#i'd love to know how those haters would have felt if they went through a similar situation.
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huni-bii · 18 days ago
To all those people complaining about the 3 capybara choices for the pet poll in Evershine, what is wrong with you? What makes you think it's perfectly fine to complain about this decision to the general public when you should be coming to PATHEA about it? Instead you're going onto social spaces and whining because WAH WAH WAH 3 CAPYS IS TOO MANY!!! Can't you tell that these designs came from REAL people with VERY REAL feelings? You think the fans who designed those capys aren't reading these shitty thoughts and opinions and getting upset?
"waaaah they're so bland. wahhhh they look so similar. waaaah I don't think they'd fit the game."
Anyone capable of using their brain for more than a second would be able to tell that capybaras would be a wonderful fit for the game! I don't even follow the Evershine news very much and I myself haven't participated in anything Evershine related aside from backing the game, but I DO know that they're planning on having some kind of spa/sauna/bathing river area and what do you see capys doing in those cute videos on social media? Hanging out in the water. Being unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In their lane. Focused. Flourishing.
Why don't you debbie-downer, fun-hating, joy-repulsed people go straight to Pathea over the lack of good decision-making they've been exhibiting all throughout the development of Sandrock (and Portia) instead of upsetting those who used their time, care, and creativity to create these cute little guys?
I personally know one of the capybara designers and they're one of my closest Sandrock friends! A complaint or two about the amount of capybaras is perfectly understandable, but to compare and reduce them to just "the same boring/uninspired/lame/bland animal with something different on their head" is a direct attack on those fans who designed the little guys. They don't deserve to go online and see posts undermining and hating on their amazing creations.
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moonlightdancer26 · 9 months ago
I'd love to hear your thoughts about Percy! What is your opinion on him in general? Do you like how his character arc was handled by JKR? What are your thoughts on popular fandom takes about Percy (him being a terrible disgrace to the Weasley family for siding with the Ministry/Voldemort; him being a secret hero of the rebellion who deserved better; etc)? And your thoughts on Percy ships? Who, if anyone, do you ship him with?
I think he’s wicked awesome and way too hated, I will genuinely defend him with my life. If my family treated me that badly I’d tell them to fuck off too, he was literally so excluded from his family because he wasn’t some Quidditch-loving jock and actually preferred to study and stay indoors. And he got mocked consistently just because he wanted a bright future. Sure he may appear a bit stuck-up to those who don’t know him well, but his family?? Plus after he legitimately got the job of his dreams, his father’s immediate reaction was to tell him he didn’t actually earn it and that it was all just a ploy. I would actually be so hurt. Like sure Arthur did end up being right, BUT YOU COULD’VE SAID IT A BIT DIFFERENTLY?? A simple “you earned it anyway, son” or “I’m proud of you” would’ve sufficed, alongside an explanation of why Percy MIGHT have gotten the job. He went about it way too harshly, if I got shut down like that after getting the job I’ve been working for my whole life, I’d have done a lot worse.
And I totally get Percy’s resentment, he felt as though his father wasn’t reaching his full potential due to his proud showcase of Muggle-fangirling. And since he (Arthur) was basically the sole provider in a large family that lived in poverty, I can see why Percy would feel frustration towards his father. Plus why do people act as if Percy was always “so horrible” even before he “abandoned” his family? He literally went RUSHING to Ronald when he got out of the lake in GoF and refused to let go of him, and he loved Ginny to death. He was protective of his younger siblings and was pretty funny imo, it’s hard not to sympathise with him when he has siblings like Fred and George.
He genuinely deserved so much better, he was constantly shut down for his accomplishments and cared so much for his siblings despite their mocking, plus he still came back to apologise to them and then proceeded to see his baby brother die in front of him????? How could you hate him after DH?? I don’t think he’s a disgrace to his family at all, sure he was shitty to Molly but, with what he must’ve been going through at the time, I get it. And any resentment he felt towards his family was completely and utterly justified. Plus he literally apologised, so even if you disagree with what I’m saying and think he’s scum or whatever, he legit still apologised to them? He still redeemed himself? Whatever he’s supposedly done that you hate him for, he redeemed himself for it. And I feel like people forget how young Percy was when all this happened? He’s only like 4 years older than Harry and was still 18/19 when all the family drama occurred, and he held a huge responsibility in the ministry. And having grown up as the lone middle child with the burden of knowing his family isn’t respected much must’ve had a tremendous influence on someone as ambitious as Perce. People should really see things from his perspective sometimes. Imo the only genuinely shitty things he’s done is 1. his treatment of Molly 2. his letter to Ron about Harry (but even then, I completely understand why Percy said what he said), anything other than that is usually just exaggerated by his haters.
One character he’s always reminded me of is Alex Dunphy from Modern Family (*tries to summon Modern Family fans*), she was also the odd one out in her family because she was super studious and introverted. And she had a desperate need to prove herself and was very ambitious, much like Perce. Her meltdowns and extreme studying was treated as a joke to the viewers and her sister Haley constantly made fun of her for it. She reminds me a lot of him tbh, which is why I love both characters so much.
lol this was supposed to be a quick short ask explaining why I love him and who I ship him with, and it resulted in a whole rant 😭 that’s usually how I get whenever his name gets brought up. Also Nonnie, I ship Percy with Oliver :D and I think he and Penelope Clearwater really deserved more screentime, they were such a delightful couple imo.
And thanks for the ask btw, I missed talking about him!!
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cloudminhyun · 6 years ago
Before NU'EST's Comeback...
I felt it was important to address certain things that have been happening lately in the fandom. Minhyun's fancafe letter has pushed me to write this just like how some people's behaviour pushed Minhyun to write that letter. For those unable to access fancafe, to summarise, Minhyun tried to once again convey his love and loyalty towards NU'EST and the fans and apologised for not making this clear and concise beforehand.
As someone who has been a fan since the very beginning of NU'EST's debut, I have never once doubted Minhyun's loyalty but I completely understand how older and newer fans might've felt uneasy when Minhyun resumed activities with NU'EST. He never verbally said very much about his intentions during the transition phase from Wanna One back to NU'EST, nor has he said much whilst being back with NU'EST. Everyone dabbled with the idea of him going solo and worried about a variety of things, such as the impact on the fanbase etc.
Something I want to remind everyone of is that Minhyun is a man of action. You don't simply wait for him to say something but rather observe his actions in order to understand his intentions. He returned to NU'EST, he has released music with NU'EST, he has done live streams with NU'EST, he has performed at a concert with NU'EST, and he's done all of this with a smile on his face. Why? Because he is a member of NU'EST. That is something that shouldn't even be questioned. You can simply see from his activities how hard he's tried to integrate back with the members and to reconnect with the fanbase. He wants to be NU'EST's Minhyun again and this is something the majority of the fanbase has accepted and is happy with.
Obviously, the problem is the people who only support Minhyun and are completely against NU'EST. There's nothing wrong with being a solo stan so long as you're respectful towards everyone else. If you are however throwing hateful, negative, toxic comments and abuse targeted at the other members of NU'EST then you are in fact being problematic. Feel free to support Minhyun, but if you're doing so by hating his fellow members, then you are in fact hurting Minhyun. It's as simple as that.
Since Minhyun has returned to NU'EST, he has tried time and time again to prove his love and loyalty to his members. He has tried to show us all just how much he loves the fans. He's constantly trying to prove himself and the truth of the matter is that he shouldn't even have to. From the very beginning, Minhyun made it very clear that he wanted to stay a member of NU'EST. We should trust him and we should know.
Love conquers hate, it's a quote we've mostly all heard, but in this instance, we are losing the battle because we are fighting hate with more hate. NU'EST have led by example by constantly showing us fans their love and appreciation, for example Ren's surprise fanmeet and book. Even after everything that's happened the past few months, from the sticky-note protests at Pledis's building to the rampant hate online, NU'EST have only ever responded by showing us their smiling faces and by giving us more than we probably deserve. Because they show us a bright, cheery side, we probably all forget and take for granted that NU'EST are in fact the one's hurting the most. Of all the members, who do you think is feeling the brunt of the responsibility for the hate? Even though he's not done anything to cause any of what's happened, other than exist and work as a member of Wanna One and NU'EST, Minhyun is feeling the impact of all the drama and hate the most out of everyone.
It's hard to ignore the hate and it's difficult to not feel anything when you see it. I'm not asking anyone to stop reacting towards it because I'm not in control of anyone's actions. All I want to say is that next time you see someone hating any of NU'EST, please take a moment to step back and think, "If I was NU'EST and I read this or saw this, how would I react?" Most of all, I'd really like if everyone took the time to think, "If I was Minhyun, how would I be feeling if I read this?"
We can't control what people put on the internet. What we can do is control how we react towards it and how much we expose ourselves to it. It's very easy to get sucked in and to want to read everything, to know exactly who's saying what and sometimes you may feel it necessary to reply and confront the hate comments, but let me ask-does it make you feel good when you read hate comments? Does it make you feel good when you're reacting to the hate with more hate? I'd imagine the answer is 'no'. So the simple solution is: don't read or look for the hate comments and if you see them, don't respond negatively. If they appear on your timeline, simply block that person and move on. If you feel compelled to comment, don't be passive aggressive, but try and be compassionate. You may feel like those people don't deserve any compassion after everything they've done to NU'EST, but remember: NU'EST would show them compassion and kindness and we fans are an extension of NU'EST. We represent them as a fanbase. ㄴㅇㅅㅌ by name and by nature, always.
The point of this very long post is this: NU'EST are about to release their first album as 5 for the first time in 3 years. It's their first album since they went on PD101. The boys have put a lot on the line for this album so they really need us to focus and to do our best to support them. That doesn't just mean by buying the album digitally or physically, nor does it just mean streaming the songs and music video tirelessly, it also means bringing a positive attitude to the social networking platforms you use and by promoting them in a positive way. So rather than focussing on the hate, we need to be focussed on NU'EST.
By promoting what you love, by showing people how great NU'EST are, you are more likely to entice potential new fans. However by promoting the hate and focussing on how they bring the fandom down, you're going to scare away potential new fans. NU'EST need loving fans, not toxic people. Haters come and go. The more attention you give them, the longer they persist. As soon as you stop giving them focus, they'll get bored and they'll move on. I've been a KPop fan for a decade now so trust me when I say that. It may seem difficult to ignore, but let's try our best.
After everything NU'EST has been through, they deserve the recognition for their art and their hard work. So let's make sure we do our best to focus and support them well. And ultimately, please, please, let's help ease Minhyun's troubled mind by cheering him and the rest of the members during this comeback. Let's show Minhyun that we respect his decision to be with NU'EST and how we support NU'EST with all our hearts.
Thank you for reading. Good luck during the comeback. Don't forget to rest and look after yourselves whilst helping support NU'EST. If anyone ever needs to talk about anything fandom related, I'm always here to listen and lend a shoulder. Hwaiting everyone!
- Harj
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mlmdolly · 5 years ago
here’s my letter for @nougatships​ and @megane-shipping​‘s valentine’s day event!! thank you both for organizing this and letting me apply late :P
Dear Peepers,
Happy Valentine's Day, my love! You know I can have a hard time fully articulating how I feel, especially when it comes to romance, but I decided that this year for Valentine's Day I'd write you something. Something that you can always have to remind you how much I love you, if you ever need it. (and I'm even using proper grammar in it, just for you!)
I know you're not the most outwardly affectionate, in public you like to pretend like you're heartless, but... I think we both know that that's not entirely the case. This whole letter writing thing is way mushier than anything you'd be super into, but I think it's the best way I can convey to you how much I love you.
On that note, I love you so much. I love you with all of my heart, Peepers. We've been together for... what... almost four years now? That's insane! The very moment I saw you, I knew you were something special. I was so, so right. I know you don't believe in love at first sight, and I don't think I do either, and that's not exactly what happened anyways. I just knew immediately that you were someone I wanted in my life. I didn't know how or why yet, but I did. And now you are, and I don't know where I would be without you.
That's a lie.
I do know.
To be quite honest, without you I think I would be dead. LITERALLY dead. You helped me through all of the worst periods of my life, whether or not you knew it. When the trauma was too much for me to handle, when I felt hopeless, when I thought the only option was to end it all, when I was having panic attacks, when all I could do was cry, when I felt so unlovable and ALONE... you were always there. You were someone I could hold onto. You always pulled me out of those terrible states. You made me smile when nothing else in the galaxy could, and I can't thank you enough for it.
That's not the only reason I love you, though. I love EVERYTHING about you, even the things you view as flaws. I love how passionate and driven you are, how much you care and how you always make sure every little aspect of every strategy is perfectly planned out and how you do everything to make it work. You're so intelligent and you really do work so hard, too much if you ask me, but I can't act as though I'm not impressed by how constantly motivated you are.
I adore how patient you are when you have every right to be mad, and you do have an explosive temper and get frustrated, but you still work through it and I think it's fair that you get mad when everyone around you seems to exude ineptitude. (that rhymed!) What's really incredible is your ability to put up with how ridiculous Lord Hater can be, and how you can keep doing it with little to no recognition. By all means, I think you deserve so much more than what he has given you in that regard. Grop, I love you so much.
You're loyal and interesting and funny and... just amazing. You're so good at your job and you're so good at evil and I can't wait to be with you wherever you go. I've always seen you as so perfect, so incredible, so unique, and the fact that you fell for me of all people still hasn't fully sunk in. I don't hate myself anymore (most of the time) but it still always felt like you were too good for me, you're just so perfect, so out of my league, but here we are. It all makes me feel so... special. Thank you. Thank you for loving me. I can't get over you. I never will.
When I'm around you nothing else matters. My world shrinks and it's just you and me, and I hope you feel the same way. When we're laughing together, watching some terrible movie, playing a game, or just talking, no matter how mundane the topic at hand is you always make it interesting to me because it's YOU. I love listening to you talk and I feel so lucky to be with you. I could talk to you for days and days and days and days.
I have never met someone like you and I don't think I will ever again. After what I went through, it felt hard to believe that I could ever love and be loved in return but you proved me wrong and I couldn't be more grateful. I know emotional vulnerability isn't your favorite, but when you're open with me that makes it all the more special. It makes me so happy to know that you can trust me to talk about those things. You really are my everything.
I hope you have a good day. Today, and every day after that. You deserve nothing less than that, and I hope that I'm able to do all I can to make your days better, even when things are less than ideal.
No matter how you're feeling about yourself, I hope you know that you'll always be the greatest in the galaxy to me.
I love you so much, Commander Peepers.
- Milo, Your Super Mega Sexy Boyfriend & Lieutenant
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hotsummersimpingogacc · 6 years ago
my knight in shinning armor (joe mazzello X black reader)
an: okay doing this request thing so i hope you enjoy it!
summary; you and joe are dating and you are getting hate for dating him
for/by: @nyikondlovu
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You and Joe started dating about six months ago. You kept it private because you wanted to enjoy one another without the attention of public. But once you decided to go public you wanted it be special. Both you and Joe love comedy so you decided to do a video on his instagram. You took Cardboard Ben as well. Well he's a star of Joe's insta so why not include him as well! The idea was that you're gonna be behind cardboard Ben and Joe will say something among lines: ,,Ben it's time to end this." And he'll throw him down on the ground and you will show up and give Joe a kiss on his cheek. You found a free saturday afternoon and you did the video. You were pretty proud of it so Joe posted it. You both watched the video over and over again. None of you could get over the fact that your relationship is now public. The comments and reactions were super positive. The Bohemian Rhapsody cast commented as well, supporting you as always. But then few hours later the thing you were scared of came. Haters. Jealous comments, hate comments, people who ship Ben and Joe so much that are actually commenting you to kill yourself. Joe tagged you in a post, of course, so the hate went over to your account now. Commenting under every picture of you saying that you're not pretty enough, that Joe is out of your league. You both ignored it and moved on with your life. You started going out to public together holding hands, sharing kisses, lunches and of course there were papparazzi's. Some celebrity accounts shared those pictures and talked about how beautiful couple you are. And they were also people talking how beautiful you are. Some Joe's fans dm-ed you nice stuff and you loved answering those. Some even made edits of you being beautiful and they were saying how amazing it is to see Joe dating a girl of a color.
After few months of being public, the award season came around. Joe decided that it is time to take you there. He wants to show you off how much he can. You went out in the most beautiful dress and everybody on red carpet loved you. Except those haters. You wanted to show much you enjoyed it so you posted pictures on your instagram. Comments of Bo Rhap cast and some amazing fans changed again. I don't believe Joe's dating you, you look awful, Ew you're disgusting, Why don't you just kill yourself? This made you cry. You felt the tears in your eyes so you excused yourself from living room where you sat with Joe and went to yout shared bedroom. You started crying and you tried to think of the worst. It would probably all go away if you just break up. You love Joe but this hate makes you sad and anxious.
,,Hey babe what's going on?" Joe came in and looked at your dark silhouette on the edge of the bed.
,,Nothing. Everything is fine." You said trying to hide your crying voice.
,,Oh come on, I know something's going on." He sat next to you and put his hand around your hips.
,,Alright. Um. How do I say this. I think we should break up."
,,What? What are you saying? Y/N is there anything I did that make you upset?" He said worried.
,,It's not you. You didn't do anything. It's just us. When we're out in public there are people who are not happy as we are and those people are coming after me and after you. And more and more we're in this relationship then more and more they hate and I don't feel good when they hate. So maybe if we stop going out as a couple they'll stop." You said, crying again.
,,Hey, look at me. We won't break up because of some morons who are trying to take me away from you. I will take care of everything. Honey I promise you, everything will be alright. I love you and I will not let anyone harm you, okay?" He looked you straight into your eyes and wiped away your tear.
,,I'd love to be alone for a bit, would you mind?" You pointed at the door.
,,Of course, I'll give you as much alone time as you wish. I love you don't forget that." He smiled and left.
,,I love you too." You said as he was in door.
Joe went downstairs to living room. He took his phone and opened instagram. He went over to your page and looked at the comments. He was boiling with anger at the point when he got to the end of the comment section. He knew he has to do something with it. He can't let you suffer and he can't look at you suffering. He went to his gallery and picked the most beautiful picture of you. It was picture from your first vacation in Europe. He smiled when he looked at it. He opened instagran again. He started typing a caption under the picture of you. He posted it and threw phone at the other side of the couch.
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You got a notification on your phone. You looked at it and saw that Joe posted. You opened it and started reading the caption. You started crying again but now not from sadness but from happiness and pride. You were proud that your boyfriend is not afraid to protect you. You went downstairs and saw Joe sitting on couch fidgeting his fingers and tapping his leg. He was obviously supee nervous. You understood. He just did something he never imagined he had to deal with.
,,Hey." You said when you sat next to him.
,,Hi. I saw that you saw that post." He said.
,,Yeah. I am very proud of you. And I really really love you. You stood up against the haters. I'm also sorry you had to go through this, but let's just hope it's over now. I hope everything will be over because of your post. I love you Joey."
,,I love you too. I had to do it. I felt really uncomfortable at first but then I remembered that I have to protect you no matter what so I did it. And now you see that you are better and I feel better."
,,Joey, my knight in shinning armor!" You said and you played with a strand of his hair.
,,Well than I am I could've saved the princess!" He kissed you, stood up and took you into his hands and caried you the room.
,,I love you more than anything!" You kissed him on the tip of his nose.
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my-mystic-messenger · 8 years ago
So like a lot of people like YouTube couples and stuff, right? What do you think how would RFA and Saeran react to MC turning out to be a YouTuber, maybe even inviting them into a video? Like what kind of video would they make and stuff like that. I'd really love to see your spin on things. Thanks for the hard work :3
Bless you, anon. This is the shit I am talking about! I tried to make this as diverse as possible, so the HC’s look quite different for each of them
♬ asan actor Zen has to know how to handle media
♬ platformslike Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook have a big impact on his career
♬ theyalso give him the chance to see what his fans (and haters) thinkabout him
♬ still,all the time he was merely an observer
♬ henever even considered possibly going on YouTube and making videos
♬ untilhe caught you filming a video for your channel
♬ you’dbeen a little embarrassed about it, mainly because you’d kept it asecret for so long
♬ itjust sounded sort of…strange to say that you were a professionalYouTube
♬ butwith over 15 Million subscribers you were good in the game
♬ ittook Zen days to wrap his head around that number
♬ 15Million people just waiting for you to put up a video once a week
♬ whenyou told him just how much you earned on top of that, he was shook
♬ Zenwas obviously very happy for your success, but a small, ugly part ofhim was jealous
♬ he’donly dream of that big of a number of people admiring him
♬ youcould tell how much it was wearing down on him and you felt horrible
♬ youdidn’t have to work half as hard as Zen and still had the biggerfollowing
♬ thatis when you got the idea; you asked him to join you for a video
♬ aftertalking it over with his agency you set the video up
♬ thetwo of you still weren’t allowed to hint at the fact that you weredating, but you were allowed to be friends and continue to makevideos should they be a hit
♬ aftera while of discussing the two of you had decided on covering a songtogether
♬ youboth knew that a romantic song was out of question so the decisiondidn’t take long
♬ thetwo of you covered 7 years by Lukas Graham
♬ yousat beside each other, making the music together while singing at thesame time
♬ yourvoices sounded perfect together and neither of you could stop smilingand stealing glances
♬ onceup the video went viral extremely fast
♬ somepeople were fans of Zen, happy to hear him sing on YouTube, othersnow turned into fans
♬ hispopularity grew more and more with every day
♬ somuch so that people started demanding he start his own YouTubechannel or become a fixed part of your channel
♬ youwouldn’t have minded that at all and apparently Zen agreed
♬ whilehis agency didn’t allow him to start his own channel they did agreeto more collaborations
♬ so,you turned Friday into Collab-Day, posting a new song with Zen everyweek
♬ Zenpopularity reached it’s peak when producers and agency got more andmore drawn to him
♬ hecould barely fend off job offers
♬ abouta year after your first collab he was supposed to star in 5 moviesand had changed agencies
♬ morespecifically to one that was more acceptant of your relationship anddidn’t demand hiding it
♬ whenhe proposed to you he did it through song, during a video for thewhole world to know
♬ afterthat you started a second channel, just the two of you
♬ youposted everything on there, from music to vlogs
♬ butthe very first video was a little collage of your wedding and honeymoon
★ you see Yoosung is one of those people who follow Let’s Play type of channels, gamers like himself
★ the thing about those is though that a lot of them don’t show their faces (take Cry for example)
★ you were one of those so even after meeting you, he had no idea that you were a YouTuber
★ let alone the infamous SediLusiVici, one of the most famous gamers and the one he’d been following religiously for years now
★ he finds out in the – for him – most shocking and surprising way possible
★ SediLusiVici was having a collab with PewDiePie and the two of you decided to play LOLOL
★ PewDiePie suggested to attack the top three players of which two were none other than Seven and of course Yoosung
★ when he’d suggested that you’d laughed, telling PewDiePie that number one was one of your best friends and number two was your husband
★ Yoosung’s face had completely frozen as he stared at the screen, PewDiePie gasping in the background as you laughed your ass off
★ “You’re kidding, right?”
★ “No, man, I’m serious. I know both of them. I know their real names and what they do for a living and stuff like that and Yoosung is my real life husband.”
★ “Daaaamn…wanna ruin their top rankings?”
★ “You betcha, bro!”
★ so for about an hour Yoosung watched the two of you climb and climb in rankings until SediLusiVici had kicked HackerGod and SupremeYoosung from their respective spots on the top
★ it was as shocking as it was mesmerizing
★ by the time you came home from work Yoosung was still staring at the opened video
★ you greeted him cheerfully until you noticed what he was watching and blushed
★ “Fuck…I didn’t know you watched…that…”
★ you didn’t really fight about it, nor was he mad that you’d messed up his game, but he couldn’t believe that you never told him you were his absolutely favourite YouTuber?!
★ you were flattered and happy he liked your work and decided to invite him into a video
★ especially as a lot of people had requested a video of husband and wife together
★ of course Yoosung said yes and a couple of days later you started a Stream
★ you introduced your husband to your community and took the time to answer some of their questions
★ everyone was actually rather excited to get to know Yoosung as well!
★ Yoosung was shy about it at first, but very happy too
★ so many people actually admired him for his gaming skills!
★ in that video the two of you took the time to take down HackerGod together, laughing the entire time
★ it would be rather funny to read what Seven had to say about this once he saw he’d been defeated
★ twice…
★ with you on top and Yoosung back to second place you ended the stream
★ it was one of your most watched videos ever
★ after that you collab quite a lot, sometimes even Seven joins in
★ it’s usually you and Seven ganging up on Yoosung
★ he’s always grumpy about it
★ the fandom finds it hilarious
★ of course it’s all in good fun ;)
♨ shefound out in the probably most anti-climatic way
♨ youstraight up asked her whether you wanted her to post a little add onyour YouTube channel
♨ youthought that maybe it would bring in some more customers
♨ she’dagreed, of course
♨ theidea was brilliant and wouldn’t cost either of you any money
♨ whatshe didn’t really know was just how big your channel was
♨ andjust how much revenue it would bring to the cafe
♨ merelya couple of days after you told her you posted it, there wasn’t aminute the cafe wasn’t packed
♨ everyonewanted to try out that cafe you’d talked about in your latest blog
♨ whenit dawned on Jaehee just how popular you were she also realized thatyou must be putting a lot fo effort into your blog
♨ butwhen?
♨ youworked together and lived together
♨ youtold her that you used the nights to record as to not disturb her
♨ themoney you used mainly for bills or to invest into the cafe
♨ Jaehee’sheart melted when she found out
♨ sheinstantly asked you on how to make it up to you, do something for you
♨ youinsisted she didn’t need to, but she wanted it
♨ youthen suggested for her to join you in a video
♨ youhad an idea but needed help for it
♨ Jaeheehappily agreed
♨ thatis how the two of you found yourself in your kitchen at home, camerasaid
♨ youwere doing the cooking challenge
♨ whichin itself wasn’t a thing, but you made it one, since you couldn’tcook or bake for shit
♨ everythingstarted out fine, almost like a cooking tutorial
♨ Jaeheeand you had picked something simple to start with
♨ ifpeople liked it, you’d suggested making it a series
♨ thepasta actually turned out pretty fine and you were surprised
♨ youate it before continuing part two of the video and neither of you hadto throw up, so…
♨ parttwo is where it got really fun
♨ Jaeheewanted to teach you how to bake a cake
♨ thatis very complicated though
♨ itstarted when you accidentally tripped and flour was spread all overJaehee, you and the kitchen
♨ afterthat everything just turned into a little war
♨ bythe time you called it quits the video was extremely long, the cakewasn’t happening and the two of you were covered in everything andanything
♨ “So,if you want to learn how to destroy your kitchen in just a few easysteps feel free to follow this tutorial!”
♨ needlessto say that cooking challenge did turn into a series
♛ Juminisn’t good with technology, he never was
♛ he’sincapable of using an IPhone camera and took ages to uncover all ofthe features of the RFA-app
♛ hedidn’t even really know what YouTube was, let alone how to use it
♛ hehad other things on his mind than silly little videos on the internet
♛ thatwas until he found out that apparently you were a professionalYouTuber
♛ anda very famous one at that
♛ atfirst he was confused and didn’t know whether to take it serious ornot
♛ butthen you told him you could work from home and he was extremelysupportive
♛ youstill had a job like you wanted, earned your own money like youwanted but never had to leave the apartment without him whichmeant you were safe and he didn’t have to worry – Perfect
♛ thatis until you ask him to join you for a video
♛ despitebeing a public figure, talking like that seems uncomfortable
♛ thatis until you explain what the boyfriend tag is and how it works
♛ heinstantly relaxes, happy to parade your relationship for everyone tosee and here
♛ thetwo of you sat down together, started the camera and you beganreading questions
Whendid we meet and where?
”Wemet in a special chatroom a couple of months ago”
“It’smuch sweeter than it sounds, really!”
Wherewas our first kiss?
“Atmy apartment.”
“Yeah,in front of Sarah.”
“You’restill mad about that?”
“Well,it sure wasn’t romantic, Jumin.”
Whosaid “I love you” first?
“Me,although you realized it first, I think.”
“Youwere very emotionally constipated when we first met.”
“Youstill chose me though.”
“Youwere rich.”
♛ whenhe looked at you unimpressed you laughed and stole a quick kiss
♛ theblush that spread on his cheeks was very pleasant to look at
Whendid you meet my parents?
“Atour wedding. They were very nice.”
“Thingswere very…quick, between the two of us…”
Whatis the one thing you wish I didn’t do?
“Putyourself in danger to help others all the time. I told you to be moreselfish.”
“Younever let me forget, honey, but you know I��ll still continue doingit.”
Wherewas our first date?
“Isyou sleeping at my place considered a date?”
“Jumin,that sounds perverted!”
“What?How? We didn’t even sleep in the same bed for most of the time”
♛ hewas the one to end the video by pulling you in for a passionate kisswhile reaching out for the camera to turn it off at the same time
☼ Sevenobviously found out about your YouTuber activity when he did abackground check on you
☼ however,he never actually visited your channel or such
☼ hisprogram deemed it safe, so there was no need to do that
☼ untilyou started dating and he found out just how much money one couldmake off it
☼ allthese years he’d been busting his ass hacking and doing illegal shit
☼ constantlyliving in the shadows and hiding
☼ andthere you were, making funny sketches and skits for close to 20Million subscribers
☼ earninga whole chunk of money and doing so risk free
☼ hefelt a little betrayed by those circumstances, so he started his ownYouTube channel
☼ obviouslybeing a new YouTuber is hard, especially when there are so manyalready established ones
☼ sohe swallowed down his pride and asked you for help
☼ obviouslyyou said no at first
☼ youwere still paying him back for being a dick to you when you first met
☼ andall the pranks he pulled after
☼ whenhe’d dressed as a maid and begged you on your knees though, you had agood idea
☼ yousaid yes
☼ obviouslyafter taking a picture of him first…for research purposes
☼ thatnight he’d checked out as many of your videos as possible, making aprofile for himself
☼ he’dhad it all planned out, ready to film something funny andentertaining
☼ maybeeven a prank video
☼ insteadhe was met with a huge box of make-up waiting for him
☼ WTF?!You’d never done anything make-up related videos before
☼ didyou even know how to do make-up?
☼ the answer was no, Seven foundout soon after
☼ youwere doing the my boyfriend/girlfriend does my make-up thing
☼ you’dreally thought it would be funny, you really did
☼ youknew you were shit at make up, incapable of even so much as wingedeyeliner
☼ youthought Seven was the same and you’d both bullshit the whole thingfor jokes
☼ youthought wrong, because Seven took that shit serious
☼ hedid some mean contour, smokey eyes, perfect eyeliners and lips
☼ heeven did some magic on your eyebrows!
☼ youalmost felt bad when the two of you turned to the camera
☼ youeach looked at your reflection, then at each other, then back at thecamera
☼ Sevenburst into laughter first, you followed soon
☼ apparentlyhis crossdressing had taught him some valuable lessons
☼ “Subscribeto his channel my babies. He’ll give you some mean make-uptutorials.”
☼ you’dbarely gotten out the words between laughter before ending the video
☼ Sevendid actually give make-up tutorials
☼ notonly that but he also gave tips on cosplay, wig care and tips forcrossdressers in general
☼ sometimeshe also pranked Yoosung
☼ sometimestwice a week
☼ hegained followersvery quickly
☀ youtold Saeran about your YouTube career relatively early on
☀ itwas during one of those days where he completely shut off and youfilled the silence with babble
☀ youtalked about how you’d started YouTube in the first place
☀ howyou used your channel to promote good causes and even raise money forshelters and stuff
☀ howyou wished you were good enough at make-up to do tutorials
☀ andhow you’d messed up even the most simple smokey eye in your eagerness
☀ sillystories in hopes of getting him out of his shell
☀ youhadn’t really thought that he’d listened to you
☀ notuntil one day, many many months later, he told you that he’d enjoyedyour latest video
☀ you’dbeen shocked for quite a while after, wondering how long he’d beenwatching
☀ whenyou’d finally gathered the courage to ask Saeran had blushed, leavingyou baffled
☀ headmitted that he’d been watching you way before you even told himabout it
☀ infact that is why he’d chosen you was because he’d known you from yourvideos
☀ somuch so that he’d desperately wanted you to join Magenta and Mint Eye
☀ whichfor Saeran is just a way of saying he found you cute
☀ afterthat you catch him watching your videos more often, always smiling tohimself
☀ heeven lurks around when you film them, obviously suppressing theexcitement he felt
☀ ittook you a while to invite him into your videos
☀ notbecause you were ashamed, but because you’d worried he’d hate theidea
☀ (youalso weren’t quite sure what kind of video he was okay filming)
☀ whenyou asked him he was extremely excited about the entire thing
☀ buthe did refuse to do anything boyfriend tag related
☀ youwere a little disappointed, but understood
☀ noteveryone liked that cutesy stuff and Saeran was one of those people
☀ insteadyou thought that following the trend might be a good idea
☀ ChallengeVideos 
☀ the first video you filmed was a try not to cry challenge
☀ ittook you approximately two minutes and one video including a dog tobawl your eyes out
☀ Saeranmeanwhile just looked at the videos as if he was trying to solve ahard puzzle
☀ needlessto say he didn’t cry one
☀ “Do you even have a heart?!” 
☀ “I thought we discussed this already, Princess. The answer is obviously no.”
☀ youjust stared at him for a while before ending the video
☀ peopleloved it
☀ thecontrast between you and what they assumed to be your boyfriend wasstraight up hilarious to them
☀ theyalso applauded him for not losing the challenge and asked for anothervideo
☀ thistime you took a different route; try not to laugh challenge
☀ youheld it in for as long as you could, but burst out laughing when theylooped someone falling on their nuts
☀ meanwhileSaeran had the same face again, frowning and focusing without asingle laugh
☀ “Dude,this is freaking grade A content how the hell are you notlaughing?”
☀ “Huh?The challenge said not to laugh. I’m good at that…”
☀ “…wow…thisgot really sad real quick
☀ “Wellit’s good then that this isn’t the try not to cry challenge then,right?”
☀ hesmirked at you and you frowned
☀ thedamn video got multiple million views
SediLusiVici means I sat, I played, I won in Latin, for anyone who cared…
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