#i'd love to know whatu think!!
arpwrites · 5 years
oh and since you're doing a BTS Hogwarts house reading I want to give my own input that despite Yoongi being a Slytherin is a fandom fave I once read an entire longass argument for Yoongi being an unconventional Gryffindor (I remember some points being he's constantly talking about being led by his own beliefs rather than external factors and we know he feels his entire existence is to give to others) and I've never been able to see him the same since thanks for coming to my Ted talk - YJ
Okay you didn’t ask for this but you know what, I’m gonna take this as permission to ramble about my BTS HP House headcanons and you can’t stop me ⛄️🔥 
JIN is a Hufflepuff primary 🟡/ Gryffindor secondary 🔴He is steadfast, he’s there when you need him and is as essential to BTS as meat needs salt. You don’t realize it’s value till it’s missing though it’s hard to pick it out as a main ingredient of a dish. He’s intensely loyal and values interpersonal relationships. He’s good with people and puts them above ambition or knowledge or bravery. He also exhibits other Hufflepuff traits like being dependable, compassionate, genuine, accepting, well-rounded, and a hard worker. His Gryffindor characteristics are mainly his tendency to be chivalrous. He always steps in to bring attention to himself on shows when it seems like the boys are struggling or need a break even though he’s one of the most introverted members. He’s also playful when comfortable and tongue-in-cheek funny, traits I associate with Gryffindor.
YOONGI is a Hufflepuff primary 🟡/ Slytherin secondary 🟢Hear me out. We’re well aware of his Slytherin tendencies i.e., hard work, ambition, drive, determination, perfectionism, self-reliance, ruthlessness, thrives on praise etc. The only reason I think it’s a secondary placement is because I think he consciously prioritizes Hufflepuff characteristics above Slytherin ones and like Dumbledore said, it’s our choices that show us who we truly are more than our abilities. All my Astro/Tarot posts have painted Yoongi as someone who is immensely generous and wants to do good. He didn’t get tattoos because he feared it would obstruct the charity work he intends to do in the future. Yoongi is hardworking and determined and tenacious and loyal (RunBTS doesn’t count) and these are traits Slytherin shares with Hufflepuff. He’s also practical and patient and dependable and so soft and dorky. And, he isn’t unemotional, he just doesn’t flaunt his emotions, which is another Hufflepuff trait.
HOSEOK is a Gryffindor primary 🔴/ Slytherin secondary 🟢I know this is ironic considering Hobi is Scaredy Cat #1 in Bangtan buuuuuuuut we’ve got to remember that courage isn’t the absence of fear but rather courage despite it. Hobi displays plenty of Gryffindor characteristics: he’s Loud, passionate, playful, a leader. His style is spunky and rebellious and he just doesn’t care what you think. He’s intensely loyal and protective towards his friends, which are also traits shared by Slytherin. His other snakey characteristics include the scary ruthless intelligence my tarot cards say lurk underneath, his sadistic dom side,  the way he rebuffs interviewers (“Thanks for worrying about us :)”), the whole other J-Hope that came out when he got left behind at the gas station, etc. 
JOON is a Slytherin primary 🟢/ Ravenclaw secondary 🔵Although Namjoon has a really high IQ, Ravenclaw isn’t his primary placement because clumsy as he is, Joon isn’t the absentminded professor type nor is he driven by curiosity. He’s more the intelligent leader who knows which card to play at what time. More than knowledge for knowledge’s sake, Joon uses his mind to strategize and produce work that isn’t just artistic but also commercially viable. He is a leader with great ambition and drive who fiercely takes care of his own any way he can. When confronted, Joon would respond with his Slytherin side, not his Ravenclaw side. Thus I present that Joon’s Slytherin traits of hard work, drive, perfectionism etc. supercede his cognitive abilities.
JIMIN is a Slytherin primary 🟢/ Hufflepuff secondary 🟡Jimin is hella smart and very sensitive to how he presents himself. Every move he makes is calculated to control how he’s perceived. My tarot reads paint him as a Slytherin too - he’s distrustful of people and quite diabolical in some ways. Despite these traits, I think he’s a Hufflepuff secondary because Jimin does genuinely love and care for his Chosen Few. He can’t help but melt when called Mochi or resist mothering the rest and making sure they have plenty of photographs of themselves. His Slytherin tendencies take primary stage because that is the outer shell he uses to protect himself.
TAEHYUNG is a Gryffindor primary 🔴/ Slytherin secondary 🟢 Tae’s key characteristics are his authenticity and assertiveness. It takes a lot of courage to be one’s true self and Tae has mentioned before that if he could be remembered for one thing, he’d want to be remembered as someone who was courageous (← see Dumbledore quote above about choices revealing our selves.) Apart from courage, Tae’s other Gryffindor traits are his childlike joy, sense of adventure and wonder, honesty, playfulness, trusting and idealistic nature, and impulsiveness. I put him down as a Slytherin secondary rather than a Hufflepuff secondary because I think that the Hufflepuff traits he does have such as loyalty and good-heartedness overlap with his Gryffindor traits. Considering his savageness on WeVerse and charm, I think Slytherin is a more apt second placement.
JUNGKOOK is a Gryffindor primary 🔴/ Hufflepuff secondary 🟡Self explanatory!!! Kook is a buff, competitive, playful baby with the biggest heart!! He’s honest and passionate and funny and doesn’t take himself too seriously. He’s trusting, stubborn, loyal, compassionate, well-rounded (!), hard working, and open minded. Gryffindor is his primary over Hufflepuff because of his gym bod and tendency to be more aggressive/competitive than a patient doormat.
Okay that’s it for my thoughts, now I’d love to hear yours!!! Send in your BTS HP House headcanons along with why you think so 🧙🏽‍♀️✨ It’d make for interesting discussion, I’m so curious to know how you perceive the boys and whether you agree with me or not 👀It’ll also be interesting to see if what my cards have to say match up with this, stay tuned for the tarot reading folks!! 
PS: I’d love a link to the Gryffindor Yoongi post!!! By any chance was it referring to the sortinghatchats system? I could see it making sense that way because Gryffindor primaries in this system are motivated by their own perception of what is moral and that kinda sounds like what you described? Apart from that, 100% agree on how he feels it’s his existence to give to others, my vedic astro posts on him scream that too. 
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