#i'd say don't steal but it's pretty fucking shitty so i'm sorry if u want to steal this
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<throws this out into the void and scurries away>
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taegularities · 3 years
You can steal whatever perfume you want, infact I'd happily give them all to you🥺 haha, I didn't mean to attack you, except that's exactly what I meant to do 🌚 I'm evil, what can I say.
Also, I have some tea for you and you gotta help me not feel weird cause I've been feeling crappy. So get this. I'm 24 and my older brother is like 4 years older so he is 28. Now one of his friends, let's call him 'pasta' is getting married to this beautiful girl, let's call her 'pani puri'. So pasta is really close with my mom cause he is like my brother's best friend from college. The wedding is in Feb this year and my mom won't be able to go because it's not in this city so only my brother will be going to the wedding (I was invited too but yk it would be weird cause I'd be left alone when my brother is hanging out with his friends so I'm not going). Now we went on this little trip around New year's to the city where the wedding is supposed to be, it was enroute some place we were already going to stop at. So pasta brought pani puri to meet my mom because she won't be going to the wedding right? And I was there too because he is my brother's best friend, he is also like a brother to me, typical indian stuff yk? Now pasta's dad was also there and I met all of them (pasta, his dad and pani puri) Pani puri is literally the sweetest girl I've met. She is beautiful too, like really pretty. We met and everything, when I was leaving I walked into a stone because I'm blind like that? In my defense my glasses were in my purse and the purse was in my car. So I tripped and pasta actually was there so he steadied me. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ROMANTIC. Pasta's father however saw this and apparently asked pasta why did he never tell him about his best friend's 'very pretty sister' who is also 'very eligible to be your wife' and how they could have 'rishtafied me' because I'd give them 'beautiful grandkids'? Umm, what the fuck? Pasta wasn't having it and he said I'm like his little sister so can his dad like go and be disgusting somewhere else? His dad was hell bent on pitching this idea when the wedding is next month????????? Pani puri is beautiful okay? I love her. She doesn't deserve this. I'm feeling weird? Idk. Annoyed? Even though pasta ended the discussion, I feel irritated? Just because I'm 24 you cannot go around asking for my hand in marriage. Pasta is like a brother to me and I will NEVER see him that way. I have a man I love and pasta knows that. I am just so frustrated you know? Is this how it's going to be? I'm just another target for people? I'm not even that pretty, I'm just an easy target for them because I'm the best friends sister.
I'm so sorry for putting you through this giant rant but I just wanted to let it out. You can totally ignore this I don't expect a reply honestly, it's a hugeeeee message. I just feel shitty for some reason and I feel bad for pani puri because she is going to marry into a house like that. I don't know what to feel. All I know is I don't feel good.
I'm REALLY sorry for this though, if you do read this, thank you and I love you so so much❤️ any words will be appreciated if you do decide to answer!
omg no, i wouldn't wanna steal all ur perfumes 🥺
also OOOOFF THIS IS A HEAVY ONE. wow omg i didn't know u are desi !! but okay in all seriousness, this is sick. i'm sorry u had to go through this, especially when u don't see pasta in that way at all :( it must've been frustrating and incredibly weird to hear, i can really imagine :( but, let me tell u still that things will be okay, because: these two seem to really love each other. they're a great couple and loyal, to me it feels like they won't stray from each other, no matter what their parents say.
and with the wedding being just around the corner, even his dad cannot convince him anymore, especially when u all are so against this idea of having him and u together. in the end and in a few months, his dad will accept that his son is a MARRIED man and he will stop pestering all of u. until then, endure my love <3 and don't u dare say u aren't 'that pretty' cos one thing his dad said that i DO believe is that u are for sure beautiful, easy target or not!
don't apologise, i'm here for u. why would i not answer an ask by my baby perfume anon pls <333
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