#i'd just remember he hung out with seward and that would always bring the image back to earth
fictionadventurer · 1 year
@scarvenartist has given me an excuse to share the latest bit of William Seward trivia that I'm overly amused by.
At Lincoln's last Cabinet meeting, the morning of the day he died, they discussed potential plans for Reconstruction. Seward wasn't able to be there, of course, what with all the recovering-from-a-broken-jaw, but he sent his son Fred in his place.
Fred read out his father's list of plans for Reconstruction, explaining that Seward had whispered this to him from his sickbed.
When he finished, Lincoln was like, "That's a long list for a man who can barely talk."
It just amuses me to think that this guy talked so much and was such a workaholic that even a broken jaw couldn't keep him quiet during Cabinet meetings.
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