#i'll have a fe verse later!
theothervonkarmagirl · 10 months
The products of Maria's various ships on this blog! Some babies are canon, some are not, and some are more prominent than others (and this list will inevitably grow sigh), but I love all of them!
I'll keep it basic so it won't be a novel, but you can ask about them if you want!
CLARA (the OG)
Father: Maria's Unnamed Ex-Husband (Prosecutor!Verse), Leo (FE!Verse (when she's married to Leo), KNY!Verse)
Stepfather: Simon (@risingshine )
((I won't rehash her bio and personality since she has a page already! Go check it out~))
Father: Klavier (@legalbrats)
Bio: Maria and Klavier's oldest child. She caused quite a stir among Gavinners fans when she was born. She's played the guitar and volleyball since she was a young child. How does a teenager rebel against parents as over-the-top as Maria and Klavier? By being as basic as possible. Santana went to great lengths to fit in as much as she could, which caused her parents great distress. In her spare time, she composes and posts songs on social media.
Personality: Santana is kind, sunny, and strong-willed. She is protective of her siblings and likes having lots of friends. Like her parents, she can be dramatic when bad things happen, and very flirty.
Physical Appearance: Blonde hair. A lovely smile. Powerful legs.
Father: Klavier (@legalbrats)
Bio: The second child of three, unlike her sister, she tries hard to stand out. She sings very well, and as she gets older, she becomes interested in charity work. Is known for making nasty faces at paparazzi. She often wonders if she should go into law, too.
Personality: Nyx likes to appear tough, but she is actually a big baby. She'll say "whatever" and then cry to her parents later. She is compassionate and artistic, and a little mischievous.
Physical Appearance: Her ears stick out a bit. Colored highlights. Likes leather jackets.
Father: Klavier (@legalbrats)
Bio: The youngest, and the only boy. He and his sisters are very close. He tagged along to one of Santana's ballet lessons when he was small and he loved it. He danced until middle school, where he was picked on for it. In college, he rediscovered his love for dance and continued. He wants to be a movie star, too.
Personality: He's passionate and confident, but he can be arrogant and shallow. In terms of self-improvement, he's unstoppable. When his ego is bruised, though, he'll spiral until someone reassures him.
Physical Appearance: Klavier's clone. He works out a lot. Has dimples.
Father: Takumi (@fjinyumi )
Bio: Maria and Takumi's long-awaited son, who was placed in a Deeprealm(a pocket dimension) when he was nearly kidnapped as a baby. He reunited with his parents during the war, and he enjoys hunting, where he can put his incredible eyesight to good use. Although he is a prince, he dislikes fancy clothes and prefers that people speak casually to him.
Personality: He's friendly and fun-loving and doesn't sweat the small stuff. He can be stubborn and very messy, though. Like biohazard messy. He often puts hunting before his studies.
Physical Appearance: Here he is!
Father: Kaneda (@sayonaradumbass)
Bio: Born in a timeline where Tetsuo did not get up to his Tetsuo business, and to the sheer horror of Maria's father. Her mom is a prosecutor turned fashion consultant and her dad owns a bike garage. Since her mother works crazy hours, she is often in the care of Kaneda, who is definitely the more lax parent. When she gets older, she becomes a punk, and Maria absolutely cannot stand it.
Personality: Shouko is outgoing and curious and a bit of a showoff. She loves to talk to new people. She goes to private school but she can be hood af and is not afraid to stomp somebody, which often gets her in trouble.
Physical Appearance: Fluffy eyebrows. Poofy cheeks. Her hair started out light but darkened as she got older.
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darkmasterzorku · 11 months
Shadow Self
Alias: Crow, formerly known as "Little Zork" in some circles.
Age: 21+
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Ace
Mbti & Enneagram: ISTP, 8w7 sx/so
ISTP function stack is Ti Se Ni Fe. Adapt as well as plan. Leaving options open to adapt frameworks. Dexterous. Logical. Consise. Cuts to the chase. Chances are, you'll see that in the writing.
8w7 sx/so: willing to take risks, flexible, social-antisocial, protective.
Status: Unavailable; taken and not looking.
Experience: Almost 20yrs role-playing this bastard. Probably too long but... eh. Oh well. Bakura is my longest-running muse and is deeply special to me. I picked him up allll the way back in 2004 or so.
I am well versed in RPGs and board games in general, too, which is why I picked up this muse in the first place. It started as a joke between friends, making posts and comments to them IC during DnD sessions or other games and years later I'm still here though I've moved sites and blogs many many many times. Much like this muse, I'm hard to get rid of in that sense, because I also jump 'hosts.'
So any background and whatever else involved with this character has been around almost as long as I've been doing this. So it's very very very unlikely I've stolen anything from anyone. Mine has always been more 'Zorku' heavy because I've read the manga first, and watched the original non-dubbed series.
Other: I tend to play around with graphics, too. Edits here were done by me. I could do way more, sure, but I like simplicity over fancy. Because I'm lazy peculiar about my time. I can also draw, etc, if I feel the desire to.
Etc: I don't have any triggers, but I do ask for respect to understand that I am 21+ and I won't tolerate anyone lying about their age. I'm just here to write. If I don't vibe with anything personally, I'll let you know right off. I'm very blunt and forward on how I feel. You won't have to second-guess.
Interests: Writing, history, mythology, cryptids, occult, hieroglyphics, carnivore plants, herbology and dead languages.
FC: Vivia Twilight from Raincode
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misnaech · 5 years
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      ❛   ...   you wouldn't  believe me if i told you.   ❜
@soulsoftened  ♡’d
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summonersupport-a · 6 years
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guess who’s i’m moving over here
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jade4813 · 5 years
So, basically you're saying they're keeping DP around due to the cronyism that got her hired and because they think writing for the title character, Barry, is boring now? Well, all of those people need to leave then! Were those first showrunners of Smallville fired or pushed to leave? And why would the WB allow irrelevant characters to damage both shows? I'll even add how Fe ruined Error. Same m.o. Made up or est. character from another hero's story who's white, nerdy, and bland.
I think a lot of times, it seems like CW shows are unwilling to let people go who have been around for a few years, even when it would help the show to move on. I’m sure when you’ve worked with someone for several years and they’re nice and friendly (to you, at least), you like want them and don’t want to write them off before they want to leave (essentially firing them). I don’t know that it never happens - I don’t watch a lot of CW shows - but the CW seems more reluctant to get rid of longer-running actors than other networks or shows I’ve seen.
As for the show runners... I’m not talking about Eric. As far as I can tell from interviews, he does seem more interested in Barry’s story than we’ve seen in the last two years. I don’t know if AJK or TH admitted for finding Barry boring in the same way that AlMiles said they’d always found Superman to be a boring character. But I think it’s pretty apparent in how Barry was treated in S4. And even in S5, IMO. I remember at one point last year wondering - outside of explaining why Barry’s gone and Nora had powers, how much did it really matter that Barry was the Flash? How much was S5 about Barry’s growth versus, say, Nora’s? I know some don’t agree with my assessment of S5, but I certainly didn’t feel the compelling interest in his character in the writing last year. But unless TH comes out and talks about his perception of the character as AlMiles did, we may never know for sure.
As for why the show runner’s left Smallville...depends who you ask, I suppose. They left when KK did, and they clearly saw the show as the telling of the tragic romance between Clark and Lana. So maybe they decided to leave with her. But at least one article back then claimed “inside sources” said they left because of friction with the cast, specifically Welling. That Welling was burned out and unhappy with the writing for his character and he kept talking about wanting to quit. But the WB made boatloads is money from the show and were determined to go 10 years. So they got rid of the original show runner(s) because of friction between them and Welling. Other sources claimed it was due to budget cuts. So who knows?
I will say that four show runners stepped in after AlMiles left to helm the show. And after the debacle of S8, which left almost every group in fandom alienated and enraged, it was announced two would be leaving for another show. Voluntarily, or at the behest of TPTB? Again, depends who you believe. We do know that the president of the WB sat in on contract negotiations with Welling to make sure he got what he wanted to renew his contract. Which reportedly included the show runners laying out exactly what his story would be in S9.
As for why the WB let them do what all they did...well, they made it very clear back then that they considered the show to be an “Elseworlds” AU. That it was its own thing, that had no impact on their comic or cinematic universes. And my understanding is that WB is now and always has been VERY compartmentalized, with movies kept distinct from TV kept distinct from comics, etc. (It’s part of why they tend to remove rights from TV shows to use characters when they’re going to be used in movies - with the only real exception so far being Flash because they can’t write him out for the movies without ending the show. At least to my understanding of how they run things.)
I think they kept that same “hands off” mentality with the current ‘verse was launched. However, with Johns making his displeasure over some of the choices made known (specifically the treatment of BC), I wonder if they are more hands on with shows launched now and in the future. But I suspect it’s hard to retroactively evert more control. I’d have to ask my brother (since he worked in TV for a few years), but just thinking from a contract standpoint. If you sign over rights to use characters with the only restrictions being X and Y, you may not really be able to go in later and add a new restriction Z. At least not easily. And because of the compartmentalization, I think WB really does want to more or less let the shows have the creative freedom to do what they want to do. As long as the shows make them the money they expect to make from them, I think they prefer to take a stance of noninterference. But if that gets needlessly put in jeopardy (as happened with Smallville), we might see them more willing to step in, like they did with Welling. Because they were DETERMINED to get 10 seasons out of a show that was very lucrative for them.
However, as licenses for characters are handed out post-BC being killed off, I’d be curious to watch and get a sense if they’re tightening restrictions at all. Flash was licensed before that happened, though, so I don’t think you’d see any difference there.
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The big things
Yesterday's events deserve a space in my memory. There is a big possibility I will forget but I hope I never would. That's why I'll do my best to record the things that made yesterday a great day, a day to remember.
Right from the start, it was right. Blessed day. I woke up, for the first time in a while, before my first alarm sets off. My alarms were set at 4AM, 4:30AM, and 5AM. My appointment for the day required me to travel not later than 5:30. Being someone who rarely sleeps early recently, I feared that I won't wake up on time and consequently miss my appointment.
However, God answered my prayer, one I made before sleeping aftwr midnight. Indeed, a miracle. First of the day.
I initially planned of getting up immediately. Although I woke up earlier than my alarm and was pretty happy and thankful about it, there's no mistake that I am still a little tired and sleepy for being able to sleep late. I took a couple of minutes to just lay down, pray and thank God, listen to worship songs, and read the verse of the day and my intended devotion.
The verse of the day already gave me strength. It says,
"no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord ."
Isaiah 54:17 ESV
Vindication from the Lord.
It made me think. God made it clear to me that day that I have already been renewed, cleared from any past that I may regret or condemn myself with.
I knew that I will succeed that day but there's still fear inside me. Playing the worship songs, I tried to release my fear and listen to the lyrics. Then I went on to read the whole chapter instead. I usually just read the verse of the day and then continue on to my regular devotion.
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His Words reassured me through and through.
I am strong. Although I felt nervous, I knew that God is my strength.
I got downstairs and went on to prepare for the day. However, I did it 30mins later than what I had planned. I ended up leaving the house at ten minutes past six. I little bit frustrated, I even talked harshly with my dad when he tried to give suggestions on how I should get there. I truly regret this and I am sorry.
I got on the bus 1 hour after my schedule. I am running late, I thought. I didn't want to ruin the day by being late but there I was standing inside a packed bus, only 2 and a half hours before my appointment.
But God reminded me that He got me. I claimed that I will be at the bus station after an hour.
That was impossible, if you understand our transportation system and the traffic situation in the city. But I held on.
God can do impossible things.
Someone reserved a seat for me when someone got off the bus.
Arrived before time.
Successfully boarded the bus and arrived at the appointment with enough time to refresh.
Friendly staff.
Ms Andi's smile.
When I was getting discouraged, that's when God sent beautiful things to notice.
A pregnant woman gave me a space in the pole to hold on to in the train.
I got a seat next.
When I was getting tired because of my uncomfortable footwear and when I was getting discouraged again by my presentation, God reminded me of a beautiful promise - that when I accepted redemption by his sacrifice on the cross for my sins, He promised to be with me; that although I actively withdraw my hand from His love, He wouldn't let go of mine.
Just as in Isaiah 54:10.
Sent the janitor to inform me where the actual department is when I was about to give up on the thing I went there for.
Gave hope for an alternative course of action.
Sent an air-conditioned transportation to the station where I was able to rest a bit. My left foot was getting blisters and I was soaked in sweat. So, that was a perfect rest.
I was getting really tired because of walking in heels. Additionally, I am becoming very hot because I'm wearing long sleeves on a hot day. It was getting really hard not to complain. In fact, I've said a few complaints already by that time.
But God reminded me of what my focus should be when I saw a young highschool boy gave up his seat in the train for an old lady. God specifically showed me the smile that they exchanged. It was pure joy. The joy of helping and receiving help.
I want to stamp that in my heart. It would be something that will give joy to me always.
Got off the train after 2 stations and started walking again. My foot became worse every step and the pain was becoming unbearable.
Then I saw that I still am a long way from the bus station. A fe blocks becomes a really long way for someone who is about to strain legs and has a blistered foot.
I kept on walking but with a grumbling heart. It wasn't much grumbling but I still complained in my heart how the streets are so dirty, that they are so crowded, and that I had to walk so far against the traffic flow.
Then as I looked at the side of the street, between the outside structural posts of the market along my left side, I saw the most genuine smile I've seen from someone I don't know.
An old rugged man wearing a gray bonnet with crooked yellow disappearing teeth smiled like he had everything he wanted in life. That smile was like that of someone achieved his dream. Until now it gave me warmth in my heart and tears in my eyes.
The Lord is good.
When I looked more intently as I pass by, I saw that he was playing a board game which seems to be chess or checkers but with plastic bottle caps as the pieces and a made-up lined board.
Indeed, one can be truly happy in any circumstance.
After about 10 minutes of walking I arrived at the station, was able to pick a good seat by the window, and treat myself with cold water and chips that I bought from the vendor.
My heart was full with relief and more importantly with the message given by the smiles I've seen from strangers.
But I want to remember that any day, from here on, could be like yesterday.
God gives things that brings joy. I would choose to focus on them. I will acknowledge sorrow but I will not be overcome.
I will always find something to be happy and grateful for for there will always be at least one.
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