody wanted to translate one of my older Smallville fics back in the day. Honestly, I can't remember which one or if it came to fruition.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not to my memory, but I used to beta all the time for Smallville. And I was a "consultant" on a fanfic on AO3 from a friend for a Forever and Quantum Leap crossover fic. Plus, I bounce ideas off with fandom friends in the Lucifer fanfiction world. ❤️
All time favorite ship?
Uhhhhhhhhhh... I can't say an all-time favorite ship because I love all of my ships equally. But I'll settle for my top two: Clois (Clark Kent and Lois Lane) and Deckerstar (Chloe Decker and Lucifer Morningstar).
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I've had a WIP for Sherlock/Sherlolly in my documents for quite a few years. It's a time travel one where Sherlock from post S4 gets sent back to the time between the end of S1 & beginning of S2. I don't think that one is ever gonna be finished to be honest. I never post fics until they're finished anyway, so at least there won't be anybody disappointed. ;)
What are your writing strengths?
I try to pride myself on the characters being written in-character - where the reader can actually picture the actor's expressions, mannerisms, etc - like they're watching an episode. Dialogue is definitely where I excel.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I really suck at descriptions. I'm not gonna lie. I have tried to work on setting the scene and character movements, etc but I still struggle with those factors.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'm not really great at it. If the character is known to say words or phrases in another language, I might write it in a few times, but nothing that needs a long translation.
First fandom you wrote in?
Jimmy Neutron (on ff.net) when I was about 16 years old.
Favorite fic you've written?
I have a few, but honestly I'm more proud of my Lucifer stories and my one Supernatural story, so I'd have to go with a tie between my first ever Lucifer fic: The More Things Change... and my Supernatural fic: Been Down This Road Before. And right now the Lucifer fic I've been working on for 2 years is quickly becoming a favorite too. LOL. We'll see if people like it once I've finished it and started posting. ❤️
Tagging a few of my fandom friends: @my-crazy-awesome-sox, @mightbeawriter, @wendeckerstart, @kaykat666, @thewollfgang and anyone else who wants to or feels inclined to do it! And to those that I tagged, please don't feel obliged to do it. Love oo!! ❤️
#Fanfiction#AO3#Writing#Reading#ff.net#Personal#This was fun#I like doing things like this every once and awhile
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