#i'll be writing and responding to things during breaks and such <33
animehideout · 9 months
Your work is super good! Would it be possible to have the Sfw alphabet for gojo pretty please? Or what he's like when he falls in love and is committed? Whichever you would rather do.
SFW Alphabets For Gojo Satoru ♡
a/n: Thank you Anon for this cute request I really had fun writing this one, I hope you enjoy it <33
Note: I'm working on all the requests so don't worry my loves 🫶🏻🩷
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A: Affection.
( How he shows affection?)
Gojo is openly affectionate, whether in private or public settings, be it during meetings, on the street, or in the presence of his students, colleagues, or even higher-ups. He consistently engages in subtle displays of affection, such as holding hands or loosely wrapping his arms around your shoulder or waist. Indifferent if others are looking, he doesn't mind if your lovey-dovey interactions make others uncomfortable or cringe. Especially at home, he'll latch himself to you as if he were a 6Ft tall koala.
B: Babies.
( Does he want to settle down and start a family?)
Gojo is good with children, he's able of taking care of them financially and never fails in making them laugh with the silly faces he makes. Eventually he likes to get married but he only lives the moment with his partner till both of you are ready to take that step. Satoru doesn't want to rush things concerning kids he would like to have children but that depends on your decision, might also consider adoption if you want kids but don't want to go through pregnancy.
C: Cuddles.
( How does he cuddle you?)
This 6ft giant is definitely the big spoon. Would he crush you with his arms? yes. Would he let go of you once he traps you in his embrace? No. When both of you are cuddling, his strong arms would engulf you and give you all the warmth you need. When he gets home exhausted from work he loves to get babied, he lays his head on your chest, your steady heartbeat soothes him to sleep.
D: Dreams.
(Dreams he wants to achieve with you?)
Gojo is a guy with big dreams, and having a partner makes achieving those dreams even more exciting. He dreams of traveling the world with you, collecting souvenirs from every country and city both of you visit. Probably would make a shelf full of souvenirs collection. Satoru has got a sweet tooth, so he's eager to try the various sweets and pastries from different countries, even planning to make you a sweet tooth too so you can enjoy them together without you complaining that it's too much sugar.
E: Ending.
( What would make him break up with you?)
Cheating is a deal-breaker for him; he would end the relationship immediately. He values himself highly, so if his partner picks someone else, it hurts his dignity and pride. He won't hesitate to break up on the spot and won't give any second chances or even care to listen to explanations or excuses. He sees them as a waste of his precious time and energy. ( who would cheat on Gojo tho🤔? )
F: First Date.
(How did he ask you out? and how it went?)
Confident af yet so laid-back, he'd casually ask you out, assured you won't say no. Being a busy guy, he'd likely do it through a text or call, saying something like, "Hey, wanna go out on date with me? I'll pick you up at 8:00 p.m." Without giving you much chance to respond, you might think it's a simple hangout. Surprise! He takes you to a fancy, high-end restaurant, covering all expenses for your first date and every date thereafter. He's a true gentleman🥹🤌🏻.
G: Gifts.
(What kind of gifts he gives you?)
He likes buying expensive gifts from expensive brands, especially accessories and perfumes, and he does it randomly without occasions, just to spoil you. Spending money on you is like a job for him because he sees it as his duty. However, he doesn't really think about what you might like; instead, he picks things based on what he personally prefers. Surprisingly, you end up liking them because he has good taste 🤌🏻.
H: Hobbies.
(What hobbies he enjoys doing with you?)
Satoru has two main hobbies to do with you; shopping and watching movies. You prefer shopping because when you watch movies, he often spills the beans and gives major spoilers about what happens, making you frustrated with the messed-up order of events, and sometimes canceling your movie night. On the other hand, he enjoys shopping together because he gets a free fashion show from you. Would make you try on various clothes, and he even lets you pick out shoes for him. It's like you both are bees, buzzing around from one store to another, making fun of ugly clothes and having a good time gossiping and judging designers.
I: Impression.
(Your first impression of him?)
You'd be excited to meet the strongest sorcerer, the famous Gojo Satoru that everyone talks about. However, when you see him for the first time, you might be surprised, thinking, "What the heck?". It's hard to believe he's a teacher with significant responsibilities. He appears childish and unserious, He may seem annoying and talkative, mostly bragging about himself, and you could notice him being a disrespectful to older folks. This creates a negative first impression. Yet, as you get to know him better, you'll discover that he's truly wise and responsible, although he does have a hefty ego.
J: Jealousy.
(Is he the jealous type? How does he deal with it?)
Satoru is a chill guy who doesn't easily get jealous or offended. He's confident in how he looks and who he is, believing he's better than other guys out there. If a guy comes up and starts showing off in a not-so-smooth way, he'd mock and tease him, laugh and make fun of him. But if another guy comes along and seems capable, oh boy, he'll go all out to try and make him look small, overshadow, belittle and embarrass him in front of you. Gojo will do whatever it takes to show that he's superior and the perfect match for you.
K: Kisses.
(How does he kiss you?)
He likes giving hugs, but when it comes to daily kisses, he's all about the goofy and playful ones. He plants them all over your face, making a sound like 'MWAH,' even squishing your cheeks and giving them a big ass kiss. He giggles during these kisses and enjoys how you playfully push him away. Annoying you with his love is something he really likes to do.
L: Love Language.
(What is his love language?)
His has two love languages combined; physical touch and giving gifts. He loves having his hands on you, and he's also a fan of PDA ( Public Display of Affection) . He became addicted to your touch, even if it's just a pat on the head. Additionally, he enjoys giving you gifts because 1st, he loves you, 2nd, it's also a way for him to flaunt his wealth.
M: Mornings.
(His mornings with you?)
For a man with heavy responsibilities hanging on his shoulder, he would wake up quite early and you are forced to wake up with him, and the thing is, he doesn't wake you up like normal people do, he would be overly hyped and excited. Would tickle you till you fall off bed, would literally startle you in your sleep with his random tickle attacks. Whines a lot if you refuse to wake up or if you hit him with a pillow. Once you're fully awake he likes to enjoy breakfast with you in the balcony while both of you enrich your bodies with an intake of vitamin D. 🌞
(His nights with you?)
He's a night owl, nah seriously lacking in sleep, yet always full of energy. During the night, he might suggest dining out, but if you're tired, he'd order food delivery and just hang out at home. He'd even join you in your skincare routine, then tucks you to sleep. He watches over you, making sure you're comfy, and only then does he join you in dreamland. He never drifts off before you. 🌌
O: Opressive.
(Is he controlling in a relationship?)
Gojo is super open-minded, values independence, and trusts you a lot. Normally, he's not the controlling type, but when it comes to your safety, oh hell no, he gets strict and over controlling. If there's something risky going on outside, he won't let you take a single step outside the house without him knowing about it.
P: Pet Names.
(His favorite pet names?)
He likes giving you cute, cheesy names in public to make you blush like “Pumpkin spice of my life” or “Cute lemon cupcake”, but mostly calling you “baby”or “babes”. He also enjoys being called by cringy pet names or anything other than his real name. If you ever use his real name, Satoru, he tends to overthink, worrying he might have done something wrong or that you're upset with him.
Q: Qualities.
(His good and bad qualities?)
He's got plenty of great qualities ; responsible, supportive, funny, and attractive, making him total boyfriend material. Like everyone else, he has flaws; he can be really egocentric, always showing off his looks and skills, even though everyone already knows what he's capable of. It's just how he is, but sometimes it might make you feel a bit insecure or less important in the relationship.
R: Rules.
(Do you have any rules in your relationship?)
Rule number 1 : never underestimate him, or he'll break up with you. Rule number 2: trusting each other, is crucial, without it, your relationship could fall apart. Rule number 3: express your feelings openly, give him praise, and shower him with compliments.
S: Sad.
(How he cheers you up when you're sad?)
It can swing either way – he might make you laugh and lift your spirits, or he could say something that deeply offends you. If he's all about you, flirting, tickling, promising your favorite food, and cuddling protectively, he's sure to bring a smile. But, if he cracks just one egocentric, self-absorbed joke, you're gonna snap.
T: Teasing.
(How he teases you?)
Gojo loves to see you mad at him, he finds amusement with your annoyed expressions, that's why he pulls pranks on you so often. After arguments he places things on the higher shelves so he can tease you about your height, tall or short in all cases he looks like a giant next to you “oh can't reach that babes? lucky for you your handsome man is 6ft tall”. Would also make you blush and tease you a lot if he catches you staring at him.
U: Unique.
(Something unique or special about him?)
He's got this adorable habit of doodling, and surprisingly, he has a bunch of markers. He likes doodling on your shoes and phone case. These doodles usually reflect his mood. He's actually quite talented. His drawings often bring a smile to your face or make you laugh.
V: Vulnerability.
(Is he vulnerable in your relationship?)
Being vulnerable is tough for him; it hurts his ego and shatters the image he maintains as the strongest. When he's sad, he avoids letting his facial expressions betray him. Despite trusting you, he prefers to keep his worries to himself, even if it feels overwhelming. When he's emotional, he retreats into solitude, needing time alone with his thoughts until he calms down or figures things out.
W: Wedding.
(How would he propose?)
Even in serious moments like a marriage proposal, he keeps it playful. He might take you to the top of a building at night to enjoy city lights, and then suddenly, he drops the bomb: "I think we shouldn't be dating anymore." It gets super serious; you might even tear up, wondering what went wrong. He silently watches as you bombard him with questions, then out of the blue, he suggests, "Let's get married instead," leaving you completely stunned. With a silly smile, he adds, "Hm so what do you say? I even brought you a ring," pulling out a velvet box from his pocket. He makes up for the scare with a romantic night afterward.
X: Xtra.
(Extra headcanon)
Surprisingly, he enjoys gossiping and spills all the details, especially about those higher-ups. He uses a bunch of curse words and can spend hours talking shit about them and about how much he wants to use his curse technique on them to get rid of them. You often join him in these gossip sessions, especially when someone gets on your nerves.
Y: Yuck.
(Something he hates in general or in you?)
Gojo dislikes weakness, especially in people with potential but are afraid to try or improve themselves. With his strength, weakness irritates him. He hates it when you gives up on something you're good at just because you're anxious or lack self-confidence. He'll go out of his way to try and motivate you and knock some sense into you.
Z: Zoo.
(Does he like pets?)
Gojo is open to the idea of having a pet, like a puppy, because they're energetic and adorable. However, his busy schedule doesn't allow him the time to properly care for it—feeding, showering, and regular walks. But if you insist, he might consider it.
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i absolutely love how you wrote the adonis fic 😭😭 <33 ur writing is just so *chef's kiss*
can i req undead hcs with a s/o who has the same illness as rei?
as always keep up da good work and have an amazing day/night ^^
» u r very sweet as always haha, tysm!! im not sure what rei has in canon, but i wrote this with anemia in mind! enjoy ur day as well & may these headcanons be to ur liking, h4kaze!! ☆
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prompt: an s/o that has the same illness as rei
character(s): rei sakuma, kaoru hakaze, adonis otogari, koga oogami
pairing(s): UNDEAD x gn!reader
warnings: N/A, fluff
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☆ — REi SAKUMA !!
rei is obviously no stranger to this. he's 'been there done that', as they say, and therefore knows how to take care of you quite well, as well as offering advice.
alongside that, you two often help each other out depending on the situation. since you have to deal with it anyway, you might as well do it together.
he usually brings two of everything he needs. for example, during summer, he brings two umbrellas if you or him had to go outside for longer periods.
he makes sure you take breaks often, too. he doesn't want you to overwork yourself, especially if you wear out easily.
rei has apologized to you multiple times if he's ever "too invasive", due to constantly being around you and trying to help you out with everything. he would rather not have you experience the same things he did, even though that was pretty dramatic.
nevertheless, he is a very kind individual and makes sure to show his love in his own ways.
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kaoru wasn't exactly the best at taking care of others, especially someone with such a specific condition. still, you could tell he was trying his best.
he hasn't exactly done much research into it at all, but he probably wouldn't either. he loved you, but unless you sat him down and did it with him, he'd likely get distracted and forget about it completely.
kaoru's known to panic a little when you ask him for help. chances are, he wouldn't know what to do and you'd probably have to explain it to him, even if you're on your last dying breath. not that he wouldn't try to help before that, too.
he regularly carries you around places. it's a lot faster and he has less to worry about if you're with him the whole time. most notably, he often takes you to the infirmary with him.
kaoru uses your condition as an excuse to be around you more often. as your partner, he cares about you and he does insist on spending time with you as often as possible. and he doesn't mind having to help you every so often.
at some point he starts bringing extra money so he can buy you whatever you'd like that'd help you. specifically food and water, but you're known for buying other things, too.
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adonis already knows what to do. he's done enough research before, even going as far as to ask rei a bunch of questions to help him figure out what to do.
he also asks you questions, too, everytime he thinks of a scenario that could happen, he goes to you in order to know what to do in the future.
he's known to carry you around places, too, because he feels bad leaving you all by yourself, even if you're going to be okay.
if it's a particularly hot day, adonis will likely bring water and an umbrella along, though after making sure that it's what you need and won't just be an extra inconvenience (not that he'd mind either way).
he takes great care to be around you at all times. he wants nothing more than to make sure you're safe, because you are his top priority as his significant other.
adonis sends you letters sometimes. he's not good with tech, and although he's very determined to keep learning, he has settled on checking up on you through letters. you don't need to respond, they're just small reminder to take care of yourself and not do anything stupid.
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☆ — KOGA OOGAMi !!
i'll prefix this by saying that koga isn't too sure what he's doing either, but he's mostly following your instructions.
that being said, he likely wouldn't do anything for you if you didn't ask it directly. he cares, but he isn't sure what help is necessary or at all wanted. he'll only step up if he notices you're actively harming yourself.
he did not like asking for help from rei in order to understand what was going on, and he didn't want to embarrass himself around you, either, which is why he went on online forums instead.
that being said, he has been of great help. with how quickly he comes to your aid and how, albeit gradually, learns to understand you and how to help you.
koga has accepted that, even though he enjoys being outside, going out on dates with you is better kept inside, at least during summer. he was bummed out for the first two months and then finally accepted it after you told him that he doesn't have to hang out with you in order to be outside.
he thinks it's funny to call rei infectious because of how similar your condition is, even if he knows that's absolutely not the case.
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necroangelz · 4 months
💉🪽 for ask game :33!!
sorry fur responding to this late!! I'm sorry as well fur anyone who sent 🪽 in my inbox, i haven't had the energy to infodump so I've just put them on hold 😞😞 but I'll get to them slowly!
『 💉 』
a kin memory
sharing a small memory from one of my highest IDs, ocean queen Lizzie from empires SMP season 1! i remember standing on the shores of a sandy beach, feeling the waves wash over my legs, im pretty sure i had already transformed into the axolotl queen by then. it was a bright sunny day and it was peaceful. there were seagulls or something. i was mainly focused on the water, how they looked under the sun, their clearness and tranquility, and how they moved with the waves. back when i used to meditate, id focus on this memory because it brought me a lot of peace and happiness ^_^
『 🪽 』
infodump about an oc
now I will be infodumping about a recent oc i made for a roleplay with my partner and friend! her name is Clarion Aria Usher, or just Aria
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picrew linkie. here's a link to her playlist as well
and YES, i do roleplay, so what!? i love writing, and i love collaborating with my loved ones to create a story together. and for the record, i write about 2-4 or more paragraphs per response, depending on the scene and my mood. so i do some serious writing when i roleplay and it's not just some simple one liners with asterisks.
so the roleplay is basically this zombie apocalypse story, where the zombies are similar to the cordyceps zombies from the last of us (that was my idea hehe) and we're still in the early stages of the apocalypse. like, not everything has been destroyed and abandoned yet, and the government is still a thing and they're still trying to maintain control, but they won't be able to keep up a facade of control any longer.
I'm also going to quickly mention Aria's inspirations: her family was heavily based on the ushers from the fall of the house of usher (2023). aria herself was only partly inspired by Fallon Carrington from Dynasty (2017). the media that inspired he will be veeeryy obvious when i talk about her LMAO
okay! so. Aria's family, the ushers, is this super rich and super influential family. as in like, they practically control most of the globe. the Usher dynasty is very big (like, imagine the usher kids from tfothou didnt die and a lot of them had kids or something) and each family focuses on their own industry. media and entertainment, power and energy, medicine, technology, etc. Aria's family focuses on energy (like the Carringtons). so you could immediately understand that Aria's life was privileged and glamorous. she practically had endless money to throw around, her family's name assured she had protection and respect wherever she went, everything was handed to her on a diamond encrusted platter, etc etc.
aria was still encouraged to work for what she wanted, and she did attempt to start her own company rather than work at her father's. but she still struggled with trying to become independent because she's so used to relying on people
because like Aria's a little bitch yk. during the roleplay i plan for her to heavily rely on the other characters and expect her teammates to serve her and always help her, despite not contributing anything herself. i want her to treat her teammates condescendingly, like shit. she wants everything to go her way, because for all her life that's how everything went, but now things aren't like that anymore because her aunt (aunt Victorine... wHWUAJUDHAH /ref) let a virus she was experimenting with break out from her laboratory and infect an entire city.
(okay well, it's a bit deeper than that. certain conditions in the environment allowed the virus to inhabit human bodies and spread so quickly, and these conditions were caused by the actions of the ushers. certain issues in society made it harder for regular people to live well during the virus lockdown, and these societal issues were once again caused by the ushers. so yeah they had a hand in a lot of things, directly or indirectly).
and that infected city is the city aria is currently trapped in. and for lore reasons she has to actually fight to get out of this city because her family dumped her there and left her behind.
so yeah! that's her current situation. i plan that her character arc will involve finally realizing her family's evil, exploitation, and damage, and turning her back on them so she can change for the better :3
oh yeah and Aria's nonhuman cause i thought that'd be cool. her mom is sort of an avian (hey idk what her species would be called) and her name Clarion was inspired by her mother, but she hates her mother so she doesn't use that name. she hates that she looks a lot like her mother. oh yeah and also aria can't fly because she got her wings clipped when she was 18. I'll write something about that someday. it's supposed to be a painful event
anyway I'm going to show some snippets of my writing for aria as a bonus for anyone who's read this far :3
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i don't have much to show for her because we're literally still in the first scene LMAO but I'm excited to see how this goes!
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non-un-topo · 1 year
random ass questions about ur stories: ok I don’t remember the title but ur recent long fic that was like. the aftermath of losing quynh and they were on that island with the fun-shaped stone that Nicky found? if ur happy to share I’d LOVE to hear about like. what part of the story u came up with first. like what image/vibe/plot point etc stuck in ur head so much that u wrote a whole fic about it yk? I absolutely LOVED that fic and would love to know!! hope ur having a good day and also no pressure to respond 🫶💕
🥺🥺 Ohh friend, thank you!! I'm so glad you liked it, and I'm sending lots of love to you!! The fic in question is Axis! (you're gonna get me talking about this big baby of mine and I won't shut up lol, I'm shy but I've had a lot of caffeine and I'm excited) <33
So I actually went looking through my old docs, phone notes, and physical journals for the first idea I had of this fic after I read your ask, because I could not seem to remember?? From what I managed to dig up, it was based on vibes first. I have some journal notes on "aporia", a state of ambivalence, and liminal space. I think I started writing it in October last year, during a very weird time where my mental health was... not great. In short, and hopefully without oversharing, I thought I was having a psychotic break. Turned out it was likely the CBD capsules I was taking for my chronic pain, which had a psychoactive effect I hadn't anticipated (like 0.1mg of THC and somehow it was enough). Anyway, at that time I started writing a lot of garbled philosophical thoughts, and I'll share this one for you because I'm almost certain it's what inspired Axis: (also putting the rest of this under a read-more so I don't annoy anyone sdfghfd)
What is the present? I wonder, because the moment you put your attention on it, it becomes the past. It vanishes. We think about present moments, but they’re already gone. All that exists is this idea of ‘happening’: All that will happen, and all that has happened. Neither is tangible. Neither can be held or kept. In thinking about the future, we imagine possibilities. In thinking about the past, we revive in our minds what has already happened. The only present that exists is the imagination. The dream. That which removes us from our reality, from our position in time and space. Where exactly is that? Rather, where are our selves in that state? Do we linger? Do we go? And if so, where? How long is the length of a single present moment? Can our lives exist as this single thread, if we spend it in dream-state? Are we forever suspended, or do our recollections of the past, our imaginings of the future, tether us to something tangible after all?
Anyway, right below this is the first line from Axis: "It is wondrous how quickly things can change in a moment."
Besides vibes and themes (suspension, stasis, indecision, fear of being lost, grieving, surrendering to the will of nature, being a fixed point in a broken group, being tethered together or untethered, things happening in reverse, being upside-down, being consumed, yadda yadda), I think the first scenes that popped into my head as visuals before I got writing were 1) Nicolo standing in the valley and catching a flake of ash in the air. 2) Yusuf and/or Nicolo in a hot spring. 3) Larus' frozen lambs. 4) The argument between Andromache and Nicolo, but no dialogue yet.
I know I wanted to write something sort of dream-like, that dipped in and out of flashbacks and liminal states, and I'm genuinely proud of myself for seeing it through. The last school year I had was intense to say the least, and there was a long stretch of time where I just left this fic as one scene and a bunch of nonsensical notes. Then, being real transparent here, a couple different tragedies happened one right after the other, and I just opened the doc again. I think my nana dying slowly had a lot to do with the direction my writing took. Thoughts, feelings, general atmosphere from real life creeps into my writing every time, and often I don't even notice until the project is done and I've read it a few times.
Anyway, I'm WAY overselling this fic dfgfds. It just means a whole lot to me and I know you can tell, so I appreciate you asking about it <3 Hope you have a fantastic day. Sending love and hugs <333
A bonus angsty snippet that didn't make it into the final work, just for you <3
It happens like this sometimes: Yusuf begins. “What if we never found you?” “You did.” “But what if. Just humour me for a moment.” You do. You love this man, so you do. “I wasn’t fast enough, and you slipped. I didn’t grab you. I didn’t even pull you from the water.” “You know it is not your fault.” “Andi didn’t— you didn’t see. I tried to jump in after you—” “And you would have been lost, too.” “No, I would have gotten you back.” There is no way to prove this. Nothing is certain. It already happened. You’re going around in circles. Yusuf says again, in a whisper, “What if we never found you?” You’re finding it hard to speak. To say anything in this moment. Yusuf presses his hands over his mouth, but it does nothing to contain his stilted gasps. He presses his words against his palms, but you hear them clear as ice: “What if we never find her?”
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kettrdamned · 2 years
just a lil ooc update here! i may be slower than usual since i have a shit ton of projects due next week coming off of spring break that are pretty important, so i may be quiet both here and on discord for the next few weeks as finals are quickly approaching as well <3 
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