#i'll add this to my masterlist later i'm too heckin tired
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spaceskam · 6 years ago
Moirai (1/7)
ive had this idea in my head for awhile now, but i was still working out all the kinks on how I would write it. now here it is, hope you enjoy! 
Summary: michael finds a baby. not everyone thinks it’s a good idea.
part one - part two - part three
Michael felt it.
He didn’t know exactly what it was he was feeling, but he knew it was important and his brain wasn’t giving him any choice but to follow it.  He knew it probably wasn’t a smart idea to separate from Alex and Kyle, but there was a hum inside him that lured him away.  It led him to a locked door that opened to a flight of stars that wasn’t shown on any of the maps that they’d found.
Alex had kept his word to look into Project Shepard and make sure what happened at Caulfield wasn’t happening elsewhere.  He’d only come up with one possible other location, Pitlochry Prison, but it didn’t have nearly as much information on it.  Still, he didn’t want to take any chances, and he packed up Michael and Kyle to go check it out.
Things were still confusing between them.  He’d ended things with Maria the moment Max died, but Alex had still been hurt by it.  Fixing that was slow and painful and for a while all they could discuss was Project Shepard.  Then about five weeks ago, Michael had gotten a little too fucked up and ended up exploding the airstream in a way that even Michael Bay would’ve been jealous of.  He couch hopped for a few nights, but Isobel didn’t let him sleep in and Max made too much noise with Liz.  He’d even attempted to stay with Kyle, but one morning of hearing him bustling around at 4:30 AM was enough before he resigned to sleeping in the bunker with a sleeping bag.  That is until Alex told him to just stay with him.  It was a confusing proposition at first, but Alex had a spare bedroom that was apparently underused and it’d be easier to work with them in the same place anyway.
Michael had stayed with Alex for about a month now and he’d already decided that’s what his life was about, being with Alex Manes.  They both stayed up ridiculously late if they slept at all, they liked the same movies, they understood each other’s science rambles enough to hold a coherent conversation, they picked up after themselves, they are the same food.  But it was waking up to Alex humming in the kitchen over a pan of eggs at noon clad in sweatpants and nothing more as he offered a cup of coffee that had Michael sold.  That’s what he wanted to wake up to forever.
Then, a few nights ago, when Alex had come to them with the prospect of another prison, Michael had had a stronger reaction than he’d anticipated.  He’d overdosed on fear, memories of Caulfield taking over.  Something instinctual happened in Alex‒that’s what it had to be‒and he’d held Michael close while whispering soothing words.  There were two good beds in the cabin, and yet neither of them moved from the couch for hours.  Even when Michael had calmed down and even when they’d both fallen asleep only to wake up the next morning, neither one of them made the decision to move.
So, after 8 hours wrapped up in Alexander Manes and after clearing his mind, Michael kissed him.  He’d expected to be rejected and therefore kept it short.  Sleep was still heavy in them both and that had to be what kept Alex from being Alex and telling him to stop.  Instead, they’d stared for a moment with Alex’s fingers tangled up in his hair before meeting together in a sweet kiss.
They hadn’t really discussed what that meant, but they hadn’t taken it back.  In fact, they’d only moved forward.  Within the last three days, touching and kissing and mindblowing sex had come back to their relationship.  They used the excuse of Pitlochry to not have to really talk about it because talking meant addressing their issues and they’d historically been bad at that to the point it ruined all the good stuff.  He wanted so badly to keep the good stuff.  He planned to keep the good stuff. That meant staying alive, safe, and with Alex at Pitlochry.  He couldn’t afford to break again because he found someone he couldn’t save.
Yet, whatever was calling to him made him throw all caution to the wind.
The staircase was long and dark, so much so he could barely see a damn thing.  Instinct and whatever was calling him were his only sense of direction.  Maybe he should’ve felt scared. Instead, he felt braver than he had ever before in entire life. The hum deep in his brain, in his bones, kept getting louder and stronger the more he walked.
And then there was a glow.
It was faint, but it sparked something deep within Michael, a familiarity that his conscious mind couldn’t comprehend but his body knew.  He raced towards it and not a single cell in his body was surprised to find a pod at the end of the tunnel.  The walkie-talkie that was strapped to his shirt went off, Alex’s voice ringing through the air and getting progressively more and more panicked when he didn’t respond.  He couldn’t respond.
Inside the pod, there was a baby.  A small one, curled into the fetal position and floating there for god knows how long.  Someone had put her here, put her in a place where no one could find her unless they knew.  Michael didn’t know.  Yet here he was.
“Guerin, I’m giving you ten seconds to respond, if you don’t, I’m going to come get you,” Alex said, carefully skirting the part where he’d put a small tracking device in each of their walkie talkies.  It was for safety, in case someone was here.  He thought someone had him.
Michael should’ve responded.  His body seemed to scream out to respond to him, to let him know he was totally fine and it wasn’t necessary, but whatever was bringing him to this pod was in control.  It didn’t give a shit about a worrying Alex; it wanted Michael.
The fear only started whenever his own hands began glowing in a way he’d only seen Max’s or his mother’s.  He didn’t know how to do that and he surely didn’t know how he was doing it now.  But that hum assured him this was supposed to happen, subduing his fear with the overwhelming calm and desire to follow it’s lead.
No silver was needed as his glowing palms reached into the pod, grabbing the infant cautiously and pulling her out into the world.  She breathed for the first time and she whimpered and she whined and Michael stared at her as he held her out in front of him.  The baby laid across his forearm, Michael instinctively cradling her head in his hand and allowed the out-of-place feeling of overwhelming pride wash over him.
Michael had held many babies in his life and even taken care of a few.  Foster care was a bitch and there had been more than one home he’d been thrown into where he was expected to cater to the younger children that were there.  It never really bothered him, it wasn’t their fault and he could at least make sure they were being looked after while he could, but none of that pseudo-parenting made him feel like he did in that moment. He could only assume that it was due to it being a child of his own species that it felt so surreal.  He couldn’t even move.
“Guerin,” That was Kyle’s voice.  It was present, not over radio signals.  Michael didn’t look over to him.  “What’cha got there?”
Eventually, after blinking a few million times, the spell over him was broken.  Michael fell back on his ass, carefully pulling the baby into his chest and cradling her close.  He had to catch his breath before letting his eyes drift over to see Valenti standing there with nothing short of shock and confusion on his face.
“The fuck’s it look like?” Michael managed before cautiously looking back down to make sure he hadn’t hurt the little alien.  She looked fine, kicking her feet aimlessly and gripping onto the wire of walkie talkie.  Michael pried it out of her little fist, letting her take hold of his thumb instead.
“Guerin!” Alex’s voice echoed through the tunnel and Michael, who was now firmly in control of his own mind again, felt his heart claw into his throat.  He’d scared him.  So much for healing their relationship.  Alex jogged up to them, coming into view with the light of the dim pod.  His chest was heaving and he looked so fucking worried.  He spoke before Michael could apologize.  “What‒where did you get that?”
“Sorry for scaring you,” Michael said softly, his eyes shifting back down to the baby in his arms.
“Michael,” Alex said slowly, cautiously.  His footsteps crunched against the dusty concrete floor. “What is that?”
“Jesus Christ, have neither of you seen a baby before?” he shot back, slowly and carefully taking off the jacket Alex had made him wear to wrap around the little alien.
“We have.  We’re more confused on how you went missing for nearly an hour and then we find you with a child that wasn’t with you when we came,” Kyle said as if it should’ve been obvious why they were concerned.  Nearly an hour?  Had he really been gone that long?  It felt like five minutes at most.
“She called to me,” Michael said simply.  That was the only way he could describe it, the only way that made sense to him.
“Uh-huh,” Alex’s voice again made him look up.  He was closer this time, worry and fear very obvious on his face.  What was he so scared of?  There was nothing scary about a baby.
“Let me see it,” Kyle said.  Overwhelming panic encompassed Michael so quickly and so strongly that he wondered if it was even his.
“No.  Why?  What are you gonna do to her? She’s mine,” Michael insisted, holding the little alien closer to his chest.  Her tiny hand was holding tightly onto Michael’s thumb and he had no intention of prying it off.
Alex and Kyle shared a look before looking back at him.  Micahel hated when they did that.  It was like they decided they could communicate without speaking.  He hated it even more when it was about him.
“Michael, she isn’t yours,” Alex said softly.  It felt like a betrayal for some reason.  Alex didn’t get it, he didn’t feel it.  She was Michael’s, end of discussion.
“Okay, but she’s an alien and who is the only other alien here? Oh, yeah, me, so she’s mine by default,” Michael argued.  He didn’t know how to put into words the tie he felt to this little baby he just discovered.  It was strong and just clicked in his mind like this was undoubtedly his responsibility.  This was his purpose in life.  They wouldn’t get it.
They did the whole look-sharing thing again.
“Fine,” Kyle said carefully, “We can take her with us.”
“Of fucking course we’re taking her with us, was there another option?” Michael scoffed, scowling at the doctor who clearly thought he had a say in this.  Like Michael would leave her.  Absolutely not.
He’d left aliens before.  He wasn’t about to do it again.
Kyle just ignored his comment though, “I need to check her out, make sure she’s stable enough to just take straight home.”  He started taking steps towards Michael.  He very slowly stood up with a nod, hesitantly passing the baby from his arms to Kyle’s.
However, the moment she was out of Michael’s grasp, she started screaming.  Her cry was a force to be reckoned with, echoing around the tunnel and bouncing off the walls to make it even louder.  Michael felt it in his core.
“Give her back, she doesn’t like you!” Michael snapped, taking her back.  He held her little head to his shoulder, glaring at Kyle who held his hands up as a white flag.  It was almost comical how quickly her cries subdued whenever Michael held her close again.  He might’ve laughed if he wasn’t so focused on the relief he got from the tiny alien relaxing again.  “She’s mine.”
Alex moved forward, curiosity in place of fear as he held his hands out.  Michael licked his lips as he looked between his baby and Alex.  He trusted Alex.  Valenti was growing on him, but Alex was the one he’d trust more than literally anyone else in the world.  Alex was allowed all his vulnerabilities without a second thought‒if he trusted anyone to take care of the baby, it was Alex. Even if he didn’t get it.
“Okay,” Michael said softly, holding his breath as he carefully passed the baby to Alex’s arms.
Admittedly, she stayed quiet a little longer than she did with Kyle, but, after a few whimpers that made Michael’s heartache, she started crying.  Michael grabbed her again, cradling her close and shushing her.
“I don’t like when she cries,” Michael said, trying to explain so Alex would stop looking so hurt, “It feels like when Isobel or Max gets hurt.  It, it’s like it hurts me too.” Alex stared at him for a moment with nothing short of worry on his face.
“Is there a rational explanation for that?” Alex asked Kyle, not even trying to be subtle.  Michael rocked her, his eyes falling closed as he fed off the peace the baby exuded when she was in his arms.
“Uh, if I had to guess, it’s a whole psychic thing. I… I don’t know why it’s so strong?  I don’t know, I’m not an alien expert,” Kyle tried.
“I meant, why does she freak out every time someone other than Michael holds her?” Alex clarified, sounding a little more fed up.
“Oh, I’d say his body temperature. I don’t know exactly how the pod things work, but I’m sure it feels like an incubator.  Also, I’m sure the little thing’s used to his species, they’re hotter than us,” Kyle rationalized. Michael opened his eyes again.
“I don’t know, Alex is pretty hot,” Michael commented.  Alex’s lips struggled as he tried to fight the incoming smile, cocking his head to the side as he gave his signature Sweet Eyes.  Michael had no other way to describe them than that.  They were so fond they made him feel gooey, they’d always been his Sweet Eyes.
“Oh, so the baby trance breaks for you to be flirtatious?  Why am I not surprised?” Alex said and Michael smiled at him.  Maybe they could still be something.  He knew adding a baby into the mix made things a little harder, but Michael believed they could still make it.  They had to.
“Okay, look, I know we’re all distracted by the whole baby thing and flirting with your ex thing, but I’d like to remind everyone that we’re still in an abandoned prison in a secret tunnel where we found a fucking child,” Kyle said.  He had a good point.
It was much faster getting out of Pitlochry than it was getting inside of it, yet the sun was already starting to set which meant they had to have been there for a while.  Michael’s internal clock must’ve been completely fucked once he started feeling that pull.  That was made more prevalent whenever they all climbed into Alex’s fancy truck and Micahel was suddenly hit with just how tired he actually was.  His whole body felt drained and he melted into the seat, the baby firmly against his chest.
Alex drove maybe five minutes before pulling over and forcing Kyle in the driver’s seat and climbing in the back.
“You’re going to drop her if you try to keep sitting up when you’re about to pass the hell out,” Alex said and he didn’t give Michael much of a choice but to lay his head in his lap.  Not that he minded.  Michael made sure the little alien stayed in his arm, laying all cuddled up between the seats of the car and Michael’s chest and still wrapped in the jacket.
“Oh my god, I can’t get over how cute she is,” Isobel gushed as she lifted the baby from the couch.  Michael watched her, struggling to keep his hands to himself and not make sure she didn’t drop her.  He knew she wouldn’t, but that didn’t help the anxiety in his chest.
Alex sat beside him and draped his arm over the back of the couch behind him‒that helped.
“Okay, so, her cells look the same as yours, for the most part, I’d say she’s definitely the same species.  The only difference is your power source is pretty prevalent in your DNA, but hers... it’s virtually glowing inside of her.  Has she shown any signs of any powers?” Liz asked as she walked in from the kitchen.  In the 30 minutes since she’d pulled up at the cabin with Max, she’d turned the kitchen into a makeshift lab.
“Other than the whole luring Michael thing, no,” Alex answered.
Liz nodded, “So, she’s psychic?”
“We all are on some level, though,” Max added.
“Okay, well, when did you guys come into your main powers?”
“I’ve had ‘em for as long as I can remember,” Michael said, letting himself lean into Alex’s side just a little. Isobel nodded in agreement.
“Mine was a bit later, like when I was eleven, but the psychic thing was already there,” Max said.  Liz nodded thoughtfully, mumbling under her breath as he went back into the kitchen.
“Oh, look at this smile!” Isobel cooed, turning the little alien slightly to show Micahel her smile.  It was easily the most contagious thing in the world.
Isobel had been a little later than Max and Liz, but she was carting a few baby essentials including bottles, formula, onesies, and diapers.  Micahel was especially thankful for the diapers since his jacket was now completely ruined.  However, with some help from Kyle, they had him fed, bathed, and dressed, putting both she and Micahel at ease.  It also helped that this happened after Liz had stuck her in the arm with a needle.
“Oh, she’s so soft and lovable! Yes, you are! Yes, you are!” Isobel said, earning happy heavy breathing and gurgling from the baby.  A few more baby-talked sentences later, she stood to give her back to Michael.  He clearly had it written all over his face how much he wanted to hold her again.  It really felt like his baby.
“Hi, baby,” Michael said, trying his hand at baby talk as he brought her back against his chest. Alex snorted.
“She needs a name,” Isobel said, leaning forward.  Michael nodded slowly, pursing his lips in thought as he looked down at the baby in his arms.
Before he could even suggest anything, Kyle walked back in the room with Max and they stood in the middle of the room like they had something important to say. Michael doubted they did.  He got his confirmation‒the baby was healthy. That’s all he needed to know.
“So, I figure we can all pitch in watching her until I can get in touch with a social worker.  She’s young enough that she’ll probably get adopted fast, but‒”
“What are you talking about?” Michael said, sitting up straight as he stared at Kyle in frustrated confusion.  The words ‘social worker’ sent a familiar chill down his spine that he’d thought he’d gotten over at least a decade prior. No way that was an option when it came to his baby.
“Micahel, we can’t keep her, she’s not ours to keep,” Max said, that condescending tone dripping from his voice and provoking Michael to have to keep way too much focus in staying calm.  “We have to give her to someone who knows how to take care of her.”
“I’m sorry, who said this was your decision to make?” Michael snapped.  His was nearly vibrating with anger.  How dare they think they could just take her away.  What the fuck gave them the right?
“Don’t ‘Michael’ me! She’s mine! She isn’t going anywhere!”
“You don’t know the first thing about taking care of a baby.”
“So?  Does anyone? I’ll learn,” Michael said, scoffing as he shook his head.  The baby in his arms clearly seemed to feed off his mood, gradually getting more and more fussy as Michael got more and more pissed.  “I’m not having this conversation with you guys, she’s not going anywhere. I don’t understand why you would want her too.  I know you guys think you had it great and all, and I’m sure you think you did, but you were still confused and scared of yourselves and scared of other people.  And we were older, we knew that we came from pods!  She’s too little, she won’t know anything.  She’ll just know that she can do things that she shouldn’t, she’ll be terrified and alone.  Why should I put her through that, especially when she has someone who wants her?  Not only someone who wants her but understands her power and can provide an environment where she can explore that power freely without being scared and trying to hide it.  I can give her what we didn’t have!  I don’t care if you don’t want to, Max, but I do.  I’m not letting you guys try to convince me that she’ll be better off with someone who doesn’t understand her and never will.”
The room was quiet as they stared at him.  Though, instead of understanding like it should’ve been, it was just pity.  It was as though they weren’t even aware that this baby was going to grow and become like them, become a powerful alien.  Yeah, there was a chance she could end up living fine and happy, but there was a bigger chance that she wouldn’t.  And at least they had each other‒this baby wouldn’t have anyone.  Michael knew what that felt like and, bond or not, he refused to let her go through that.  
“Fuck you guys, I’ll figure it out on my own, no need to stress yourselves out,” Michael spat, standing to his feet and heading down the hall to Alex’s room.  He couldn’t look at them, not when they all were acting like he was being irrational.  He didn’t have it in him to comprehend how wanting to take care of someone who needed it was irrational.
The only thing that calmed him down was the fact that Alex followed him.
“They’ve completely lost it, why would I give her up? She needs me, she needs someone who‒” Michael had to cut himself off when he turned to see Alex’s face didn’t look that much different from the rest of them.  Pity and concern.  He took a step back.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Alex asked, reaching out to him.  Micahel stepped away again.  He didn’t even have Alex on his side.  Alex, who grew up feeling unwanted, unloved, and undeniably different in a way he couldn’t understand for years, wanted to subject the same fate onto an infant who had someone who wanted her.  What the fuck was going on?  “You don’t even have a place of your own, how can you take care of a baby?”
It was a low blow, they both knew it.  Well, all three of them knew it.  It knocked the air from Micahel’s lung and, within seconds, the baby was crying.  Michael stared at him, a million different things going through his mind as a way to retaliate but only one stood out and repeated itself.  I have enough saved for a new place, I just wanted to be with you, you asshole.
Still, regardless of how much he wanted to throw it in his face, he couldn’t.  So Micahel gave a tight, sarcastic smile and leaned closer.
“Don’t worry, Alex, we’ll be out of your life in a few days,” Michael said, pushing past him and heading towards the guest bedroom.  It hurt him and he hoped it hurt Alex, even if just a little bit.  If anyone understood why he didn’t want to give him up, it should’ve been Alex.  But then again, he had spent over a decade thinking that Alex was an exception to many things.
He rarely ever was.
Michael ignored the shakiness in his hands as he shushed the baby in his arms, swallowing back any tears that threatened.  He felt stupid for being emotional, he should’ve expected this.  Alex never stayed when things got hard and the rest of them thought nothing of him. Why would anyone around him think he was capable of raising a baby?  They all thought he was stupid, a lowlife, a good-for-nothing street rat who would never get anywhere and would never care for anyone but himself.  But they were wrong and he cared a lot about a lot of people to the point he’d do anything for them and this baby had been added to the list.  Why couldn’t they see that?
Michael sniffled louder than he wanted, wiping away a stray tear and pretending it wasn’t over losing Alex all over again.
“It’s okay, baby, we’ll figure it out, it’s just you and me,” Michael said, “That’s all we need.”
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