#i'd love to write tonight (bc again i haven't yet this month and it feels odd) but we'll see~
good morning!! <3
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soulrph · 2 years
anon s again, if you have the time describe some of your favorite tropes of all time or that you might've seen recently (whatever way you wanna tell me, prompts dialogue or just word vomit) i'm taking a break from writing and may or may not be curious
it would be my pleasure!! gonna leave it under the readmore tho bc i. i got excited. and it's only two examples bc if i did more of them i'd never stop writing and reading!
okay, so for starters, this one usually gets a lot of criticism for the fact that, in the past, it's been historically written off as convenient to the plot. and i think they call it a deus ex machina, but i googled that, S, i googled it and i have to disagree bc when it's done properly, it's a thing of true BEAUTY! it's basically the trope where someone's about to get hurt or killed or whatever, and then someone else shows up and saves them before it happens. and recently i've been watching shows where this trope is done SO well! a solid example is when the darkling saves alina from the druskelle. it's written off as a basic "ah yes, she's the sun summoner, he's the general, it's important she survives to save the world". but the darkling's motives are later revealed as being far more insidious in nature, so his interest in saving her life isn't actually to save the world, it's to serve his own purposes.
( basically, if it's done correctly, it reveals details of the characters and their goals. the darkling wants alina to expand the fold, so he saves her life. similarly, inej and kaz are at massive odds because they disagree on whether or not alina is an actual genuine sun summoner, but they both become invested in keeping her alive because inej believes alina is a saint, and kaz believes alina can keep them all alive while in the fold. inej's faith and kaz's survival instincts are both reflected. )
okay that turned into an essay and !!! and i'm blanking now bc i'm not overly observant, i just react well to certain things and it never occurs to me that it's a pattern!
but recently i've been thinking a lot about stranger things, and more recent installations of the mcu where the decisions that are made by the characters aren't necessarily easy nor morally clear ones. and i really really love that stuff too! in particular, jane's choice in the season finale ( i don't wanna spoil it. it's been three months but jesus help me S i cannot bring myself to lend actual words to that in case anyone hasn't seen it! ) is one that carries immense weight, because it's a very difficult choice and very grey area that has ramifications that haven't even been considered yet.
also, eternals brought about another debate that's easier to take because it's fictional, but it's also not so far from comprehension, either. the group of eternals all end up debating whether or not to allow the emergence to take place. on one hand, the entity that emerges from earth will go on to create countless planets and species, and so is it really okay to sacrifice all of that for One Planet?? but the other argument is one that compels the entire movie and drives the plot; ajak literally dies over her insistence that earth carries immense power as a result of the last twenty years, that the people are spirited and strong and deserve to continue the lives they fought so passionately to have all along. in the end, of course, earth survives. but the arguments resonate. the days of purple aliens wanting to kill half the universe are gone. and now we have these more complex matters to debate. i think civil war attempted to have a debate going on too, but it's something spectacular when you leave the theatre wondering if you even know if they did the right thing or not!
i feel like that one mightn't necessarily be a trope, but that's okay! i definitely have more favorites but my brain is just blue screening tonight! so yeah, i'm much more invested in character development as opposed to plots lately. like a lot of people can get very caught up about plots, but i think the characters are vastly more interesting!
god, i rambled quite a bit! thank you for asking this question, my lovely friend!! what are your favorite tropes??
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