#i'll also be nicer and say surge with her hair down looks cute
beevean · 1 month
Surge gets more inconsistent every issue, now she just flinched to Clutch's cane hitting the floor??? Like why? It's not like she ever felt intimidated by him, she joined his plan out of sheer convenience. Also Clutch is NOT intimidating for anyone who's above 6 yo.
I'm foreseeing someone trying to defend by saying "But maybe the sound triggered on her subconscious/unconscious because of Starline's experiments and hypnosis sessions", but Starline NEVER had a cane or anything that could produce a similar thud. Maybe he snapped his fingers once? I don't recall if he did it, so I'm pretty sure and confident that even if he ever did it it was not recurrent, then we can't count on the fact he done that around Surge frequently enough to the sound become a trigger.
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I'll be fair: this doesn't look like they were intimidated by the sound. It simply looks like they were surprised. After all, they were just rudely woken up by Mimic lol
(source: i'm not traumatized but loud sounds make me flinch all the time because they catch me off guard)
I'm all for clowning on Surge, but I want my clowning to have proper sources :P
So, to compensate, let me clown on this:
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I don't believe for a second that Eggman can go around and eat breakfast undisturbed. No way the people in there, waitress included, wouldn't panic. I know that maybe they wouldn't call the police on Eggman, but, like. A reaction to the world's most dangerous terrorist, please? I wouldn't insist on this, if there wasn't a long pattern of IDW downplaying Eggman after the MV mess.
(also he explains that he took a "sabbatical" after they destroyed the Eggperial City. Sure, let's go with that)
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