#i'll get around to it. i'm bad at reading lsdkjfsldf
xmoonlitxdreamx · 9 months
Rambles from twitter abt thoughts on the ALF section in OW Declassified...? idk if interesting but here ya go
[basically just copied and pasted]
I keep reading the one (1) page on junkers in OW Declassified & having thoughts but idk how to articulate them.....???
the main thing is that the text seems to suggest that all junkers are former ALF members, which is. ? kinda strange to me, I didn't think that was the case. I always thought the people affected by the explosion were the omnics who started living near the omnium, members of ALF (since they seized the omnium), and non-ALF civilians who lived in the nearby land (but not the land ceded to omnics).
OW Declassified is "written" by a scholar in the OW universe, so I can't tell if it's supposed to be the in-universe author's feelings of conflating Junkers and ALF; or if writers for Overwatch actually want you, the Overwatch fan, to think that Junkers and ALF are the same thing.
Personally I think the first interpretation is more interesting, like I can see the rest of the world (including the academic world, like the "author") mentally labeling all Junkers and all people living in the wasteland as "former ALF extremists" so they can just brush the omnium explosion situation under the rug and avoid trying to interact with Junkers or provide any sort of humanitarian aid. Kind of like a "well, they did this to themselves" attitude from the rest of the world.
I think this would also be a justification used by Junkers to antagonize the rest of the world, a la "the world abandoned us when we needed help, and now we hate the world." idk maybe I just like that interpretation bc that's how it comes up in fic and art sometimes LMAO;;
It's just kind of hard to achieve that same sort of tension though if the plot is like
ALF seizes omnium -> omnium explodes -> ALF survivors form Junkertown and are now called Junkers
because it doesn't really leave the same space for Junkers to be betrayed by the outside world. Idk I think I like the Junkers' plot better when it has some blameless victims involved, i just think it's more realistic and has room for angst/tragedy.
Anyway. Ultimately. if the "Junkers = ALF" sentiment in Declassified is intended as "here's how the in-universe world views Junkers in an incomplete/simplified way," that's a pretty interesting way to present that idea.
But if it's the sentiment is intended as "Junkers are all ALF and that's canon" then I think that's kind of sloppy and loses some potential for creating tension between parties.
....anyway that's all. regardless of intention i'm just gonna interpret as the former bc it's more interesting to me LMAO;;
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