#i'll entertain most doctor ships enough to read a few fics but i don't think that's broadly the case anymore
manikas-whims · 3 years
Turmeric Milk
A sequel to my other Kanej fic Holi
[Read on AO3]
Ship: Kaz Brekker X Inej Ghafa
Modern AU
Kaz had told his neighbour Inej that he'd call up his doctor friend to get his wounds treated but she stills decides to check up on him.
And with a weird drink at that..
I've decided to turn this Modern AU into a series.
Hope you enjoy this one as well ♥
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Kaz rouses from his slumber due to the noise of the cellphone buzzing and sits up, accidentally hurting the wound on his chest. He represses a hiss and looks around, finding himself on his living room’s couch. The wall clock that his eyes land on, make him realize its past seven at night. Great, sleeping at odd hours. Pushing off the duvet, he scrambles to his feet, a jolt of ache shooting through his bad leg. Immediately, he seeks purchase in the arm of the couch, taking deep breaths to help himself endure the ache.
His phone buzzes again and he picks it up in annoyance. ‘W. Van Eck’, the screen reads and Kaz sighs, receiving the call.
“What happened?” He grunts out.
He can hear a loud huff from the other end. “You know Kaz, those shouldn't be your words to initiate a phone conversation.”
He rubs his eyes, trying to bite back the string of colorful words at the tip of his cursed tongue. “What do you want, Wylan?”
There’s a long pause. “Jes and I wanted to check up on you.”
“I’m doing quite alright.” He grits out as calmly as possible.
“Listen Kaz, if you need–”
“I’m not a child Wylan. I can take care of myself.” Kaz reminds him. He likes his crew because they do their jobs perfectly well but thats all he expects of them. His health and personal lifestyle is none of their concern.
“..kay, I understand. Rest well.” Wylan mumbles and disconnects the call.
With that, Kaz tosses his cellphone to the couch and limps towards his bedroom. Its about time he takes a much needed bath and orders his dinner.
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By the time he’s done, he changes into another pair of trousers and lets his towel dangle around his neck. There's several drawers in the side rail of his bed. He crouches down to open the middle one and rummages out a first aid kit from within.
Grabbing his cane from the mattress, he walks out to the living room. Immediately his eyes take note of the duvet falling off his couch and the half-filled bottle of brandy but he chooses to ignore them. He’s not in the mood for tidying up. He simply picks up his cellphone and places an order for hutspot from the Kooperom, a diner nearby. It should take around twenty minutes to arrive and as such, he decides to address his injuries.
He sits heavily onto the couch, placing his cane in his lap and pulls out a roll of gauze and a flask of liquid disinfectant. Dousing a cotton pad in the disinfectant, he starts swiping the cut that trails diagonally from the right side of his chest down to his navel, just like he'd done earlier in the morning. That punch to his face had blinded him for a moment and another Razorgull took advantage of that. The teeth of that man’s knife tore so callously through his skin that Kaz winces several times during the whole cleansing. Finally as his hand reaches for the gauze roll, the dinging sound of the doorbell interrupts him.
The food delivery guy can’t make it this quick. A single father and his son run the whole diner by themselves. The thought makes Kaz gaze uncertainly at the door.
The bell rings again and this time Kaz stands up with his cane. He takes slow steps, snaking out a revolver from behind a painting next to the door and then turns the knob.
“Ohh God!” a feminine voice shrieks, making Kaz flinch.
His deep, coffee irises clash with a pair of dark brown ones and he scowls. Its none other than his next-door neighbour— Inej Ghafa. She’s forgone her shimmering traditional garbs and is sporting a set of faded blue silk pajamas. Her long, flowing hair has been pulled together in a single braid. And she has a small jar full of something yellow in her hands.
“The hell!?” He grits out.
She flushes at the sight of his bare torso as she speaks, “I just came by to check up on you.”
Really? Kaz lets out an exasperated sigh and glares at the jar of the unknown yellow. His lips curl in memory of that excessively-sugary Indian sweet that she had shoved in his mouth this morning. He’s not falling for her words again.
Her own eyes follow his and she smiles, lifting the jar higher. “Ah yes! I brought turmeric for you.”
He scrunches his nose in suspicion. “I don’t think I need it.”
She rolls her eyes. “Says the man with a gun.”
Exactly! And she must be scared of this sight. Not strike jokes about it. But he has to admit he’s quite pleased that she’s mentioning the gun instead of commenting on the cane in his other hand. She doesn't even flash a single pitiful glance like the others who come across him do.
“Anyways, may I come in?” She waits patiently.
“For what?” He asks.
“To make you a glass of turmeric milk.” She states, as if its the most normal thing to do for a neighbour.
“Again, I don't need that.” It feels like arguing with a saleswoman.
“But its good for health.” She informs wisely and her eyes stray towards his chest. “And it'll help you heal faster.”
He quirks a brow incredulously. “Fantastic! Just what I needed. Give me the jar and I'll make it myself.”
“Just like you said you'll call you doctor friend?” Her eyes rove pointedly over the injured state of his chest and she shakes her head. “I think I should do this myself.”
Kaz gulps. He knows he will regret this later. Yet something tells him that rejecting her hospitality will only make her more persistent. And its not like his significant belongings just lie around the house. She won’t be able to figure-out anything about him. Yeah but what kind of a sane guy greets a neighbor with a gun? He dismisses the thought instantly. Maybe she’ll just make her energy drink and leave. Maybe she won't consider him a sociopath at all.
“Come in.” He slides the gun in his pocket and opens the door wider.
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Inej neatly puts her slippers in the shoe-rack before following Kaz into the living room. While he resumes his task of bandaging his wound, she watches quietly, making him feel self-conscious for the first time since he was fourteen. Now that he isn’t focused on interrogating her, he is unable to be as nonchalant as he had been minutes ago.
“Your job sure keeps you entertained.” She remarks. “I thought your line of work didn’t allow action to this..severity.”
Kaz regards her curiously. He isn’t sure he’s aware of what she’s talking about. Is she a spy from another rising gang? Is she vaguely suggesting she knows about his position in the Dregs? His hands twitch as they tie the gauze.
“You are a Private Investigator, afterall.” She adds.
Oh. Kaz nods in relief. Of course she's talking about his cover job. She probably learnt this as well from the building management.
“Ye-Yeah..things do get messy sometimes.” He confesses imprecisely and starts returning the disinfectant, cotton pads and the remaining gauze into the kit. He needs a shirt. He's never felt so nervous in a woman's presence.
Thankfully, she ends the awkward moment for the both of them. “I..I should start on that milk. If your apartment has the same layout as mine, the kitchen should be the next room from the gallery?”
He nods once and picks up his cane, heading ahead of her in the direction of his bedroom.
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Upon his return, and with a shirt on, he notices the absence of his brandy from the table. A package with Kooperom's logo sits in its place. His duvet has been folded neatly, resting on one end of the couch. And his neighbor is standing in the center of the living room, a glass of yellowish, creamy liquid in her hand. He’s assuming its the “turmeric milk”.
“So uh..a delivery man came by just as you left.” She gestures to the package and continues, “I’ve put the turmeric jar on your kitchen counter. Just add a spoonful to your milk daily and you'll be back in shape in no time.”
She strides towards him and pushes the glass into his free hand. “Goodnight, Mr. Brekker.”
And just like that..she’s gone. What’s with her swinging by and departing so abruptly?
Kaz locks the door and sits by his folded duvet. Its interesting how she managed to clean this room within the few minutes he was gone.
He unpacks the food, picks up a fork and takes a bite of the meat from the hutspot. Fulfilling as ever. He takes another bite and looks at the glass in his hand. Reluctantly, he brings it to his lips and takes a sip, bracing himself for another weird experience. To his surprise, it tastes alright. And strangely enough, his muscles do ease a bit. Maybe having neighbors isn't all that bad.
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Hutspot: a traditional Dutch dish of potatoes, carrots and onions. Sometimes meat is served as a side dish with it.
Turmeric: a spice regularly used by Indians in their cuisine. Its said to be a natural antiseptic.
Turmeric Milk: drinking milk with turmeric is good for health. even gargling with turmeric water (hot) is good for throat.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading this..:3
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